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Soft Taco Bear

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Everything posted by Soft Taco Bear

  1. It's so hard to catch your feelings when you always run away

  2. I should have expected a cat post from you, Mael Happy birthday in like 3 1/2 hours, Freddly
  3. There is a fire. In the apartment building across from mine. Commence panic.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Soft Taco Bear

      Soft Taco Bear

      I really hope they didn't have any pets >.< it was mostly in the kitchen I think but I could see smoke coming out of the windows upstairs.

    3. Sutoratosu


      Oh my...

      If only there were some type of Magical Device with which you could summon trained professionals in order to handle the fire... hey... wait a minute...

    4. Soft Taco Bear

      Soft Taco Bear

      I only discovered said fire once two firetrucks stopped outside my apartment ._.;

  4. My friend adopted a cat yesterday and this little guy loves me. His name is Benny ♥ Total lap cat, just like my brother's cat. He just climbed up here on his own.
  5. I've known this cat for a day and he already loves me more than his actual owner. Even lets me trim his nails and play with his paws ♥

  6. Planning to assassinate the first cheerful person I see today. #grumpy

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Lucky, can't kill me.

    3. Shanco


      Well at least we know Ikaru's safe

    4. Soft Taco Bear

      Soft Taco Bear

      idk he seems a little cheerful today

  7. That feel when you wake up from a dream and feel really terrible about it but the person you want to see that will make you feel better about it has also been asleep for awhile and hasn't woken up yet.
  8. I pulled an Ika. In other words, I just slept for four hours instead of the hour and a half nap I intended to take. Went to sleep at 8:30 and woke up at midnight ._.;

    1. 片思い


      that's me too, so many times

  9. I just want my cat back. :(

    1. Cowtao


      You can get a Cow. :c

  10. Cuddle want. Can't have. nrrr :( not fair.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Shanco


      I don't even wanna ask...

    3. Cowtao


      I'm magic like that Bella.

    4. Soft Taco Bear

      Soft Taco Bear

      What's this about pictures of Ika? :o share, Edge, friend c:

  11. Sometimes it's a good thing, and sometimes it's bad, but my "lullabye", "yoga", and "nature" stations on Pandora play some of the songs semi-frequently on all 3 of the stations. It's probably given me almost every possible variation of Canon in D, but Cristofori's Dream is one of my favorites on these stations. Also I once found an 8tracks mix with really chill music and I love it and I just remembered this one being on the list. Might've been this playlist but I don't really remember.
  12. Catching up on Bleach. Ika apparently now dual wields and other OP plot twists. And the best part is that Kurotsuchi now glows in the dark. He lights up like a freaking Christmas tree.

    1. Soft Taco Bear

      Soft Taco Bear

      err... Ichigo* not Ika. ._.;

  13. It's so nice to live in my own place now because my mom hates it when I listen to Rush
  14. Today I learned I am apparently a guy

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Soft Taco Bear

      Soft Taco Bear

      (17:16:57) *** Azery throws Sulking Taco Bear into the bed ***

      (17:17:33) *** Azery Lasso's him back up and ties him to the bed ***

    3. Soft Taco Bear

      Soft Taco Bear

      I had no idea for 22 years

    4. ReddestDream


      It's an interesting discovery, isn't it?

      I was in denial for the longest time . . .

  15. Down with Squidward! #OverthrowIkaru2014 #Ame4BestOwner

    1. Neo


      Ame already is best owner, bruh

  16. (01:13:09) [Apophyll]Wulfgang: dufuq is an opo? (01:13:14) Kyoyo: It's about to be a murder. <--my favorite thing I've ever seen Kyo say XD

    1. Shadow Tack

      Shadow Tack

      I QB'd that moment.

  17. tfw you can never use an autoclave and have everything go smoothly and your biotech professor comes to get you because you didn't close it tight enough and it started leaking and filling the room with steam.
  18. I actually caught it within a reasonable amount of time today all thanks to Dan. I really hope that's the last time I have to quarantine Ika though <<

  19. So sad I can't watch Eureka Seven with Ika :c Thanks Wes for reminding me ;~; Feels. So many feels. This OST. ♥
  20. (15:55:02) Futaba Yoshioka: Something tells me that when you get married to Ika, you'll have more cats than children x3 (15:55:49) Soft Taco Bear: probably

    1. Cowtao


      This cuteness is..TOO. MUCH.


    2. Shanco


      I'd believe it.

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