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Soft Taco Bear

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Everything posted by Soft Taco Bear

  1. I've been meaning to read Ender's Game. It sounds like an awesome series The first thing that always comes to mind is "The Dark is Rising" series by Susan Cooper. I read it when I was in middle school/high school, but the story is still really fascinating to me. "Daemon" by Daniel Suarez is written so realistically that it made me afraid to sleep at night. It's a computer science thriller, and if I recall correctly, the author is a computer scientist. It's got some description of video gaming in it too, which is one of my favorite parts. I started reading the sequel, "Freedom" recently, and it's just as suspenseful so far. Some more of my favorites: -"Stardust" by Neil Gaiman -"The Mad Scientist's Daughter" by Cassandra Rose Clarke -"Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist" by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan -"Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury -"The Secret Garden" by Frances Hodgson Burnett -"The Circle of Magic" series by Tamora Pierce I can't choose favorites. ;~;
  2. An obvious sign of getting too old might be when you're more excited to go to Bed Bath & Beyond for home decor stuff than you are to go to aerie or Barnes & Noble. ;~;

  3. I'll admit I had a bit of a prejudice against SAO because of the similarity to .hack when I first heard of it, but yes, they're quite different. I tried to play the //link game for PSP after that but unfortunately it's a hacked PSP and the iso file my friend added to it was still in Japanese. I don't think there's actually an English version to it, but all I know from a youtube playthrough/translation is that it starts out with the main character talking about the incident from the //infection series and Kite visiting him in his dreams or something.
  4. Not sure if I've posted this one before or not It's a Paramore kind of day today
  5. ...My new laptop has had the wrong date for 2 days now and I just now noticed. :I Now I get to experience the joys of time travelling via skype. ;~;

  6. RJ asked for songs to make him angry earlier, so I'm listening to semi-related things. If anyone asks I'm not an accessory to murder.
  7. Ikaru used me to get another girlfriend. XD I envy you, Aigis.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Soft Taco Bear

      Soft Taco Bear

      shh we don't talk about FE here. but I can approve of Tiki because I have her name registered.

      I should stop bugging him though 'cause I play otome games sometimes. XD

    3. Shamitako


      <3 Tiki

      Oh, and, um [insert comprehensive replies to other stuff]

      Tiki is the best mommy for you <3 (Well, not really, but shh, I like Tiki)

    4. Soft Taco Bear

      Soft Taco Bear

      NUUUUU KYRA-SENPAI WHY. Why....have you failed me....? ;~;

  8. I wanna be Yang Xiao Long just for the sake of being able to punch people into the floor with flaming twin gauntlets and just flames everywhere. :D

    1. Shamitako


      I'd rather just stab then, but that'd be fun too XD

      IDK, Yang always feels a bit, over-zealous, to me >_> Not exactly the style I'd like to utilize

  9. Never actually played Armored Core but I listen to this album when I'm playing Aura Kingdom sometimes and I really like it. Also RWBY Volume 2 hype
  10. WITHIN TEMPTATION I approve of this post. I guess in light of that
  11. I cannot even begin to describe my love of Lights ♥♥♥ The normal version of February Air is so nice too, but I heard this one for the first time today and I really like it too. c: Even if I do hate February
  12. I wish I could play it as an actual MMO, but unfortunately the MMO shut down in like 2007 if I remember correctly. I'm certain it would look quite nice given better graphics and whatnot. ...I'm maybe half way through .hack//infection because sometimes I spend hours in a dungeon just to die and ragequit. ;~; But I love the game.
  13. Note to self: don't tell people about Ika' video of him singing a Cartel song. Oops. My bad. ;)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Soft Taco Bear

      Soft Taco Bear

      Sorry, I'm sworn to secrecy about the location of said video. c:

    3. Soft Taco Bear
  14. Thanks for your time tonight, but you are not awake yet. You are not awake, I swear.

    1. Cowtao


      I'm awake. >>; The heck you talkin' about?

    2. Chevaleresse
  15. Totally not listening to a playlist of songs Ikaru sent to me << >>
  16. “The books are to remind us what asses and fool we are. They're Caeser's praetorian guard, whispering as the parade roars down the avenue, 'Remember, Caeser, thou art mortal.' Most of us can't rush around, talking to everyone, know all the cities of the world, we haven't time, money or that many friends. The things you're looking for, Montag, are in the world, but the only way the average chap will ever see ninety-nine per cent of them is in a book. Don't ask for guarantees. And don't look to be saved in any one thing, person, machine, or library. Do your own bit of saving, and if you drown, at least die knowing you were headed for shore.” -Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury. One of my favorite books ♥
  17. ♥ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W52FRa327xY
  18. Dear small shadow ball that's driving my cat crazy: I think you're a mouse but pls just let him catch you already. ;~; #noglasses

  19. Happy birthday, Inuki! Me dos. c:
  20. I want to achieve world domination be a geneticist with never ending curiosity. But most importantly I'd like to be a decently functioning adult. ._.;
  21. Aww thanks Mashew ♥ obligatory better picture that I took at 3:30 last night for Ikaru
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