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Everything posted by Rawr-Ma-Ama

  1. Gotta love that hat But dunno bout those weird leather-string-thingies. I know, it´s there so the hat doesn´t fly away, but without those it has more style. Meh, nvm me
  2. Call you anyway you like? ...Okay, gonna call ya Midknight Angel then. Anyway, welcome to the forum and I hope you´re gonna have a lot of fun with us fine people. My suggestion regarding sanity: Leave it outside at the door or give it to me so I can burn it. You´re not gonna need it where you are going (this forum ;D) Hope I´m gonna see ya with the other members in the forum or on the PO-server. well, welcome then. If there are any questions, then feel free to ask ME tempest and vinny. Just anyone but me
  3. Rawr-Ma-Ama


    Well, you´ve introduced yourself. That´s a start Download the game if you haven´t and play it, lurk in the forum or show up on our PO-server, that´s something you could do as well if you wanna. I think everyone said the same thing before me, though xD Well, otherwise there isn´t much you HAVE to do. Just feel free to leave your sanity outside, it´s not needed in here Well, I always give myself a challenge by never outleveling the gym-leader, playing nuzlocke or monotype and so on. But if you wanna play normal, give your best and have a challenge, then Pokemon Reborn is what you want. Sometimes you´ll lose over and over again (I´ve had a bad experience with a certain double-battle early on and a certain optional fight later on, but not gonna spoil ya). What I like is that you can´t outlevel the gym-leaders too much, because the badges raise the level-cap not too much and they have six pokemon, which is nice. Ah well, not gonna talk about what I like. You´re gonna see everything for yourself. Ah well, talking too much anyway. Welcome to the forum
  4. I love London. Was there once a few years ago, going there again next year with my classmates. Really looking forward to it, because it´s a really beautiful city. Well, england in general is nice, but I really enjoyed London ^___^ Didn´t know that picture yet, but it´s amazing!
  5. Magnezone-bot? Klink-bot? Beldum-bot? I mean for a bot a steel-type is more fitting Or try the almighty magikarp-bot. It´ll splash people straight to hell.
  6. tfw you sit in the dark for a weekend cuz the shutter in front of your windows fell down D: tfw you´re in love so bad you wanna tell everyone :3 tfw even a long time of darkness in life won´t stop you from your goal ^__^
  7. Might be pretty selfish, but my freatest wish is to love and be loved at the same time ^^" It might sound simple, but I want to love someone for who she is and be loved for what I am, not based on my appearance or my wealth. I´d hate it if those things would be the only things that keeps me and my "loved one" together. Yeah, I agree with that. Immortality can be seen as a gift, but over time it might turn out a fate worse than death. I love Lost Odyssey, its a great game and those short-stories in the dreams describe perfectly the ammount of pain the immortals go through, losing their loved ones over and over and over again. Btw, just one thing off-topic: This game is a freaking tear-jerker ;__;
  8. Well, let me give you one hint: You can get a taurus to aya´s mom´s house, if you walk from there to route 1 without fainting or going to another pokemon center. Mount a taurus and faint and BAM you´re there. Now you can explore the whole area with taurus ^^" (It´s intended, which you can kinda see if you get to Beldum and read the dialogue of the shields and the machine) Goddammit. Ah no, I feel really sorry for you I hope you´ll replay the game again one day, still worth it. Now you might know what you can get, so you could make another team to have more variety in your second run Using Jynx on Luna would´ve been a bad idea. It´s always good to have some kind of roster with a variety of types. It´s what I have and I´m somewhat prepared for the next gyms. Luna can be really difficult, but if you play again: A good bug-type and another good fighting-type will save you. She can be quite difficult,
  9. Alright, I think I´m gonna show meself now ^^
  10. Hello Luke, welcome to the forum. Just leave your sanity at the door or let me have it so I can dispose of it, it´s not needed here Hopefully you´ll have a lot of fun with us fine people, and as Sheep said, you can get Pokemon Online if you wanna chat with some of us (Or let it stream to your browser if you don´t want to). Shiny mega-gardevoir look awesome, that black dress looks way better than the white one Either that or I think the ordinary one looks too... white? ^^ Black is nicer anyway Otherwise I dunno what to say, so welcome again and have fun ^^
  11. If you use but, then don´t only fear that one chandelure shade has. If you´re comfortable with the rest of that team, you can throw everything at that chandelure, it´s slow and will go down eventually. If not, get surskit. It can learn bubble beam and its evolution can ease the pain with water sport You´d also fear Charlotte, Hardy and Ciel and most guys using anything effective until you have something to cover those weaknesses. Florianas Cradily could be a pain as well. Bugs can be more versetaile though, as some of them can be good physically, while others have good potential of being special sweepers. You´ll also get forretress and shuckle, who´re quite bulky, and armaldo and crustle will help you cover your rock and fire weaknesses. Bug-types also have more access to status-moves, so if you can´t defeat your enemy with that pokemon you might be able to at least cripple him (poison him and then try to stall to death? Dunno if that´d work with flobot´s cradily, but it might be worth a try. If not, try to sweep through with cricketune by starting the fight powering up fury cutter. Worked for me ^^). I like bug-types, they´re underrated anyway ^^" Electric can learn some good moves and have only one weakness, but many pokemon are kinda meh.. Jolteon will be a good choice later one, it´s an awesome pokemon anyway. And you´re right, in the beginning your options are very limited. Only emolga and electrike, which isn´t much. I think after Julia you could get plusle and minun. They aren´t strong, but at least you can fill your team slots until anything new comes along. You´ll also get a pichu, which will be worth more than plusle and minun once you get a raichu :3 I don´t know that much about electric-types though, but I guess you´ll miss quiver dance, access to poison- and sleep-stats and that. Also less versetality on the moves you can learn and secondary types. But you´ll be able to play more defensively on the long term I think, because if the enemy doesn´t use earthquake or something like that, you won´t get super-effective attacks against you ^^
  12. As good as reborn? I don´t think so ^^ Fun ones? Sure, there are. You could try difficulty hacks, which might spice up the game if they´re done well. Blaze Black 2 and Firered Omega are two examples that were fun, the latter one being a bit easier though. Blaze Black 2 can be difficult though, if you play that with that hard mode (Gym-leaders with six pokemon ^^) You could also try Dark Rising, Glazed and Flora Sky, those are pretty good hacks. Advanced adventure is also a hack that is good enough to play. If you prefer retro-style, then try Pokemon Brown or Prism, those are good as well They´re gbc hacks, with brown featuring a whole new region and prism has even newer pokemon in the style of g/s sprites ^^ (Prism is unfinished and work in progress, though...) If none of those works, then either play reborn again or try "pokemon my ass" version (It really exists.. O_o)
  13. 13 means bad luck, so I hope Titania isn´t really going to kill poor Amaria. I mean she might pull off a kiki, fight us and then die before she can give us the badge ._____. (Too soon? T_T) Dunno what to think of Titania though, since she had little screen-time up to now and we´ve seen her with a meteor grunt, but at the same time with amaria (and being somewhat protective towards her), so yeah... And well, I don´t think we will get fly. And I hope we´re not going to get fly, because that makes me walk around more and then maybe I´ll discover more stuff/find more pokemon. If I had fly I would´ve surely missed out on some stuff already But I guess we´re going to get both surf and waterfall, since there is both water and a waterfall (?) around. And then I´d run back to Iola Valley and try to get past that waterfall there ^^ I also pray that we will get a sneasel, I really want one... (It´s cool. Get it, cool? Ice-Type.. Ah, sorry for the shitty joke... T_T).
  14. You can get Sunflora in Obsidia Park, dunno if you need sun though. I don´t think you do, it might just be rare. If you need sun, you need to wait. At some days it is sunny, dunno which ones though. You can check the TV in houses or that big hall, sometimes they´ll tell you what the weather in the next days will be If that doesn´t work, then (dunno if this is considered cheating) change the date of your pc day for day, and each day check the game. The weather might change if you change the date.
  15. Crisps, ice-tea and pure, unfiltered RAGE ^-^"
  16. Paranoid |||||||||||||||| 70% 50% Schizoid |||||||||||| 44% 40% Schizotypal |||||||||||||||| 63% 56% Antisocial |||||||||||||||||||| 81% 46% Borderline |||||||||||||||||| 80% 45% Histrionic |||||||||||||||||||||| 93% 52% Narcissistic |||||||||||||||| 68% 40% Avoidant |||||||||||||||||| 78% 48% Dependent |||||||||||||||||| 74% 44% Obsessive-Compulsive ^ Yes, yes. I forgot to copy all of it and now that tab is closed. There wasn´t much anyway though Meh.. Some of it could be right xD
  17. Nope! It´s just the amateur ^^" Umm... Vinny?
  18. The feel when you get when you´re so pissed you want to throw that gamepad
  19. Well, I could use another version of that one phrase tits or gtfo. Mantitties or GTFO ^^"
  20. Well, I am unprofessional and in most things I do I´m an amateur. Screw professionalism, I don´t need that ^^"
  21. Can´t take the intro of game of thrones seriously anymore. Thanks South Park :(

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I couldn't ever since I saw the Hodor version of it. Where they literally took every time he said hodor and made the intro out of it.

    2. Sutoratosu
    3. Sutoratosu
  22. Pls Ame, make Samson way more difficult :3
  23. This warmth is killing me. I want my winter back :(

    1. Arkhi


      Summer: Too hot, nothing to do, and my DoB >_<

    2. Sutoratosu


      "Winter is Coming."

      -House Stark

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