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Everything posted by Rawr-Ma-Ama

  1. Banned for not being in the closet
  2. Could sadly only watch part of that movie before I fell asleep ^^ Ahh... dem timezones. The bane of my interaction with other continents xD
  3. Gallade used close combat! It´s super effective! (Missingno is weak against fighting, if I can trust bulbapedia xD)
  4. Same I only needed Noivern to beat it. But I also had my gardevoir, my mismagius and my gallade with me, in case Noivern failed (Well, it didn´t...)
  5. 2 kawaii to die :3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rawr-Ma-Ama


      That question... He´s getting behind the secret that I´m undead. I was never alive to begin with *-*

    3. Felicity


      Revel in the adorableness of your Local elf.

    4. Rawr-Ma-Ama


      Well, most in here are adorable anyway!


  6. B& 4 telling not to worry.
  7. Banned because I´m happy.
  8. With that hair, I dunno if Scrafty gives a damn about being judged. Scrafty used High Jump Kick! It´s super effective!
  9. Banned for unbanning
  10. Dem needles... Put em here
  11. Nope, it´s just the amateur. Uhm.. Rose is gonna post next? ^^
  12. Oh fuck me and my luck... That means I´m the chosen undead from Dark Souls 1...
  13. So glad I had the forum as fave to open this site, otherwise I´d think everything would be down again :/
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