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Status Updates posted by DesignedByAnubis

  1. Guess who's Back, Hello to All 

  2. waht are you excited about in Sun/Moon

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jan


      Really looking forward to about everything. Still going in with low expectations, though.

    3. Shamitako


      No more spoiler dodging

    4. Amethyst


      alola ninetales is the only thing that matters

  3. Type I got: Psychic Pokemon I love: Hoopa Pokemon I hate: Slobro Pokemon I hate that I love: Metagross ( only because i dont like the way his mega form looks) Move I love: Synchronoise Move I like: Psycho Cut Move I hate: Hypnosis comment for a type

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BreezyPonie
    3. Tringus


      Type please

    4. DesignedByAnubis


      @SilverJakler Fire @Spade Ghost @BreezyPonie Fairy @Trevore Dark

  4. what are your hopes for Sun and Moon?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lord Chespin

      Lord Chespin

      That we get to revisit Kalos and get Zygarde.

    3. FairFamily


      less gen one stuff then x and y (it gets sad when you copy an entire forest) and 6 IV destiny knot.

    4. DerogatoryTrainer


      That they add a hard mode.

  5. hello world

    1. BlueMoonIceCream


      Here come dat trainer, o shit waddup

  6. XD Forum Mods I am sorry My laptop bugged out on me lol and made 3 copies of a topic I had posted V_V dont smite me please

    1. Maelstrom


      Overruled. Death by beheading!

    2. Rawr-Ma-Ama



      His PC bugged out. Behead the Laptop, not him!

  7. Wishing you all a explosively wounder full holiday, May the gifts be ever in your favor ;)

  8. hi all my laptop is fixed ^_^ yay me lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sonikku
    3. DesignedByAnubis


      *grabs a aboombox playing Kid nap Sanat claws by Korn* Ready Cowtao XD

    4. DesignedByAnubis
  9. lol just figured out were my friend code was lol fc:427029307568

  10. bored as hell depressed....inquary'do any of you reborn nuggeys have pokemon x/y?

    1. Nico Nico Nii~

      Nico Nico Nii~

      competitive because i'd like to try out some mons i made

  11. I finally got a 3DS wif pokemon Y ^_^ now to dominate the poke-world XD, also if u want friend code just pm me ^_^

  12. hi guys, wanted to say sry for not being round to terrorize you guys, but I have a job at my local Zaxby's and its been taking my time....plus my new movie is going good too :P

  13. Who thinks im insane?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Deleted User
    3. DesignedByAnubis


      Sir Jericho i am but a figment of your imagination XD and indeed it is a wounderland of insanity but i shall make it mine and steal it from Ame

  14. Gah I have to do the Ice Challange later today V_V

    1. Arkhi


      You can just skip the challenge and donate.

    2. HolyKnight


      is a bad thing?

  15. I will havest all the heart scales of teh reborn world and then sell them to the highest bidder *insert evil laugh*

  16. My mind is blank...you have been spared a status update from me for now...

  17. I see alot of statuses about pizza, witch would be good if i were apart of TMNT or i could even open my jaw -w-

  18. NAIL!!!!!...I saw a Bird...It was pretty...that is all...

    1. Felicity


      Man, it'd be a real dick move to die right now... HUP!

    2. Rawr-Ma-Ama


      Nananananananana Dende! Nananananananana Dende!

      Dende! Dende!


  19. Hey all im back from sugery, eveything is okay and im doing well :D

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Good to have you back.

    2. Bluewolf


      *pops the bubbly*

      That is awesome :D

  20. Going in for Jaw surgary today at 9am (central time) Im so 'excited' XD

  21. not sure what to do now that im done with high school

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maelstrom


      get a job. College ain't worth it. If you really want to, try a trade school.

    3. Arkhi


      It's your choice.

    4. Jelly


      jack it 24/7 all day every day son

  22. SOA Season 2!!!!!! ( should be season 3 but oh well ima watch it now ) !!!!!

    1. T-Raz


      Holy crap I still need to watch it!=O

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