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Everything posted by Ragnar

  1. "Oh, okay.. i guess we're cool then.." Ace shrugs and was satisfied with the answers. "This organization is just full of surprises, ain't it?" Ace said particularly to no one as he puts his hand on the back of his head and leans back and kept his silence for now.
  2. Rain - Suicune Rain ponder for a moment, before heading to the northern part of the camp. "King Otto," he called out. "What do you have in mind in searching of this blue crystal? you know I could go there alone to spare you the trouble of sending some of your man to the east" Rain said as he walk towards the long line of Dewotts, standing out there like a sore thumb and waited for the Samurott to reply.
  3. Okay, lemme rephrase that, a female wizard who specialize in ice magic.. lol i'll pm you along with Yash for our backstory, to get things sorted out. I feel like this is taking too much space here..
  4. Like summoning a massive blizzard or widespread -insert element here- spell. how long does it take to charge and release it? as for your question, Neville is an illegitimate offspring. form by a forbidden love affair between two opposites. (a Cinderknight and an Ice witch.)
  5. I'm just waiting for Neville's paladin stepbrother to finish his backstory.. also, I have a question.. how exactly long is the casting time for wizards to cast big spells? it says 'at least a minute' but I have no idea what that means, how does that even work?
  6. Ace was bored out of his mind as he stares blankly at Lux tapping his finger on table, like every sound that it makes is like a ticking clock, like he was about to lose his sanity with every minute that pass by in this meeting. clearly Patience is not one of the speedster's strong suit. As soon as Sterling finish, he immediately raised his hand and ask a question. "just one sir,who in the blue hell are these 3 guys!?" Ace brashly pointed out the new faces and addresses the elephant in the room. "i would like to know who am I working with.." he said.
  7. Rain- Suicune "Agreed, we will divide ourselves to cover more grounds" Rain said looking at Otto. "may i request one of the gyarados to escort me in this eastern place of you speak off" Rain addresses the gyarados tribe "..anybody else who are interested to come along are gladly accepted" he spoke to the people around him
  8. Name: Neville Frostburn Archetype: Wizard Arcane Focus: Evocation Race: Half-Elf Age: 27 Appearance: Neville is 5'7 tall, has a slender body, has pale skin complexion and has a youthful appearance due to his elven blood. his spiky hair is white as snow, and his ear are pointy like an elf. His eye color differ from each other and seems to be heterochromatic as Neville's left eye is fiery orange while his right eye is sky blue in color.Neville wears an elegant hooded black robe fit for a king, a white sash wrap around his waist. a silk pants and a black leather shoes. Also, what's a wizard without his staff?Neville carries a huge wooden staff with a crooked hook-like tip. Personality: Neville is a straight forward, mischievous, brash, upbeat young Elementalist who takes no responsiblity for his actions,he just simply do what he thinks is "fun." never thinking of the consequences as long as he get a good laugh out of it. Signature Moves/Spells/Skills: Evocation ((Passive)) Neville can summon the forces of Ice, Fire and Lightning at the tip of his finger. casting basic jolts of elements at his opponent. Active: Tetra Vortex - Neville summons forth a destructive spell, combining all 3 elements into one gigantic attack. this spell can only be achieved if Neville has three levitating orbs at by his side(see passive), these orbs represents the very essence of fire, ice and lightning all linked together by Neville. At his own will, Neville can fire these spheres towards his opponent and explodes upon impact, creating a huge elemental vortex that traps his foes for a short period of time. this attack may cause alignments like burning, freezing. This attack deals fire, ice and lightning damage. Passive: Invoker's soul - Each time Neville cast a spell, he gains an elemental orb of that spell (fire magic -> fire orb, ice magic -> ice orb, lightning -> lightning orb. he needs to cast 3 different elements in order to cast his signiture move) these orbs has no effect what so ever and is only for show and a prerequisite for his Tetra vortex. Toggle: Winter's curse - Neville can easily evoke the chilling presence of the tundra. Neville cloaks himself in a mist of blistering cold winds, that flows through his body like an icy aura of somesort. while in this state, his ice magic increases, while his magic resistance decreases. Background: Neville is the love child of a human cinder paladin(Chrisoff) and an Elven wizard. After which, Neville's mother and father got separated,His mother (Elena) return to her village of elves located at the mountain regions of Graterras and took the liberty in bearing this child in her womb and decided to keep it, Elena remains sturdy and continues deliver this fatherless infant into the world. Elena gave birth to her firstborn unfortunately she didn't survive the labor and died right after Neville was born. The villagers decided to Neville under the care of an elderly mage living there. through the years, Growing up was difficult for the young elf without a mother, unlike the children of his age, he isn't found by any means of wealth or materialism, but he craves something different, Neville seeks out of knowledge in witchcraft and spellbooks he could find in their village. From that, Neville magic grew stronger and learns a wide variety of elemental spells from time to time. altho Neville is blessed with the skill of a skilled mage, his maturity is a much different story. Neville grew up to be troublesome young lad and likes to prank people with his use of magic, he also likes to make up stories and such to fool people in believing him. he always likes cause a ruckus for the sake of his entertainment. at the age of 25 he met an older paladin at the mountain side of village, who introduced himself as his long-lost father and a younger paladin(Rafael) who tried to killed the both. fortunately for him the older paladin (Crisoff) protected him as he witnessed a murder right in front of his eyes, It was an experience he won't forget as his father explained everything, Crisoff said that was just checking on his other son and that he is wanted man by the cinderknights as he left vague description about his past life and leaves. He returns back to village and tries to tell everyone what happenned, but no one believed him. Neville returns back to the crime scene only to find that the body was gone. He waited for his father to return to him for two years until he decided to wait no more. The adventuresome wizard decided to go on a quest in search of his father, the villagers couldn't be happier that the troublesome wizard was leaving in his 'delusional quest'. Neville set on foot as he encounter something else along the road; a group of traveling bandits headed for the mountains in search for a village to plunder, They were mean looking and well equip with weapons, not to mention they're many. Neville decided to play the hero once in his life and try stop these bandits before they reach his hometown. He fought them valiantly as he blast them with elemental spells, but alas the elementalist was outnumbered and overpowered by these goons. in his dying breath, he cast his final spell, a powerful frost nova that sends the bandits into the ice age. freezing their bodies as the cold wind blows, entombing them and trapping their bodies inside an ice pillar. The threat was prevented, unfortunately this kind of envocation takes a toll on the wizard and with his current condition, he was not able to make it, the elf drops like sack of potatoes on the snow-covered field, thinking "is it worth it? maybe someday i will be reunited with my family, can't wait to tell them about the pranks i've made.. " he smiles as lays peacefully on the snow covered field. His heroic act never got to his hometown and Neville will always be remembered as the 'the wizard who cry wolf' not for the accidental hero that he is.
  9. finally !hukuna has come back to the rp forums! *in rock's voice* i'm interested, i'm planning to play a juggernaut or a two handed style paladin.. perhaps the black oath one, in honor of a certain bird berserker.
  10. Rain - Suicune Rain arrives at the camp and was relief that everyone there is safe as he walk towards the group. "Yes, I've also felt the tremor back in the castle as well." Rain said to Nessie. "As far as the diplomacy goes with the magic kingdom, it appears that they're still undecided and their final verdict is somewhere split between the king and the queen in joining us in this noble crusade." Rain said with a displeased tone. "give them time, maybe one day they realize that this threat is not to be taken so lightly." Rain sighed. Rain then turn his attention to the royal Samurott, checking him from head to toe with a blank expression on his face."tis an honor to fighting along side with the sea king and his watery division" Rain simply takes a bow and quickly gets up. "I'm confident that you'll make the right calls in dealing in this desperate times. Do what you think is necessary King Otto, whether you decide in contacting with the emerald dragon or finding the blue orb. we will cover more ground that way. " The water hound said to king Otto. "Now, tell us the location of the blue orb, veteran Chol.." Rain turn his attention to Chol and wasted little time in asking the elder Gyarados.
  11. So its humans vs pokemans? sweet. altho I can't help to notice that it has this digimon-vibe in it, by the way you describe it.
  12. Rain - Suicune "Come, Zaire.. the rulers of this kingdom seems to be hesitant in making a move and remains stagnant in this time of crisis." Rain said as he walks towards the cacti messenger at the entrance door. "I for one will not stand-by here while the entire continent of the west gets annihilated by these tremors" Rain sighed as he looks at the destruction the massive earthquake has caused to the magic kingdom. "Let's find Nessie and figure out a way to how to resolve this" the wolf nudge his head, signaling Zaire to follow. Rain slowly walks towards the city streets and was devastated at the sight he just saw. The hound walks in silence and upset that these people had to suffer.
  13. so yeah, I'll just leave the magic kingdom with Rain's offer pending at the moment, so I can rally up more pokes to join the nightwatch Rain's crusade. @Tyrant, Yash.. so where exactly the action will take place? I see earthquakes but no groudon.. lol
  14. *cough* Yugi from Yu-gi-oh*cough* But yes the writers do hate him; they always find a way to screw his momentum, like one time, Ash has the sinnoh league right in the bag, he has a decent team and all, but then Tobias shows up with a fookin Darkrai.
  15. Rain - Suicune "with all due respect, Queen crystal.. but i think we're done here, the time for talk is over." Rain said to the purple cat. "What you witness here is a mere portion of terrible things that has yet to come." Rain said as he looks at the group. "it appears that Groudon has risen and cause that massive quake; alongside with its destructive counterpart, Kyogre that cause tsunami near the Land kingdom's bay. Surely this won't end well for the ones who are in the middle and you bet your magical posteriors that these two behemoths are bound to clash in a battle for supremacy and territorial rights." "my offer still stands, to unite the 4 kingdoms in this desperate times. I suggest you act now before its too late.." Rain said to Queen Crystal. "now if you'll excuse me I have to attend to the other kingdoms that require my aid." Rain said as turn his back, setting to meet up with Nessie outside the kingdom.
  16. Rain - Suicune Rain remains calm and stays cool as a cucumber as the massive quake hits the castle. This is certainly not the time for fear nor panic, the wolf thought to himself. The aurora pokemon shoots a beam of ice from his mouth and aims for the ceiling, resulting in freezing the kingdom's dome to prevent any more debris that falls off. "first the tsunami, now this.. the end of days is definitely upon us.." Rain utter his monologue under his breath and sighed as he saw the two of the enforcers comes to the aid of their rulers. "I think that should hold this castle for a while," Rain looks at the stiff mirror-like icy ceiling. "altho, I cannot confirm or deny the condition of your king and queen as we got separated from the earthquake. I suggest you find them immediately." Rain said to the eevee and the gallade as he scans the wreckage of the area.
  17. I'm just waiting for Cytan to reply and it really depends on what course of action he will take before I get posting again. my original plan is: once Rain's business is done with the magic kingdom, he is set course to meet with the Sky kingdom, that is if there are no hindrances along the way.
  18. Rain- Suicune "I'm planning to arrange a meeting between the representative rulers of each 4 kingdom. To spread peace and order across each faction and those who are a part of it. To make amends for the way that the Gyarados tribe had acted against sky kingdom and to settle your differences with the other rulers in the most civil way possible." Rain paused for a moment. "I believe this can all be achieved by influencing each of the kingdom's ruler to participate in this event. You can settle your terms and conditions with the other rulers once you are all gathered." Rain answered the gem king's broad question. "oh, one more thing, there isn't much time left. The sea basin behemoth, Kyogre has just been spotted at Land kingdom's bay, reemerging from its slumber and seems to threaten to drown the whole world in its wake. Now is definitely the time for unity, act now and maybe, just maybe this catastrophe can be prevented for the sake of your kingdom." the water hound said as he waits for king Shidew to answer. ((I believe you control Kyogre lol. eh screw it, that's the story I'm stickin' with to convince the magic kingdom))
  19. Rain- Suicune Rain nodded in agreeing with the gem king and direct himself to the throne room. "so what do like to know? king shidew.. " the dog asked right away. "this treaty isnt as complicated as you think it is." he added.
  20. The dwarf lives until we find a cock merchant ಠ_ಠ like wtf!?

    1. Commander


      ...Let's hope he was talking about Rosters. The images...they still burn in my head.

  21. ^ yep, the permafrost kingdom sure is scary considering there's an ice monster and a mysterious murderous ice queen that lives there.( I assume it's a froslass) also, I have a question. What kind of pokemon lives in Vesperia canyon?(the one linking the underdark and permafrost continent) I like to introduce my Volcarona in that region.
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