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Sutoratosu last won the day on October 27 2016

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11 Fledgling

About Sutoratosu

  • Birthday 06/23/1998

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  • Alias
    Stratos Valgiri
  • Gender
  • Location
    Following his feet
  • Interests
    Emotionally deep characters, writing, role-playing, Creepypastas/Horror, Let's Plays, Watching good people play bad Indie Horror Games, Pokemans, Sandbox Games, HBO's "Game of Thrones", AMC's "The Walking Dead", Star Wars (Legends), Fantasy, Science Fiction, Science Fantasy, Esoteric Philosophy, and Occult Studies.

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  1. I once thought the true purpose of my life was to simply create. to make things out of nothing. But now I see how wrong I was. Creating was only ever a byproduct of my purpose: To teach. To pass down what others were too afraid too or did not want the masses to know. How selfish have I been, up until now? So focused on the ambition, so driven towards one dream, that I somehow had blinded myself to the one burning even brighter in the background? True, I wish to be an author. I wish to be a ma...

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    2. Sutoratosu


      And beleive it or not, the school system is just a tip of the iceberg, connected intricately to the vast network of other issues America faces and has been facing for a very long time... all of them, in turn, connected to a single root... which should never have been allowed to bloom.

    3. zimvader42


      I thought the part of the american system that had the most issues from an ideological standpoint was the economical one (you know business, banks, factories, etc.). But I can kinda see what you mean when you say schools are the tip of the iceberg.

    4. Sutoratosu


      Yes, indeed... banks and money have much to do with it. Much to do with EVERYTHING, infact.

      Sadly though, only one tip of it all they may be, Schools may well be the MOST important tip of them all... for precisely the reasons I've been outlining above: Ignorance is only bliss because bliss has no idea there are better alternatives to the status quo

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