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DJ Mewdeon ft Dan Punk

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Everything posted by DJ Mewdeon ft Dan Punk

  1. ... um, friend? I don't think these two words belong in the same sentiment. :x
  2. They're in for e14, I'm just giving you some speculationy fuels :]
  3. Sweeping by because I've been cleared by Ame to answer a few things: Mr. Bigglesworth's PULSE reads "PULSE- 00". Abra's PULSE reads "PULSE- 07" Muk's PULSE reads "PULSE- 04"
  4. :'c c: :c c: :cccccc mixed feels about accidental fame
  5. mostly because that's content you're not supposed to be at yet.
  6. The answer is already a pretty resounding "yes, eventually" for every leader and more.
  7. I mean if you really want this I am capable enough to make it a thing....
  8. Did you make sure that it was the first Pokemon in your party?
  9. Pretty sure you have to name it "DUX", mate.
  10. Blind Guardian swinging through to welcome you to Reborn, Justice! As Sheep is asleep, allow me to give you the spiel: You're welcome to join us on the Pokemon Online server via the downloadable program or the webclient -- there you can battle or chat with many of the members at your leisure. If you're an RP fan, I'd advise you to seek out Hukuna, a forum moderator and resident presides over the RP subforum. As the game's primary scripter, I hope you're enjoying the current episode! Within our game subforum we have a section for bug reporting and troubleshooting if you run into trouble, so be sure to use those as you need them. If you're into battling competitively, look to the Hall of Champions section for the PokeNations and PRCL competitions. I encourage you to check them out! Like Winter says, if there's any questions you may have about the game or otherwise feel free to ask! You could create a thread, ask on the server, or seek out someone in a private message. Alongside myself and Sheep, Hilda and Vinny are also plenty capable of finding the answers to your questions. I think I'm supposed to say something about your sanity or something here ...? Eh, probably not important. Again, welcome and enjoy your stay! Here, have a koan for your thoughts:
  11. Points for a nice bit of deductive analysis. Unfortunately for you I've already diagnosed and corrected this issue
  12. Second, if it's not giving you the prize then you may not be completely finished with the puzzle. Are you sure it looks like the image in the Graphics folder exactlywhen you're done? Third, the trainer cards are going to remain broken until the underlying codestuff (ie python generators and such) are fixed, which doesn't seem to be soon. Sorry.
  13. That comment was mostly due to him having streamed his playthrough if memory serves.
  14. /frown Seeing as I script for this game now, this last bit bothers me. We have a subforum specifically made to collect bug reports and savefile troubleshooting -- if the glitches are real enough that they're disrupting your gameplay, then please post there or even PM me so I can do what I can to help you out. Trust me, I can understand your frustration. Earlier today I was continuing a test playthrough and after beating Aya the game froze in the cutscene afterwards. After an hour and a half of torturous losses due to her getting all the hax, I finally beat her again only to freeze at the same spot. Not one of my better experiences with the game. So if you're having trouble, let us know. We can help. That being said, welcome to Reborn Dimi! And as it seems I've started my own welcoming tradition, have a koan for your thoughts:
  15. Looks like Valiant's doing a solid job of welcoming the new members despite being one himself! Welcome to Reborn, Northen! Valiant's covered much of the main points but I bring a couple more along with me: You say you're an artist but I don't know if you have any experience with pixel art, like the ingame sprites. If you're interested, check out the development subforum where our members are working on custom shiny sprites! As the game's primary scripter, I'm happy to hear you've been enjoying the game for so long! Within our game subforum we have a section for bug reporting and troubleshooting, so if you hit any bumps along the way in your playthrough be sure to report them so I may remedy them. PS. You should get your roommate to make a forums account too (and then you can welcome him )! I leave you with a koan for your thoughts:
  16. While I'm already in the Grand Hall I may as well stick around a bit, eh? Welcome to Reborn, Cornerman! A few important things to mention: You're welcome to join us on the Pokemon Online server via the downloadable program or the webclient -- there you can battle or chat with many of the members at your leisure. If you're an RP fan, I'd advise you to seek out Hukuna, who keeps a watchful eye over the RP subforum. As the game's primary scripter, I hope you're enjoying the current episode! Within our game subforum we have a section for bug reporting and troubleshooting, so if you hit any bumps along the way in your playthrough be sure to report them so I may remedy them. You can look to the Hall of Champions section for the PokeNations and PRCL competitions if you have any interest in competitive battling. I encourage you to check them out -- you might find an interest in them, who knows? If there's any questions you may have about the game or otherwise feel free to ask! You could create a thread, ask on the server, or seek out someone in a private message. I am available frequently but other users are certainly willing to help you out -- the names Vinny, Hilda and Sheep come to mind. Generally some comment about the retention of your sanity or lack thereof would go here but some of your .. more interesting parts of this introduction make me wonder if you even still have it. In addition, the small strikethrough'd section of your post has a grammatical error - the second "can't" should just be "can." It was a good effort though Again, welcome and enjoy your stay! A koan for your thoughts:
  17. If you'll allow me the brief computer science-y aside, the issue you're facing might be a result of computational randomness as opposed to "true" randomness - ie. it's randomly changing it according to a pattern and when you use it and reset the game and try again it's "randomly" following the same pattern and giving you the same result. ... or you're just really unlucky, it's hard to say as someone so detached from your playthrough.
  18. Friendly neighborhood Blind Guardian swinging by to bid good day to you Bakerlite and welcome to Reborn! A few points of contention: You're welcome to join us on the Pokemon Online server via the downloadable program or the webclient -- there you can battle or chat with many of the members at your leisure. If you're an RP fan, I'd advise you to seek out Hukuna, a forum moderator and resident whom lords over the RP subforum. If you're an avid spriter, I should also point you to the development section of the game's forums where currently our users are working on shiny sprites for the 3rd generation. As the game's primary scripter, I hope you're enjoying the current episode! Within our game subforum we have a section for bug reporting and troubleshooting if you run into trouble, so be sure to use those as you need them. Doesn't seem that you're fond of battling but if you change your mind you can look to the Hall of Champions section for the PokeNations and PRCL competitions. I encourage you to check them out -- you might find an interest in them, who knows? If there's any questions you may have about the game or otherwise feel free to ask! You could create a thread, ask on the server, or seek out someone in a private message. I am available frequently but other users are certainly willing to help you out -- the names Vinny, Hilda and Sheep come to mind. (Especially Sheep as he shares your love of Bug types) Traditionally I'd be saying something about your sanity here but I don't really subscribe to that sort of thing. Admittedly I'm interested in seeing what you're capable of as a spriter.. have any work you could show off to me? Plus your organised introduction was neat enough for me to finally make some form of appearance in the Grand Hall so kudos to you for that one. Again, welcome and enjoy your stay! A koan for your thoughts:
  19. I understand exactly where you're at and what the issue is. This issue should be fixed for 13.2, so just make sure you're on the most updated version then you can get to that Growlithe and former officer. If you're still having problems let me know.
  20. For the sake of convenience, I'll put the dialogue here for you:
  21. Unfortunately this is probably the case for now.
  22. No, you won't. When ability capsules are used on Swirlix with the new code, its abilities will change back and forth from Sweet Veil and Unburden. In the main series games it would have no effect, but as I said, I'm being lenient with it since Pokemon can be found with their Hidden Abilities in the wild naturally in Reborn.
  23. It's not that you can't change to hidden abilities, rather the ability capsule mechanic has some randomization in it. I've already got a cleaner implementation in for e14 where ability capsule changes work as follows: 1 ability : no effect; capsule not used 2 abilities : 1 -> 2 -> 1 -> 2 -> 1 -> 2 3 abilities : 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3 Additionally, main series games don't allow you to change to Hidden Abilities, but I'm being lenient this time.
  24. .. So what you're telling me is that if I wanted to restart the game I'd have to play through an episode and close and load the second, play through that until we get to the third and so on and so forth? I'm not really fond of this idea, especially when Ame changes things in earlier parts of the game as frequently as she has.
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