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Status Updates posted by Flux

  1. We're back at it with another clipworthy combo.


  2. Happy Thanksgiving to all, and to all a good night.

  3. The 2017 Spookening was absent. Apparently I've lost my touch. Not that last year's was too successful anyway, but I think that was just due to some stipulations I should've made. RIP. 

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      You know... l was actually waiting for it to show up XD

      But as you can see clearly my avvie already too spooky so... you could've have helped this year~

    2. Flux


      I suppose there's technically still time. It'd be a mad rush though. But I can't say I'm not tempted. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Whatever floats your boat my guy. XD

      l won't say either way cause lt's not gonna be me that has to do the work but... if you wanna do it, go and do it~ l'm not really one to worry about how popular l thing l just want to do is. 

  4. What the heck did I post on September 9, 2015?

    1. Shamitako
    2. Flux


      From what I can tell, I earned 1 rep that day... It must have been a slow day.

    3. Shamitako


      I can't figure out what I did for mine. It's in the middle of a very active time for me but I didn't do much on that particular day.

  5. Does anybody know the dimensions for cover photos offhand?

    1. Shamitako


      "Flux is scaring me"


      ...Give me twenty minutes

  6. So is "recently browsing" at the bottom the number of members online right now? If that's the case, there's only 11... That's a lot less than I remember being on at most times.

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      tbf I'm probably invisible.

    2. Jinan B

      Jinan B

      Try 1... So sad when all the Americans are asleep

    3. Anime


      i'm invisible sometimes tbh xD 

  7. Is there still a way to view posts in BBCode, or is that not possible on the new site?

    1. Shamitako


      It's not. You can still use BBcode in the normal editor tho

    2. Flux


      Well, fooey. I used that a lot. Thanks for the info though.

  8. It slightly bothers me that GenexFlux made his account and never even used it. Once upon I was the only result when you searched for "Flux." :(

  9. Nothing like remembering you still have a paper to write before Spring Break's over. :c

    1. Dante52


      Literally in the exact same situation

  10. My taste in music has expanded exponentially in the past few months. Not entirely sure what sparked it, but I'm liking it. Lots of new music for my playlists.

  11. Well, I think my first conclusion was the correct one. RIP the dream, I think I give up.

    1. Arkhi


      That is sadenning to hear.

    2. Jan


      Sorry to hear about that :[.

  12. How to tell if you have a talent: 

    Step 1: Check if you're alive.

    Step 2: Congrats! You're pretty good at not being dead!

    Step 3: ???

    Step 4: Profit

    1. BlueMoonIceCream


      It's what you do at not being ded that makes profit

    2. Ironbound


      But...But...If I was never alive, I can never really be dead, can I? What do I do? How do I know if I have skillz? WHAT IS THE MEANING OF MY EXISTENCE!?

  13. How much snow does Reborn need to call in a snow day?

    1. doombotmecha


      *Sets up a pulse Abomasnow overlooking the city*

      Time to find out

  14. One more week... I'm ready for this semester to be done, please.

  15. We're getting closer....



  16. I feel like chris is an underappreciated legend of Reborn.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Spineblade


      You mean to say you've never checked the first statuses of Reborn's ancient history?

    3. Maelstrom


      You mean to see the chuckleheads who replied to them, the same way Bieber defiled the Anne Frank diary with his stupidity?


    4. BlueMoonIceCream


      RIP in pepperonis chris, god knows if he'll ever come back and read our ridiculous comments

  17. No, the bullet train is white.

  18. Tfw I don't even read my usual threads anymore

  19. Taffy or toffee?

    1. HughJ


      saltwater taffy is my shit

  20. I've got the weirdest deja vu right now... I swear almost everyone of the current statuses was posted some time before...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Guzam


      I have 0 idea what you're talking about...

    3. Ironbound


      Creativity is not apparent in a status feed which generally allocates a sizeable chunk of its space to memes, so yes, you might be justified.

    4. Arkhi


      Ever get that feeling of deja vu?

  21. When you want to make a dark team, but RNG keeps giving you wind characters. :c

  22. Some of the submissions for this year's Spookening are really throwing me for a loop...

    1. Arkhi


      Spooky loopy

    2. Swampellow



    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Why I figured I'd leave ya alone lel. That and I jsut changed my avvie like... 3 times in a short span of time. So I'd rather actually use this one jsut as it is lol.

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