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Everything posted by rustytengo

  1. Jeanne having wandered down to the showers like a few of the others was just getting ready to head back up to see what the next plan of attack so to say was next. Though as she was about to exit out of the room she heard a squeak an thud and them some voices. And then the announcement to meet in the ball pen. Figuring she add some time or maybe just her curiosity getting the better of her she slowly walked towards where she heard the voices from after all eat kind of investigator would she be if she didn't investigate. Turning a corner a bit she spots Adara wrapped in towel standing in front of a door occupied by another Elias whose own privates where covered by a towel. Adara was standing there staring at Elias smiling to herself Jeanne pulled out her phone getting it ready to snap a picture of what she could only guess was a dalliance in progress. After all you never know when you might need some dirt on you coworkers is what her father had always told her.
  2. Beverly watched as Kyou punched Asuka to the floor. She couldn't blame Kyou for that after all if it was her she probably would have done the same thing. Hell, she was close to doing it anyway just from being tossed around during the whole fight. She couldn't help but laugh Asuka she took Kyou's hit and Beverly knew the girl's punches hurt more than you would think. "She did it for the same reason you just punched her. So maybe you should sit down you look like your about to collapse. " Beverly said shaking her head sounding annoyed. "Well, I guess neither side won the match so the bet doesn't do anything." She finished as she looked at Asuka before walking over to Ranga's pod "Hey Little Miss the fights over time to get up." She said well knocking on the side of the pod.
  3. Reserved for stuff. Accepted Characters. Valerie Schmidt (kj1225) Junko Yamada (GM_3826) Rika Furude (Amine Chankey3ft7) Tsukihashi Kageharu (King Murdoc) Elizabeth Maridox (GodofGamingRWBY) Yuli (Hal Henderics) Roselyn Dalton (Cronos5010) Rosemary Moon (Endlessblaze) Iva (StormLord) Ana Thanatopolis (DragonRage) Yoshirou Haruki (KosherLexi)
  4. It wasn't so long ago that you were living the life of a normal young girl but that all changed when one day you were approached by a strange cat-like creature that called itself Kyubye. It offered you a simple deal For you to become a Magical Girl and fight things called Witches in exchange it will grant you a single wish of your choice. A Deal that you took for your own reasons. After the deal you found yourself imbued with powers you could have only dreamed of and what you do with them is your choice the only things that the creature named Kyubye has said to you is to defeat the creatures known as witches and use the thing called a grief seed that they leave behind to clear your soul gem of is darkness or else you will no longer be a magical girl. So I hope you liked my little intro not much to go off of I know, The Basic stuff you need to know is that this is a Madoka RP in which you play a recently made magical girl with the mission to fight witches. If you don't know what Madoka is I suggest watching Puella Magi Madoka Magica at least up through episode 3....or just google it but seriously is a good show give it till episode 3 before you make your decision on it. It will throw your head for a loop.. So how will the game be played? Well, that's simple. There are two main sections for the game one is your basic freeform RP section where you do any training if you have EXP for it talking with other PCs or NPCs in a none stressful situation.....or a very stressful situation. You can also use that time to track down where witches are hiding at which brings us to the next section of the game the Witch Hunt. In this part, your characters are Hunting a witch through its Labyrinth where you will encounter not only the witch but familiars of it as well(you can also encounter the familiars outside of Labyrinth well searching for witches). These encounters (as well as another thing) will be using a system that I made for the game(with lots of help) to resolve them(which you can read how it works on the discord for the game). So thats the basics of the game you still here after that? If so then time for everyone favorite things the character sheet. Discord link I highly suggest you join us there if you haven't already. https://discord.gg/qM4srPM Edit: This link to the discord should be permanet if it doesn't work pm me on here and I'll get you one. There is no limit to how many players I want for the game so feel free to join. just keep in mind if your not active for two or more weeks your character might lose their head. Edit: Thing i forgot to say this game will support PVP. Character Sheet And I hope you enjoy the game. Keep in mind general RP rules apply as well to the game.
  5. "I...its okay I'm not good with people... I should of know better than to say things when I don't know anything about her." Bridgett said as she cast her eyes down to the floor looking sad. "You Handled your self admirably My Lady." the monotone of Morning Arrow chimed for the first time in a while at Bridgett's words. Bridgett's face lite up a bit as she smiled at the return of her friend "Oh....every things done now?" She asked. "Yes, reconfiguration complete...Limiters Bypassed.....and Gleipnir ready for use." Mornings Arrow chimed once more hesitating as it mentioned Limiters. "Also Greetings thank you for taking care of My Lady. It is appreciated." It chimed once more directed to the others in the room instead of Bridgett.
  6. Beverly groaned as she hit the ground. She was becoming a bit irate at Asuka being just a step ahead of her in this fight and using her as a crash test for the other Eva's. So she slowly stood up the pain of all the bumps she been in starting to finally effect her. Looking at the pile of Eva's she couldn't help but grin and laugh a bit to herself as she moved around the pile to where units 02 head would be "Stay ahold of her if you can." She said over the coms to the others as she picked up one of the knives that fell out of the grip of one of the others during the crash. ' Standing over Unit 02's head she looked down at the knife in her hand. "It's a simulation and not real and Asuka is really annoying me right now. But we can feel the pain and I'm mad at her but...." Beverly thought to herself as she stared at the knife "Satomi doesn't seem to bad off and Asuka acts like she can take more...." She continued to think as she raised the knife "Besides she the one who wanted up to fight like this... I think. " She finished thinking as she stabbed the knife at Unit 02's face going for one of the eyes.
  7. Jill grumbled and puffed her checks "That was boring!" She said exasperatedly as she kicked a can at the fleeing pirates. "Well, I was right in saying that the captain didn't have to worry about them. " Jill said with a sigh "Guess I can see if they left anything interesting around," She said as she looked through the trash that was about the manor. Jill looks through the trash to see if she can find anything interesting.
  8. Jeanne sighed "I just left the Agency so much for field work." she though to her self as she climbed up on to the carriage regretting not just calling her driver for rides. She pulled out her phone and sent a message to the agency to let them know what to expect once they got there.
  9. Bridgett stepped back a bit as Jeanne sneered at her. She didn't know anything about the woman's past and didn't have any right to say anything she took a slow breath and spoke "You didn't become.....a hero because you died. NO one....is a hero because...of that." She said her voice still shaking a bit as she spoke.
  10. "Pfft show off," Beverly thought as Asuka moved and scooped her up but Beverly wasn't going to let her get away with that without an attempt at countering. Though Beverly may not have any fancy martial arts training like Beverly or maybe any of the other she did have at least some experience from getting into fights with people. So acting on instinct she reached out the free hand to the closest arm of Unit 02 attempting to grab on to it (if this was a normal fight Beverly would have gone for the hair but Eva units had a distinct lack of that) and pull it down with the momentum that Unit 16 had from Asuka's throw.
  11. not sure what to say once the sheet is done I'll put a version up here
  12. Beverly glared at Ahmed in a normal situation she would have probably hit him but decided against it there were more pressing matters at hand. "Please, My mom was a lot prettier, and stop calling me Sir I'm not a guy. " SHe said though the coms as she started to move "You take one side and I'll take the other." she continued as she moved to the side of Asuka that Ahmed wasn't on. While she was moving she looked at the knife in her Eva's hand. "Why the Hell am I using this. I don't know the first things about fighting with a knife." She thought to herself as she looked at the timer for her Eva. Only one minute to go. "Screw it, I don't have much time left. Let's try something I do know." She thought as she smiled to herself. She then started to pick up speed as she moved towards Asuka. Once she was a few strides away from Asuka she threw the knife at Asuka then charged in trying to land a heavy punch on the face of Unit 02.
  13. "Hmp..you're not that tough. Nothing our captain will have to worry about." Jill says as she knocks some of the pirates back before jumping and attempting the to nail Captain Vito with a flying roundhouse.
  14. Bridgett gave a small smile at Alexandria's comments. Deep down she wished that she had the confidence to say such things to some people, but being a giant metal lady probably helped Alexandria in that. "Umm...Why wouldn't we be interested in you? From...what we have been told...you were once heroes in your world....and that's interesting...or at least to me it is." Bridgett meekly said to Jeanne with a slight blush.
  15. Beverly's Eva barreled into Satomi's sending them tumbling along the ground. Well normally Beverly wouldn't mind rolling around with Satomi but this was in giant robots so the fun of it was gone. After they stopped rolling on the ground Beverly spoke through the coms "Hey Princess you okay?" While waiting for response Beverly stood up her Eva and readied the knife watching Asuka and the others. She didn't have much time so she had to at least try and make it count. She was starting to get how these Eva's moved a bit and had a plan but she needed a opening so she waited for one.
  16. Jill continues to help push the mook pirates back to allow Mask to continue his advancement towards Captian Vito.
  17. Jeanne considered calling her driver to give her ride to the underground of Goldenrod but decided against it. After all, that would probably draw to much attention to her. A bit after Adara had left Jeanne finally looked up from her phone having finally gotten through her contacts. "Well, I will be heading out now. Miss Emilia do you think you could look and see if Team Rocket had any bases around the underground or nearby somewhere and send anything you find to us? I know they took over the Goldenrod Radio Tower but that's about it. If anything it will at least give us a place to start looking. " Jeanne said as she headed to the door. She stopped before leaving looking like something just dawned on her. "Professor Oak, would you mind giving me your contact information? Having your expert knowledge of Pokemon could be of great use to use while we are in the field. And besides your stories sound highly interesting and i would love to hear you tell them at sometime well I'm not working." Jeanne said to Oak giving him a cuter then usual smile the sameone she used when she got older men to tell her things they normally wouldn't. regradless if she got Oaks inforamtion or not Jeanne then gets a taxi to take her to the underground. Once there she pays the driver(givnig him a sizable tip) and moves out of the way of the people moving waiting for the information she asked to be sent if any. If she gets anything on bases she makes her way to where they are trying to get ahold of the others to meet her there. If there was no information then she will try and contact the others to meet her somewhere so they can trade information.
  18. Bridgett felt bad for Jeanne and it showed on her face she looked that servant."Umm...." it seemed as if she was going to say something but stopped once Soyrn started to talk. After he was finished Bridgett cast her eyes down and bit her lip as she thought a for a bit. "I...don't know how to cook....or any recipes. The cooks....would usually make something.... and the maids would bring it to me...There was this nice lemon flavored cake that they would make.....but I don't know what it is called." She said looking a bit sad at not knowing what it was called.
  19. Seeing the now fly Eva of Kyou's flying at her Beverly did the first thing she could think of which is to dive out of the way of the Eva. Luckily for her Kyou had the sense of mind to have her Eva curl up so it was easier to get out of the way. So if Beverly manages to get out of the way of Kyou's Eva and look up to see Satomi in trouble she would do the only thing that she could think of at that time and Charge Asuka attempting to actually tackle Unit 2 to the ground well she was busy paying attention to Satomi's Eva.
  20. Bridgett shuffled back a bit away from Jeanne at her words. "I....." Bridgett paused and swallowed trying to steady herself "didn't mean anything mean by it.....I was just wondering... If you were the same one....." she said doing her best to say things clearly if not any louder. "And umm.......I'm nineteen...not a child. I choose to help and fight.....because that's the one thing I can do." She finished with a bit dislike at being called a child.
  21. "Well, I can't say anything for sure, but from what I've heard of Team Rocket the goons of them never seemed that smart. It also wouldn't be the first time Team Rocket has messed with Sliph Co." Jeanne said while taking a seat. "Thats only if it's actually Team Rocket if I was a bad guy with a lick of sense I would dress up as a much more prolific group to try and misdirected people." She finished as she pulled out her phone and started flipping through to see if she had any contacts who might be of help.
  22. "Really I thought you were paying me so my daddy would stay happy with you, but don't worry I have been doing something that may be of use. " Jeanne said with a wink before continuing. "We managed to get a bit more out of Steve through one of Satin's abilities. Most of it wasn't much more then what he already told us but the interesting bits are. The people who attacked him were eerily silent, at least one of them was a woman and they had a red letter or symbol on the torso of their outfit. Emilia did a search for any known groups with a red letter or symbol. You know the only one she found?" Jill finished with a rather prideful smile.
  23. Bridgett was surprised at the mentioning of destroying magic but from the sound of it, that wasn't something that Alexandria was meant to do anymore so it made her feel a bit better. She would have been a bit more surprised at the talk of undead and vampires but do to the group she has been traveling with which had dragons, giant metal ladies, crazy snake plant lady things, and other things that Bridgett really only ever read about in books she was a bit more used to that kind of stuff now. "i....like ...pastries...and..tea..too..I also...like reading....books...and umm...flying." Bridgett said in her shaky voice while playing with her braid a bit before glancing up a Jeanne for a moment before casting her eyes back down." Umm....wasn't...Jeanne d'Arc.. the..name of...one of...the servants we...fought in the...last battles?" She asked slowly trying to gauge Jeanne's reaction so she could prepare to scamper away if she made her angry.
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