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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Cowtao

  1. Hello Elly, El, Beth, or Be. :3 We are a sassy, fun loving community. Don't really know much to add in her uhm, nice to meet you? See you on the server possible? c:
  2. I like knives.

  3. You son a [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] ...You are lucky i'm supposed to be a saint as a moderator. If I wasn't hoo boy. >:I I'm a guy that also struggles with school deadlines, but somehow maintains to coasting and being a person always changing in time with others. Pleasant to be around, and wonderful to be close to. Hi.
  4. Before Arkhidon posts it. :3
  5. Smash Box updated. Sue me.

    1. Vinny


      *Vinny sued Cowtao*

    2. Garnet.


      Phoenix Wright music plays loudly in the background

  6. Because I can't help myself. I'm jumping the gun. I am updating Smash Box Today.

  7. Funny that the day of weed is the day of the fuher. ;;

  8. Early update. Smash Box is up. Genres consist of Drum'N'Bass and Nerdcore.

  9. Fun fact: Vinny was an older forum moderator of ours and he still to this day remains one of the most helpful and active members of this site. If the post count wasn't an indication enough to how baller he is with the aid. Nice to have you back with us as a member Vinny. <3
  10. Madonna making out with Drake on stage in front of thousands of people? C'MON SON!

    1. Simon


      I actually felt bad for Drake. wut is dis.

    2. Arkhi


      Damn, boi.

  11. Smash box updated. Check out my profile for your music and a story. :P

  12. Bruh. You have Chansey and Porygon2 in this mix and you are concerned about yung tweety burd. I think we should start there first. owo
  13. If any of you guys go traveling to a local smash tournament take me with you. owo

    1. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      There was a Melee & PM tournament at my school yesterday.

  14. Nothing says awesome like a homemade Banana milkshake. Fuck ya.

  15. This thread will be for the guys who own L4D2 on steam. So I got this game awhile ago and never really cracked at it. For the Xbox I had it. It was fun, but it was missing a few 100 mods. So low and behold, I got the steam version and I want to start playing with you guys online. Send me your steam ID. We are going to go on a Campaign Adventure of modded maps and fun and gore and chainsaws! :3 Below, bring me your time you usually are online, your Steam ID, and if you are interested in playing modded maps or not.
  16. who has left 4 dead 2 on PC? c:

    1. Simon


      *raises hand*

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I mean, I got it for free so I do lol.

    3. Ikaru
  17. I'm looking for a person to do RU. I feel energetic to make Showdown teams again so who wants to be tribute?

    1. Sparky


      I have one on hand to make use of

  18. Alright. This is it. The wisdom taking. I'm Cowtao so shouldn't my wisdom be safe? owo

    1. Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Are you still high from the pain killers?

    2. Felicity


      Who said you had any wisdom in the first place?

  19. Again, last time for stuff. Surgery incoming. ;;

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Commander


      Just pray they don't gas you as much as they did me.

    3. Vinny
    4. Arkhi



      Please take care.

  20. Last day before I get my wisdom teeth pulled. Bye everyone. ;;

    1. ArmoredGuardian
    2. Shamitako


      Pssh, you act like you need wisdom

  21. Hey guys, I revived Smash Box. Come listen to weird J-Music. :3

  22. So I revived my smash box. Have fun.

  23. Clearly as the defacto-cow leader, you must understand that in any universe that we will naturally make enemies. And those disgusting putrid creatures are ours. Curse foxes.
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