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Everything posted by Bearadactyl

  1. So... Quick question. In your opinion, despite someone being my mother, does she have the right to instantaneous and consistent respect from me? Even if she consistently disrespects myself in all fields from my religious choice to outright wanting to be treated like an adult. For the record, if you are unaware, I am twenty years old.

    1. The Fush

      The Fush

      If anyone disrespects you for a reason that you consider weak, then they in turn have no right to have respect from you, be it your family, friends or anyone, if you choose so.

    2. Maelstrom


      Quick answers. Nope. Definitely nope.

  2. So... To sum up how shitty this week is: Due to a debt from my step father's previous marriage, my family is having to file bankruptcy. We have a termite infestation. And, to top it all off, my dog may need surgery. Fuck. This. Week.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Maelstrom


      I think you and me would get along pretty well. PS, your new Xbox gamertag is geeky as hell. xD

    3. Bearadactyl


      Geeky, yes.

      Hardcore? Most definitely.

      My gamertag before Nutcase Reborn was The Ashkaari.

      I do an annual GT change, I transition from the Nutcase persona to the Qunari persona and vice versa with each new year.

    4. Godot


      All the ones I tried to change to don't work :(

  3. So... To sum up how shitty this week is: Due to a debt from my step father's previous marriage, my family is having to file bankruptcy. We have a termite infestation. My dog is really sic

    1. Amethyst


      and to top it all of your status got cut off :c

  4. Story of my fucking life. Heads up guys, Eloquence will go a long way.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6gG2X9sCs0
  6. If it were not for Last.Fm... I woudldn't be nearly as musically diverse as I am today. It is by far the best online radio service for discovering new music.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Maelstrom


      I find most of my shit via regular radio stations and just listening to what people play in their cars while they drive, since most of 'em have their ipod hooked up.

    3. Bearadactyl


      Eh, I'm an internet warrior.

      I've since moved to Spotify, I can handle an ad every half hour for unlimited skips. v.v

    4. Godot


      pssst, mael steals music from me

  7. I'm The Warden. Plus side? I'm a hero and I get Leliana. Negative side? I'm now short, my brother is a douche, and I disappear after ten years.
  8. This song is, actually rather beautiful. I'm picky with my Hip-Hop, and HU are some of the few artists I'll listen to within this genre. They really know how to hit home when they want to. Oh, and <3 Danny. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkbLleVvHfs
  9. If it was created by Inon Zur, it has my stamp of approval. He is within my Big Three video game composers along side Martin O' Donnell and Koji Kondo.
  10. You can actually get a Magby very early in the game, and I'll tell you now, Magmar will become one of your best friends. Just wait until it rains and follow the train tracks East from Lower Peridot Ward in to Opal Ward, and under the bridge you should find a Magby not far from the only trainer down there. Luckily for myself, in my game it's raining all of the fucking time.
  11. Today was a good Halo day. I brought the full extent of my wrath.

  12. "Jumping Feet first Into Hell Isn't Your Job; Making Sure it's Crowded When You Get There is." -Favorite Halo Quote, Ever.

  13. Most people like to try and supress their anger. Like, it's not a natural occurrence or something. Myself? I embrace the wrath within. I react, and I make it known when I don't agree with something. Anger is not a bad thing. Get angry. Take a stand. Make it known that you will not put up with the bullshit of another. We have these emotions for a reason.

  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ycVuw8iHL8 Post 100, Woo.
  15. Ahh, nothing like a hot shower to wake you the fuck up. Now, where are my Bakery Fresh Donuts?

    1. Conor


      I ate them all c:

    2. Bearadactyl


      I will DESTROY you.

  16. CSR of 33... After ten games tops... I must be a monster.

  17. So... I'm getting really close to writing a piece on why the whole "Violent Video Games" scapegoat within the media is complete bullshit. Thoughts?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bearadactyl


      It'll take me a bit, but I'm fully intent on writing this and possibly posting a Youtube video on the subject as well for those too lazy to actually read it.

      I'm so sick and tired of this scapegoat shit. Katie Couric's little scare documentary is a lot of what set me off.

    3. Ashka


      All for it. I'm sick of clueless moms on the radio.

    4. Maelstrom


      Do it. Morons who've never played a video game can't tell me shit about violence in video games. I guess they all forgot how they thought violence in movies used to be the scapegoat.

  18. I found a new band today. I think I'm in love. Enjoy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LabfmM2l6_A
  19. So my annual XBL Gamertag change is coming up... Not sure what I should change it to. Note, my gamertag will always have the word "Nutcase" in it from this point forth... Unless I find a Qunari name that I love.

  20. By the time I had gotten to her I dommed her with Trubbish. Though, might I recommend getting Magby? Oh! Or, Spinarak. Spinarak is a very nice addition when battling her.
  21. I just sort of destroy all of the trainers. I seldom battle anything wild and most of my team was level capped by the time I reached the most recent Gym Leader, Aya. But, I also switched my party around at every given moment to level them evenly. There should be more than enough trainers to keep your team high leveled in game. But, I also like to keep a set team opposed to using a gigantic variety of Pokémon. I wouldn't go too train happy, though. Passing that cap makes things a total bitch... I wish it were just a tad higher before Aya, the stretch you go without getting the next badge is pretty lengthy.
  22. I leave for all but two fucking hours without locking my PC. I come home, only to find there's Adware on my PC. Upon doing a registry scan; someone in my home had downloaded Frostwire, downloaded virus-filled music, deleted the music, and unistalled Frostwire only to leave behind a myriad of viruses... Half an hour later, my PC is clean and my jimmies have been thoroughly rustled.

    1. Pocky


      Want me to buy some gorilla munch and come over?

    2. Maelstrom


      Tfw a wild pokemon pops out of said rustling jimmies.

  23. Personally, I feel that Journey wasn't that impressive of a game... As a matter of fact, I fail to see why so many people like to praise it so much. I will admit, however that it has an incredible Soundtrack. Still no Koji Kondo, however.
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