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Everything posted by Bearadactyl

  1. Dear Game Freak, Generation One isn't the only Generation to keep trying to "refresh." We would appreciate something other than rehashes of Gen One Pokémon please and fucking thank you. Oh, and something other than Gen Three as well. You have SIX past generations to work with, don't consolidate all of your efforts to two of them.

  2. Forever is a fucked up word.

  3. Man, Twink accouts really kill early game WoW nowadays... Heirloom gear was a bad idea tbh.

  4. My friend has fallen in to the pit of WoW.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bearadactyl


      I was absorbed back in high school, level capped a Druid; Doomkin, and got bored after.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      WoW... some good memories... some shitty. Luckily for me, my entire guild disbanded LOL. So, Ilost my reason to play. And with that, I never played an MMORPG again.

    4. Bearadactyl


      Only MMO I play consistently now a days is Warframe; The Division had promise... But inevitably failed to deliver.

  5. Mt friend has fallen in to the dark pit of WoW,

  6. Human Cake is the filthiest video Frank has ever made, and... I think I might be sick after watching it.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hect


      I already did. Wasn't as bad as Vomit Cake and Hair Cake, but still pretty hardcore.

    3. CodeCass


      0_0 everything about this just sounds terrifying

    4. Hect


      It truly is.. but hey, it's also worth checking out if you had a bad day or something. :D

  7. I feel like I'm one of maybe fifty players who main Atlas.

  8. So, I left a prominant clan in Warframe to create one with my friend. Our clan motto: We'll burn that bridge when we get to it.

    1. Maelstrom


      or just to get back to square one with your friend. Finished research is nothing to sneeze at.

    2. Bearadactyl


      I already had everything I really wanted from the clan Dojo; though.

      Even then, it gives me something to do. Sort of hit a wall in Warframe some time ago.

    3. Maelstrom


      Isn't that when you just play something new until warframe puts in new stuff?

  9. I saved everything, half of my Xbox One data had to be sacrificed; but, honestly it's all digital license and not much else anyhow. Just copied everything to my external hdd after learning how to use Xcopy.

  10. I... Just lost over 20GB of images, 40GB of videos, not to mention countless saved games and configurations... I have literally lost everything on my Desktop. I think I need to lay down.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RasenShot


      I know that feel... I lost my hard drive recently, along with 5 years of files. Still trying to repair it or at least get some files out though.

    3. Bearadactyl


      The hard drive is fine and alive, a windows update basically bricked my PC.

      I wish I was more familiar with the recovery environment cmd prompt; then I could copy everything to my External HDD.

  11. Aaaaaaaaand, there's 90% chance my Hard Drive is fried.

  12. So something happened with my desktop, and apparently it has to repair Disk Errors. Looks like I don't get to do much of anything for the next hour or two.

  13. Team Instinct, here. We're all out for a good time.
  14. The Blanche gender debate is amusing. Like... Honestly, I don't get the big deal. I understand the inclusion argument and all of that, but... Really who is it going to hurt if Blanche is Female or NB? The amount of Salt is unnecessary. Though, I suppose I do have issues with people slapping gender and orientation on to characters for the sake of romanticizing or wearing them as a fashion statement. Tumblr, in particular, has a bad habit of that.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BreezyPonie


      No, if Gary were a woman she would be ~sassy~ and *independent*

    3. Shamitako


      Bobby I've seen as a female name plenty, just about any name with a diminutive can work for women. And Joe is usually short for something (although I usually see it as Jo when it's a woman)

      She looks fairly feminine to me as well, I would never have even considered anything else if you hadn't mentioned it

    4. Bearadactyl


      I personally think Blanche is female, but at the end of the day; until Niantic gives official word, it's up to the players to decide.

      I think the debate is silly, because, again; no official word.

      Given I'm not Team Mystic, I'm really not too terribly concerned.

  15. I just bought Heelies specifically for the prospect of gliding around town to Pokémon in them.

    1. Amanojaku


      Wear heelies to escape from your feelies

  16. For those of you who don't know; lack of sleep does induce hallucinations. They happen around hour 60 of no sleep. Source: Personal experience.

  17. I... Had a gut feeling Candela would be Tumblr's favourite GO leader, and I had a gut feeling the other two wold be trashed by the Tumblr community. I also assumed that the team thing would go further when the leaders were finally shown. Don't you love how predictable the internet is?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Noivy


      its tumblr. they're always going to go with what the kind of person they chose as a favorite.

    3. Bearadactyl


      Noivy nailed tumblr right on the head.

      Tumblr is the mot predictable place available I think.

      And, Dobby, freaking me out isn't... An easy task.

    4. AuthorReborn


      On the bright side, I am loving the etill predictable-yet fairly funny crossover art of Owain/Odim from FE and Spark

  18. My friend says I have no Impulse Control. I tried to refute it then I remembered... I have spent a total of like $400 on Warframe since it launched.

    1. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      I mean it came out in 2013, $400 over 3 years isn't bad.

  19. I don't get all of the complaints about Instinct's leader. Spark seems like a cool guy. I'd hang with him.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      Well, a lot of accidents did happen when people were playing Pokémon Go.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      accidents aren't the game's fault... give them anything esle people still do this shit. It was an issue when texting got popular etc... it's got ntohin' to do with GO

    4. Shamitako


      I mean, there;s the demonic thing. But there's also people who see GO as people walking around pulling stupid stunts for virtual pets

  20. I worked an eleven hour shift today. I'm too nice for my own good.

  21. You don't know what the face of regret is until you watch someone eat Flashbang Hot Sauce.

  22. Pokémon Go is also Darwinism at its best.

  23. Pokémon GO is just wonderful. There's a large group I'm part of for my area, and there's going to be a BBQ at a frequent lure stop at a historic site. We're talking 75+ people bringing food and stuff just to kick back and catch Pokémon.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Maelstrom


      Bringing people together. I just hope they improve on the system and add more features and activities. Else this all won't last for much longer.

    3. Bearadactyl


      They're definitely doing that, from what I've seen the next Update is going to add Trading; overhaul Gyms a bit; and overhauling Pokéstops.

      They're also adding Gym Leaderboards (Bad Idea IMO.) Other than that they're improving Progress Tracking and adding "Technical Improvements."

      From their track record with Ingress, I've got a bit of faith in their word.

    4. CodeCass


      This is so cool! I'm from Paducah, KY and there's always a big gathering going on at this one particular trifecta of lures. People are always selling Team decals and snacks there. Maybe I need to steal this idea and orchestrate some sort of BBQ! haha.

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