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Everything posted by Bearadactyl

  1. I've been listening to a lot of music I did when I was younger, don't know why I stopped listening to them in the first place. I missed Sevendust.

  2. There was a nickel sized spider in my shower. Safe to say I proceeded to freak out.

  3. That feel when you find an obscure band that is STILL active. Hell yeah.

  4. Mudsdale weighs more than a single Imperial Ton. And, nearly a single Metric Ton. That's... Mudsdale is only outweighed by two Pokémon, Groudon/Primal Groudon and Mega Metagross.

    1. ShadowStar


      I wanna see one get Grass Knotted in the anime.

    2. SnowGlaceon


      The bigger they are...

  5. I really like Taco Bell breakfast. But, I like sleeping in too.

    1. Sparky


      Not a fan of Taco Bell Breakfast

    2. Bearadactyl


      I like a nice, cheesy breakfast burrito.

      If it's not Taco Bell Breakfast, it's Dairy Queen.

  6. You and me will all go down in history, With a sad Statue of Liberty...

    1. Maelstrom


      Y U give up, fool?

  7. Its name is... Bewear. Fucking Bewear. I swear to fuck this Pokémon better have a horrific Attack Stat..

  8. I miss the Slim Jim Guy.

  9. Why do people rush? Like, why are people worried about getting things done RIGHT NOW; as long as they get done? I never understood that mentality of getting everything done as soon as possible. If it gets done at the end of the day, that's all that should matter; right?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bearadactyl


      I have daily routines that I completely freak out if I break from them; so I can understand to a degree.

      But, specifically I'm I guess trying to refer to people who get angry over things not being done immediately and not when the person doing them feels like it.

      Nothing personal for me, at least at the moment about this, but it's just something that bothers me I guess.

      I always just do certain things when I get to them after my specific routines are f...

    3. Bearadactyl


      finished and out of the way.

  10. I think my favourite book of all time has to James and the Giant Peach.

    1. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      My favorite book is To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee.

  11. I don't think I have ever seen a network force a show down everyone's throats like Cartoon Network has done with TTGO. Like, there's beating a dead horse and then there's this. It takes up a ridiculous amount of time slots, it is getting like a special every month. It's like they're trying their damnedest to get interest going for it; despite most people hating it with a fiery passion.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Shamitako


      Having spent most of my summer volunteering at the library, kids do indeed like it. You would not belueve how often I ask what they like and the first or second thing is "teen titans go"

    3. Sutoratosu


      Children these days know nothing of what a good cartoon was. I'm still wondering how much it took to convince the original voice actors to sell their souls...

    4. Bearadactyl


      I can only speak for my own experiences; most of the kids I know or speak with, their favourite current cartoon is Adventure Time or Gumball.

      I'm not big on go, for numerous reasons. Mostly due to the diluting of the characters, the creators jabs at older fans; and its gross over-exposure.

  12. My friend thought I was kidding when I said I keep a Broadsword in my car.

  13. So, Markiplier is a fellow Instinct. This pleases me.

  14. I'm officially known as that person who bought a Tablet for Pokémon GO in my town. That, and being an anti-bullying advocate in the groups I am part of.

    1. Maelstrom


      Are you bear sized? Being bigger than the bullies is an excellent way of showing them their errors. Trust me, I know.

    2. Bearadactyl


      I'm 6'3", so in public spaces when I'm present and stand... The bullying is not much of an issue.

      Yesterday there as a 40 year old man actually telling the college kids who play that they need to go home because they don't know how to play the game.

  15. I burned roughly 1300 calories playing Pokémon GO tonight.

    1. laggless01


      By stress of trying to catch that Zubat?

  16. Places in town are putting up signs telling people they can't play Pokémon Go; many of them on public property. They're not working.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Bearadactyl


      Well, the game is going to be updated and overhauled; that's already been said by the Niantic CEO; in its current state it's lackluster, but it is fun to get out and meet other Pokéfans.

      I like it more for the sense of community it brings.

    3. Sutoratosu


      Oh I know it will probably become more robust and worthwhile with added content as it goes on. Such is simply the nature of Mobile Apps (Well, the ones that actually give a damn about quality, anyway).

      But... here's my deal: Alot of the shit in the trailers? Nowhere to be found in the launch. Direct Battling and Trades with other players being the biggest of them.

      So... until I see them add in the things that got me excited and supportive about the project in the fi...

    4. Sutoratosu


      in the first place... my opinion will remain the same. Many enjoy as it is, and that's fine, everyone is entitled to their own point of veiw... well, that's mine, and I don't usually change them without convincing evidence that I should- which at the current time, I don't feel I have.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Maelstrom


      Do you really want the chicken hat though?

    3. Bearadactyl


      Hopefully THAT hat can go away.

    4. Sheep


      Next hattening is gon' be nothing but chicken hats, you watch.

  17. At the end of the day, the people have lost. And, it's fucked up.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bearadactyl


      Mostly the political and civil environment in the United States right now.

      It just feels like we're fighting a losing battle. Between the voter fraud with a mountain of evidence behind it; the man who could start the U.S's equivalent to the Third Reich if he had his way; and a criminal who got off, while also being in the pocket of multiple corporations... It feels like we have to decide between the lesser of two evils.

      The fight's not over, but it just feels...

    3. Bearadactyl


      like an uphill fight at this point. And, it's exhausting.

      And, that's only the political atmosphere here. Not counting the International atmosphere, particularly after Brexit.

      Then, comes the long list of civil issues. the Flint crisis is still a thing, people are being killed by the men and women who are supposedly supposed to protect them just because of how they were born.

      It's all just a giant mess.

    4. Lord Chespin

      Lord Chespin

      Well, I just try my hardest to be as kind as I can. It's all I can do for now, and as small as it is, at least it's something.

  18. "Mimikkyu's costume is based on Pikachu merch that was popular 20 years ago. It wants to be loved by people like Pikachu is."

    1. Maelstrom


      I shall love it as much as I love pikachu. I will drown it in napalm, just like pikachu.

  19. Remember, Rogues. There are no witnesses, if there is nobody alive to witness.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. starkidcosmo


      i feel guilty killing non aggressive animals even when theyre ratting me out

      plus blackguard armor is best armor

    3. Bearadactyl


      Guildmaster armour is better in my opinion; and you still need leather to improve it.

    4. Garnet.


      pacifist run confirmed

  20. It really just hit me how big GO really is. Like... There are people, adults and children out and about walking around trying to catch Pokémon. An almost comical amount in my town, all in to the late hours of the night. It's like over the past week, Pokémania has slammed in to the Earth like a giant Meteor.

  21. I have never in my life had a Squad until Pokémon Go. And, it feels good. Got my Squad, got my Crew, Got my Boys n' Girls, got my Pokémaniacs, got my Super Nerds; and Team Instinct has swooped in and drop kicked Team Mystic off of all three gyms. My CP 1700 Pinsir at the top of one of those towers. Makes me proud.

  22. So GO finally devolved to Physical Violence in my town. We have this Facebook group for it, and one of the players added was obnoxious; a complete asshat who was outwardly rude and elitst toward just about everyone. Constantly made fun of the other two teams he was not part of. Everyone was out doing their thing and he showed up and showed his ass to a physical group of people. My frined, officially tired of his shit, then proceeded to walk up and punch him square in the nose with enough forc...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Shamitako


      There is a time and a place for violence

      In this case, words clearly failed and thus actions solved the issue

      A lot of people miss that nowadays

    3. Edea


      Just like in the Pokemon World there's a Team Rocket grunt to defeat, it translates into a random jackass in the real word to puch in the face.

      I had a tiny little fear something like that would happen. And hey, it did.

      Look at this for example: http://fox2now.com/2016/07/10/st-louis-area-robbers-targeting-pokemon-go-players/

    4. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      I mean he might be an asshole but idk if violence was the answer. Just ignore the dude and remove him from the group before this.

  23. So, turns out the person who was dominating 2/3 of the gyms in my town was a ten year old boy. I gave him a high five.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bearadactyl


      What Yin said; school doesn't start here until the middle of August.

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      you gave red a high five

      never wash your hand again

    4. Cepheus


      well guess what? it's July here in germany also... end School is just about to end for holidays!

      JEEZ! I can't know about your school-periods in "non-metric" land :P

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