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Everything posted by Cloud

  1. Hi former admin of PBC Winter sucks Hai Vs. We know each other. Enjoy your stay and all that. Oh Cloud why do you insult me like this! After all the jiggling you made me do. </3
  2. Oooh.. Aaah... there, my constructive post for the day. Anywhoooo...~! Awesome, I like this. I'd like to say congrats to a well-deserving Eternal Edge for being promoted<3~ Along with that, the Ace Trainer status is surely something to look up to! I'll be getting some money very soon so I expect to donate to the site! Thanks for this, Ameeee~ Also I'm going to donate to Rime because he's just so cute <3
  3. Cloud


    Banned because your bans make no sense. rule broken, Tenshi go sit in a bag and rot~!
  4. Cloud


    Along with that, why is so and so banned here?
  5. Cloud


    How to challenge the league? How to use markdown like everyone else? ...Can't think of anything. QQ
  6. Hot Topic is duh bess. ...nice rape face. qq
  7. ...Ame's on Rodaku's Gender Change Potion thing, so he's a bit out of it. QQ Welcome and enjoy your staytaytay.
  8. I would be a Roserade. So stylish~ So obsessed~ So...me~!
  9. Winter iz a men0r qq Being a "men0r" boosts your self confidence kid ~Shady =)
  10. I would've picked Lapras over Jellicent for that reason, but I see why you did so. Lapras has Hail advantage, though. >> << I would Band Cloyster or Carracosta, since you need more power behind the Sash / Liechi Berry since you're just going to troll behind Trick Room. Otherwise, I think this is a solid team. ;o
  11. Listening to a mixture of Owl City and Avenged Sevenfold. ... I feel bipolar today, what can you do. <<>>
  12. Cloud


    Banned for having the greatest sigpic.
  13. I saw go to performing arts school and immediately liked you. Good luck, this looks cool.
  14. Hai, we're frans now.
  15. Actually, Allen, Suction Cups are better because things like Hippowdon and Skarmory can't phaze it out after setting up, therefore rendering Storm Drain the less useful of the two abilities. Solid team, that I can see. I might be missing something.
  16. Cloud


    It's the Aero you know. Tenshi's such a troll.
  17. Haii First post here in months. MY NEW STRAIGHT HAIR~! http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=374076709287371&set=a.151995664828811.30346.100000551352755&type=3
  18. That said, Bidoof sucks. Oh. Well, I'll leave my argument there.
  19. Anyway, guys, I believe there was a post we missed. I fully agree with this. With STAB Tackle / any normal move (mainly Frustration or Recover), not even Scraggy stops this monster of a normal type beaver. It absolutely devastates that LC tier. That being said, Moody is an unreliable ability, therefore, if it doesn't raise an offensive stat + speed or a defensive stat, it gets killed in a minimum of two moves. Now...onto Cincinno. Out of everything in the LU tier, Cincinno dominates them all, barring Registeel and a couple of other stragglers. Cincinno has a base speed that matches that of Azelf and Ambipom, both of which are UU or higher. It also has Skill Link, an ability it shares with Cloyster, that raises the hit ratio of multiple hit moves, such as Bullet Seed and Rock Blast that Cincinno gets all of. It absolutely dominates whatever it battles, especially in the lower tiers. Sure, maybe it balances those tiers out, but it should be moved up for the sake of having some competition in UU, as well as something to balance out UU's 'tanks.'
  20. Cloud


    Duh bess Mysidia Veteran. Hi, Aero.
  21. Originally, I was with a friend and we, along with their mother, went to a trailer that a neighbor had recently departed. We were scrounging around (a hick country thing we used to do...) and I found a Pokemon Crystal game. Brand new-ish, had a save file and all that. I turned it on in my GBC and found these...awkward looking creatures. Ever since then, Pokemon has been my life. I've never grown tired of it.
  22. Grr, so many rude people. > Welcome to Reborn, Lance. Have fun and joke around.
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