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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Cloud

  1. Aaaah, my download from yesterday still isn't done. :sad:
  2. If cold in Texas is 85 degrees, I'm sure as hell California isn't doing much better.
  3. Wait, I don't understand, Ame. Why wait until clans have activity before having a place for them? Like you said, having a suitable location for such things will warrant activity. If there's no place for clans, nobody knows where to post them safely without knowing if they can avoid the repercussions of possibly posting in the wrong place, or try to bet on whether or not they are even approved for such threads / activities. A clan forum would be the only way activity would even start in the first place.
  4. I'm sure I've battled this before. Really nice, man.
  5. my reply box is broken. most of my posts don't have half of what I say, and the typing is disabled on the quick reply. qq

    1. Maelstrom


      Yeah, happens to me too sometimes. I just hit the quick reply, then edit to finish what I want to say.

  6. Yeah, that Sandy Trainer Card is so Terra.

    1. Hyouka



  7. mmm, Easter left me in a daze.

  8. Comment if you love Harky's new avatar. \o/

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Poetic


      I like your avatar, Hark. So, make that 1045.

    3. Cloud


      Considering you posted twice, we'll count it as 1044.


    4. Poetic


      Sorry. My computer hates the status update thing. It won't let me update it and sometimes messes up when I comment.

  9. Are you a fan of metrosexual hipsters, or are you one to be mainstream?
  10. Volunteering to be a beta tester GO!
  11. I'll definitely request later. Lovely shop.
  12. How DID you feel when you first started, then?
  13. Oh, Julia... what have you done this time?
  14. If you had three minutes to do one thing in the world you've always wanted to do without reprimand or repercussion, what would you do?
  15. qq more, Cloud, they said. So I did. qq

  16. Just because it hasn't doesn't mean it won't.
  17. Your story of learning about anime is really quite similar to my own. Lovely~! EDIT: How do you feel about me possibly temporarily mimicking you with Suignitou avatars? :eek:
  18. Why so fluffeh? How did you get into anime? Why did you partake in the creation of Reborn? How did you meet nyu? How old are you not? List all possible answers.
  19. Draw me a picture of the whole Reborn family with me in the back giving at least two of them bunny ears. If you choose to accept this mission, do so in writing with a pencil and a drawing pad. If you do not choose to accept this mission, do so by accepting the first option. And god speed.
  20. Pity posts are the best. ;~; But yeah, I think it's pretty cool, in a sense. Heading over to someone's abode later today bcos bored. I really have nothing to write today since I'm a boring person, hence the reason nobody will ever comment here. I made this.
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