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The Awakened [OOC - Registrations Closed]


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We will, I just haven't had time to go through and update everyone yet. I should be able to do it today, though.

This makes me happy. For some reason Flux's RPs always keep me on the edge of my seat.

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Phew, finally updated. Sorry it took so long, I've been a bit busy and haven't had time for the long reply needed. I believe I got everyone updated, but if I missed you, let me know. (Snap Crackle Pop, your name isn't up there, but you're in the same place as Murdoc and the conversation is directed at him right now. If you would like Alice to say anything at any time, though, feel free to post it.)

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So, I was directed here as a good place to start on RPing on Reborn... And um, it looks fun. So if you're willing to have me...

Character Name: Cassidy Willows

Gender: Female

Age: 12

Ability of the character: Cassidy is a form of telepath. She's incapable of hearing others thoughts, but can fairly easily broadcast hers outward. Beyond this, she's capable of shaping the world of her mind around someone else' mind. Depending on the will of her target, she may be unable to do so much as form full sentences, or she may be be able to make them fully believe in the world she's crafted around them. If they're weak or prone to fear, they may even die of a heart attack or similar. Her will, and thus her abilities, become weaker as she becomes more emotional. This applies to all emotions, both positive and negative

Appearance: Cassidy is tall, approximately 5'6". Her skin is a medium tone, though she stays inside much of the time, so she looks relatively pale. Her hair is alternating brown and black streaks and reaches down just barely to her neck. Her bangs are cut short and hang just above her eyes, concealing them when she leans forward. She has a small pink barrette just on the right edge of her bangs. She wears a long black skirt going just below her knees. Her shirt is a white blouse with black speckles, she wears a black jacket with white speckles over it. Her shoes are grey sneakers with white and black lines running from the toe towards the heel on the sides, entwining with each other in intricate patterns, she wears the over black knee socks. Her nails are bitten down to nearly an eighth of and inch below the ends of her fingers, and they are often found crusted with blood or bleeding

Personality: In short, Cassidy has a gruesome outlook on the world. She sees only the darkness and negative in things. This causes her to hide inside her mind and ignore others, though her mind has become equally dark as the world she sees outside. She rarely speaks, preferring to hide in her mind until others go away. She wants the whole world to feel the pain she has felt throughout her life, and would give almost anything to make this dream come true

Background: Cassidy's life before the pillar was that of a normal schoolgirl. Well, normal insomuch as she went to school every day for her classes. the other students would hardly have considered her normal. She was always the girl off in the corner that everyone thought was a freak. even as young as six, she was oft ignored, even by her teachers. Her obsession with the negative and darkness grew quickly, and her mind became consumed with pain. Her powers appeared almost immediately after the pillar came up

She was in school at the time, hiding in her world and trying to ignore her classmates. Suddenly, one girl she was thinking about in particular screamed. The teacher asked what was wrong, and the girl responded that something had just attacked her. Cassidy tried concentrating on another student, a boy who had bullied her especially much, and he shrieked in terror as well. Soon she had the whole room in panic. One of them noticed her, and how she didn't seem to be afraid. She tried to ignore them, but they insisted that there was something wrong with her. At first she was angry, but then a new feeling overcame her, or rather, a lack of feeling. She felt nothing, and her accuser collapsed into a screaming ball, then abruptly fell silent. She concentrated on another, and another. One by one all her classmates fell into her nightmares. Until only the teacher was left. The teacher begged her to stop, but all Cassidy saw was the teacher's weakness and fear. It took nearly ten minutes, but she finally overcame her teacher's will

Nearly half an hour later, the door slammed open and a policeman came in. He found Cassidy sitting in the center of the room, the wriggling balls of her classmates all around her. The rest of his team followed him in. and they checked the children's pulses. Cassidy did nothing to stop them. Then, suddenly, she found herself falling asleep. In her dreams, she was able to see her classmates again. They were surrounded by the monster's in her dreams, some screaming, some crying, some looking silent and jaded. She watched them for a while, before her dreams finally fell away

She awoke several days later in her bed at home. Her mother told her that she wasn't allowed to go outside anymore. That whatever had happened had killed three people and sent half the school into a coma. But Cassidy knew she was in trouble, and that she couldn't stay at home. She gathered some things and slipped out her window early in the morning. She had to find whatever had caused this. She needed more power. She wanted to make everyone see her world, to feel her pain

Personality is sorta weak, will expand if needed

Will read through the RP in a bit, hopefully I'll be okay >_<

And apologies if my posts aren't of a proper length and structure, I'm relatively recently off a long break from RPing, and I'm not quite back up to the standard (Or forgive me for having high standards if Reborn's RP community has lower standards than I'm used to >_>)

Also, thanks Sarcus for your help ^^

Edited by MasterWeavile898
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Only things I will point out, is I really don't understand what ability does. Could I get a quick synopsis of it lol? (Like it doesn't mention you being able to kill others with it, but then it does something completely different in your background, so I am just a tad confused.....)

Otherwise, I think the problem of the personality is more that it doesn't give her much room to grow as a character, instead of not being a strong one. It might actually be too strong for the wrong reasons. She would have no desire to interact with any of the characters (the way I see it.), thus I believe it would be good to tone it down a little. SHe needs to be able to interact with the other characters rather than retreat away from them. I think you will have a lot more fun with her if she was just a bit looser in her rigidity towards other people. (not saying she has to be outgoing, because my character Viktor certainly isn't, but try to have a level where you are a bit of a loner, where you can actually interact.)

And welcome to the Reborn Roleplaying Forum, I am sure you will enjoy your time here. (and pretty sure FLux will let you in, but this is his RP, so up to him.), don't worry about being a perfect roleplayer too much. I am here to help out as well as many others.

Edited by Hukuna
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oh sorry lol. Now I got ya lol. (speaking of which I should probably move the Character Profiles onto the main post in Graterras, they are sort buried in there at this point).

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Lol, yeah, I picked up on that

Still helpful

I'll try to clear up stuff with the power more in the sheet in moment, but right now:
Basically, at its fullest (when she's faced with people with low wills, like a bunch of eleven to twelve year olds) it puts people in a nightmare like her mind. Thus, if they're prone to shock or fear, they could experience a heart attack or similar. It won't do that to most, normally they'll just get the second stage where they'll see flashes of frightful creatures and blood and knives and shit

Like I said, I'll edit it ^^ It kinda evolved after I wrote the power itself because it changed to fit what I needed for her to be who she is

And no worries, I may be out of it a bit, but I know how to play a reclusive character well. I just need to make certain she starts out encountering someone outgoing to make certain she has a conduit for interaction

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Alright alright, sorry Teacher mode doesn't really shut off for me around here, mostly since a lot are newer as of late. Glad to hear you are up to it then, go right ahead. (I have a thing for playing weird very off the wall characters, so not like I have any room to stop you lol.), Really looking forward to how she fits into the world.

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It's fine, trust me, I've done the same in the past <_<

Also, speaking of outgoing characters, anyone have someone who might be annoyingly persistent in trying to get her to talk? That'd be best for her to encounter early on. But I'm certain I can find someone that works if that's not a thing ^^

EDIT: Oh, and Cassidy can see the people she's got under her influence when she dreams. I should fit that into the power section as well probs >_< IDK where, I feel like I've run out of different words for and

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I would highly doubt either me or Ark's character would be good choices, especially after our, awkward as hell, basically staring contest. That and we are in a Government run group. I think Typh's character might be (it is hard to say, we got a lot of intersting types in here, but not so many of them are talkative outgoing variety, though, they could better answer as they are their characters and all.)

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sorry but I hope it isn't too late to join :/

Character Name: Jay "DG" Cordell

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Ability of the Character: Jay can create clones of himself, there can be several of them(Or even many) at a time, but if the copies experience any injury, they fade out of existence immediately after.For every copy of himself he generates with his ability, he has to split off a part of his conscious mind in order to control it, meaning that he can see and hear both what himself and the clone sees simultaneously at all times,but it would be a double edged sword; the more clones, the harder it becomes to narrow his focus on controlling any individual one, and if too many are generated, he could suffer from a sensory overload.

Appearance: Jay is about 6ft tall with dark brown eyes and hair and his skin is a dark tan. He wears a large black fur coat with shades and combat boots.

Personality: Jay is the jokester , he is quite childish while having an unreasonable amount of jokes up his sleeve , Jay is also gullible and very friendly. Jay is not the fighting type , and can become a coward in the midst of battle.

Background: Being a senior in high school , Jay loved to play video games and pull pranks.His dad was always gone while his mom took care of the house. One day while pulling one of his little pranks with his friends(teepeeing a house), the cop were alerted. Even though Jay and his friends all ran away in different directions, the cops happen to chase Jay instead since he was closer. While he was running he began getting a major headache and he began seeing doubles. He looked to his side and notice that he saw himself , looking at himself. Jay was not the only one puzzled , the cops also stood there confused too. Jay used this chance to run away back home. Not knowing of what happened. He constantly tries to create a clone of himself again.

Thanks to Stratos for helping me a bit with this one

Edited by TheRealSpark
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sorry but I hope it isn't too late to join :/

Character Name: Jay "BluJay" Harpy

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Ability of the Character: Jay has undergone a transformation into a harpy looking beast. He can fly and cut through flesh. His talons contain a very toxic poison that leaves his opponents paralyzed , Jay also can also carry up to about 130 lbs for 10 minutes while flying. The heavier the object , the shorter amount of time he can carry it.(people)

Appearance: Jay (given his nick name BluJay) has large bright blue wings on his back with charcoal colored scaly arms and legs with small black talons with an unusually long blue tail that is relatively sharp on the end.His hair is cut short with a slight blue look. Bright Yellow eyes and about 6ft tall with a darker set skin than most.He tries to conceal his wings and tail by wearing a large fur coat , his eyes with shades, and his feet with combat boots.

Personality: Jay is the jokester , he is quite childish while having an unreasonable amount of jokes up his sleeve , Jay is also gullible and very friendly. Jay is not the fighting type , and can become a coward in the midst of battle.

Background: Being a senior in high school , Jay loved to play video games and pull pranks.His dad was always gone while his mom took care of the house. A couple days leading up to his graduation ceremony he felt very ill and sore so he stayed in bed , he began turning a slight blue color. For those couple days he remained in bed , even missing out on his prank he set up for months during the ceremony. The same day of the graduation ceremony a pillar arose in the middle of New York. While the pillar arose Jay screamed for help in his bed, His mom ran to the room to see Jay on the floor . Jay's shirt began to rip as his wings started forming on his back , his nails growing sharper and dark scales appearing on his legs and arms. A tail started protruding from his lower back.

Jay's mom immediately ran downstairs to call the police. Jay ran after his mom and tumbled down the stairs , knocking him self out. He woke up a couple hours later at the foot of the stairs to notice that no one was home. He ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. He started to abruptly laugh at the thing he had become. Knowing of what he became he knows people will freak out if the see him like this , so he runs to his fathers closet and grabbed his large fur coat and combat boots. He also grabs his shades and heads for the door. As soon as he opens the door he is greeted by guns of the police.He slashes the hand of the nearest police official and sees the his hand excrete some type of green acid. He runs back indoors scared for his life. The police pursue the house to search for him. Jay heads for the back door while taking off his fur coat. Police start shooting at him when he enters the back yard. While carrying his fur coat he begins stores all the power in his legs and new wings and jumps trying to fly. Not knowing how to fly he crashes into the neighbors backyard. He continues this while dodging the bullets of the police and finally takes flight.

He flies to an abandoned warehouse and now resides there waiting for a friend...

The biggest issue I see in this is that you put down anthropomorphism as your characters ability as an Awakened...

Now, I'm pretty sure that Flux didn't have that type of thing in mind, seeing as how Awakened like this would really make no sense in the story (Speaking from the whole fugitive standpoint that all the Awakened have had to go through since their discovery, given that not drawing attention was pretty necessary to this, and well... anthropomorthic individuals tend to draw a crap-load of attention.)

though I may be wrong. Maybe he'd be...okay with it, wait for him to decide.

(P.S if he's not okay with it and would like you to change it, I can help you out if you have trouble thinking of another ability, just PM me.)

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Only thing I don't care for is the paralzation thing with his claws. It is weird for a bird-creature to have posion in it's talons. (Unless Harpies do, but I don't believe it is the case) but up to Flux, I think it is a bit too powerful for it to be Full Paralzation when there is no real cost to you other then having to get into close range, as even a small nick would cause the poison to hold. You have a lot of tools to get to people quickly, so I think it is a bit too powerful imo. Otherwise, really enjoy the character, glad to have ya aboard.

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I'll change it , Its my first time creating a character , I'm now thinking of an different ability like mitosis where it splits his different personalities or invisibility on the fact of how long he can hold his breath

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Actually, I've already begun to talk about it in the PM, but....

Maybe something like murdoc said?

A shape-shifter of sorts Perhaps a bit like the concept of it in G4's tv series "Heroes" For example, there's a Character on there who had the ability...


(further reading if interested)


I think this might actually be really interesting if it's allowed...

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