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Question regarding Vespiquen Crest


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I just got the Vespiquen crest but I'm kinda confused about its effects. The wiki says that every time I use Attack or Defense Order I gain a 50% bonus to attack or defense, I can understand that but i don't get the part where it says that it switches... Is the effect similar to aegislash stance swap? I'd appreciate any info, thanks in advance.

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The crest description actually doesn't say a lot of what is actually does.


First of all, switching from one stance to another can be done using any damaging move (switch to Attack Stance) or using any non-damaging move (switch to Defense Stance), and this is not restricted to Attack and Defense Order only.

The crest also add an Infestation effect to the Attack Order move.

It also provides a leftover effect to its holder (might actually only works in Defense Stance, I'm not sure about that...)


By the way, Vespiqueen, unlike Aegislash, enters the battle in Attack Stance (there's no notification of it on the screen though).

Edited by Awear
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