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Was Erin always such a Karen?


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I'm playing through the game again for V13 and I've just gotten to chapter 12 and Erin is absolutely insufferable. Was I not paying attention or was she always this bratty? In her first appearence in the museum she literally demands to see a manager and then proceeds to act like a monumental brat the next time we meet her. Nothing but sass, sarcasm and hissy fits. To top it off she then proceeds to smack Aelita if she wasn't unlikable enough.


Admittedly none of this is inappropriate or unwarrented. She is a teenager after all with a difficult home life thrown into some troublsome circumstances. Its just that for the life of me I don't remember her being this annoying the last time I played through. Its a huge contrast to the relative maturity of the rest of the cast despite their age.


My last playthroughs ended after dark future. So I want to ask does Erin get better or have an arc after the Aelita situation clears up or is this just her normal state of being?

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Huh?I dont think erin's dialouge changed from v12 to v13 atleast for the parts you mentioned. And yea she does have an arc in the last chapter which is insanely amazing btw dont skim through it.

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I think it did changed actually.. In v12 she ends up happy knowing she has a family and more open with her new found friends and in a blink of an eye she is being a total b**tch to Kanon for no reason.. She used to like "thinking logically" so it really is totally against her previous self to deny talking to Kanon about tactics, old Erin would 100% be on board with that because, logically, makes sense but she just goes "not interested" and it took me back a little.. Specially since I replayed the whole game, it feels like 2 different people at times..

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It seems that between V12 and V13, her personality was taken back a bit so that her growth could be more dramatic. I appreciate it. It's only a little jarring if you don't replay the previous chapters. 

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