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feedback on EV training room card change


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removing EV training in the early game makes this 1 billion times harder, if you dont have the patience to do EV-training without any help.

i dont like that change at all.

every 3rd boss fight requires me to do some kind of EV training if i want to win those fights.

a lot of wasted time with boring slow motion grinding...

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Nearly all of your pokemon will get outsped by the fastest enemy boss pokemon because of the lack of speed ev training. Also when every boss pokemon gets its moves boosted with field effects or seeds bulky pokemon cant really take any hits making them almost useless. On my intense run that I started when v13 came out it made the early game mind numbingly boring at some stages due to the lack of quick EV training. I ended up biting the bullet and fighting the oceana pier fletchlings about 500 times to max the speed evs on 4 pokemon. I guess it was useful for getting money as you can have your pickup pokemon in the other four slots. I found a decent attack ev training spot outside venam's gym fighting patrats and paras also. You've got to make use of dozens of different pokemon to make it past the early game, and you've also got to get creative. The negatives are that it takes a lot longer, but the positives are that you end up using pokemon you wouldn't expect yourself to use and you've got to strategize more effectively. Doesn't mean i agree with the change but I understand it (you don't just sweep with your max attacks max speed hyper offense pokemon).

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just use party debug for ev\iv, I think it's fair for intense cause it's a single player game, why should you spend tens of hours resetting and breeding? your enemies have it and ALSO fields, moves and items unavailable to you in their favor

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I don't think early ev training is necessary for normal or casual playthroughs. That said, it was a nice feature to have, and intense difficulty would be painful to go through without it. My main concern is that there is no indicator as to when they become available, which can screw over new players.

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i am on normal and without ev training there were some really tough fights.

especially if you have to switch your party members to match the opponent, then they have basically no EV at all xD


but that party debug thingy i can save a lot of time that i would normally spend on resetting and farming EV.

still a small line between saving time and cheating ^^

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Yes, Intense clearly overdid it with this change, early game is a complete hell and has zero respect to player's time. In the end i WILL EV train anyway since its the only opion, but it will take me 2 hours instead of 5 minutes. How does this enhance experience?

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