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Pokemon Aftermath #1: Assault on Eterna. (IC)


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October 1st, 21 AD.

Lucas stands before you, a large statue looming behind him.

"Alright, squad 3 accounted for. Let's get this started."

He pulls a Pokeball off his belt and depresses the button. A bright red light emerges, materialising into a black Pokemon with a long, flowing mane of muddy red hair. It's three-tipped hands oscillate as it stretches.

"Zoroark, please hide us from view."

The Zoroark glances at Lucas and closes its eyes. Around you, the air distorts, forming a wall until the outside becomes nothing but a blurry mess.

"Thank you."

Lucas reaches into his pocket and retrieves his Pokegear. Punching a few buttons, he rests it on the ground. A whirring sound fills the air, before a beam of white light shoots upward from the Pokegear, coalescing into a three-dimensional projection of White.

"White. We're in Eterna. Fill us in."

White smiles briefly, glancing at the Zoroark, before beginning.

"Good evening to you all again. As I'm sure you're aware, the objective of this mission is to secure Eterna as a forward base of operations. To avoid unnecessary complications, the conclaves must be eliminated first. To avoid them from aiding each other, the attack must be a simultaneous, coordinated strike on all four conclaves."

White shifts in her seat and adjusts her glasses.

"There are four conclaves in Eterna. One in each corner of the Town. Each conclave consists of four levels, with access between each level limited by acolyte rank. On the first level are the first-years, on the top level are the fourth-years and the conclave mother. To gain access to each subsequent level, try and persuade each acolyte to give you a pass. Only one should have it, so you'll just have to guess and check. If you can defeat them in battle, they'll accede to your request - provided they have the pass. It's one of the rules of the convent's power-based hierarchy. Naturally, the opponents will get tougher on the higher levels."

White leans forward.

"You may have heard of your ancestors battling against organisations similar to the Church of Dawn. You may have been amused by their tales of how the members of these organisations used pathetically weak Pokemon. Do not expect the same from the Church. Each of their Pokemon is highly-trained and dangerous."

White crosses her arms across her chest.

"And then there's the conclave mothers. Each of them is the strongest individual in their respective conclave. To make matters worse, they're protected by Dawn. Only one person may challenge the conclave mother at a time, or there will be...severe...consequences. Consequences from which even we, members of Team Dusk, are not exempt."

White gives you another weary smile.

"Well, that's all from me, at this point. When you've defeated the conclaves, meet back here and I'll brief you on the battle with Gardenia. White out."

The projection abruptly shuts off. Lucas gives Zoroark a nod, and the bent light returns to normal.

"That's that, then. Squad 1, you're taking the Southwestern conclave, near Eterna Condominiums. Squad 2, your target is the Southeastern conclave, next to the closed-down Pokemart. Squad 3, your target is the Eastern Conclave, just south of this statue. I'll be taking care of the Northern conclave. Rendezvous here once you've completed your task."

Lucas straightens his beret.

"Good luck."


Mission notes (READ THIS):

-The conclave acolytes all use fully evolved Pokemon at level 100.

-How the fights go is up to you. You control the NPCs for this part.

-That said, do try to keep it believable and interesting. Don't make it a complete stomp.

-The Conclave Mothers each use 4 Pokemon, which specifically are up to you, but don't just give them teams that you can win against effortlessly.

-Again, begin each post with your squad number.

-The battles with the conclave mothers should be challenging. Each of their Pokemon should warrant at least 1 decent-length post, with close battles, not stomps.

-Appearance of the acolytes: Conclave acolytes dress in completely black, skintight tops and long satin skirts, complemented by a grey hooded cloak, fastened by a clasp on the left shoulder with a blue sun motif. Conclave Mother wears a similar attire, except her cloak is white. Acolytes are 14-18 years of age, while the Conclave Mothers are 19-22.

For reference:

Squad 1: Color, Jory, Aruma, Odin

Squad 2: Aeon, Josh, Lupus, Kael

Squad 3: Daniel, Rin, Bereft

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Aruma listened to the briefing, but one part of her mind was still trying to figure out a plan. The more she thought about that, the more the situation looked complex...

From the depths of her bizarre clothing, she produced a map of the city.

People of Squad 1, would you please have a look a this?


When she was sure that all 3 her comrades were paying attention, she continued.

This is actully an old map, but still it marks the locations of the Eterna Condominiums and the now-closed Pokemart. And as you can see, they are awfully close. And if it wasn't enoug, they are also awully close to the gym. So yeah, if something goes wrong and we need to flee, we will find the site of Squad 2's operation, OR will will end straight into the gym. We are between a rock and a hard place, so we cannot just go there and kick some metaphorical butt. We need a plan, and we need it now. And I ned to know something more about your battling mentalities and the abilities of your respective Pokemon partners to figure out one.

She then realized that she was speaking like a boss, a person in charge of the mission, despite the fact that nobody had ever given her such an authority. She therefore quickly added

O-of course, if you want to... B-but it really seems to me that it would be the most clever thing to do in order to prepare a good strategy, don't you guys think so?

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Odin listened intently to the mission brief. They were tackling the southwest conclave - the one near the gym. She heard one of her squad members, Aruma, start talking.

"My, my.." Odin muttered. "She still hasn't even told us HER Pokemon.." Odin shook her head, clearing her thoughts. It was of no importance at this moment in time. "My partner is a Mismagius, and it's quite obvious ability is Levitate. My battling style is offensive support. It may not make sense, but it's my dub for it. I basically hep out when needed, and if it's not needed, focus on offense. Now, would you please inform us of your own Pokemon?"

(Sorry for le short post q~q.)

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"Get ready Leafeon we are going to be lopping off some heads today" Color light whispered, a smirk curling at the edges of her plump lips. She looked out towards the conclaves, her hand twitching for some action. With all the useless talk that the ebony-haired trainer was forced to endure, fighting was the one thing that she can look forward to. That, and spilling a little Church blood as well. Color giggled, delighted by the idea of a bloody massacre that followed her footsteps.

However, as she dwelled on her own thoughts, she trained her unseen gaze towards Aruma, catching bits and pieces of her formulated plan. It was clever, intelligent, and well-thought out. The fact that she even had an old map of the old city took Color aback. She hadn't seen one of those kind of maps since she left home. Her mama and papa carried one themselves when they were running the farm of Tauros, Miltank, and various grass-types to help out with the growing of their food. Riding from place to place was always important, especially since the family gained profit from selling their produce. Color sighed softly at the slight thought of her family. She didn't want to think about them right now. It was all about her and her Leafeon right now. This is why she left home. This is why she wandered the streets aimlessly,scavaging for food and killing other trainers for blood money, so she could find a place to sleep at night. It was to better the lives for everyone, especially her family. Her mama, papa, and seven other brothers.

"Brothers.." Color scoffed at the word. She hadn't seen any of them, especially Maximillian. He always had it easy. Money, Power, sharp intellect, a beautiful partner to battle and train with. She could already feel his words seep into her ear.

"A lady is suppose to know when to settle down."

"A lady is not suppose to run around in the dirt, and perform tricks. You are better than that baby sister."

"Isn't it time for you to settle down? You know nineteen is when potential husbands are looking for wives."

"Give it up baby sister. You weren't meant for battling. You meant for the life of a elegant princess. To be seen not heard. To spoil and have others serve you to your every whim, while your husband sits back and does all of the work. To have Pokemon as pets, not as battle partners."

"Feh, well look at me now. I've got yer lady." Color growled under her breath, while her Leafeon wriggled out of her arms and padded her trainers legs, before planting herself on top of the trainer's mary-janes. She looked back to Aruma, focusing back on her game plan and the task at hand.

"At this point since you are the only one that has a map handy, for now, I say go along with your gameplan. I'm not up for all that sneaking around and crap, but if I can at least take someone or something out, I'm all for it at this point" Color grunted, crossing her arms and looking out towards the entrances.

"Anyone disagree?"

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Squad 2

Aeon grinned with anticipation. It was finally time to take over Eternia. Despite the risks, this will get him closer to his REAL goals. "So, onward to the Conclave it is." After a small stroll through the city, they arrived at the footsteps of the Conclave. Aeon felt the hunger of Sedona, waiting to feast upon the members of the church, as he felt the same. "Not now Sedona. we must stay true to objectives." But he wanted to let loose. He could feel the hunger inside of him roar, the adrenaline making his body fidget, the sound of blood gushing and bodies cracking rang in his ears.

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Squad 1

Jory listened intently to Lucas's mission briefing, nodding at each piece of relevant information. This was by no means going to be an easy battle, but it would no doubt have to be a fast one. Luckily for Jory, that was what he and Shredder excelled at. Once Lucas stopped talking and Aruma began, Jory shifted his attention to the mysterious trainer. She was asking them for so much without offering anything herself, but Jory realized quickly the importance of having a plan. "Shredder, come on out," he says quietly as he presses the white button in the middle of the all-white Premier Ball on his belt. After a brief glow of red light, Shredder appeared next to Jory. "I agree wholeheartedly with your plan, Aruma. Just tell me what you need us to do. Shredder and I focus entirely on the offensive. He has the ability Toxic Boost, which will make him even more powerful if he gets poisoned. In addition, Shredder knows Swords Dance. If he can buy time to set that up, nothing can stop his Crush Claw attack."

"Zangoose!~" Shredder says emphatically, his claws glowing with aquamarine energy. A faint crackling sound emanated from them as Shredder swung his claw.

Jory turned to Color and grinned crookedly, his eyes lighting up. "Color, I know we were bickering earlier. But I need you to know that I have your back in this fight." Jory looks at the other women in his squad. "We all need to have each other's backs. And to do that, we need to know what we're guarding." He looks over at Aruma. "And that means telling us who your partner is."

Edited by Jory
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"Nyaa~" Leafeon's eyes glistened, watching as Zangoose skillfully manipulated a Crush Claw. Her own tail began buzz with raw energy. The veins of her tail began to take up a white hue as she hopped in the air, fluttering a couple of feet in the air. Color shook her head, blushing slightly under her curtain of hair, trying to pull off a menacing look. She only achieved of making her ownself giggle at Leafeon trying to show off her skills. They were one practically the same.

"Well, unless one of you guys have the Sunny Day on your side, that would help. Leafeon's ability is Leaf Guard, so if she is bathed in the sunlight, nobody can paralyze, poison, or put her to sleep. I have a feeling that the enemy may utilize status as their main weapon. You never know." Color chirped, suddenly hitting herself on the side of her head. "Oh! Leafeon's a tank. Like the majority of the eveelution family, she can take lots of physical hits. She knows Aerial Ace, X-Scissors, and Leaf Blade. And then in order to boost up both of her Attack and Defense, she uses Curse. It's pretty good if the opponent is really fast. She can focus in on her strength, while parrying and intercepting her enemy's attacks." the ebony-haired trainer bragged, pulling her fingers through her black mane as she spoke.

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Aruma was still pondering on the infos hr companions had given her, trying to figure out a gameplan.

This is... Not good. Definitely not good. Let's try and recap: we have bulky offense, all-out offense, and a bit of support from a source that doesn't really have a sturdy body, or better yet, doesn't have a body at all... And then there is Fluffy.

Aruma grabbed the Dusk Ball that was attached to her belt and showed it to the rest of the group.

I cannot call her out right now, because she would cause a huge mess with her Sand Stream ability, and well, causing a sandstorm in an urban area isn't exactly the best way to sneak into a city unnoticed... So yeah, a Zangoose, a Mismagius, a Leafeon anda Tyrannitar: I am not going to lie, this is the worst team I've worked with in my entire life, we will need to think out of the box to sort this out...

Aruma thought about it for a little more.

You know what? I think I've got it: just follow me ok? I will enter the ground floor of target building and... Well, let's say I will provide a diversion: when you see the occasion, sneak upstairs and get rid of the acolytes of second floor. Basically, I will provide cover for you so that you guys get to second floor: from there onward, you just beat up as many people as you possibly can ok? As for me, I will just secure the ground floor and then join you... Everything clear? If there aren't questions, I say let's do it!

And without waiting for an answer, Aruma stood up and marched straight towards the target building, leaving the rally point behind and assuming that her comrades of Squad 1 would follow her...

My next post will come on sunday night due to weekend duties! PLEASE, IT IS IMPORTANT: members of of Squad 1, feel free to do whatever you want untill I post my next move, but please DO NOT attack the building before I do ok? I have in mind something quite spectacular to provide cover for you all... Just trust me on this one!

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Squat 3

Our location is southward then. From the looks of a Drapion, Espeon and Gardevoir, Furcht is really the only physical attacker, and the others are special attackers. Maybe we should come up with some strategy for this.

Looking behind at Bereft and Daniel while she was still lying down on Furcht, Rin began to talk strategy with them. "So guys, Furcht has this nifty ability Sniper, and had Twinneedle, so we can snipe people on the first floor without them knowing a thing. And those who can take it will probably get poisoned too. After that well, we can attack offensively, but seeing as you both are psychic users that only play with special attacks, what can you do? I mean maybe one of you can hold our targets in place while me and Furcht just Cross Poisons them all and the other covers us, but I'm sure you guys would want part in the action too."

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Squad 2

"I suggest we have plan gentleman." Lupus addressed the group as they neared the conclave. "What should our plan be?"

Lupus thought to himself for a bit, he knew the security systems here. They were essentially tamper proof, so he wasn't going to able to hack them or brute force them in anyway. They needed to get the keycards to get from floor to floor since not only would trying to hack the systems make it obvious they were there, it would also prevent them from getting further up due to a lockdown system in place. Lupus tried to think of another approach.

"We may want to split up on the ground floor and the upper floors to locate the keycard, or we could assault them one at a time to keep a pokemon fresh for the upper floor. Like for instance I would take the 1st floor, Kael the second, though the order wouldn't matter."

"So any other thoughts, or ideas?" Lupus said in his dry, uninterested voice.

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Squad 3

"So guys, Furcht has this nifty ability Sniper, and had Twinneedle, so we can snipe people on the first floor without them knowing a thing. And those who can take it will probably get poisoned too. After that well, we can attack offensively, but seeing as you both are psychic users that only play with special attacks, what can you do? I mean maybe one of you can hold our targets in place while me and Furcht just Cross Poisons them all and the other covers us, but I'm sure you guys would want part in the action too." asked Rin.

"Most of Lenna's Attacks Special, and her ability is Telepathy, So she should dodge both of your attacks." I respond "I also have some disguises and passes I "was lent" while hidden from our foes. I would actually try to escape conflict until the higher floors."

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Squad 3

I see, so everyone is gloating about their abilities overlooking Pearl's.

"Listen, put me and Pearl on the front. Though she is a special attacker, she has access to the move Psyshock and her impressive ability Magic Bounce takes any type of status and entry hazard and throws it back at the enemy." Pearl waived her tail. I couldn't help but smile. "Not to mention she has an impressive moveset with great type coverage. We can take on anything, trust me." I looked at my teammates, awaiting their response...

BTW, Mega-Evos allowed? Because Mega Gardevoir is a MONSTER!

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SQUAD 1 - about 15 minutes later

It was a pleasant evening in Eterna. In the southwestern conclave building, the conclave acolytes of the Church of Dawn were doing what conclave acolytes of all the possible universes usually do in pleasant evenings: meditating on the order of casuality, staring at pictures of their Mistress Dawn, and gambling away their salaries in the infamous card game Cripple Mr. Onion. It was therefore quite surprising for them to hear the doorbell ringing.

It took quite a while to decide who should go open the door, also because the gamblers proposed to bet it on another round of cards, but in the end a young lady went to see who was there.


Aruma's theme: Etna Boogie


There was a girl wearing thick glasses and casual clothing. It was actually quite difficult to get a complete idea of her appearance, however, mostly because half her body was behind a huge tower of pizza boxes.

Good evening, I am from Eterna's Galactic Pizza. Did you order 12 pizzas with sausage, 9 with pepperoni and 4 with onion and anchovies?

The problem, of course, was in the fact that the human being is still an animal. And regardless of the supposed superior intelligence our race may have, a human will never manage to smell a trap in the concert of smells that usually comes from a tower of pizza boxes.

I... I don't really think the order came from here? I might be wrong, let me ask around... People, did we order pizza for tonight?

The general surprise delayed by a couple of seconds the inevitable choir of "no".

I am afraid there must have been a misunderstanding, we never...

A misunderstanding? a misunderstanding? And who is going to pay for all these pizzas? And besides, do you have any idea of how much this stuff wheighs? Let me at least put it down somewhere so that I can phone my boss... But I gotta tell you, he won't like this situation, and he will probably blame it on me... Are you really sure you never ordered these pizzas?

I am sure we didn't, and I am afraid I cannot let you in: you see, this is whereareyougoing?

Nice place you got here, it seems very... Cozy... Now, if you please could show me a phone so that I...

I told you you cannot get in! Don't you know who we are and what we do here? Everyone in town is supposed to know! Please get out, I mean seriously...

Ehi that's rude of you! First you cancel your ordination, and now you...

And the girl tripped. It was a very innocent-looking trip. She fell to the floor, causing a mess in the process with all the pizza falling everywhere. And somehow, a previously unnoticed Dusk Ball slipped out of her pocket and fell, and somehow it opened while falling. Four seconds later, the ball was empty on the floor.

And the room was full of a rampaging Tyrannitar.

Which by the way wasn't even the worst thing.

Now, for those who have never seen one, it might be the time to explain how an indoor sandstorm looks like: it is essentially like a regular desert sandstorm, the two main differences being that the sand and the wind come out apparently from nowhere, and that the forniture tends to be thrown around by the raging elements. And yes, an out-of control couch can be far more dangerous than an out-of control Tyrannitar, specially if the latter is only apparently out of control, while the former is actually free to hit you in the head at any time.

In short, the ground floor of the Church of Dawn building was soon a complete chaos. Which was exactly what Aruma wanted to achieve.


She shouted, urging her companions to get in before the acolytes could recover from the surprise...

Edited by Tomas Elliot
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Squad 1

Jory watched Aruma carefully, chuckling lightheartedly as she pushed past the acolyte with her comically sized box of pizzas. Surprisingly effective, Jory thought to himself with a grin. Suddenly, a flash of purple light shone in the door and a roar could be heard from inside the building. Jory snuck up to the building with Shredder immediately beside him and peered in the window. Aruma's Tyranitar was terrorizing the first-floor acolytes with... a... sandstorm? Okay then!

"NOW!" Aruma shouted, urging her companions to get in before the acolytes could recover from the surprise.

Jory hopped to his feet and, turning to his other squad members yelled, "What are you waiting for? Let's do this!" He pulled two pairs of Go-Goggles and a purple bandanna from inside his jacket, quickly donning one of the former over his eyes and the latter over his mouth. He put the second pair of Go-Goggles on Shredder and ran into the raging sandstorm. Acolytes were stumbling around, patting their pockets in search of the Go-Goggles they never thought they'd need. An acolyte stumbled in front of Jory with her Go-Goggles half full of sand and fumbled for her Poke Ball, still coughing from the sand she'd inhaled. "Shredder, Shadow Claw!" Jory shouted. Shredder nodded and sprang forward, his right claw sizzling with an ethereal purple energy. The acolyte screamed in agony and fell to the ground as her hand was separated from her wrist, the dying nerves causing her muscles to tighten around the ball. Jory and Shredder continued forward toward the staircase in the back of the open lobby.

Suddenly, Jory felt a sharp impact on the back of his right shoulder. As he fell forward he shifted his weight to his right side and curled his arm in front of him. When he landed, he absorbed the impact by rolling forward on his arm and carrying through the weight to his legs. Using that momentum, he continued his roll until he was right-side-up again and stood, turning to face his aggressor.

"Nice shot, Simisage," the acolyte said with a sneer. Shredder locked eyes with the Simisage and hissed, baring his fangs and raising his claws. The Simisage screeched its retort, beating its chest and firing a Bullet Seed into the air. "Now let's finish them. Simisage, use Dig!" the acolyte ordered. His Simisage dug under the floor as the acolyte laughed. "You'll never dodge this one!"

I chuckled and wiped some sand from my jacket's sleeve. "That's cute. Shredder, keep an eye out for that Simisage and use Swords Dance." Shredder looked at me and grinned, crossing his arms and closing his eyes. Three blue phantasmal swords appeared around his head. He opened his eyes and let out a loud "Zan-goose!" I smiled and looked at the acolyte. "It's go time."

The acolyte pointed at Shredder. "Simisage, destroy him!" she shouted. Shredder backed up three paces and Detect's signature glint lit up his eyes. Suddenly, the ground under Shredder began to expand upward. As if the rest of the world were moving in slow motion, Shredder preemptively sidestepped the Simisage's attack and leaped toward the wall. The Simisage surfaced just as Shredder's feet left the ground, its fangs out as it rocketed directly up and out of the ground.

"Shredder, use Crush Claw!" I commanded as Shredder approached the wall. He turned his feet toward it and, like a bullet from a gun, sprang back off of the wall toward the Simisage. His claws began to crackle with a blue-white energy. As he reached the acolyte's Simisage, the Grass-type monkey landed and turned to face Shredder, who swung his claw and rotated forward. He landed on his feet roughly five yards behind his foe. After a couple of seconds, the Simisage fell forward, a pool of blood emanating from the two parallel gashes across its chest. The acolyte ran to her Simisage and began shaking it, then pulled a Hyper Potion out of her pocket. That was the last thing I saw before Shredder and I turned and made for the stairs again.

After running past nearly a dozen more acolytes and cutting down two of them, we reached the steps to the second floor, looking back at Aruma and her Tyranitar and watching the rest of our squad make it through the first floor.

Edited by Jory
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Squad 3

"Alright I have a plan, so tell me if you want to go through with it; first we get into the disguises and infiltrate the building and try sneaking in without causing too much problems, then when we get to a higher floor like maybe the second or third floor from the top or until someone notices us we'll attack. While doing so, if they have their pokemon out I can bring along Drapion and leave some Toxic Spikes for later on the stairs. So when we attack lets put you and your Espeon in front to just clear a path for us, you and Gardevoir can just attack anyone in the way of Espeon, and me and Drapion will stay in the back and just attack anyone who comes from the back as reinforcements since the only way up is through the stairs and they will have no room to battle in especially with the spikes in there. And if there is an elevator, Drapion will just cut the ropes and that will be the end of that."

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Squad 2

Josh was annoyed, why did the Church of Dawn actually have to learn things. He may have been out of practice with messing with them but they actually updated there security from then. Mainly fixing the flaw with the air systems that he would use against them. "This is going to be tougher then it use to be." He thought to himself.

Lupus was right they needed a plan. "Bruiser is not the best to have in tight areas he may be strong but he would not have the room to move around the indoors as the other three. So the best bet would have those three handled the indoor rooms well saving mine and Bruisers strength for the top. Bruiser would have the best bet to deal with multiple Pokemon in a row given he can heal himself and has a lot of moves to cover most of his weaknesses though there are still a few that may cause a problem." Josh thought to himself.

"You know the best bet would bet to have you guys handle the indoors. After all Bruiser is not the kind of Pokemon you want in small areas he is quite wide after all and I think that may cause some problems for your Pokemon if they don't have as much room to move around in after all. So if you guys handle the first three floors i will take the top if that's okay with y'all. No offense or anything i am quite sure all your Pokemon are very strong but Bruiser is probably the only one here who does the best in a long battle because he can heal himself and has a lot of variety in his moves." Josh says to the others in the group. " Though a plan is all well in good but we really need to get in first. After all its probably not going to be easy for a group of guys to get into anything to do with the Church of Dawn. My usual way that i would use is not possible anymore with the security up-grades that the church has now. So you guys have any ideas? Other then blasting down the door which is really loud. I really can't think of anything to do that won't stand out like that." Josh said well staring at the building in front of them.

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Squad 2

Aeon was been considering Josh's plan. True, such a large Pokemon he has would not enjoy the tight corridors of the conclave. He also considered the fact that these men had very little experience in the art of assassination and stealth. From personal experience, Aeon knew that group missions were more tiresome then solo missions(often it was that at least one person was killed). However, killing and taking their uniforms was too risky of a tactic, as A) Killing was established as a no-go and conclave the members are nearly female. So..If we can't make ourselves a part of them, then we could disguise ourselves to be their allies.

Aeon looked at his allies. "This may sound too risky..but I've seen it work." He had taken out a journal, filled with pages of his experience as an assassin.

4-23-21 AD

I had joined forces with Dr. Fuji and Erica of Celadon City Gym to remove the Church from Pokemon Tower. We still haven't heard of Lt. Surge or Blue's progress on the search of Red, but I'm sure the men WILL succeed. Red is vital in defeating Dawn. Morty is off honing his power with Sabrina on Mt.Silver, with varying success. Perhaps the liberation of Kanto and Johto will take a long time, but for now, Pokemon tower is our target. Cretins..to defile the very souls of the countless Pokemon resting in peace. And to refuse entry for their masters and friends..ugly..too ugly to let live. I must assassinate the Admin of this Squadron, while disguised as a prisoner. My bounty in Kanto is not as high as in others such as Kalos or Orre, but enough for the police to drop his coffee if he saw me. Speaking of officers, Erica and Fuji plus two loyal Kanto officers will be escorting me to see the Church members. With the tower acting as their base, all authority is run by that squadron, which looks over Lavender town all the way to Fuchsia, excluding Saffron City. That is enough reason for them to turn me over to the members there. Now again for my objectives primary objective plus others by request or personal wishes
1. Kill the Admin of the Church residing in Pokemon Tower
2.Remove Church presence from most of east Kanto.
3. Free the prisoners that the Church took, namely Giovanni, the former Gym Leader of Viridian and Head of the Kanto Leader Department, and Bruno of the Elite Four
4. Acquire the datalogs of the Church
5. A personally requested one, find this little girl's father among the prisoners. Apparently a scientist of Sycramore too,,

4-24-21 AD
Mission was a success. I had infiltrated the Tower under the guise of -A Rank criminal "Youngster Joey." I had taken my time in this mission. Waited until they locked me up in the basement, and broke out using the gravestone of a Magikarp(must make my amends) to break my bonds, thankfully due to the razor-sharpness of the stone edges. I left no church survivors, nor did Sedona allow them to leave. Swords Dance Pursuit and Bullet Punch always does the trick. I confronted the Admin one on one, his name being Petrel. No matter, my claw slashed his throat.
After looking for a while, I found the prisoners, Giovanni and Bruno among the surviving ones. However, the child's father was dead.He was tortured using electricity from his Manectric, in which they did away with soon afterwards. When I told the girl, my heart wrenched. Even the most sadistic assassins have a heart. We are people after all, it just depends how much hope we have left in ourselves. And that girl..it was as if I looked into a mirror. However, she surprised me. She hadn't cried, but looked like she was going to. She just hugged her Electrike and smiled at me. A girl, only of eleven years of age.. that strong heart..that warmth.. I really did look into a mirror, one that saw the past. She thanked me with giving her Elektike to me. Unfortunately, adept in the battle I may be, I was not given the rights to have a new Pokemon due to my battles being murders than just a plain battle. But I did promise I'd take it once I have the sufficient battles. So in compensation, I got a copy of Prof. Sycramore's notes on Mega Evolution and research on Church affairs in Kalos. I've known since Fallorbor Town that Scizor was a canidate for this process..but man is this list impressive in a way. I had parted ways with her, never forgetting that promise.
Next was Giovanni and Bruno. The two had joined forces to put an end to the Church. Luckily, they haven't been reported yet, so they aren't escaped prisoners in public. Can't say the same with many of the others locked up in there, but we have shelters. Reliable shelters. Devon Corp. can vouch for that.
As for the datalog, there was some interesting things. First, the goal of taking Pokemon Tower was so that they can aggravate the souls of the Pokemon until the balance of the Tower was destroyed, causing the dubbed "Turnback" effect. The "Turnback" Effect is created when the mystic powers of an area is thrown off balance, in which the souls cry out to safety, and by controlling the souls, the church could make it as serious as possible. This is causes a pseudo-distortion effect that opens to the Distortion World. Most likely, they are trying to harness "it's" power. On a side note, Petrel became intrigued with catching a good powered Gastly for Dawn, perhaps due to the Mega Evolutions. Then he could be promoted to Commandant if he impresses. Too bad for him I guess. Finally, Dr. Fuji had given me his own notes plus the reward money. The notes were on Mewtwo, in which is targeted by the Church.
In the next few months, the boss will send me to the Sinnoh liberation front, known as Team Dusk. There, I take on Dawn head on..
Time to start with the team practice.

Reward: Sycramore Notes, PT Church Datalog, offer for Elektrike, Fuji notes, and $350,000

"So..that is our plan. Josh will play bait to fight the Mother, we guys will bind you, disguised as police, and get the access to get up top. And don't worry..I know how to work ropes and cuffs. I have a contact in the International Police force who could give us permission for obtaining outfits. Also, even though this happened months ago, no official record of the break out was ever recorded. The Church has no idea how an intruder was able to get in. So regulations on that is all-time low until we get found out. And I know that all captured convicts go to the mother first, though permissions for the police to follow are required. But battling our way through can allow them to respect us at least. Any objections?

Edited by Lunar081
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Squad 2

Kael nodded, the plan seemed good enough to him. "And Kaine, Lobo, and Aeon's Scizor can hold back Dawn's cultists when the battle with the Conclave mother starts up. It'll be easier to deal with them in a hall or on a stairway--no chance of their pokemon sneaking up behind us or anything like that." Kael added, running his thumb and forefingers over Kaine's dusk ball.

((Pft, I suck at this.))

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"I agree with the plan, it is sound." said Lupus in his typical uninterested tone of voice.

There's a lot more to this Aeon than I previously thought. Lupus thought to himself. He isn't just a simple killer, there is a reason for his actions and he is not just some sociopath. I wonder how the others are doing, they seem to lack an experienced member on their teams, not sure why Lucas put all of us on this team, all of us seem to be the strongest of this group... The ones who have faced the darkness, and lived to tell the tale, Aeon actually facing the church himself. My trying moment had nothing to do with the church....... but it will stay with me forever. Hmmm, maybe Lucas is testing the others. Maybe he knows that they are fresh to this world and don't understand what grim forces they face.

"Well, let's get this show on the road gentleman. My mother always said I looked good in a uniform." Said Lupus with a small laugh under his breath.

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Getting the disguises wasn't hard, as the police would much rather have Dusk reign over the city than the Dawn. Not only that, but the chief of the department was brother to the chief of Slateport's Police. He felt obligated to assist his sister's avenger. After a few minutes, the group got into their outfits (poor Josh was uncomfortable with the handcuffs) and then headed off to the church's door.

"Who are you?!" said a voice of a church member. "Tell us your business here." A man in his 30's walked up to the woman, with his black trench flowing from the wind blowing in. "I am Ryuu, a private investigator." The man showed his ID badge to the woman. "After some few drinks, I caught this man snooping around, and reprehended him." Ryuu then showed the woman a small black package, a C4 explosive, with a crescent insignia on its front. "This man is a part of a terrorist group no doubt, and the explosive weapon is real enough. Luckily, he hadn't made a commotion before we stopped him. Ryuu then gave the C4 to one of his apprentices. "So, as an authorized personnel, I wish to take him to the Mother." "Not so fast, geezer," which internally hit a nerve within Ryuu. "You think if I'll just let you waltz on by without MY permission?! I don't think so buster..Draw your Pokemon!"

Play if you want to. Doesn't matter to me


"How rude..Very well, I accept. William, please hand me my Pokemon." The apprentice wearing dark blue gave Ryuu an Ultra Ball, though more shiny than your average one. "Alright..let us begin."

"Oh you will so regret this old man. Come on out, Rhyperior!" She threw the ball in the air, and came down a huge pile of rocks. (I just hope no one else heard it) "Hmph, come my comrade!" A Scizor leaped out of the ball, and nearly did a pose, before straightening up. "Huh? Your Scizor acts strange, but no matter, because it is going to suck." Bile rose from Ryuu's stomach. (As if your Rhyperior was not hideous) "Are you done talking, girl?" Thus the battle commenced.

"This is gonna suck for you, Gramps. Rhyperior, use Rock Polish!" The monstrosity suddenly became bronze in sheen. "I guess that is one way for something like that to..Never mind. Now my friend, BEGIN!!" Scizor started doing a mesmerizing dance with its claws. "What the? This is a BATTLE, geezer, not tango! Rhyperior, use Rock Blast!" From its arms, the Rhyperior let off two boulders, hitting Scizor for considerable damage. "Skake it off with Roost." "HAH! You think healing is gonna do justice? You think you can play the defensive?! AS IF!! This thing is BULKY AS SHIT, and hard like Solid Rock! No way that scrawny thing can hurt me!" "We will see..return to formation!" At that command, Scizor returned to dancing. "YOU MOCKING ME?! THAT IS IT! RHYPERIOR, USE SWORDS DANCE!! THEN USE ROCK WRECKER THE NEXT TURN." At her command, the Rhyperior set up a swords dance, and charged straight at Scizor."..Now." In a burst of speed, Scizor cleanly punched though the beast. It was knocked out. "What?! HOW?!"

Ryuu had stepped fowards, patting Scizor's shoulders. "Perhaps you should get better eyes, as it was obvious that those "Tango" was really Swords Dance as well. You let overconfidence get to you, child. That, and your pitiful Rhyperior." Ryuu had walked towards the injured Pokemon. "There, there. I understand. You are owned by a horrible trainer, I know. And you wished to not fight with her."

Ryuu stood up, straightening his tie. "Well then, I presume you hold the pass?" "Yeah..whatever, I lost. Just follow me and I'll use my card." ("How convenient," Ryuu thought.) "Hmm..Well then, William?" Suddenly, one of the apprentices grabbed her arms from behind with a hand covering her mouth. He then slipped a pill in her mouth, causing an unconscious state.

"That was good work men. We were fortunate that she, of all people, would have a key card. But do be warned that the other floors will most likely be more tougher."

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While I was Thinking who to respond I caught a glimpse of a Gliscor, it looked like it was spying on us. I wasted no time in reacting.

"Icy Wind" I yelled on instinct. Lenna came out her Light Ball and the air was getting cold.

"A direct hit" I exclaimed loudly. Suddenly a crowd full of Church of Dawn members gather around us.

"We are in deep trouble now." I thought.

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Meanwhile, in the southwest Church building...

Aruma smiled seeing Jory reach the stairs to the second floor: apparently her plan had worked to perfection... However, there was still something she wasn't satisfied of: while fending off the members of the Church who had started recovering from the surprise, she couldn't help but notice that two of her companions were missing...

Jory, where are the others?

She shouted at the other member of Squad 1, hoping to be heard over that chaos...

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Squad 2

Josh tried to rub his wrist well they where cuffed. Not only were they rubbing his wrist raw they where also making it harder for him to walk his usual speed. "I hope that Aeon and the others can get us to the Mother without anymore interruptions. If we take to long our cover will be blown and if that happens we might have some trouble if I end up stuck in these." Josh thought to him self

"Okay guys lets hurry up and get past the next few floors. The faster i am out of these hand cuffs the better i will feel." Josh said in a whisper as the group headed up to the next floor.

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