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Roserade vs Venusaur


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So, given the choice between these two grass/poison types, which mon would you put on your team?


Roserade seems particularly interesting, imo, because it fits the hard-hitting glass cannon style my team centers around. It also learns a lot of diverse moves, such as toxic, shadow ball, extrasensory, dazzling gleam and toxic spikes, that venusaur doesn't learn.

On the other hand, having a bulkier pokemon that might eventually mega-evolve might balance my team a bit more. Moreover, it's got better stats overall, and it can learn Amnesia through breeding, and its mega ability, thick fat, would effectively drop the number of weaknesses down to 2.


Interested to hear your thoughts on the matter.

Thanks in advance!

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I can't necessarily speak for Roserade directly, but in my experience on Intense the Grass/Poison typing never would have worked without Venusaur's bulk. A lot of the things you want to use it against OHKO and outspeed Roserade comfortably (lots of fast physical attackers in the late game, and some Water Surface/Underwater fights where Ice Beam can't OHKO 252/0 Venusaur), or are slower than an uninvested Venusaur anyway (and thus would fare better against Roserade's inferior bulk). Also worth noting that Venusaur has far better physical bulk even without HP investment, and only has 10 less base Speed and access to Chlorophyll.


Roserade is a good (Toxic) Spikes setter though because of its faster Sleep Powder, and Strength Sap is some neat tech Rejuvenation gives it that might let it run a fast support set that weakens physical attackers and sets up on special attackers. It also has some use in Rain as opposed to what Venusaur does in Sun, since it gets Weather Ball which lets it hit Fire types as well as the many Ground/Steel and Rock/Steel types (Venusaur uses Stomping Tantrum/Earthquake for those but Roserade doesn't get any Ground moves).

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personally as much as i prefer roserade over venusaur i gotta recommend venusaur as while it doesnt get as "diverse" a movepool as roserade imo it makes up for it with its sheer bulk

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