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Things To Do After Beating v10 *SPOILERS*


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So to recap the storyline: You prevent somebody from killing themselves. You screw up the timeline, so you have to go back in time and let that person kill themselves. :/ Woah.

Since me and a lot of others are experiencing a major snow storm, I finished the game super early and am just listing things to do in the post game of v10. Theres not a lot of things to do :/ but there are a few things you can still do.


1. Cherry Tree (Credit: *Dev* Ice Cream Sand Witch): If you go back to Sheridan Village in the past, you can chop down that cherry blossom tree that resulted from the death of Vivian. Now where else were there a bunch of cherry trees? Route 3? Hmmm..... I wonder what happens if you go back there after chopping the tree down? Actually there is a building where you can get research notes (key item). However, leaving the building crashes your game and there will be a patch out tomorrow or today. 


2. Replanting the Cherry Tree (Credit: *Dev* Ice Cream Sand Witch): Rethought your actions and have regrets on chopping down this significant tree? Fret not. Because if you just interact with the broken tree again, you can replant it and restore everything to normal. :) You can go back to Route 2 after replanting the tree and give the research notes to some guy blocking an area and he will unblock the way, which will let you catch Flabebe. 


3. Spiritomb Event: If you go into Darchlight Woods and talk to people 30 times exactly (WILL RUIN IF YOU GO OVER 30) and bring an odd keystone in order to get yourself a Spiritomb, which isn't that good of a pokemon anyways. :/


4. Carnival Games: Just like the Agate Carneval from Reborn, this is the same thing except its in Rejuvenation. It has all of the same games except the a fish tank game. 


5. Darchlight Woods: Yes I know, the place is really annoying if you do not have repels but theres new areas in the woods to explore that are completely unrelated to the storyline for v10. So I would check it out. Theres even a small bunker that you can fall into with absolutely nothing inside it. :/ However, there is TM Leech Life if you want it. 


6. Continuation of the "Missing Children" Sidequest (Credit: DreamblitzX): If you go to the police station, you can continue the side quest that involves Dylan and the robot girl. You continue up until it tasks you to enter the Scholor District. 


7. Gearen City Glitch: If you enter Gearen City and keep going east, you encounter a glitch where the game repositions your character to walk into the building sprite and put you into a softlock. According to the devs, they are putting out a patch but I still wouldn't recommend doing it until then. 


8. Seabound Cave: Around Akura Town there's new area to explore. You can enter Seabound Cave, which has an ice puzzle leading to nothing, but does hint that it will be explorable in future versions. However, there is a guy who says that "a cave should be around here, not Seabound Cave, but another one, that he will 'find' some day." Now this might not seem like anything to you but I think I know what Jan is trying to hint out. *cough* regis *cough*. Since its snowing in the background, I have every reason to believe that its Regice. Now we just have to do the relicanth thing :/









I'm sure that I'm probably missing events so please share down below all the stuff I missed out on :] #frenz

Edited by xPhinGaming
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I think most of that darclight stuff like spiritomb was in V9 actually.

one new thing you can do is continue the ANA sidequest in GDC by going to the police station

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Theres a squirtle in the Aquamarine Chamber

The 9 Badge door in the Wispy Ruins Contains a Gastly

Theres a secret puzzle in Darclight caves (where you get the mirror if your a new player) the back of the bookcases tell you what to do but I think its bugged right now


Edited by LeoYT
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actually you get a lapras in the seabound cave (the one that start with water) you need to turn it to ice field then break it with EQ/bulduze. as far as the other seabound cave part there is nothing yet (one need waterfall and the other is either bug or there's just nothing yet for V10)

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  • 2 months later...
On 3/21/2018 at 11:25 PM, xPhinGaming said:

So to recap the storyline: You prevent somebody from killing themselves. You screw up the timeline, so you have to go back in time and let that person kill themselves. 😕 Woah.

Since me and a lot of others are experiencing a major snow storm, I finished the game super early and am just listing things to do in the post game of v10. Theres not a lot of things to do 😕 but there are a few things you can still do.


Melia (or in My case, Raiden would be more fitting), What have you done? You've changed the future!! You've created a time paradox!


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