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2 minutes ago, Trufa said:

@Ainz Ooal Gown Why would I? I'm the one bothering people here. I think I'll pass it. I'll come back to breeding by myself and stop whinning about it taking too long.

No, it's fine, it's fine. But try to breed yourself first before asking and try to not ask too much. There's a guide in this forum somewhere to speed up breeding using Cheat Engine. Don't forget to use Power Items and Destiny Knots to guarantee IVs.

Edited by Ainz Ooal Gown
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Hello, Zarc and Co! I have a few requests for some Pokemon. But before I get into that, I'd like to ask if you guys have a list of Shiny Pokemon available. I know that Shiny Pokemon got updated looks, and I'm curious to see if you've got a list of some really cool and unique Shiny Pokemon. If not, no worries! I am just curious, and since I've done a few trades with y'all before, I thought I'd ask if you've got any info on some of the more interesting Shiny Pokemon.


Anyways, on to business: I'm looking for a Deino, a Timburr, a Bergmite, a Phantump, a Binacle, and a Misdreavus. I know that is a lot of Pokemon to ask for, so I'm hoping to just snag one or two of them. Whichever of these are the easiest for you to obtain. If they can be shiny, I'd be really happy~ (Of course, this isn't required if it's too much of a hassle.) They don't have to be perfect IVs, either, and they don't need egg moves.


That about does it. If any of these Pokemon can be obtained, I'm happy to do some trading for them. I do have a few Shinies I can trade (Shiny Slugma, Delibird, Throh, Sawk, and Tranquill), or I can do some breeding and trade a Rotom or a few starters that I have. Anyways, thanks a million in advance!



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@Rowigrath I have some 5 IVs shiny male phantump right on touch, have some female but not shiny. I can also breed a good IVs misdreavus if you want, not a good shiny garanteed, but I can breed a shiny if you want too. I'm looking now for a Charmander, Axew, Gastly and Magikarp (I don't know if @Hooligan was able to breed the last one for me : P) if you have any of them, it would be much appreciated, if not, you can give anything you have ^^

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I do have a Charmander I can give you. It's a Modest Charmander with Solar Power and Pokerus. It also has Outrage. I also have 2 Shiny Basculin that I'm more than happy to trade as well: One is Adamant with Mold Breaker, the other is Timid with Reckless. A Shiny Phantump would be awesome: I don't mind the gender at all. As for the Misdreavus, I don't mind if it's good IV or not, nor if it's Shiny or not. Whatever is easiest for you to get is more than fine by me. I don't have a Gastly, Magikarp, or an Axew, but I could see if I can find one.

Edited by Rowigrath
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Looks like a good charmander, it doesn't need to be this good though, I'll use it for other purposes, but no worries. I can get that basculin as well, any one, or any other pokemon you have. I'll start breeding the misdreavus now, I'll call you when i'm done


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Sounds good. I'll just breed a spare Charmander for myself, for future trading. I don't plan on using a Charmander or it's evolutions at all, so it's no biggie. I'm glad to give it to you. And I'll give you the Basculin with Mold Breaker, if that's alright: it's probably a better ability for it regardless. I'll also keep on the hunt for other Shinies for trading to you guys as well: might as well help contribute to your ranks of Pokemon and whatnot!

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Rowi is my username. And I did get a better Charmander that might work better for the Outrage move it has. It's Naughty, as opposed to Modest, and it's IV for Attack is 25. I can also give it Solar Power, if you wanted that instead. Which one would you prefer?

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