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Fire Emblem on the Forums: Prelude of Chaos [IC/Reroll]


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Glenn takes a look at the ongoing commotion. He sees the archer girl, apparently named Lillie, being rescued by his other teammates. Great. Another one of this group fell to some lowly bandits. He glances at Yullen, the social knight, who was rescued earlier also after sustaining some injuries. He sighs as he remembers what they did to merit their wounds. It's not bad to be headstrong and all, but at least do a better job of it and don't fall down in battle.

Glenn moves closer to the group, preparing his Elwind for possible enemies to blow away. He situates himself behind Alunda, the nun, and attempts to initiate a conversation. "What is your reason for joining the rescue team?"


Glenn moves to L12.

Edited by Monsieur Divergent
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Kayde is annoyed by everyone's hateful remarks.


"Pfft, you are all fools." he mutters.

He looks over to Gaillardia.

"YOU THERE! Give me your weapon."


Trade Iron rapier with Gaillardia


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Looking up from Lillie -- who looks a little better off now, thank the Goddess or whoever -- he raises an eyebrow at the swordsman. "Uh, are you crazy? Give me one good reason why I should hand this over to you." He rests a hand on the rapier that the woman in the house had given him. A family heirloom. That kind of thing . . . he'd feel bad just passing it around.


Besides, this guy clearly has some problems, and he doesn't really think it's a good idea to be giving more weapons to someone who's already so kill-happy.


On the other hand . . .



Gaill looks past him, up towards the houses to the northeast. "On second thought, you're going after the big fish up there, right? Tell you what. That guy has a speedwing that I could really use. I'll trade you the sword if you bring that back for me."

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He can't say he really plans on throwing all his chips in with this guy, shady as he is ( is he really on their side? ). But at least he can say he tried. Still somewhat reluctantly, he parts with the rapier. "Yeah, don't go conveniently 'forgetting', then. It's a deal."


Trade Steel Rapier to Kayde.

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[Enemy Phase]


Myrmidon B moves J10 and attacks Kayde


(Kayde is lusting for battle)
(Kayde's Blade is superior)
(Kayde will attack twice)

Hit: 100%
Attack: 13
Crit: 3%

Myrmidon B
Hit: 44%
Attack: 12
Crit: ---

Myrmidon B Attacks: 68 MISS
Kayde Attacks: 23 HIT, 28 HIT

Myrmidon B takes 24 damage!


The swordsman charges forward but is parried and gets striked twice with Kayde's sword


Myrmidon A moves K9 and attacks Kayde


(Kayde is lusting for battle)
(Kayde's Blade is superior)
(Kayde will attack twice)

Hit: 100%
Attack: 13
Crit: 3%

Myrmidon B
Hit: 44%
Attack: 12
Crit: ---

Myrmidon B Attacks: 22 HIT
Kayde Attacks: 92 HIT, 28 HIT

Myrmidon B is defeated with 26 damage
Kayde takes 12 damage

The second man charges forward and strikes Kayde while he's distracted but Kayde returns the favor by taking him down


Mage B moves to K8 and attacks Kayde


Hit: ---
Attack: ---
Crit: ---

Mage B
Hit: 67%
Attack: 18
Crit: ---

Mage B attacks: 32 HIT

Kayde goes down with 18 damage


The Mage, however, gets the jump on Kayde. Blasting him with fire leaving him covered in soot on the ground. 




Fighter D moves to N10


Archer C moves to L1


Hero A moves to L2


Archer D moves to M2


Mercenary C moves to N16


Myrmidon C moves to M17


Mage E moves to N17


[Ally Phase]


"What did I just say about staying alive?" Zentilin spoke unamused to the charred swordsman on the ground. 



"Ugh, fine. I guess we'll have to save your sorry ass too. I almost feel like a babysitter right now."


Zentilin moves to K9 and attacks Mage B with the Parrying Knife


(Zentilin will attack twice)

Hit: 100%
Attack: 21
Crit: 12%

Mage B
Hit: 53% 
Attack: 14
Crit: ---

Zentilin Attacks: 100 HIT
Mage B Attacks: 16 HIT
Zentilin Attacks: 2 HIT

Mage B is defeated with 42 Damage
Zentilin takes 14 damage 


Zentilin is able to kill the mage but not without taking a blast of fire to the face.



"Why did I join? Well, isn't it natural to want to help people? Besides, I was told to come here by..." Before she could finish her sentence she was cut off by the sound of fire blasts.



"Oh no! Kayde's in trouble! We must help him quickly!"


Alunda moves to K11 and attacks Mrymidon B with Photon


Hit: 82%
Attack: 18
Crit: 12%

Mrymidon B
Hit: ---
Attack: ---
Crit: ---

Alunda Attacks: 61 HIT

Mrymidon B is defeated with 18 damage 


Alunda launches a ball of condensed light energy the launches the bandit onto the ground.


Turn 7


[Player Phase]




Cheat Sheet:


Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Archer A: (0/27) (F9) Iron Bow (44/45)
Archer B: (0/27) (H5) Steel Bow (29/30) (Droppable)

Archer C: (27/27) (L1) Iron Bow (45/45)
Archer D: (27/27) (M2) Iron Bow (45/45)
Archer E: (0/27) (H14) Iron Bow (45/45)
Mercenary A: (0/29) (D12) Iron Blade 45/45
Mercenary B: (0/29) (N9) Iron Blade 45/45

Mercenary C: (29/29) (N16) Iron Blade 45/45
Fighter A: (0/33) (E10) Iron Axe (44/45)
Fighter B: (0/33) (L7) Devil’s Axe (20/20)
Fighter C: (0/33) (L15) Iron Axe (45/45)

Fighter D: (33/33) (N10) Iron Axe (45/45)
Fighter E: (0/33) (N9) Iron Axe (45/45)
Knight A: (0/32) (I5) Steel Lance (30/30) 
Knight B: (0/32) (I9) Steel Lance (30/30)
Knight C: (0/32) (M17) Iron Javelin (45/45)
Knight D: (0/32) (L9) Steel Lance (30/30) 
Knight E: (0/32) (L9) Heavy Lance (20)
Mage A: (0/28) (F14) Elfire (30/30)
Mage B: (0/28) (L6) Elfire (30/30)
Mage C: (0/28) (E12) Elfire (30/30)
Mage D: (0/28) (N11) Elfire (30/30)

Mage E: (28/28) (N17) Elfire (30/30) 
Myrmidon A: (0/28) (L8) Steel Sword (30/30)
Myrmidon B: (0/28) (K8) Steel Sword (30/30)

Myrmidon C: (28/28) (M17) Iron Sword (45/45)
Hero A: (37/37) (L2) Steel Blade (30/30) Speedwings (1/1) (Droppable)
Jackson: (40/40) (P18) Killer Axe (20/20)E (Droppable), Hatchet (35/35)
Players: Health, Location, Weapon
Kayde: (0/25) (K10) Scimitar: (18/20). Iron Sword: (43/45)E, Steel Rapier (30/30), Vulnerary, (3/3) Downed (3/3)
Yullen: (35/35) (J12) Slim Sword (32/35)E, Steel Lance (30/30), Vulnerary (3/3) Downed (3/3)
Gaillardia: (37/37) (J13) Steel Axe (28/30), Hatchet (31/35)E, Vulnerary (3/3), Steel Bow (29/30), 
Lillie: (12/28) (K9) Shortbow (24/25), Iron Bow (43/45)E, Vulnerary (2/3) Downed (3/3)
Karlos: (20/33) (L10) Heavy Lance (17/20), Iron Javelin (43/45)E, Vulnerary (3/3)
Glenn: (31/32) (L12) Elwind (28/30)E, Static (30/30), Vulnerary (3/3)
Sheena: (27/27) (E10) Blissful Melody (20/20), Vulnerary (3/3)
Luther: (20/30) (I14) Heal (29/30)E, Rescue (14/15), Vulnerary (3/3)
Allies: Health, Location, Weapons
Zentilin: (6/20) (K11) Parrying Knife (26/30)E, Worm (39/40)
Alunda: (26/30) (L11) Photon (39/40), Thani (27/30)E
Exp Tracker:


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"Sigh, I guess we have to get him up again... Gaillardia mind helping with getting the swordsman on his feat again? he seems to need it."


Luther says with a hand to his face as gesture of stupidity.

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“You think this is enough to stop us?!” Karlos points his lance straight forward, trying to catch the attention of the men to the north. “Come at me, fools! Or are you going to cry home to your mothers like the cowards you are?”


“Zentillin!” Karlos raises his lance toward the green-haired man, attempting to garner his attention. “Strike him from a direct western position with your Magic.” Karlos turned back to the Sister behind him. “Alunda, strike him diagonally from my eastern side with your best spell.”


“Everyone!” Karlos raised his lance skyward, his expression bursting with rage as he approached north. “Follow my lead!” As if the lance was light as a baton, Karlos spun the lance in circles in his right hand before slamming the hilt onto the ground.


Move to L9, equip the Iron Javelin and take a vulnerary (3/3) back up to 30 health.

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Yullen just stares as an ally is downed by another mage, and he resist the urge to shout something ridiculous and instead opts to say "Excuse me, White Knight coming through".


Move to J10 to Rescue Kayde, and move back to K12.

Edited by Cronos5010
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Okay..... Another one of this party falls to some lowly bandit. Glenn sighs as he sees Kayde, seemingly the most reckless of the group fall down.This makes it the third time someone fell, right? Now, I'm wondering if these people are brave or simply idiots. There is a fine line after all between the two. I just hope they wouldn't be the reason for this whole mission to fail. 

Glenn observes the other members of the group. He glances at Karlos, the knight and remarks, "You seem to be one good at leading people as you have been encouraging this party from the beginning. Do you have some experience being a leader of a troop or something?" He also looks at Gaillardia and Luther. He believes that the former is someone responsible enough while the latter seems to be non-tolerant to pain as he has been asking for someone to remove the arrow. None of us here are healers except for you. We can't remove the arrow, you know, lest you want to risk being harmed...

Glenn decides to follow the knight's lead. He moves to the knight's former position, preparing his Elwind for an attack to one of those bandits hidden in the trees.

Glenn equips Elwind and moves to L10. He attacks the enemy at N10.

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(Glenn will attack twice)


Hit: 91%
Attack: 18
Crit: 5%

Fighter D
Hit: ---
Attack: ---
Crit: ---

Glenn attacks: 4 HIT, 100 MISS

Fighter D takes 18 Damage


Glenn sends a wind blade at the axe man, striking him.



Sheena moves to J10 and dances for Glenn


Cheat Sheet:


Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Archer A: (0/27) (F9) Iron Bow (44/45)
Archer B: (0/27) (H5) Steel Bow (29/30) (Droppable)
Archer C: (27/27) (L1) Iron Bow (45/45)
Archer D: (27/27) (M2) Iron Bow (45/45)
Archer E: (0/27) (H14) Iron Bow (45/45)
Mercenary A: (0/29) (D12) Iron Blade 45/45
Mercenary B: (0/29) (N9) Iron Blade 45/45
Mercenary C: (29/29) (N16) Iron Blade 45/45
Fighter A: (0/33) (E10) Iron Axe (44/45)
Fighter B: (0/33) (L7) Devil’s Axe (20/20)
Fighter C: (0/33) (L15) Iron Axe (45/45)
Fighter D: (15/33) (N10) Iron Axe (45/45)
Fighter E: (0/33) (N9) Iron Axe (45/45)
Knight A: (0/32) (I5) Steel Lance (30/30) 
Knight B: (0/32) (I9) Steel Lance (30/30)
Knight C: (0/32) (M17) Iron Javelin (45/45)
Knight D: (0/32) (L9) Steel Lance (30/30) 
Knight E: (0/32) (L9) Heavy Lance (20)
Mage A: (0/28) (F14) Elfire (30/30)
Mage B: (0/28) (L6) Elfire (30/30)
Mage C: (0/28) (E12) Elfire (30/30)
Mage D: (0/28) (N11) Elfire (30/30)
Mage E: (28/28) (N17) Elfire (30/30) 
Myrmidon A: (0/28) (L8) Steel Sword (30/30)
Myrmidon B: (0/28) (K8) Steel Sword (30/30)
Myrmidon C: (28/28) (M17) Iron Sword (45/45)
Hero A: (37/37) (L2) Steel Blade (30/30) Speedwings (1/1) (Droppable)
Jackson: (40/40) (P18) Killer Axe (20/20)E (Droppable), Hatchet (35/35)
Players: Health, Location, Weapon
Kayde: (0/25) (J11) Scimitar: (18/20). Iron Sword: (43/45)E, Steel Rapier (30/30), Vulnerary, (3/3) Downed (3/3)
Yullen: (35/35) (J12) Slim Sword (32/35)E, Steel Lance (30/30), Vulnerary (3/3) Downed (3/3)
Gaillardia: (37/37) (J13) Steel Axe (28/30), Hatchet (31/35)E, Vulnerary (3/3), Steel Bow (29/30), 
Lillie: (12/28) (J12) Shortbow (24/25), Iron Bow (43/45)E, Vulnerary (2/3) Downed (3/3)
Karlos: (30/33) (L9) Heavy Lance (17/20), Iron Javelin (43/45)E, Vulnerary (2/3)
Glenn: (31/32) (L10) Elwind (28/30)E, Static (30/30), Vulnerary (3/3)
Sheena: (27/27) (J10) Blissful Melody (20/20), Vulnerary (3/3)
Luther: (20/30) (I14) Heal (29/30)E, Rescue (14/15), Vulnerary (3/3)
Allies: Health, Location, Weapons
Zentilin: (6/20) (K11) Parrying Knife (26/30)E, Worm (39/40)
Alunda: (26/30) (L11) Photon (39/40), Thani (27/30)E
Exp Tracker:


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Moves to I11 and casts Heal on Kayde.


"Mind trying to stay alive? The Sun Goddess is not likely to be happy with you if you keep running in without considering the risk."

Edited by Wolfox Glace
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"Looks like you've got the guy covered," Gaill replies to the healer, looking down at the swordsman with a somewhat dubious expression. He has to admit that he feels bad, watching him fall like a sack of potatoes like that after he'd given him the rapier and asked him to head up north. Still, aren't swordsmen supposed to be good at not getting hit? He'd live to see another day.


"As for the arrow, not a good idea to pull it out. You'll tear the muscle around it and probably some veins, and you'll be worse off than you started. Try not to move that arm too much until this is all over."


Move to J9 and Wait.

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"A miss? How come? Wind magic is supposed to be the most accurate, right?" Glenn muttered to himself. He was a bit disappointed in missing that hit that would seal the fighter's fate. "I suppose I need to improve this accuracy of mine if I am really intending to pursue becoming one of the esteemed Archsages in the future."

Glenn was delighted when Sheena, the dancer, approached him and gave him a dance to rejuvenate his spirits. He gave her a warm thanks as she had given him a chance for redemption. "This time, I shall not miss. I will victor over the enemy." Glenn told himself, his expression hopeful and determined.

Glenn stays in the same spot and uses Elwind to attack the fighter once more.

Edited by Monsieur Divergent
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(Glenn will attack twice)
(Glenn is inspired) 

Hit: 100%
Attack: 18
Crit: 5%

Fighter D
Hit: ---
Attack: ---
Crit: ---

Glenn attacks: 94

Fighter D is defeated with 18 Damage

Inspired, Glenn successfully takes down the pesky fighter in the woods.  


[Enemy Phase]


Archer C moves to L6

Archer D moves to M6


The big man with a big sword (Probably to compensate for something) looks down the street. His friends have been taking way too long, and there's a village to plunder. But to his dismay all his friends lay dead on the ground. Judging by the party's blood soaked weapons he knew who had done them in. "Y-you! You're all gonna pay for this! I won't rest until all of y'all are dead beneath my feet!" The man then charged at the group, attacking the one closest to him.

The Hero moves to L8 and attacks Karlos


(Karlos is Inspired)
(Karlos is United)
(Hero is daunted)
(Hero is Inspired)

Hit: 100%
Attack: 4
Crit: 3%

Hit: 27%
Attack: 8
Crit: ---

Hero Attacks: 94 MISS
Kalos Attacks: 33 HIT

The Hero takes 4 Damage


Karlos easily dodges the man's angered attack and counters with his own.


[Ally Phase]



"Heh, Good." Zentilin chuckles forebodingly,  "I hope you're enjoying the view. We went through all the trouble of doing this just for you. Shame this'll be the last thing you see, however." He knew the group didn't do this all to torturer the man but why not toy with the prey a bit? Makes things a bit more fun.

Zentilin moves to N8 and attacks the Hero with Worm


(Zentilin will attack twice)
(Zentilin is the Underdog)
(The Hero is daunted)
(The Hero is Inspired)

Hit: 100%
Attack: 15
Crit: 10%

Hit: ---
Attack: ---
Crit: ---

Zentilin attacks:  74 HIT, 19HIT 

Hero takes 30 damage


Zentilin fires off two blasts of dark energy at the man both eating away at his life force. However, the man still stands. Whether it be because of his resolve to avenge his fallen allies or Zentilin just making him suffer a bit more. Who knows?



Allunda felt bad for the man. It's best that she end this as soon as possible. Ending his pain quickly would be the best course of action.  "I-I'm sorry... I'll make this as quick as possible..." She spoke before grabbing her tome and getting into position.

Alunda moves to K9 and attacks the Hero with Photon


(Alunda is Inspired)
(The Hero is daunted)

(The Hero is Inspired)

Hit: 95%
Attack: 14
Crit: 14%

Hit: ---
Attack: ---
Crit: ---

Alunda attacks: 67 HIT 

Hero is defeated with 14 Damage 


Alunda's attack hit it's mark and blasted the man to the ground. "I'm... sorry everyone... I've failed... you..." Were his last words before finally giving up. 



"Oh, Sun Goddess, please have mercy on this man." She spoke softly, giving a prayer for this man. He certainly had more honor then most of these bandits.


[Turn 8]


[Player Phase]




Cheat Sheet:


Cheat Sheet:


Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Archer A: (0/27) (F9) Iron Bow (44/45)
Archer B: (0/27) (H5) Steel Bow (29/30) (Droppable)
Archer C: (27/27) (L6) Iron Bow (45/45)
Archer D: (27/27) (M6) Iron Bow (45/45)
Archer E: (0/27) (H14) Iron Bow (45/45)
Mercenary A: (0/29) (D12) Iron Blade 45/45
Mercenary B: (0/29) (N9) Iron Blade 45/45
Mercenary C: (29/29) (N16) Iron Blade 45/45
Fighter A: (0/33) (E10) Iron Axe (44/45)
Fighter B: (0/33) (L7) Devil’s Axe (20/20)
Fighter C: (0/33) (L15) Iron Axe (45/45)
Fighter D: (0/33) (N10) Iron Axe (45/45)
Fighter E: (0/33) (N9) Iron Axe (45/45)
Knight A: (0/32) (I5) Steel Lance (30/30)
Knight B: (0/32) (I9) Steel Lance (30/30)
Knight C: (0/32) (M17) Iron Javelin (45/45)
Knight D: (0/32) (L9) Steel Lance (30/30)
Knight E: (0/32) (L9) Heavy Lance (20)
Mage A: (0/28) (F14) Elfire (30/30)
Mage B: (0/28) (L6) Elfire (30/30)
Mage C: (0/28) (E12) Elfire (30/30)
Mage D: (0/28) (N11) Elfire (30/30)
Mage E: (28/28) (N17) Elfire (30/30)
Myrmidon A: (0/28) (L8) Steel Sword (30/30)
Myrmidon B: (0/28) (K8) Steel Sword (30/30)
Myrmidon C: (28/28) (M17) Iron Sword (45/45)
Hero A: (0/37) (L8) Steel Blade (30/30)
Jackson: (40/40) (P18) Killer Axe (20/20)E (Droppable), Hatchet (35/35)

Players: Health, Location, Weapon
Kayde: (12/25) (J11) Scimitar: (18/20). Iron Sword: (43/45)E, Steel Rapier (30/30), Vulnerary, (3/3) Downed (3/3)
Yullen: (35/35) (K12) Slim Sword (32/35)E, Steel Lance (30/30), Vulnerary (3/3) Downed (3/3)
Gaillardia: (37/37) (J9) Steel Axe (28/30), Hatchet (31/35)E, Vulnerary (3/3), Steel Bow (29/30),
Lillie: (12/28) (J12) Shortbow (24/25), Iron Bow (43/45)E, Vulnerary (2/3) Downed (3/3)
Karlos: (30/33) (L9) Heavy Lance (17/20), Iron Javelin (43/45)E, Vulnerary (2/3)
Glenn: (31/32) (L10) Elwind (28/30)E, Static (30/30), Vulnerary (3/3)
Sheena: (27/27) (J10) Blissful Melody (20/20), Vulnerary (3/3)
Luther: (20/30) (I11) Heal (29/30)E, Rescue (14/15), Vulnerary (3/3)

Allies: Health, Location, Weapons
Zentilin: (6/20) (N8) Parrying Knife (26/30), Worm (39/40)E
Alunda: (26/30) (K9) Photon (39/40)E, Thani (27/30), Speedwings (1/1) 

Exp Tracker:


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"Well, that escalated fast." Glenn told particularly no one when he saw Alunda and Zentilin effectively dealing with the Hero. He felt that certainly those two were something different from the rest of the group; they seemed particularly stronger and more experienced than the others. He remembered how Zentilin and Alunda dealt a lot of damage to the other bandits earlier, and he especially remembered how Alunda just vaporized that tree when attacking that enemy hiding in the trees. Glenn became inspired at their skill. "I hope to surpass them someday as I improve myself for the better."

Glenn decided to take a chance and deal with one of those blasted archers looming at the front. Maybe one of the ways for him to become stronger was to conquer his fear of arrows, little by little, but for now, he decided that it would be best for him to not get hurt just yet. He approached the archer with determination, carrying his Elwind to deal with his opponent.

Glenn moves to M7 and attacks the archer.

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(Glenn is hating the arrows)


Hit: 95%
Attack: 18
Crit: ---

Archer D
Hit: ---
Attack: ---
Crit: ---

Glenn Attacks: 58

Archer D takes 18 damage


Glenn gets up close to the archer and blasts him with some wind magic. However, the man is still kicking.


Cheat Sheet:


Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Archer A: (0/27) (F9) Iron Bow (44/45)
Archer B: (0/27) (H5) Steel Bow (29/30) (Droppable)
Archer C: (27/27) (L6) Iron Bow (45/45)
Archer D: (9/27) (M6) Iron Bow (45/45)
Archer E: (0/27) (H14) Iron Bow (45/45)
Mercenary A: (0/29) (D12) Iron Blade 45/45
Mercenary B: (0/29) (N9) Iron Blade 45/45
Mercenary C: (29/29) (N16) Iron Blade 45/45
Fighter A: (0/33) (E10) Iron Axe (44/45)
Fighter B: (0/33) (L7) Devil’s Axe (20/20)
Fighter C: (0/33) (L15) Iron Axe (45/45)
Fighter D: (0/33) (N10) Iron Axe (45/45)
Fighter E: (0/33) (N9) Iron Axe (45/45)
Knight A: (0/32) (I5) Steel Lance (30/30) 
Knight B: (0/32) (I9) Steel Lance (30/30)
Knight C: (0/32) (M17) Iron Javelin (45/45)
Knight D: (0/32) (L9) Steel Lance (30/30) 
Knight E: (0/32) (L9) Heavy Lance (20)
Mage A: (0/28) (F14) Elfire (30/30)
Mage B: (0/28) (L6) Elfire (30/30)
Mage C: (0/28) (E12) Elfire (30/30)
Mage D: (0/28) (N11) Elfire (30/30)
Mage E: (28/28) (N17) Elfire (30/30) 
Myrmidon A: (0/28) (L8) Steel Sword (30/30)
Myrmidon B: (0/28) (K8) Steel Sword (30/30)
Myrmidon C: (28/28) (M17) Iron Sword (45/45)
Hero A: (0/37) (L8) Steel Blade (30/30) 
Jackson: (40/40) (P18) Killer Axe (20/20)E (Droppable), Hatchet (35/35)
Players: Health, Location, Weapon
Kayde: (12/25) (J11) Scimitar: (18/20). Iron Sword: (43/45)E, Steel Rapier (30/30), Vulnerary, (3/3) Downed (3/3)
Yullen: (35/35) (K12) Slim Sword (32/35)E, Steel Lance (30/30), Vulnerary (3/3) Downed (3/3)
Gaillardia: (37/37) (J9) Steel Axe (28/30), Hatchet (31/35)E, Vulnerary (3/3), Steel Bow (29/30), 
Lillie: (12/28) (J12) Shortbow (24/25), Iron Bow (43/45)E, Vulnerary (2/3) Downed (3/3)
Karlos: (30/33) (L9) Heavy Lance (17/20), Iron Javelin (43/45)E, Vulnerary (2/3)
Glenn: (31/32) (M7) Elwind (28/30)E, Static (30/30), Vulnerary (3/3)
Sheena: (27/27) (J10) Blissful Melody (20/20), Vulnerary (3/3)
Luther: (20/30) (I11) Heal (29/30)E, Rescue (14/15), Vulnerary (3/3)
Allies: Health, Location, Weapons
Zentilin: (6/20) (N8) Parrying Knife (26/30), Worm (39/40)E
Alunda: (26/30) (K9) Photon (39/40)E, Thani (27/30), Speedwings (1/1) (Droppable)
Exp Tracker:


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"Good to see someone else's got the same idea," Gaill remarks at the mage's attempt with a grin, switching out his hatchet once more for the heavier, but more effective, steel axe.



"Oh, and by the way — uh, Alunda, right?" He briefly turns to the nun beside him, who had delivered the finishing blow on the hero that Kayde was supposed to be going after, but oh well. Didn't work out. "Those Speedwings . . . I could really use them, if you'd be so kind. I'd asked the swordsman to get them for me in exchange for the rapier I handed him, but, well. Anyway, think you might be feeling generous? Let me know in a bit, okay? I'm gonna go hack that archer — if someone can back me up?" He shouts the latter words over his shoulder to whoever might be listening, moving to draw up close and land a blow on the bowman before he has a chance to get back out of range and put an arrow in him. That would suck.


Move to L7 and attack Archer C with Steel Axe.

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(Gaillardia is Bringing it on!)

(The Archer C is daunted)



Hit: 72%

Attack: 21

Crit: ---


Archer C

Hit: ---

Attack: ---

Crit: ---


Gaillardia Attacks: 100 MISS

Maybe proclaiming your attack while the enemy is nearby isn't such a smart thing ad the keen archer heard Gaillardia's words and dodged his attack


[[Hardcore PC Move]]


Sheena moves to M9 and dances for Glenn


Cheat Sheet:

Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon

Archer A: (0/27) (F9) Iron Bow (44/45)

Archer B: (0/27) (H5) Steel Bow (29/30) (Droppable)

Archer C: (27/27) (L6) Iron Bow (45/45)

Archer D: (9/27) (M6) Iron Bow (45/45)

Archer E: (0/27) (H14) Iron Bow (45/45)

Mercenary A: (0/29) (D12) Iron Blade 45/45

Mercenary B: (0/29) (N9) Iron Blade 45/45

Mercenary C: (29/29) (N16) Iron Blade 45/45

Fighter A: (0/33) (E10) Iron Axe (44/45)

Fighter B: (0/33) (L7) Devil’s Axe (20/20)

Fighter C: (0/33) (L15) Iron Axe (45/45)

Fighter D: (0/33) (N10) Iron Axe (45/45)

Fighter E: (0/33) (N9) Iron Axe (45/45)

Knight A: (0/32) (I5) Steel Lance (30/30)

Knight B: (0/32) (I9) Steel Lance (30/30)

Knight C: (0/32) (M17) Iron Javelin (45/45)

Knight D: (0/32) (L9) Steel Lance (30/30)

Knight E: (0/32) (L9) Heavy Lance (20)

Mage A: (0/28) (F14) Elfire (30/30)

Mage B: (0/28) (L6) Elfire (30/30)

Mage C: (0/28) (E12) Elfire (30/30)

Mage D: (0/28) (N11) Elfire (30/30)

Mage E: (28/28) (N17) Elfire (30/30)

Myrmidon A: (0/28) (L8) Steel Sword (30/30)

Myrmidon B: (0/28) (K8) Steel Sword (30/30)

Myrmidon C: (28/28) (M17) Iron Sword (45/45)

Hero A: (0/37) (L8) Steel Blade (30/30)

Jackson: (40/40) (P18) Killer Axe (20/20)E (Droppable), Hatchet (35/35)


Players: Health, Location, Weapon

Kayde: (12/25) (J11) Scimitar: (18/20). Iron Sword: (43/45)E, Steel Rapier (30/30), Vulnerary, (3/3) Downed (3/3)

Yullen: (35/35) (K12) Slim Sword (32/35)E, Steel Lance (30/30), Vulnerary (3/3) Downed (3/3)

Gaillardia: (37/37) (L7) Steel Axe (28/30)E, Hatchet (31/35), Vulnerary (3/3), Steel Bow (29/30),

Lillie: (12/28) (J12) Shortbow (24/25), Iron Bow (43/45)E, Vulnerary (2/3) Downed (3/3)

Karlos: (30/33) (L9) Heavy Lance (17/20), Iron Javelin (43/45)E, Vulnerary (2/3)

Glenn: (31/32) (M7) Elwind (28/30)E, Static (30/30), Vulnerary (3/3)

Sheena: (27/27) (M9) Blissful Melody (20/20), Vulnerary (3/3)

Luther: (20/30) (I11) Heal (29/30)E, Rescue (14/15), Vulnerary (3/3)


Allies: Health, Location, Weapons

Zentilin: (6/20) (N8) Parrying Knife (26/30), Worm (39/40)E

Alunda: (26/30) (K9) Photon (39/40)E, Thani (27/30), Speedwings (1/1)


Exp Tracker:

1/100 LEVEL UP!

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“He may have spoken honorably, but he was working with these vandals. To have assisted in such barbaric acts as this pillaging.” Karlos shook his head as he turned to the south. “I shall march forth. Alunda, Zentillin, follow close behind. Stay careful not to catch the attention of an enemy.”


Move to L11 and hold

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It appears I've received an invigorating dance for the sake of targeting one of those blasted archers. Glenn realizes when Sheena approaches him a third time, offering a dance. I suppose it must be because Gaill failed at targeting the archer. Well, I guess it's forgivable; everyone misses once in a while, I suppose. Here's me hoping I don't get that 'once in a while' again. I dislike missing a target especially when I'm wielding the so called 'most accurate' magic, the wind magic.

Glenn prepares to attack the archer positioned beside the archer he attacked earlier. He deduces that it his power right now is simply not enough to take down that archer; after all, the archer he attacked earlier managed to survive his wind magic. Is this the time to reveal one of my trump cards? Well, I better use it now for the sake of the team. Glenn thinks calmly. His expression becomes more mellow and meditative as he summons forth the wind spirits amongst the environment. "Wind Spirits! I call thee; offer me your allegiance for the sake of this battle." Glenn utters as he basks in the surge of energy that enters his body. He then proceeds to approach the unaware archer, ready to strike him down with his potential.

Glenn activates Nature Spirits and moves to K6, attacking the archer in the adjacent spot. 

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