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Fire Emblem on the Forums: Prelude of Chaos [IC/Reroll]


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((Sorry but no fancy picture for now)).

Yullen had came to the mage bandit's location, he had seen it stand suspiciously close to the wounded Mayor, and of course the only thing that prevented him from conquering the mage was the conspicuous lack of a flag to plant on him.


Yullen ignored the moral implications of the quite senseless violence that the bandits have started, which is why he immediately ran towards a nearby axe man.


Move to G13, attack Axe Bandit on H13 with Slim Sword.

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(Yullen will attack twice)
(Yullen has the advantage)

Hit: 100%
AttacK: 15
Crit: 13%

Fighter C
Hit: 49%
Attack: 14
Crit: 1%

Yullen attacks: 15 HIT (9 CRIT)
Fighter C is defeated with a devastating 45 damage 




Cheat Sheet:


Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Archer A: (0/27) (F9) Iron Bow (44/45)
Archer B: (0/27) (H5) Steel Bow (29/30) (Droppable)
Archer C: (27/27) (Q1) Iron Bow (45/45)
Archer D: (27/27) (R2) Iron Bow (45/45)
Archer E: (27/27) (P13) Iron Bow (45/45)
Mercenary A: (0/29) (D12) Iron Blade 45/45
Mercenary B: (0/29) (N9) Iron Blade 45/45
Fighter A: (0/33) (E10) Iron Axe (44/45)
Fighter B: (0/33) (L7) Devil’s Axe (20/20)
Fighter C: (0/33) (L14) Iron Axe (45/45)

Fighter D: (33/33) (S5) Iron Axe (45/45)
Knight A: (0/32) (I5) Steel Lance (30/30) 
Knight B: (0/32) (I9) Steel Lance (30/30)

Knight C: (32/32) (M17) Iron Javelin (45/45)
Knight D: (0/32) (L9) Steel Lance (30/30) 
Mage A: (28/28) (F16) Elfire (30/30)
Mage B: (28/28) (H2) Elfire (30/30)
Mage C: (0/28) (E12) Elfire (30/30)
Mage D: (28/28) (N11) Elfire (30/30)
Mage E: (28/28) (N18) Elfire (30/30) 
Myrmidon A: (28/28) (L2) Steel Sword (30/30)
Myrmidon B: (28/28) (S10) Steel Sword (30/30)
Hero A: (37/37) (Q2) Steel Blade (30/30) Speedwings (1/1) (Droppable)
Jackson: (40/40) (P18) Killer Axe (20/20)E (Droppable), Hatchet (35/35)

Players: Health, Location, Weapon
Kayde: (25/25) (D10) Scimitar: (18/20). Iron Sword: (43/45)E, Vulnerary: (3/3) 
Yullen: (34/34) (E7) Slim Sword (32/35)E, Steel Lance (30/30), Vulnerary (3/3)
Gaillardia: (29/37) (H6) Steel Axe (28/30)E, Hatchet (32/35), Vulnerary (3/3), Steel Bow (29/30) 
Lillie: (21/27) (E8) Shortbow (24/25), Iron Bow (44/45)E, Vulnerary (3/3)
Karlos: (32/32) (G9) Heavy Lance (17/20)E, Iron Javelin (44/45), Vulnerary (3/3)
Glenn: (31/31) (F10) Elwind (28/30)E, Static (30/30), Vulnerary (3/3)
Sheena: (27/27) (D6) Blissful Melody (20/20), Vulnerary (3/3)
Luther: (29/29) (E6) Heal (29/30)E, Rescue (14/15), Vulnerary (3/3)

Allies: Health, Location, Weapons
Zentilin: (20/20) Parrying Knife (27/30)E, Worm (40/40)
Alunda: (30/30) Photon (40/40), Thani (29/30)E

Exp Tracker:

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"I should stay in a defensive standpoint for now. I can't risk going off alone." Glenn decides after glancing at the distance where he sees some potential enemies who will be in his range if he moves.


Move to G10

Edited by Mr. Divergent
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Yullen confidently charged towards the surprised axeman, and with a swift cut of his surprisingly sharp blade the man fell to his knees, and something rolled down his back.


Upon looking back to the final resting place of the axe man, Yullen only had a surprised face, and an exasperated "Wait what, how did that happen?".

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"Hmm. I've read about this but never expected it to be real. But having seen it twice now I do not doubt it. I believe they are called "critical hit's" or criticals for short. I do not know how they work yet I believe if you're blessed by the strength of your attack increases greatly. I knew the few books about combat I had read in my time as a priest would be of use someday."


Luther says, standing in aw to have whitnessed this phenomanon.

Moves to E9 and casts heal on Lillie.


"It would be better to be save then sorry."

Edited by Wolfox Glace
Action to be done, but I'd rather not get a warning for double posting
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Karlos was about to march forth before the swordsman so rudely passed him by. “Well, I admire your confidence, but certainly not your armor.” Karlos looked over the man’s coat, knowing full well that he could not take too many shots from weapons. “You let me handle the front lines, lad. And then you finish them off, eh?” Karlos saluted his fellow agent of justice before approaching the Mage.


“Your magic may be able to strike through my steel.” Karlos readied his Javelin as he glared towards the Mage. “But you are certainly not impervious to mine!”


Move to J10 and deliver a Javelin to the Mage's face

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Right. Time to get a move on. He's in no hurry to get into a tangle with the swordsmen and the mage heading down from around the northern houses. Best to go ahead and rendezvous with his impromptu allies. A well-placed leap over the fence places him in the thick of the crowd, and he offers a nod and a half-wave in greeting to the nun he recognizes from earlier — the one who'd turned part of the woods into a blast zone.



"Hey. Still destroying guys on an atomic level? I guess it's merciful and bloodless, if nothing else."


Quickly, he looks over himself, frowning at where the arrow from earlier had pierced through his gear and red is starting to soak through the tunic underneath. It's not too bad, but it's better to be safe than sorry, as his grandfather says. Though really, the guy's one to talk.



"Yo, healer." He turns to the blond man with the staff. "A quick touch-up over here would be great."


Move to G9 and Wait.

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(Karlos is United!) 


Attack: 13
Hit: 82%
Crit: ---

Mage D
Attack: 12
Hit: 79%
Crit: ---

Karlos attacks 82 HIT
Mage takes 13 Damage

Mage D attacks 62 HIT
Karlos takes 12 damage


The Mage seeing and hearing the knight's and his clunky armor's approach, the mage attempts to jump out of the way of the javelin but his leg still gets gashed buy the spear. He then angrily retaliates with a plume of fire


Cheat Sheet:


Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Archer A: (0/27) (F9) Iron Bow (44/45)
Archer B: (0/27) (H5) Steel Bow (29/30) (Droppable)

Archer C: (27/27) (Q1) Iron Bow (45/45)
Archer D: (27/27) (R2) Iron Bow (45/45)
Archer E: (27/27) (P13) Iron Bow (45/45)
Mercenary A: (0/29) (D12) Iron Blade 45/45
Mercenary B: (0/29) (N9) Iron Blade 45/45

Fighter A: (0/33) (E10) Iron Axe (44/45)
Fighter B: (0/33) (L7) Devil’s Axe (20/20)
Fighter C: (0/33) (L14) Iron Axe (45/45)

Fighter D: (33/33) (S5) Iron Axe (45/45)
Knight A: (0/32) (I5) Steel Lance (30/30) 
Knight B: (0/32) (I9) Steel Lance (30/30)

Knight C: (32/32) (M17) Iron Javelin (45/45)
Knight D: (0/32) (L9) Steel Lance (30/30) 
Mage A: (28/28) (F16) Elfire (30/30)
Mage B: (28/28) (H2) Elfire (30/30)
Mage C: (0/28) (E12) Elfire (30/30)
Mage D: (15/28) (N11) Elfire (30/30)
Mage E: (28/28) (N18) Elfire (30/30) 
Myrmidon A: (28/28) (L2) Steel Sword (30/30)
Myrmidon B: (28/28) (S10) Steel Sword (30/30)
Hero A: (37/37) (Q2) Steel Blade (30/30) Speedwings (1/1) (Droppable)
Jackson: (40/40) (P18) Killer Axe (20/20)E (Droppable), Hatchet (35/35)

Players: Health, Location, Weapon
Kayde: (25/25) (D10) Scimitar: (18/20). Iron Sword: (43/45)E, Vulnerary: (3/3) 
Yullen: (34/34) (E7) Slim Sword (32/35)E, Steel Lance (30/30), Vulnerary (3/3)
Gaillardia: (29/37) (H6) Steel Axe (28/30)E, Hatchet (32/35), Vulnerary (3/3), Steel Bow (29/30) 
Lillie: (27/27) (E8) Shortbow (24/25), Iron Bow (44/45)E, Vulnerary (3/3)
Karlos: (20/32) (G9) Heavy Lance (17/20), Iron Javelin (43/45)E, Vulnerary (3/3)
Glenn: (31/31) (F10) Elwind (28/30)E, Static (30/30), Vulnerary (3/3)
Sheena: (27/27) (D6) Blissful Melody (20/20), Vulnerary (3/3)
Luther: (29/29) (E6) Heal (29/30)E, Rescue (14/15), Vulnerary (3/3)

Allies: Health, Location, Weapons
Zentilin: (20/20) Parrying Knife (27/30)E, Worm (40/40)
Alunda: (30/30) Photon (40/40), Thani (29/30)E

Exp Tracker:


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Having witnessed two inhuman feats of strength, one of which apparently removed both the target and a small chunk of land from existence, Sheena dials in her persona and quietly speeds Luther's healing along.


Move to E10, dance for Luther

Edited by HughJ
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[Enemy Phase]


Archer E moves to H14 and attacks Yullen


(Yullen is mocking bows)
(Archer E is attacking the weak point)

Attack: ---
Hit: ---
Crit: ---

Archer E
Attack: 8
Hit: 90%
Crit: 1%

Archer E attacks: 89 HIT
Yullen takes 8 damage


The archer pulls back an arrow and hits Yullen in the shoulder.


Mage A moves to F14 and attacks Yullen


Attack: ---
Hit: ---
Crit: ---

Mage A
Attack: 14
Hit: 77%
Crit: 1%

Mage A attack: 19 HIT
Yullen takes 14 damage


The mage hops the fence and roasts Yullen a bit.


Mage D moves to I13 and attacks Yullen


Attack: ---
Hit: ---
Crit: ---

Mage D
Attack: 14
Hit: 77%
Crit: 1%

Mage D attack: 37 HIT
Yullen goes down taking 14 damage


The mage a bit scared about the knight decides to make a tactical retreat. However, on his way back he notices their Cavalier in a weaken state and deicdes to finish the job firing a fire blast at the man knocking him and his horse down onto the ground.


Yullen is down!


Reinforcements Appear!


[Ally Phase]



"Yullen! Dammit, just hold hold!" Zentilin then rushed in grabbing his dark tomb and attacks the Archer


Zentilin moves to G14 and attacks Archer E with Worm


(Zentilin will double)

Attack: 13
Hit: 89%
Crit: 6%

Archer E
Attack: ---
Hit: ---
Crit: ---

Zentilin attacks: 41 HIT
Archer E takes 13 damage


Zentilin attacks: 100 MISS


Zentilin was able to get his first strike in but in his anger sloppily missed his second.



"Teh, well isn't this great..." He muttered before yelling out  "EVERYONE, YULLEN NEEDS SOME HELP ASAP. WE'D BOTH BE GLAD WITH SOME HELP DOWN HERE!" It hurt his pride to ask for help but he didn't have any healing aids on him so there was nothing he could do.



"Oh no... We have to help those two quickly!" Alunda speaks up before trying her best to clear the path as much as possible.


Alunda moves to I11 and attacks Mage D with Photon


(Mage D has the advantage)
(Alunda will strike twice)

Attack: 6
Hit: 73%
Crit: 11%

Mage D
Attack: 4
Hit: 83%
Crit: ---

Alunda attacks: 87 MISS

Mage D attacks: 6 HIT
Alunda takes 4 damage

Alunda attacks: 80 MISS


However, this mage seemed to be more capable than the rest as he was easily able to jump out of the way of Alunda's strikes. Even with his leg gashed and launching an attack of his own back at her.


Turn 4


[Player Phase] 



Cheat Sheet:


Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Archer A: (0/27) (F9) Iron Bow (44/45)
Archer B: (0/27) (H5) Steel Bow (29/30) (Droppable)

Archer C: (27/27) (Q1) Iron Bow (45/45)
Archer D: (27/27) (R2) Iron Bow (45/45)
Archer E: (14/27) (P13) Iron Bow (45/45)
Mercenary A: (0/29) (D12) Iron Blade 45/45
Mercenary B: (0/29) (N9) Iron Blade 45/45

Mercenary C: (29/29) (N20) Iron Blade 45/45
Fighter A: (0/33) (E10) Iron Axe (44/45)
Fighter B: (0/33) (L7) Devil’s Axe (20/20)
Fighter C: (0/33) (L14) Iron Axe (45/45)

Fighter D: (33/33) (S5) Iron Axe (45/45)
Fighter E: (33/33) (S9) Iron Axe (45/45)
Knight A: (0/32) (I5) Steel Lance (30/30) 
Knight B: (0/32) (I9) Steel Lance (30/30)

Knight C: (32/32) (M17) Iron Javelin (45/45)
Knight D: (0/32) (L9) Steel Lance (30/30) 
Knight E: (32/32) (S10) Heavy Lance (20)
Mage A: (28/28) (F16) Elfire (30/30)
Mage B: (28/28) (H2) Elfire (30/30)
Mage C: (0/28) (E12) Elfire (30/30)
Mage D: (15/28) (N11) Elfire (30/30)
Mage E: (28/28) (N18) Elfire (30/30) 
Myrmidon A: (28/28) (L2) Steel Sword (30/30)
Myrmidon B: (28/28) (S10) Steel Sword (30/30)
Myrmidon C: (28/28) (M20) Iron Sword (45/45)
Hero A: (37/37) (Q2) Steel Blade (30/30) Speedwings (1/1) (Droppable)
Jackson: (40/40) (P18) Killer Axe (20/20)E (Droppable), Hatchet (35/35)

Players: Health, Location, Weapon
Kayde: (25/25) (D10) Scimitar: (18/20). Iron Sword: (43/45)E, Vulnerary: (3/3) 
Yullen: (0/34) (E7) Slim Sword (32/35)E, Steel Lance (30/30), Vulnerary (3/3) Downed (3/3)
Gaillardia: (37/37) (H6) Steel Axe (28/30)E, Hatchet (32/35), Vulnerary (3/3), Steel Bow (29/30) 
Lillie: (27/27) (E8) Shortbow (24/25), Iron Bow (44/45)E, Vulnerary (3/3)
Karlos: (20/32) (G9) Heavy Lance (17/20), Iron Javelin (43/45)E, Vulnerary (3/3)
Glenn: (31/31) (F10) Elwind (28/30)E, Static (30/30), Vulnerary (3/3)
Sheena: (27/27) (D6) Blissful Melody (20/20), Vulnerary (3/3)
Luther: (29/29) (E6) Heal (29/30)E, Rescue (14/15), Vulnerary (3/3)

Allies: Health, Location, Weapons
Zentilin: (20/20) (G14) Parrying Knife (27/30), Worm (39/40)E
Alunda: (26/30) (I11) Photon (39/40)E, Thani (29/30)

Exp Tracker:


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"I believe I can save him, yet I will need either two of Glenn, Lillie or Gaillardia to move a little first. Then together with Sheena's dance, he will be saved."


Luther says, hoping to save the brave and injured cavalier.

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"Shit." A bunch of enemies gathering in one place is never a good sign, and he doesn't have to see what's happening on the other side of the house in order to know the sounds of battle. Who had gone over there, anyway? He doesn't remember, but instinct drives him forward and he shoulders his way past the myrmidon and the archer. "Well, don't just stand there and mumble about it," he shoots back at the cleric.


A small cluster of trees up ahead.


Tucking away his heftier axe, he brings out the smaller, more light-weight Hatchet again, slipping into the cover of the trees as he sizes up the opposition. His gaze lights on the downed figure and his horse and he sucks in a hiss of breath. The cavalier, then. Damn.



"Out of the way, mage. I'll finish what that javelin started."


Move to I12 and attack Mage D with Hatchet.

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"I can't do too much yet. But I believe it might be enough for now..."


Moves to G10 and casts Rescue on Yullen.


"It's not too much. but at least he's still alive. I hope at least..."

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(Mage D is bringing it on)

Attack: 20
Hit: 95%
Crit: 4%

Mage D
Attack: 14
Hit: 73%
Crit: 2%

Gaillardia attacks: 71 HIT
Made D is defeated taking 20 damage


Gaillardia charges in and strikes down the dubious mage with his axe.


Cheat Sheet:


Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Archer A: (0/27) (F9) Iron Bow (44/45)
Archer B: (0/27) (H5) Steel Bow (29/30) (Droppable)

Archer C: (27/27) (Q1) Iron Bow (45/45)
Archer D: (27/27) (R2) Iron Bow (45/45)
Archer E: (14/27) (H14) Iron Bow (45/45)
Mercenary A: (0/29) (D12) Iron Blade 45/45
Mercenary B: (0/29) (N9) Iron Blade 45/45

Mercenary C: (29/29) (N20) Iron Blade 45/45
Fighter A: (0/33) (E10) Iron Axe (44/45)
Fighter B: (0/33) (L7) Devil’s Axe (20/20)
Fighter C: (0/33) (L14) Iron Axe (45/45)

Fighter D: (33/33) (S5) Iron Axe (45/45)
Fighter E: (33/33) (S9) Iron Axe (45/45)
Knight A: (0/32) (I5) Steel Lance (30/30) 
Knight B: (0/32) (I9) Steel Lance (30/30)

Knight C: (32/32) (M17) Iron Javelin (45/45)
Knight D: (0/32) (L9) Steel Lance (30/30) 
Knight E: (32/32) (S10) Heavy Lance (20)
Mage A: (28/28) (F14) Elfire (30/30)
Mage B: (28/28) (H2) Elfire (30/30)
Mage C: (0/28) (E12) Elfire (30/30)
Mage D: (0/28) (N11) Elfire (30/30)

Mage E: (28/28) (N18) Elfire (30/30) 
Myrmidon A: (28/28) (L2) Steel Sword (30/30)
Myrmidon B: (28/28) (S10) Steel Sword (30/30)
Myrmidon C: (28/28) (M20) Iron Sword (45/45)
Hero A: (37/37) (Q2) Steel Blade (30/30) Speedwings (1/1) (Droppable)
Jackson: (40/40) (P18) Killer Axe (20/20)E (Droppable), Hatchet (35/35)

Players: Health, Location, Weapon
Kayde: (25/25) (H9) Scimitar: (18/20). Iron Sword: (43/45)E, Vulnerary: (3/3) 
Yullen: (0/34) (G9) Slim Sword (32/35)E, Steel Lance (30/30), Vulnerary (3/3) Downed (3/3)
Gaillardia: (37/37) (I12) Steel Axe (28/30), Hatchet (31/35)E, Vulnerary (3/3), Steel Bow (29/30) 
Lillie: (27/27) (H10) Shortbow (24/25), Iron Bow (44/45)E, Vulnerary (3/3)
Karlos: (20/32) (J10) Heavy Lance (17/20), Iron Javelin (43/45)E, Vulnerary (3/3)
Glenn: (31/31) (F10) Elwind (28/30)E, Static (30/30), Vulnerary (3/3)
Sheena: (27/27) (E10) Blissful Melody (20/20), Vulnerary (3/3)
Luther: (29/29) (G10) Heal (29/30)E, Rescue (14/15), Vulnerary (3/3)

Allies: Health, Location, Weapons
Zentilin: (20/20) (G14) Parrying Knife (27/30), Worm (39/40)E
Alunda: (26/30) (I11) Photon (39/40)E, Thani (29/30)

Exp Tracker:
4/100 LEVEL UP!


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Kayde looks over at Yullen, who is wounded on the ground.


"Hmph, some people are just too careless, taking on more than they can chew."


Kayde then proceeds to move himself in front of Sheena


Move to E11, Hold.



"DANCER! Dance for me so that I may be launched into the heat of battle and save the foolish cavalier!"

Edited by TheHeroSeth
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"Perhaps it would be a better idea to make sure Yullen survives before cutting down our opponents. Many shoulders cary heavy burdens. I'll let miss Sheena decide what is more inportant."

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Sheena moves to E9 and dances for Kayde


Cheat Sheet:

Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Archer A: (0/27) (F9) Iron Bow (44/45)
Archer B: (0/27) (H5) Steel Bow (29/30) (Droppable)
Archer C: (27/27) (Q1) Iron Bow (45/45)
Archer D: (27/27) (R2) Iron Bow (45/45)
Archer E: (14/27) (H14) Iron Bow (45/45)
Mercenary A: (0/29) (D12) Iron Blade 45/45
Mercenary B: (0/29) (N9) Iron Blade 45/45
Mercenary C: (29/29) (N20) Iron Blade 45/45
Fighter A: (0/33) (E10) Iron Axe (44/45)
Fighter B: (0/33) (L7) Devil’s Axe (20/20)
Fighter C: (0/33) (L14) Iron Axe (45/45)
Fighter D: (33/33) (S5) Iron Axe (45/45)
Fighter E: (33/33) (S9) Iron Axe (45/45)
Knight A: (0/32) (I5) Steel Lance (30/30) 
Knight B: (0/32) (I9) Steel Lance (30/30)
Knight C: (32/32) (M17) Iron Javelin (45/45)
Knight D: (0/32) (L9) Steel Lance (30/30) 
Knight E: (32/32) (S10) Heavy Lance (20)
Mage A: (28/28) (F14) Elfire (30/30)
Mage B: (28/28) (H2) Elfire (30/30)
Mage C: (0/28) (E12) Elfire (30/30)
Mage D: (0/28) (N11) Elfire (30/30)
Mage E: (28/28) (N18) Elfire (30/30) 
Myrmidon A: (28/28) (L2) Steel Sword (30/30)
Myrmidon B: (28/28) (S10) Steel Sword (30/30)
Myrmidon C: (28/28) (M20) Iron Sword (45/45)
Hero A: (37/37) (Q2) Steel Blade (30/30) Speedwings (1/1) (Droppable)
Jackson: (40/40) (P18) Killer Axe (20/20)E (Droppable), Hatchet (35/35)

Players: Health, Location, Weapon
Kayde: (25/25) (H9) Scimitar: (18/20). Iron Sword: (43/45)E, Vulnerary: (3/3) 
Yullen: (5/34) (G9) Slim Sword (32/35)E, Steel Lance (30/30), Vulnerary (3/3) Downed (3/3)
Gaillardia: (37/37) (I12) Steel Axe (28/30), Hatchet (31/35)E, Vulnerary (3/3), Steel Bow (29/30) 
Lillie: (27/27) (H9) Shortbow (24/25), Iron Bow (44/45)E, Vulnerary (2/3)
Karlos: (20/32) (K13) Heavy Lance (17/20), Iron Javelin (43/45)E, Vulnerary (3/3)
Glenn: (31/31) (F10) Elwind (28/30)E, Static (30/30), Vulnerary (3/3)
Sheena: (27/27) (E9) Blissful Melody (20/20), Vulnerary (3/3)
Luther: (29/29) (G10) Heal (29/30)E, Rescue (14/15), Vulnerary (3/3)

Exp Tracker:
6/100 LEVEL UP!

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As Sheena finishes the dance, Kayde eyes turn towards the enemy mage.




Move to E14, Attack Mage A



Edited by TheHeroSeth
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(Kayde will attack twice)

Attack: 17
Hit: 100%
Crit: 3%

Mage A
Attack: 18
Hit: 66%
Crit: ---

Kayde attacks: 55 HIT
Mage A takes 18 Damage

Mage A attacks: 1 HIT
Kayde takes 18 damage

Kayde attacks: 85 HIT
Mage A is defeated taking 17 damage


Kayde Charges forward, strikes the mage injuring him greatly. However, the mage counters with a point black fire blast at Kayde. But the swordsman was able to finish off the mage with one finale strike.


Cheat Sheet:


Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Archer A: (0/27) (F9) Iron Bow (44/45)
Archer B: (0/27) (H5) Steel Bow (29/30) (Droppable)
Archer C: (27/27) (Q1) Iron Bow (45/45)
Archer D: (27/27) (R2) Iron Bow (45/45)
Archer E: (14/27) (H14) Iron Bow (45/45)
Mercenary A: (0/29) (D12) Iron Blade 45/45
Mercenary B: (0/29) (N9) Iron Blade 45/45
Mercenary C: (29/29) (N20) Iron Blade 45/45
Fighter A: (0/33) (E10) Iron Axe (44/45)
Fighter B: (0/33) (L7) Devil’s Axe (20/20)
Fighter C: (0/33) (L14) Iron Axe (45/45)
Fighter D: (33/33) (S5) Iron Axe (45/45)
Fighter E: (33/33) (S9) Iron Axe (45/45)
Knight A: (0/32) (I5) Steel Lance (30/30) 
Knight B: (0/32) (I9) Steel Lance (30/30)
Knight C: (32/32) (M17) Iron Javelin (45/45)
Knight D: (0/32) (L9) Steel Lance (30/30) 
Knight E: (32/32) (S10) Heavy Lance (20)
Mage A: (0/28) (F14) Elfire (30/30)
Mage B: (28/28) (H2) Elfire (30/30)
Mage C: (0/28) (E12) Elfire (30/30)
Mage D: (0/28) (N11) Elfire (30/30)
Mage E: (28/28) (N18) Elfire (30/30) 
Myrmidon A: (28/28) (L2) Steel Sword (30/30)
Myrmidon B: (28/28) (S10) Steel Sword (30/30)
Myrmidon C: (28/28) (M20) Iron Sword (45/45)
Hero A: (37/37) (Q2) Steel Blade (30/30) Speedwings (1/1) (Droppable)
Jackson: (40/40) (P18) Killer Axe (20/20)E (Droppable), Hatchet (35/35)

Players: Health, Location, Weapon
Kayde: (7/25) (E14) Scimitar: (18/20). Iron Sword: (43/45)E, Vulnerary: (3/3) 
Yullen: (5/34) (G9) Slim Sword (32/35)E, Steel Lance (30/30), Vulnerary (3/3) Downed (3/3)
Gaillardia: (37/37) (I12) Steel Axe (28/30), Hatchet (31/35)E, Vulnerary (3/3), Steel Bow (29/30) 
Lillie: (27/27) (H9) Shortbow (24/25), Iron Bow (44/45)E, Vulnerary (2/3)
Karlos: (20/32) (K13) Heavy Lance (17/20), Iron Javelin (43/45)E, Vulnerary (3/3)
Glenn: (31/31) (F10) Elwind (28/30)E, Static (30/30), Vulnerary (3/3)
Sheena: (27/27) (E9) Blissful Melody (20/20), Vulnerary (3/3)
Luther: (29/29) (G10) Heal (29/30)E, Rescue (14/15), Vulnerary (3/3)

Exp Tracker:
11/100 LEVEL UP!

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"It seems to be that I'd need to risk being harmed by the enemy if I'd want to move forward, closer to the goal." Glenn murmurs to himself as he analyzes where he should go. He sees that his other companions have gone and defeated the mages who wasted Yullen, but still the deadly archer in the south remains, ever terrifying for a mage like him. "Calm down. It's not gonna kill me, the one who will be the future archsage."


Glenn moves to F13.


[OOC: 800th post, it seems]

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[Enemy Phase]


Archer E moves to G12 and attacks Luther




Attack: ---

Hit: ---

Crit: ---


Archer E

Attack: 9

Hit: 69%

Crit: ---


Archer attacks: 66 HIT

Luther takes 9 damage


The archer breaks into thee nearby house for cover. The people inside scream and he bursts through the door. The archer then notices a priest through a window who must've teleported the horse rider from before. He takes aim and fires an arrow through the window and into the shoulder of Luther.


Myrmidon C moves to M18


Mercenary C moves to N17


Knight E moves to O10


Fighter E moves to N9

[Ally Phase]



"You're not getting away that easily." Zentilin tells the fleeing archer before attacking him with dark magic


Zentilin moves to G13 and attacks Archer E with Worm



(Zentilin will attack twice)


Attack: 14

Hit: 82%

Crit: 6%


Archer E

Attack: ---

Hit: ---

Crit: ---


Zentilin attacks: 6 HIT

Zentilin defeats the archer with 14 damage


The dark energy seeps underneath the door before consuming the archer within darkness. Once the Darkness recedes only the lifeless body of the archer remains. The family inside is horrified.



Seeing Karlos pushing forward Alunda tries to catch up to him clutching her tome in her hands.


Alunda moves to K14 and equips Thani


[Turn 5]




[Player Phase]




Cheat Sheet:


Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Archer A: (0/27) (F9) Iron Bow (44/45)
Archer B: (0/27) (H5) Steel Bow (29/30) (Droppable)

Archer C: (27/27) (Q1) Iron Bow (45/45)
Archer D: (27/27) (R2) Iron Bow (45/45)
Archer E: (0/27) (H14) Iron Bow (45/45)
Mercenary A: (0/29) (D12) Iron Blade 45/45
Mercenary B: (0/29) (N9) Iron Blade 45/45

Mercenary C: (29/29) (N17) Iron Blade 45/45
Fighter A: (0/33) (E10) Iron Axe (44/45)
Fighter B: (0/33) (L7) Devil’s Axe (20/20)
Fighter C: (0/33) (L14) Iron Axe (45/45)

Fighter D: (33/33) (S5) Iron Axe (45/45)
Fighter E: (33/33) (N9) Iron Axe (45/45)
Knight A: (0/32) (I5) Steel Lance (30/30) 
Knight B: (0/32) (I9) Steel Lance (30/30)

Knight C: (32/32) (M17) Iron Javelin (45/45)
Knight D: (0/32) (L9) Steel Lance (30/30) 
Knight E: (32/32) (O10) Heavy Lance (20)
Mage A: (0/28) (F14) Elfire (30/30)
Mage B: (28/28) (H2) Elfire (30/30)
Mage C: (0/28) (E12) Elfire (30/30)
Mage D: (0/28) (N11) Elfire (30/30)

Mage E: (28/28) (N18) Elfire (30/30) 
Myrmidon A: (28/28) (L2) Steel Sword (30/30)
Myrmidon B: (28/28) (S10) Steel Sword (30/30)
Myrmidon C: (28/28) (M18) Iron Sword (45/45)
Hero A: (37/37) (Q2) Steel Blade (30/30) Speedwings (1/1) (Droppable)
Jackson: (40/40) (P18) Killer Axe (20/20)E (Droppable), Hatchet (35/35)

Players: Health, Location, Weapon
Kayde: (7/25) (E14) Scimitar: (18/20). Iron Sword: (43/45)E, Vulnerary: (3/3) 
Yullen: (5/35) (G9) Slim Sword (32/35)E, Steel Lance (30/30), Vulnerary (3/3) Downed Counter (3/3)
Gaillardia: (37/37) (I12) Steel Axe (28/30), Hatchet (31/35)E, Vulnerary (3/3), Steel Bow (29/30) 
Lillie: (27/28) (H9) Shortbow (24/25), Iron Bow (44/45)E, Vulnerary (2/3)
Karlos: (20/33) (K13) Heavy Lance (17/20), Iron Javelin (43/45)E, Vulnerary (3/3)
Glenn: (31/32) (F10) Elwind (28/30)E, Static (30/30), Vulnerary (3/3)
Sheena: (27/27) (E9) Blissful Melody (20/20), Vulnerary (3/3)
Luther: (29/30) (G10) Heal (29/30)E, Rescue (14/15), Vulnerary (3/3)

Allies: Health, Location, Weapons
Zentilin: (20/20) (G13) Parrying Knife (27/30), Worm (39/40)E
Alunda: (26/30) (I11) Photon (39/40), Thani (29/30)E

Exp Tracker:

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