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Fire Emblem on the Forums: Prelude of Chaos [IC/Reroll]


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[Enemy Phase]


Mercenary A moves to D9 and Attacks Kayde


(Kayde will attack twice)
(Kayde is inspired)
Attack: 13
Hit: 95%
Crit: 21%

Mercenary A
Attack: 13
Hit: 40%
Crit: ---

Mercenary A attacks: 47 Miss

Kayde attacks: 4 HIT
Mercenary A takes 13 Damage

Kayde attacks once more: 79 Hit
Mercenary A Takes 13 more damage


The Mercenary swings at Kayde with his Blade but misses Kayde follows up with two strikes of his own with similar strength injuring the mercenary heavily. 


Fighter A moves to E10 and attacks Karlos


(Fighter A is Inspired)
(Fighter A has the advantage)
(Karlos is United)
(Karlos is Armored)

Attack: 7
Hit: 65%
Crit: 3%


Fighter A
Attack: ---
Hit: 85%
Crit: ---


Fighter A attacks: 10 HIT
Karlos takes 0 Damage

Karlos attacks: 3 HIT

Fighter A takes 7 Damage


The Axe man takes a hefty swing at Karlos but his axe tinks right off like a rain drop hitting a roof. Karlos retaliates with a strike of his own hitting the fighter. 


Knight A Moves to G5 and attacks Gaillardia


(Knight A is daunted)

(Knight A is bringing it on)
(Knight A is cover by the forest)
(Gaillardia is clearing the path)
(Gaillardia is covered by the forest)
(Gaillardia is breaking armor)
(Gaillardia is inspired) 
(Gaillardia will attack twice)
(Gaillardia has the advantage) 

Attack: 7
Hit: 100%
Crit: 7%

Knight A

Attack: 6
Hit: 24%
Crit: ---


Knight A attacks Gaillardia: 76 MISS

 Gaillardia attacks: 70 HIT
Knight A takes 7 Damage


Gaillardia attacks: 84 HIT
Knight A takes 7 Damage


The Knight goes into the forest to get the jump on Gaillardia. However, the sight of man frightened him at first sight but the knight knew he could bring out the pain. He charges Gaillardia but Gaillardia was able to instinctively dodge out of the way and retaliate with two clean strikes doing decent damage.


Archer B moves to H5 and attacks Gaillardia


(Archer B is daunted)
(Archer B is bringing it on)
(Gaillardia is covered by the forest)
(Gaillardia is inspired) 
(Gaillardia has the advantage) 


Attack: 12
Hit: 97%
Crit: 2%


Archer B
Attack: 8
Hit: 51%
Crit: 2%


Archer B attacks: 31 HIT
Gaillardia takes 8 damage


Gaillardia attacks: 55 HIT
Archer B takes 12 damage


The archer follows behind his friend launching an arrow into Gaillardia. Gaillardia responds by throwing a hatchet at the archer.


Archer A moves to F9 and attacks Lillie


(Lillie is inspired)


Attack: 9 
Hit: 89%
Crit: 8%


Archer A
Attack: 6
Hit: 71%
Crit: 2%


Archer A attacks: 54 HIT
Lillie takes 6 damage

Lillie attacks: 55 HIT
Lillie's eye Glimmer: 5 LUNA HIT
Archer A takes 14 Damage


Seeing his friend's attack bounce off the knight's armor he take his bow and attacks Lillie. Lillie angered by the attack aims for his weak spot and nails it perfectly. And for some reason sparkles come out once her arrow hits.


Mage C moves to E12


Mage A moves to F16


Mercenary B moves to G14


Knight D Moves to L9


Myrmidon B moves to N9


[Ally Phase]



Seeing the the red swordsman battle the enemy bandit Zentilin ran over to go assist the man.



"Look, if you're going to fight at least finish what you've started." He spoke condescendingly to Kayde before attacking the mercenary in front of him. 


Zentilin moves to C9 and attacks Mercenary A with Parrying Knife


(Mercenary A is Inspiring)
(Zentilin has the advantage)
(Zentilin will attack twice)


Attack: 15
Hit: 100%
Crit: 15%


Mercenary A
Attack: 10
Hit: 21%
Crit: --- 


Zentilin attacks: 52 HIT
Zentilin's Eyes Glimmer: 60
Mercenary A takes 15 damage and is defeated


Zentilin stabbed the man in the chest finishing hims off. He turns back to Kayde.



"See? That's how it's done."



Alunda notices the Knight and the archer attack Gaillardia through the forest "Oh no, watch out!" She yelled before grabbing her thani tomb.  "Oh please, Sun Goddess, lend me your strength!"


Alunda attacks Knight A with Thani


(Alunda is inspired)
(Alunda is effective)
(Alunda will attack twice)
(Knight A is covered by the forest)
(Knight A is daunted)


Attack: 38
Hit: 100%
Crit: 12%


Knight A
Attack: ---
Hit: ---
Crit: ---


Alunda attacks: 17 HIT 1 CRITICAL HIT
Alunda's eyes glimmer: 87
Knight A takes a devastating 114 damage!




Alunda held out her tome in her left hand as she began reciting what seemed to be a church hymn. Suddenly a light as bright as the sun began shooting out front the book as her reciting turned into full singing. Slowly, she began levitating upwards getting a couple of inches off the ground. The earth beneath the knight shook and those near could feel little after shocks of it. She lifted her right arm out and a white magical glyph appeared in-front of it. followed by a huge ball of light energy above the knight. As her hymn finish she slammed the book shut and the mass of energy landed straight on top of the armor man. A bright light followed and everyone who was watching would be blinding for a few moments. Once their eyes readjustment nothing remained of the knight or even some of the trees nearby.  



"Wow, that went better than expected." She said cheerily. Who knew the goddess could bestow such power? She felt honor to have had borrowed it. If only for a brief moment. 


Turn 2

[Player Phase]



Cheat Sheet:


Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Archer A: (13/27) (F9) Iron Bow (45/45)
Archer B: (15/27) (H5) Steel Bow (30/30) (Droppable)
Archer C: (27/27) (Q1) Iron Bow (45/45)
Archer D: (27/27) (R2) Iron Bow (45/45)
Archer E: (27/27) (P13) Iron Bow (45/45)
Mercenary A: (0/29) (D12) Iron Blade 45/45
Mercenary B: (29/29) (N9) Iron Blade 45/45
Fighter A: (26/33) (E10) Iron Axe (45/45)
Fighter B: (33/33) (L7) Devil’s Axe (20/20)
Fighter C: (33/33) (L14) Iron Axe (45/45)
Fighter D: (33/33) (S5) Iron Axe (45/45)
Knight A: (0/32) (I5) Steel Lance (30/30) 
Knight B: (0/32) (I9) Steel Lance (30/30)

Knight C: (32/32) (M17) Iron Javelin (45/45)
Knight D: (32/32) (L9) Steel Lance (30/30) 
Mage A: (28/28) (F16) Elfire (30/30)
Mage B: (28/28) (H2) Elfire (30/30)
Mage C: (28/28) (E12) Elfire (30/30)
Mage D: (28/28) (N11) Elfire (30/30)
Mage E: (28/28) (N18) Elfire (30/30) 
Myrmidon A: (28/28) (L2) Steel Sword (30/30)
Myrmidon B: (28/28) (S10) Steel Sword (30/30)
Hero A: (37/37) (Q2) Steel Blade (30/30) Speedwings (1/1) (Droppable)
Jackson: (40/40) (P18) Killer Axe (20/20)E (Droppable), Hatchet (35/35)


Players: Health, Location, Weapon
Kayde: (25/25) (D8) Scimitar: (18/20)E. Iron Sword: (45/45), Vulnerary: (3/3) 
Yullen: (34/34) (E7) Slim Sword (35/35)E, Steel Lance (30/30), Vulnerary (3/3)
Gaillardia: (29/37) (F5) Steel Axe (30/30), Hatchet (32/35)E, Vulnerary (3/3)
Lillie: (21/27) (E8) Shortbow (24/25)E, Iron Bow (45/45), Vulnerary (3/3)
Karlos: (32/32) (E9) Heavy Lance (20/20), Iron Javelin (44/45)E, Vulnerary (3/3)
Glenn: (31/31) (E6) Elwind (28/30)E, Static (30/30), Vulnerary (3/3)
Sheena: (27/27) (D6) Blissful Melody (20/20), Vulnerary (3/3)
Luther: (29/29) (E6) Heal (30/30), Rescue (14/15)E, Vulnerary (3/3)


Allies: Health, Location, Weapons
Zentilin: (20/20) Parrying Knife (30/30)E, Worm (40/40)
Alunda: (30/30) Photon (40/40), Thani (29/30)E


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“Amazing job, my friends!” Karlos raised his lance to the sky, cheering on his allies to the west. "Glad that you could take care of that swordsman.” The Knight turned around, seeing what remained of the Nun's attack. His face turned to one of shock as he looked at what remained of the area of forest, but changed back to encouragement. “And you as well, lassie! Majestic fighting!”


“Now, my turn to attack this brute.” Karlos swung his Heavy Lance with a flourish, circling around the Archer and jumping over the fence despite his armor. “Charge!”


Move to G9 and attack Archer A with the Heavy Lance

Edited by InnocentSerenity
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Flickers of light in the air and the sensation of gathering energy are the only warnings he receives, and he steps back on instinct when the power begins to coalesce, making the hair on the back of his neck stand up. And then, with a crash that shakes the earth, the bolt of light envelops the knight he had been facing off against, the rumbling of the earth and cracking of trees drowning out his brief scream.



The very land has been leveled when he is next able to look, blinking to adjust to the comparative dimness of the afternoon sun. "Geez . . . give a guy a little warning, will you?" Who knows how much of a handle on their power these impromptu allies of his have? He could very well have been like that poor sod, just a blast shadow on the dirt. 



Turning, he lifts his eyebrows a bit at the nun. "A bit overkill, don't you think? Still -- "



A little smirk. "Pretty cool." Stowing away the trusty hatchet, he unholsters his previous weapon as he turns his attention back to the fight. "Now, I'll be on my way." To show that archer who's boss. 


Move to H6 and Attack Archer B with Steel Axe.

Edited by rokubiraijuu
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Attack: 8
Hit: 74%
Crit: ---

Archer A
Attack: ---
Hit: ---
Crit: ---


Karlos Attack: 41 HIT
Archer A takes 8 damage


The Archer, not expecting an armored man to jump over a fence, was struck by Karlos. However, even after that blow he still stands



(Archer is daunted)


Attack: 20
Hit: 72%
Crit ---


Archer B
Attack: ---
Hit: ---
Crit: ---


Gaillardia attacks: 71 HIT
Archer B is defeated


The archer is too awestruck with what he just witness to dodge Gaillardia's axe. The archer falls dead after his powerful swing and leaves a nice looking bow behind. 


Cheat Sheet:


Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Archer A: (5/27) (F9) Iron Bow (45/45)
Archer B: (0/27) (H5) Steel Bow (29/30) (Droppable)
Archer C: (27/27) (Q1) Iron Bow (45/45)
Archer D: (27/27) (R2) Iron Bow (45/45)
Archer E: (27/27) (P13) Iron Bow (45/45)
Mercenary A: (0/29) (D12) Iron Blade 45/45
Mercenary B: (29/29) (N9) Iron Blade 45/45
Fighter A: (26/33) (E10) Iron Axe (45/45)
Fighter B: (33/33) (L7) Devil’s Axe (20/20)
Fighter C: (33/33) (L14) Iron Axe (45/45)
Fighter D: (33/33) (S5) Iron Axe (45/45)
Knight A: (0/32) (I5) Steel Lance (30/30) 
Knight B: (0/32) (I9) Steel Lance (30/30)

Knight C: (32/32) (M17) Iron Javelin (45/45)
Knight D: (32/32) (L9) Steel Lance (30/30) 
Mage A: (28/28) (F16) Elfire (30/30)
Mage B: (28/28) (H2) Elfire (30/30)
Mage C: (28/28) (E12) Elfire (30/30)
Mage D: (28/28) (N11) Elfire (30/30)
Mage E: (28/28) (N18) Elfire (30/30) 
Myrmidon A: (28/28) (L2) Steel Sword (30/30)
Myrmidon B: (28/28) (S10) Steel Sword (30/30)
Hero A: (37/37) (Q2) Steel Blade (30/30) Speedwings (1/1) (Droppable)
Jackson: (40/40) (P18) Killer Axe (20/20)E (Droppable), Hatchet (35/35)

Players: Health, Location, Weapon
Kayde: (25/25) (D8) Scimitar: (18/20)E. Iron Sword: (45/45), Vulnerary: (3/3) 
Yullen: (34/34) (E7) Slim Sword (35/35)E, Steel Lance (30/30), Vulnerary (3/3)
Gaillardia: (33/37) (H6) Steel Axe (30/30)E, Hatchet (32/35), Vulnerary (3/3), Steel Bow (29/30) 
Lillie: (21/27) (E8) Shortbow (24/25)E, Iron Bow (45/45), Vulnerary (3/3)
Karlos: (32/32) (G9) Heavy Lance (20/20)E, Iron Javelin (44/45), Vulnerary (3/3)
Glenn: (31/31) (E6) Elwind (28/30)E, Static (30/30), Vulnerary (3/3)
Sheena: (27/27) (D6) Blissful Melody (20/20), Vulnerary (3/3)
Luther: (29/29) (E6) Heal (30/30), Rescue (14/15)E, Vulnerary (3/3)

Allies: Health, Location, Weapons
Zentilin: (20/20) Parrying Knife (30/30)E, Worm (40/40)
Alunda: (30/30) Photon (40/40), Thani (29/30)E

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Huh. Something a little sturdier than the usual run-of-the-mill iron weaponry. No wonder that arrow earlier had stung more than he'd expected. Maybe he'll take this just for spite, and sell it for some coin down the road if he needs extra pocket change. 



"Well -- finders, keepers . . . " he says with himself, picking up the Steel Bow in question. "I'll hang onto this."

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Kayde looks over to Alunda and mutters:

"Yeesh, even for me that's a bit too much..."

Kayde then looks at Zentilin with the upmost disgust.

"Look thief, stay out of my way. I know how to fight, better than you in fact"


Move to D10, attacks Fighter A with a iron sword


With a laugh he yells:




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(Kayde will attack twice)

Attack: 13
Hit: 100%
Crit: 6%

Fighter A
Attack: 14
Hit: 38%
Crit: ---

Kayde attacks: 56 HIT
Fighter A takes 13 damage


Fighter A attacks: 15 HIT
Kayde takes 14 damage


Kayde attacks: 60 HIT 1 CRIT
Fighter A takes a devastating 39 damage




Cheat Sheet:


Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Archer A: (0/27) (F9) Iron Bow (45/45)
Archer B: (0/27) (H5) Steel Bow (29/30) (Droppable)
Archer C: (27/27) (Q1) Iron Bow (45/45)
Archer D: (27/27) (R2) Iron Bow (45/45)
Archer E: (27/27) (P13) Iron Bow (45/45)
Mercenary A: (0/29) (D12) Iron Blade 45/45
Mercenary B: (29/29) (N9) Iron Blade 45/45
Fighter A: (26/33) (E10) Iron Axe (45/45)
Fighter B: (33/33) (L7) Devil’s Axe (20/20)
Fighter C: (33/33) (L14) Iron Axe (45/45)
Fighter D: (33/33) (S5) Iron Axe (45/45)
Knight A: (0/32) (I5) Steel Lance (30/30) 
Knight B: (0/32) (I9) Steel Lance (30/30)

Knight C: (32/32) (M17) Iron Javelin (45/45)
Knight D: (32/32) (L9) Steel Lance (30/30) 
Mage A: (28/28) (F16) Elfire (30/30)
Mage B: (28/28) (H2) Elfire (30/30)
Mage C: (28/28) (E12) Elfire (30/30)
Mage D: (28/28) (N11) Elfire (30/30)
Mage E: (28/28) (N18) Elfire (30/30) 
Myrmidon A: (28/28) (L2) Steel Sword (30/30)
Myrmidon B: (28/28) (S10) Steel Sword (30/30)
Hero A: (37/37) (Q2) Steel Blade (30/30) Speedwings (1/1) (Droppable)
Jackson: (40/40) (P18) Killer Axe (20/20)E (Droppable), Hatchet (35/35)


Players: Health, Location, Weapon
Kayde: (11/25) (D10) Scimitar: (18/20). Iron Sword: (43/45)E, Vulnerary: (3/3) 
Yullen: (34/34) (E7) Slim Sword (35/35)E, Steel Lance (30/30), Vulnerary (3/3)
Gaillardia: (33/37) (H6) Steel Axe (30/30)E, Hatchet (32/35), Vulnerary (3/3), Steel Bow (29/30) 
Lillie: (21/27) (E8) Shortbow (24/25)E, Iron Bow (45/45), Vulnerary (3/3)
Karlos: (32/32) (G9) Heavy Lance (20/20)E, Iron Javelin (44/45), Vulnerary (3/3)
Glenn: (31/31) (E6) Elwind (28/30)E, Static (30/30), Vulnerary (3/3)
Sheena: (27/27) (D6) Blissful Melody (20/20), Vulnerary (3/3)
Luther: (29/29) (E6) Heal (30/30), Rescue (14/15)E, Vulnerary (3/3)

Allies: Health, Location, Weapons
Zentilin: (20/20) Parrying Knife (30/30)E, Worm (40/40)
Alunda: (30/30) Photon (40/40), Thani (29/30)E

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The fighter went over to Kayde and surprised him by slashing him in the chest. Kayde falls down to the ground, staggered. A freakish smile strikes Kayde and his hands start shaking.


"I live for this..."

He grasps his blade and in lightning speed, slashes his foe all over. Kayde turns his back to the fighter and sheaths his blade. The fighter stand still for a second and with a long moan, crumbles to the ground.

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"Kayde! Hold on!"


Moves to D9 and casts Heal on Kayde.

Edited by Wolfox Glace
Was requested to because wrong tile before, sowwy :3
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"I see. It seems that these people who have joined the search party are quite strong, after all." As Glenn says this statement, he glances at the Nun, who was the reason that a part of the forest was vaporized, and Kayde, who literally destroys one of the fighters. He is also impressed by Karlos, who seems to be one to encourage the party, and the man named Gaill, who also did well in dealing with the archer.


"Now, who should I attack this time?" Glenn looks around the battlefield carefully, analyzing his options. "I guess I was a little careless in attacking that knight earlier, so I'll just stay at a safe spot and attack that archer by the fence." 


With Elwind in hand, Glenn moves to F10 and finishes Archer A.

Edited by Mr. Divergent
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(Glenn is hating these arrows)

Attack: 17
Hit: 93%
Crit: ---

Archer A
Attack: ---
Hit: ---
Crit: ---

Glenn attacks: 95 MISS


The archer was horrified after the actions of both the nun and the myrmidon. So much so that his reflexes heightens, in his primal fight or flight situation, and rolls out of the way of Glenn's attack.


Cheat Sheet:


Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Archer A: (5/27) (F9) Iron Bow (44/45)
Archer B: (0/27) (H5) Steel Bow (29/30) (Droppable)
Archer C: (27/27) (Q1) Iron Bow (45/45)
Archer D: (27/27) (R2) Iron Bow (45/45)
Archer E: (27/27) (P13) Iron Bow (45/45)
Mercenary A: (0/29) (D12) Iron Blade 45/45
Mercenary B: (29/29) (N9) Iron Blade 45/45
Fighter A: (0/33) (E10) Iron Axe (44/45)
Fighter B: (33/33) (L7) Devil’s Axe (20/20)
Fighter C: (33/33) (L14) Iron Axe (45/45)
Fighter D: (33/33) (S5) Iron Axe (45/45)
Knight A: (0/32) (I5) Steel Lance (30/30) 
Knight B: (0/32) (I9) Steel Lance (30/30)

Knight C: (32/32) (M17) Iron Javelin (45/45)
Knight D: (32/32) (L9) Steel Lance (30/30) 
Mage A: (28/28) (F16) Elfire (30/30)
Mage B: (28/28) (H2) Elfire (30/30)
Mage C: (28/28) (E12) Elfire (30/30)
Mage D: (28/28) (N11) Elfire (30/30)
Mage E: (28/28) (N18) Elfire (30/30) 
Myrmidon A: (28/28) (L2) Steel Sword (30/30)
Myrmidon B: (28/28) (S10) Steel Sword (30/30)
Hero A: (37/37) (Q2) Steel Blade (30/30) Speedwings (1/1) (Droppable)
Jackson: (40/40) (P18) Killer Axe (20/20)E (Droppable), Hatchet (35/35)

Players: Health, Location, Weapon
Kayde: (11/25) (D10) Scimitar: (18/20). Iron Sword: (43/45)E, Vulnerary: (3/3) 
Yullen: (34/34) (E7) Slim Sword (35/35)E, Steel Lance (30/30), Vulnerary (3/3)
Gaillardia: (33/37) (H6) Steel Axe (30/30)E, Hatchet (32/35), Vulnerary (3/3), Steel Bow (29/30) 
Lillie: (21/27) (E8) Shortbow (24/25)E, Iron Bow (45/45), Vulnerary (3/3)
Karlos: (32/32) (G9) Heavy Lance (19/20)E, Iron Javelin (44/45), Vulnerary (3/3)
Glenn: (31/31) (F10) Elwind (28/30)E, Static (30/30), Vulnerary (3/3)
Sheena: (27/27) (D6) Blissful Melody (20/20), Vulnerary (3/3)
Luther: (29/29) (E6) Heal (30/30), Rescue (14/15)E, Vulnerary (3/3)

Allies: Health, Location, Weapons
Zentilin: (20/20) Parrying Knife (29/30)E, Worm (40/40)
Alunda: (30/30) Photon (40/40), Thani (29/30)E

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Upon seeing his allies start attacking and his enemies creep closer to his position Yullen sighs before saying


"I was wondering when they would draw closely enough for me to see the whites of their eyes", he then draws his slim sword and charges towards the clearly visible mage at E12 while shouting "Death or Glory!" before retreating to a relatively safer position at C10.


"So Luther, may I ask for some healing? Fire has a rather annoying tendency to cause burns don't they?".

Yullen moves to E11 and attacks the Mage at E12 before using his Canto ability to move to C10.

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"Ofcourse, once I'm done with aiding Kayde's wounds I'll get to you."


(at request and a mistake that was pointed out my earlier post with healing and kayde have been changed, please take mind in that)

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Glenn is mildly shocked as the wind magic that he delivered towards the archer is dodged easily. "I'm at a lost of words. I chose wind magic because I precisely knew that it was the most accurate, but look at how this turned out. This archer managed to dodge my attack; I may be quite reckless after all." Glenn mutters to himself as he continues to look on. "I've got to improve my hitting ability if I want to be an archsage and the one to protect Lady Azura's heart."


"If anyone would be willing to take out this archer in my stead, I'd gladly appreciate your help." Glenn says this as he glances at his companions who haven't made their move yet.

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(Yullen will attack twice)

Attack: 18
Hit: 100%
Crit: 10%

Mage C
Attack: 14
Hit: 77%
Crit: 1%

Yullen attacks: 51 HIT
Mage C takes 18 damage

Mage C attacks: 49 HIT
Yullen takes 14 damage
Yullen attacks: 32 HIT
Mage C is defeated


Yullen strikes the mage with his blade, however the mage counters with a fire blast. Powering through it, Yullen attacks once more finishing the mage off.


Cheat Sheet:


Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Archer A: (5/27) (F9) Iron Bow (44/45)
Archer B: (0/27) (H5) Steel Bow (29/30) (Droppable)
Archer C: (27/27) (Q1) Iron Bow (45/45)
Archer D: (27/27) (R2) Iron Bow (45/45)
Archer E: (27/27) (P13) Iron Bow (45/45)
Mercenary A: (0/29) (D12) Iron Blade 45/45
Mercenary B: (29/29) (N9) Iron Blade 45/45
Fighter A: (0/33) (E10) Iron Axe (44/45)
Fighter B: (33/33) (L7) Devil’s Axe (20/20)
Fighter C: (33/33) (L14) Iron Axe (45/45)
Fighter D: (33/33) (S5) Iron Axe (45/45)
Knight A: (0/32) (I5) Steel Lance (30/30) 
Knight B: (0/32) (I9) Steel Lance (30/30)

Knight C: (32/32) (M17) Iron Javelin (45/45)
Knight D: (32/32) (L9) Steel Lance (30/30) 
Mage A: (28/28) (F16) Elfire (30/30)
Mage B: (28/28) (H2) Elfire (30/30)
Mage C: (0/28) (E12) Elfire (30/30)
Mage D: (28/28) (N11) Elfire (30/30)
Mage E: (28/28) (N18) Elfire (30/30) 
Myrmidon A: (28/28) (L2) Steel Sword (30/30)
Myrmidon B: (28/28) (S10) Steel Sword (30/30)
Hero A: (37/37) (Q2) Steel Blade (30/30) Speedwings (1/1) (Droppable)
Jackson: (40/40) (P18) Killer Axe (20/20)E (Droppable), Hatchet (35/35)

Players: Health, Location, Weapon
Kayde: (25/25) (D10) Scimitar: (18/20). Iron Sword: (43/45)E, Vulnerary: (3/3) 
Yullen: (20/34) (E7) Slim Sword (33/35)E, Steel Lance (30/30), Vulnerary (3/3)
Gaillardia: (33/37) (H6) Steel Axe (30/30)E, Hatchet (32/35), Vulnerary (3/3), Steel Bow (29/30) 
Lillie: (21/27) (E8) Shortbow (24/25)E, Iron Bow (45/45), Vulnerary (3/3)
Karlos: (32/32) (G9) Heavy Lance (19/20)E, Iron Javelin (44/45), Vulnerary (3/3)
Glenn: (31/31) (F10) Elwind (28/30)E, Static (30/30), Vulnerary (3/3)
Sheena: (27/27) (D6) Blissful Melody (20/20), Vulnerary (3/3)
Luther: (29/29) (E6) Heal (29/30)E, Rescue (14/15), Vulnerary (3/3)

Allies: Health, Location, Weapons
Zentilin: (20/20) Parrying Knife (29/30)E, Worm (40/40)
Alunda: (30/30) Photon (40/40), Thani (29/30)E

Exp Tracker:


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(Lillie will attack twice)
(Lillie is striking the weak point)
(Lillie is Inspired)

Attack: 9
Hit: 89%
Crit: 3%

Archer A
Attack: 6
Hit: 71%
Crit: 2%

Lillie attacks: 14 HIT 1 CRIT
Lillie's eyes glimmer: 4 LUNA HIT
Lillie does a devastating 42 damage!




Cheat Sheet:


Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Archer A: (0/27) (F9) Iron Bow (44/45)
Archer B: (0/27) (H5) Steel Bow (29/30) (Droppable)

Archer C: (27/27) (Q1) Iron Bow (45/45)
Archer D: (27/27) (R2) Iron Bow (45/45)
Archer E: (27/27) (P13) Iron Bow (45/45)
Mercenary A: (0/29) (D12) Iron Blade 45/45
Mercenary B: (29/29) (N9) Iron Blade 45/45
Fighter A: (0/33) (E10) Iron Axe (44/45)
Fighter B: (33/33) (L7) Devil’s Axe (20/20)
Fighter C: (33/33) (L14) Iron Axe (45/45)
Fighter D: (33/33) (S5) Iron Axe (45/45)
Knight A: (0/32) (I5) Steel Lance (30/30) 
Knight B: (0/32) (I9) Steel Lance (30/30)

Knight C: (32/32) (M17) Iron Javelin (45/45)
Knight D: (32/32) (L9) Steel Lance (30/30) 
Mage A: (28/28) (F16) Elfire (30/30)
Mage B: (28/28) (H2) Elfire (30/30)
Mage C: (0/28) (E12) Elfire (30/30)
Mage D: (28/28) (N11) Elfire (30/30)
Mage E: (28/28) (N18) Elfire (30/30) 
Myrmidon A: (28/28) (L2) Steel Sword (30/30)
Myrmidon B: (28/28) (S10) Steel Sword (30/30)
Hero A: (37/37) (Q2) Steel Blade (30/30) Speedwings (1/1) (Droppable)
Jackson: (40/40) (P18) Killer Axe (20/20)E (Droppable), Hatchet (35/35)

Players: Health, Location, Weapon
Kayde: (25/25) (D10) Scimitar: (18/20). Iron Sword: (43/45)E, Vulnerary: (3/3) 
Yullen: (20/34) (E7) Slim Sword (33/35)E, Steel Lance (30/30), Vulnerary (3/3)
Gaillardia: (33/37) (H6) Steel Axe (30/30)E, Hatchet (32/35), Vulnerary (3/3), Steel Bow (29/30) 
Lillie: (21/27) (E8) Shortbow (24/25), Iron Bow (44/45)E, Vulnerary (3/3)
Karlos: (32/32) (G9) Heavy Lance (19/20)E, Iron Javelin (44/45), Vulnerary (3/3)
Glenn: (31/31) (F10) Elwind (28/30)E, Static (30/30), Vulnerary (3/3)
Sheena: (27/27) (D6) Blissful Melody (20/20), Vulnerary (3/3)
Luther: (29/29) (E6) Heal (29/30)E, Rescue (14/15), Vulnerary (3/3)

Allies: Health, Location, Weapons
Zentilin: (20/20) Parrying Knife (29/30)E, Worm (40/40)
Alunda: (30/30) Photon (40/40), Thani (29/30)E

Exp Tracker:

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Lillie takes careful aim, pulling the arrow back... and then lets it fly. The man has enough time to realize his impending doom before he gets shot through the eye, the arrow sticking out the other end. The bandit stands stock still for a few moments, arrow in his brain, before falling over.



"That's what'cha get for shooting me!" Lillie shouts. Perhaps it would be best not to anger her.

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Blinking away the aftereffects of Alunda's devastating light magic - and taking a mental note of the power she commands - Sheena staggers her way down the dirt path to Luther.



"Oh my stars... If that's what it's like bein' a nun, maybe I oughta reconsider my career path."


After recuperating, she performs a brief dance to speed the priest's work along.


"After this, ya might wanna visit Yullen. He's gettin' licked up on the front lines."


Moves to D8, dances for Luther

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"Apreaciated milady, thanks alot. Perhaps the two of us could work together like this more often when it's needed."


Moves to B10 and casts Heal on Yullen.

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[Enemy Phase]


Fighter B moves to I6 and attacks Gaillardia


(Fighter B is Daunted)
(Gaillardia will attack twice) 

Attack: 23
Hit: 95%
Crit: 2%

Fighter B
Attack: 22
Hit: 54%
Crit: 1%

Fighter B attacks: 3 HIT
Devil's Touch: 22 HIT
Fighter B takes 22 damage

Gaillardia attacks: 96 MISS

Gaillardia attacks: 81 HIT
Fighter B is defeated

Gaillardia is hit by the Fighter but is surprised to notice that he didn't feel any pain. He then swings at the axe user, misses, swings again and finishes him off.


Knight D moves to H9 and attacks Karlos


(Karlos will attack twice)
(Heavy lance is effective)
(Karlos is armored)

Attack: 18
Hit: 94%
Crit: 3%

Kinght D
Attack: ---
Hit: 61%
Crit: ---

Knight D attacks: 12 HIT
Karlos takes 0 damage

Karlos attacks: 4 HIT
Knight D takes 18 Damage

Karlos attacks: 55 HIT
Knight D is defeated

The Knight Charges at Karlos but his weapon does nothing to his sturdy armor. Karlos then counters with two strikes of his own taking down the knight.


Mercenary B moves to E14


Fighter C moves to H13


Mage D moves to K11


Archer E moves to L13


"Argh, it seems these towns people are fighting back. No matter, back up should be on their way soon." Jackson says to himself out loud.


[Ally Phase]


"Teh, show off." Zentilin thought to himself after the little show Kayde made. These bandits maybe from the southern mountains, and they are trying to take people, but he finds it hard to imagine that these are the people behind these mass disappearances. Especially after seeing how incompetent they are. Seeing one of them coming around the corner he goes for the surprise attack.


Zentilin moves to E13 and attacks Mercenary B with the Parrying Knife


(Zentilin will attack twice)
(Zentilin has the advantage)
(Mercenary B is inspiring)

Attack: 15
Hit: 100%
Crit: 15%

Mercenary B
Attack: 11
Hit: 21%
Crit: ---

Zentilin attacks: 85 HIT
Mercenary B takes 15 damage

Mercenary B attacks: 61 MISS

Zentilin attacks: 3 HIT
Mercenary B is defeated

Zentilin gets the jump on the man. He tries to fight back in his confused state but is quickly shut down by the thief. 



"Better catch up to the rest of them." Alunda thinks to herself as she catches up with the rest of the group.

Alunda moves to F9


Turn 3

[Player Phase]



Cheat Sheet:


Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Archer A: (0/27) (F9) Iron Bow (44/45)
Archer B: (0/27) (H5) Steel Bow (29/30) (Droppable)
Archer C: (27/27) (Q1) Iron Bow (45/45)
Archer D: (27/27) (R2) Iron Bow (45/45)
Archer E: (27/27) (P13) Iron Bow (45/45)
Mercenary A: (0/29) (D12) Iron Blade 45/45
Mercenary B: (0/29) (N9) Iron Blade 45/45
Fighter A: (0/33) (E10) Iron Axe (44/45)
Fighter B: (0/33) (L7) Devil’s Axe (20/20)
Fighter C: (33/33) (L14) Iron Axe (45/45)
Fighter D: (33/33) (S5) Iron Axe (45/45)
Knight A: (0/32) (I5) Steel Lance (30/30) 
Knight B: (0/32) (I9) Steel Lance (30/30)
Knight C: (32/32) (M17) Iron Javelin (45/45)
Knight D: (0/32) (L9) Steel Lance (30/30) 
Mage A: (28/28) (F16) Elfire (30/30)
Mage B: (28/28) (H2) Elfire (30/30)
Mage C: (0/28) (E12) Elfire (30/30)
Mage D: (28/28) (N11) Elfire (30/30)
Mage E: (28/28) (N18) Elfire (30/30) 
Myrmidon A: (28/28) (L2) Steel Sword (30/30)
Myrmidon B: (28/28) (S10) Steel Sword (30/30)
Hero A: (37/37) (Q2) Steel Blade (30/30) Speedwings (1/1) (Droppable)
Jackson: (40/40) (P18) Killer Axe (20/20)E (Droppable), Hatchet (35/35)

Players: Health, Location, Weapon
Kayde: (25/25) (D10) Scimitar: (18/20). Iron Sword: (43/45)E, Vulnerary: (3/3) 
Yullen: (34/34) (E7) Slim Sword (33/35)E, Steel Lance (30/30), Vulnerary (3/3)
Gaillardia: (29/37) (H6) Steel Axe (28/30)E, Hatchet (32/35), Vulnerary (3/3), Steel Bow (29/30) 
Lillie: (21/27) (E8) Shortbow (24/25), Iron Bow (44/45)E, Vulnerary (3/3)
Karlos: (32/32) (G9) Heavy Lance (17/20)E, Iron Javelin (44/45), Vulnerary (3/3)
Glenn: (31/31) (F10) Elwind (28/30)E, Static (30/30), Vulnerary (3/3)
Sheena: (27/27) (D6) Blissful Melody (20/20), Vulnerary (3/3)
Luther: (29/29) (E6) Heal (29/30)E, Rescue (14/15), Vulnerary (3/3)

Allies: Health, Location, Weapons
Zentilin: (20/20) Parrying Knife (27/30)E, Worm (40/40)
Alunda: (30/30) Photon (40/40), Thani (29/30)E

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Kayde notices the hero on the other side of the area. 


"Now THAT looks like a foe worth fighting"


Move to H9, Hold


Kayde looks at Karlos who is near now.

"Hmph! Stand out of my way, Knight. I've got this."

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"You might not like this Kayde, but I believe out best way to deal with these bandits would be working together. Because of that it would be adviced to not aproach their leader alone."


Luther says hoping his words reach Kayde.

"I shall move last to ensure that when it's needed my staff's can do their work."

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