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[IC] Myriad AoW Chapter 1 - Rise from the Cinders


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Thinking quickly, Jarvis rounded the first corner beyond the door. Wonder who that chap is. Guess I'll find out soon enough, he thought to himself. He positioned himself in the shadows of the alleyway, making a hushing gesture to Rhaeza as he waited for the man to follow him outside. I can't believe someone's already onto me. I suppose asking around in the middle of a crowded pub wasn't the most subtle method, after all. He held his umbrella at the ready, prepared to fight his enemy if need by. Perhaps we can turn this to our advantage. A tail could know something, even if it's just somewhere to look for a lead.

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Rhaeza - Alley Outside of The Tattered Wing

Rhaeza watched Jarvis exit the building and quickly round the corner into the alley that Rhaeza anticipated that he would go to. Jarvis made a hushing gesture to Rhaeza, and he immediately understood that the gentleman was being followed. 'I knew that somebody would have grown suspicious by now.' He thought, as he unbuttoned his left sleeve, revealing the mechanism for his wristbow. The wristbow was able to fire through the sleeve, but when the limbs of the bow expand it would rip his coat, and it is prone to be less accurate. And gods forbid if he tried to use an incendiary bolt like that.

'It could have been any of the people that were already in the bar.' The Lycanthrope thought to himself as he peered into the street, and loosened his khukuri in it's sheath...

Edited by M_Cowher
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Party Alley, can we torture the fucker now?

"Of all things, is stealing magic even possible?" She asked Des as Jesse explained, bora guarding the opposite end of the alley while the others began the interrogation and the Aquila finally returned to her arm with a silent descent of fiery gold. The very concept had peaked the mouse's curiosity as well... Lucille may have had the Fox's tutelage, but Des had been around for every bit of that and had read whatever arcane works he could find over the years on top of that... and even as versed as he was, he'd never heard of any conventional means to rip raw mana from the one commanding it, at least, not in any permanent manner. Magic could be sealed, yes, it could be suppressed and it could be absorbed... but to actually outright be stolen, torn straight out of the heart and mind of the wielder? He couldn't help but give a small shiver at the mere thought of it...

But, even if he'd never heard of it happening before, the fact of the situation was that it was undeniable that she had seen the angel summon and create barriers among other things, and if he himself hadn't trained in those fields, the knowledge and power to perform feats had to have been sourced from elsewhere, a very obvious elsewhere...

"The containment field prevents the magic of this item from escaping it. Trying to touch us, or using any other magic will only end badly for you. Since it's still on your arm, it won't be hard to tell. Now, I'd prefer it if I didn't have to ask twice. What does this do, how does it work, and where did you get it?"

"Well, guess we're about to find out, one way or another." "and don't bother just feeding us whatever bull shit answers you can think of in the moment," She added, empty eyes seeming to pierce straight through the literally magic criminal. Even now, she could sense his panic and terror, his racing heartbeat like beacon through the air and earth. Pathetic, how far he had fallen in just a matter of moments. "Deceit won't get you out of this; your pulse will still betray you. I'll take a finger for every lie you try to tell, regardless how small it is, and once you're out of those on your free hand, I'll move on to other parts...parts you''ll miss alot more."

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Alley Party

"Deceit won't get you out of this; your pulse will still betray you. I'll take a finger for every lie you try to tell, regardless how small it is, and once you're out of those on your free hand, I'll move on to other parts...parts you''ll miss alot more."

Being told that by a blind girl with a Dire Bear was unsettling enough, not to mention Luna´s sinister stare that seemed almost as if it was out of a horror movie. The angel shivered and started talking. "Ok, ok, I´ll tell you. It´s all because of this glove. I´ve ever been weak as a mage, only able to use some basic sigil magic." He seemed pained. "Then a guy gave me this glove and said I could make other´s power mine with it. He was - "

Then the glove started to glow within Raziel´s barrier. It didn´t look like it was work of the angel, as he began to scream in agony. A moment later, the glove erupted in flames and burned at an unnatural speed until only ashes remained - the captive´s hand included. After that, he passed out from the shock.

Jarvis & Rhaeza

A minute later the man opened the door. He looked around, probably searching for Jarvis, and then started walking towards the alley they were in. He was just around the corner looking like he would pass by the duo without noticing them.

Misara, Karol, Bargus

"This is your last warning. Back off and I'll forget about all of this"

Now with three versus three, the thugs had to stop and think again about using force. Specially looking at Bargus´ flaming axe. The two angel officers, who had already arrived, also looked shocked seeing Karol draw her rifle without any exitation. Than everyone started talking at the same time.

"What? Ok, you are all going to the station right now! Everyone drop your weapons!"

"As if! Can´t you winged dolts see there´s a kidnapping going on here? Get the girl with the sword!"
"And how do we know who are the kidnappers? You three drop your knives immediately!"

In the confusion, one of the thugs lunged forward to try and grab the girl.


"...Really? I´d never think of that approach. Guess we don´t know enough about blood magic´s use for treating sicknesses." a white haired angel was saying to the blue demon.

"And that´s just one of it´s uses. I heard a group in The Thousand is using it in the human´s blood transfusion techniques with pretty good results. And you can´t even imagine how much the hospitals in Shadowveil are enjoying their tech for treatment." he answered.

It was then that one of the humans noticed Gabriel. He was about to say something when he noticed the book he was reading and realized the "kid" was there for the meeting, proceeding then to greet him "Hello, what´s your name kid?".

((Little problem with connection here, my net will only be back to normal this Wednesday. Until then I´ll have to rely on finding wi-fi spots, so I won´t be replying regularly.))

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Rhaeza - Alley Outside of The Tattered Wing

'Have to act now.' Rhaeza thought to himself, before developing a plan to lure the man into a trap. He engaged his Shadow Cloak so that even if the man walked a foot away from him he wouldn't be seen, and threw a coin further down in the middle of the alley. 'Come on now, just a few steps into the alley and I have you...'

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Catching one of the thug's movement, Karol quickly moved her aim in his direction, adjusting her her sights towards one of the thug's legs. Trying to react quickly, she pulled the trigger, shooting a magic bullet straight towards the man. She was aiming to incapacitate the attackers, not to kill them. Not looking back to see if she hit her mark, she put her aim back towards the rest of the thugs, trusting Bargus to handle any attackers coming towards them.

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"I'm Gabriel. You guys are talking about using blood magic for healing and stuff?" A bit close to home, that. Though, if they have found ways to utilize it for cures, perhaps there is hope. . . "I haven't heard of that before." He leaned forward interestedly, not having to feign his excited attitude. "I mean, there are cures that target or work through the blood, but using actual blood magic to heal people? That's intriguing, although it does sound kinda dangerous. . ." Heh, I can't tell whether this is going to make it harder or easier to keep up the act. Hopefully they get caught up in the discourse, rather than questioning why such a child knows so much already.

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"Dangnabit! After all that trouble not shooting this guy's head, his gauntlet blew up. looks like his employer doesn't want to get caught." Jesse gritted his teeth, frustrated that the fugitive angel didn't get to reveal some important info before the explosion.

"Whoever this guy is working for, he sure knows about advanced pyro magic, too advanced even for an angel to learn. I've never seen a small dose of flame engulfs someone this fast before." Jesse kneels down to get a good look at the remains of the incinerated glove and the arm of the captive angel.

"Raziel, you can heal him, right?" Jesse asked the water angel. "We'll try to keep him alive.. for now"

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Alleyway Party

Raziel watched in disdain as his hope vanished in a puff of smoke along with the angels hand. "Of course. I should have known I couldn't get out this easily...Hope is a dangerous thing to have, especially with things like this. At least this gives me some information....There's definitely someone watching us. And they're powerful enough to pierce a preservation field from far away. Hmm. They left the ashes in the field though...maybe I can still do something with this.... "

"Raziel, you can heal him, right? We'll try to keep him alive.. for now."

He was so far into his thoughts that he had failed to take into account the angels health. The man was probably going to die if he was honest, He would've preferred it that way, but there was the possibility that he had more answers. "Maybe. The flames took him so fast that he went into shock. One of his organs may have been affected. And he's probably not getting use of that hand back if he does survive." he said as he channeled water and light into the man. With threads of power he started weaving closed the gaping wound on his arm and accelerated tissue growth where and when he could. "This will kill him for sure if left open much longer..." he thought. "The burn scars don't look too dangerous. Not worth wasting energy on...". He muttered absently as he finished. The wound would take a bit to close properly, but he had stopped a lot of the blood flow and none of the organs seemed damaged other than the fact that he had inhaled a lot of smoke. He wouldn't know the angels fate until the wound closed - or not. Grimacing he also added "In fact he probably deserves them. All I know is that if he survives this I'm going to get answers out of him whether or not he or his employer likes it. The time for diplomacy is over."

He needed to do some research on the use of light spells in the brain. He knew they were used for healing mental illnesses occasionally, but if it was possible to rip an image from recent events....

No. First he needed to deal with the ashes that were still floating in his containment field. Moving his attention from the angel to it, he asked "Does anyone have a bag? Cloth preferably."

Edited by DragonMasterKrim
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  • Support Squad

Well that happened. Jorgen lacked any knowledge of magic but he could spot when someone destroys evidence. A glove that can steal magic allows access to a lot of techniques. With proper foresight one could essentially stage heists to steal magic. This was a moron mugger really. Jorgen doubted they could get much out of him, specifically. Chances were though that his supplier did not exclusively support their current charge.

"First, unless you specifically need the ashes I say let the wind take care of them. Ashes are ashes and also not very useful" He looked at Raziel calmly. "You'd know more than I about magic. That leads me on to the second thing I want to say." Jorgen's eyes now swept over each of the mages in the group. "People who want to steal magic will want to come for you. We can use that to our advantage at a later date, to set a trap maybe provided you don't mind being the bait." Jorgen considered bringing up his final point about their rendezvous place, shifting his shotgun sheath of a duffel bag into a better position over his shoulder. "Also, you should all try to find Bargus and Karol at some point. They're setting up a place to stay and retreat to for the time being, share information we've gathered and such." Jarvis eyed the girl with the flaming sword. He only had the word of two others to trust her and they hadn't even given much of a reason. He stared, making his interest in Lisa very clear.

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The butler waited around the corner, watching from the shadows as his tail began to walk past the alleyway. Once the mark calls for help, it's all over. I'll have to do this silently. Then, Rhaeza rolled something into the middle of the narrow side street. Exposed near the mouth of the alley, Jarvis would immediately be seen once his pursuer turned toward it. Out of time! Action is necessary! he thought as he sprang into motion. He lunged toward the stranger's back with his umbrella outstretched, hooking the handle around his mark's neck. He pulled hard and, with his other hand, covered the man's mouth as he began to choke the tail into unconsciousness.

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"Oh, why did I tell you, you wouldn't listen anyways. Let me introduce you to the world of pain!" Bargus blew a barrage of flames at the other two thugs, creating explosions. Heh, this axe is just for show for this battle. If I actually cut them down, I'd be in deep trouble. I'll just give them a nice third-degree burn and some broken bones, that should be enough.

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Party Alley

"Hmph...so much for that" It was interesting though, the self-destruction of the glove as if on command, even within the other mage's field... she hadn't seen that type of skill in so precise a remotely-triggered immolation technique since Old Fox. She could feel the mouse's disappointment as well, hanging his little head and lamenting as he watched their only lead burn up a bit before passing out on the ground. The man was only a simple grunt in the larger scheme of things, sure, dealing with an artefact he had been gifted and probably had no real understanding of, but damn it... even this moron had been better than nothing... and now they might lose him, if the healer wasn't able to stabilize him.

He gave a squeak in Lucille's ear, Runic Knowledge at the ready as his little paws burned with a soft white light. She only looked at him sideways.

"No, Des. There's no point in either of us trying to help, The man's already got it covered well enough... so unless one of your little runes can change ash back into flesh and bone and recover that glove..."

Another squeak, this one defiant. He didn't know if he could, but to hell with it, He was certainly going to try. His interest was far too vested here to simply let the trail end like this.

Before either of them could continue though, it seemed the others picked up with their own discussion of things; Razial requesting a cloth sack of all things before Jorgen quickly retorted and proposed setting a trap, his attention again on the girl he'd almost nailed with that pitch.

As it turned out, Lucille did actually have a bag, a hide one rather than sackcloth. Strapped right onto Bora, bound up with Sinew and tough to spot unless one knew exactly where to look, given it's own color blended near perfectly with the ursine coat. But...she certainly wasn't about to go handing that over, especially considering the work Des had done with his runes to increase the thing's inner capacity- she had a storage space capable of holding hundreds of things in a pouch big enough to just barely be considered a pack...like hell was she going to let him pile filthy ashes into it and smother everything inside.

"When in doubt..." The Aquila responded almost instantly, spreading her wings and taking off again, soaring up into the sky and over the city as her eyes scanned the streets for any travelling merchants and their carts... It should be easy to swoop down and steal what the angel needed, and the bird was fast enough that the crime would only appear as a dazzling blur of motion. Or even better, perhaps she could find an empty one in another alley somewhere- who knew... all that mattered was she get one as her mistress had asked. With the search in progress, she turned her attention back to the Cyborg and older angel.

"A trap only really works under the assumption that he isn't just an isolated case and there are even more morons like him running around... but I can still see your point. Just keep bating them out and beating them into submission one by one until we learn enough about who might be serving as their benefactor. A bit heavy handed, but it gets the job done."

The Aquila meanwhile, swept back into view of the alley as she soared overhead, landing back on Lucille with a simple, sackcloth sack clutched in her beak. The young woman took it without a word and tossed it on the ground beside where Raziel worked, stroking the bird in silent praise as it cooed, obviously relishing the attention.

The actual bag itself was beaten and worn with age, but it looked intact enough to still hold fine powder like ash as easily as it had flour in it's better days.

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"Damn it." Rhaeza muttered as Jarvis stepped out into the open to try and choke the man into submission with... his umbrella? 'I can ask about that later, but now I would rather not have us be seen by any pedestrians.' Rhaeza used his blink to teleport right next to Jarvis and the man being garroted by the umbrella, and touched both of them. He then looked back into the alley and blinked carrying both of them with him far back into the alley where they would be less likely to be noticed. He didn't interrupt the choking of the man at all, but they were both probably surprised by their sudden change of scenery.

Rhaeza flexed his Wrist and activated the mechanism that expanded the limbs on his wristbow and stepped in front of the man as his Shadow Cloak began to wane. "He screams, I'll make sure he never talks again." Rhaeza muttered in his cold monotone voice as he pointed his wrist at the man's neck.

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Alleyway Party

Raziel looked at his charge as the others began to talk. He sighed when the wound still hadn't closed. "I'll give it a bit more time." Then, he was addressed by Jorgen.

"First, unless you specifically need the ashes I say let the wind take care of them. Ashes are ashes and also not very useful."

"Have you ever heard of reconstruction?" he smiled. "It's a very old trick. Not done often. If any magical essence remains in the ruins of an object, and the caster knows what it looked like before, there are ways to put it back together. Although in this case, I know nothing of whatever this was made of before. But I do know that ashes are often used to make glass by heating them to extremely high temperatures. If I cast a light bright enough, it can reach those temperatures. This means I'll likely be able to reshape the glove. If I can get information out of our idiot friend here" he pointed with his dagger at the angel "on the runes required, I may even get it working again. Of course, I'd need to research this a bit more before attempting it, but I'm sure the libraries I was given access to has something. It's not exactly hidden information."

"People who want to steal magic will want to come for you. We can use that to our advantage at a later date, to set a trap maybe provided you don't mind being the bait."

"A trap only really works under the assumption that he isn't just an isolated case and there are even more morons like him running around... but I can still see your point. Just keep bating them out and beating them into submission one by one until we learn enough about who might be serving as their benefactor. A bit heavy handed, but it gets the job done."

"Agreed. I don't know if there are more like him, in fact I'm guessing not seeing how much trouble whoever it is went to getting rid of him afterwards, but if there are, isolating them is by far the easiest way to deal with them. I don't mind being the bait as long as I have someone to cover me." he raised an eyebrow to Jesse and wondered where the other sniper was. She hadn't been with them since the meeting.

When he was finished talking, the blind girl threw a bag on the ground next to him and he nodded slightly in thanks. He picked it up and held it open as he moved his field over it and then dissolved it. The ashes fell into the bag with a slight thud, and then he closed and tied it.

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  • Support Squad

"Well, unless the goon is smart, you don't keep just one of them around. If you want disposable muscle around to do something, you may as well recruit a lot of it. It is an assumption but it's all we've really got." Jorgen spoke, still staring at Lisa. Would she ever speak? "If we set the trap, we can confirm any danger and possibly take care of anyone who cares to fall into our dastardly clutches. We get to know if our mages should be wasting time looking over their shoulder all the time. That said, it's just an option right now, something to bear in mind. I'm sure we all want to pursue information in our own ways for now, right?"

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"Problem is... if this magic wasn't remotely activated or, conditionally activated... it means that these individuals have gotten sight of us. So, they know what we look like now. I don't exactly know how they'd fall for a trap if that was the case. It might be a waste of our time. But... it depends on how organized a group we're dealing with." The strange beast-like creature said from the shadows. Was a bit surprised at the lack of reaction from these individuals. Her nightmare beast form wasn't exactly the stuff of fluffy dreams hence... the name. They also had no reason to believe she wasn't a threat. Well, that wasn't exactly true. They knew that she stopped the man from running, rather than tearing him to bits.

"Anyway, I'm sure the rest of you can handle the the information gathering. I've got the easiest time finding Karol and Bargus. I can wander through the streets without being seen easy as Sunday morning. It also only devotes one of us rather than all than the rest of our assets in finding leads and things of the like. So, I will bring the two to the meeting location. It'll be easier that way. So, just inform me of it's location and I'll be on my way."

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"This is your last warning. Back off and I'll forget about all of this"

Now with three versus three, the thugs had to stop and think again about using force. Specially looking at Bargus´ flaming axe. The two angel officers, who had already arrived, also looked shocked seeing Karol draw her rifle without any exitation. Than everyone started talking at the same time.

"What? Ok, you are all going to the station right now! Everyone drop your weapons!"

"As if! Can´t you winged dolts see there´s a kidnapping going on here? Get the girl with the sword!"
"And how do we know who are the kidnappers? You three drop your knives immediately!"

In the confusion, one of the thugs lunged forward to try and grab the girl.

As Misara sees one of the thugs lunges towards the girl, she grabs her sword and slashes his arm. "Hide here" said Misara while pointing towards a barrel. "Karol, Bargus, what are you two doing here? Oh well, I guess that doesn't matter for now. Now, I believe these men know something about our "little someone". Care to help me make them talk?" said Misara to her teammates.

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Alleyway party

All this 'what ifs' and 'buts' makes my legs falls asleep. Jeez guys lighten up, we caught one valuable asset in this investigation on our first day in marble gate, we just have a minor setback, that's all. I know planning ahead is essential but this is too much. More initiative, Less worrying. Jesse thought to himself while leaning on a wall. This conversation has jaded the sniper long enough.

Jesse raised a brow as the beast in the shadows offered help to find the rest of the team. "The last time I saw Bargus and Carol, they were in the commercial district, If this beast is gonna fetch our team, I'm coming too. " The sniper said, glaring at the animal, untrusting if this thing is stable enough to be part of the team. "Besides, I need to stretch my legs."
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"Then here, take her with you if you're going." Lucille said to the boy sniper, the shimmering eagle flapping over to him and landing on his shoulder before starting to clean her feathers "I bound her to help find everyone in the first place, and it'll speed things up if you two can have an eye in the sky." the gaze she gave him made it clear the escort wasn't up for debate, empty though her eyes were. It was killing two birds with one stone really, the Aquila was being put to it's intended role and she was fairly certain that having one of her own charges who would remain overtly calm and trusting around Luna might discourage Jesse from... trying anything stupid out of paranoia. Des saw that look the young angel was giving... and Lucille through him.

To her credit though, the eagle really was getting on well with what was being wordlessly asked of her, Lucille didn't even have to send impulses to steady it's instincts. All she needed was to let it know the presence lurking in the shade could be trusted, and it took her word without any further insistence. Such things were always good signs, when she bound a beast already capable of some degree of self-control and direction even without her influence; it meant their soul was stronger than others of their ilk... and that in turn made them all the better a long-term companion, despite often being more demanding to win over initially.

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Jesse, leaving the alley party, on the hunt for Bargus and Karol with a strange combination of teammates

"Great, more animals" Jesse sardonically said as the eagle landed on his shoulder. What do i look like a zookeeper? The angel sighed. eh, its fine.. the more the merrier i guess and these animals will be the thing last people would suspect while roaming around the streets and the sky.

"Then right then, what are we waiting for? a theme song? let's go find our team, and get this over with." Jesse said a bit impatient, eager to leave this alley as he decided to get a head start from his animal companions in this mission.

"We'll come back here as soon as we can." He said to Lucy.

And with that, Jesse altered his density, making himself intangible to the eagle on his shoulder stay in its place. The sniper's body slowly fades away and vanished as he goes into his ethereal form, Jesse remains silent and unseen as he went through the obstacles of the city walls like it was nothing in an attempt to find his teammates alongside with his animal companions in the commercial district of Marblegate.

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Bargus, Karol, Misara

The thug didn´t expect a reaction that fast. Because of Bargus´ flames, his teammates couldn´t use the window created by Karol aiming at him; the angel officers were just preparing their spells yet and to boot, there was a sword coming at blinding speed towards his arm.

Just then, they heard the sound of metal crashing into metal as something deflected both the bullet and the sword. The thug fell to the floor, rolling sideways out of the danger line as Misara took the girl, and looked around confused.

The white haired man had arrived, holding in his hands two pitch black pistols. The air tensed for a moment while he stared with icy blue eyes at each of the fighters, but then he just put them back in their holsters, smiled and raised his hands. "Ok, ok, why don´t we calm down a bit? By the way you´re acting, it seems to me you´re actually just trying to protect the kids from the bad guys, right?" He asked Misara´s group.

Jarvis & Rhaeza

The man was tall, young and strong, but still was unable to break free from Jarvis. He fought for quite a while but eventually stopped moving, seemingly unconcious.

He was wearing jeans and a social shirt, and had no weapons to be seen. There was a wallet with a little money on his pocket, but nothing other than that to help identify him.

Alleyway Party

Soon after Jesse left the rest of them started hearing voices coming from the mais street.

"...They went that way officer! There was a man with metallic parts and a girl with a huge bear! They seemed dangerous."

"Thank you very much. Follow me guards!"
It was pretty obvious that this whole mess had caught the city guard´s attention, and they were about to arrive.


"I mean, there are cures that target or work through the blood, but using actual blood magic to heal people? That's intriguing, although it does sound kinda dangerous..."

"It´s actually a bit more complicated than usual bllod magic. Most demons only train to use it as a weapon, controlling their opponents bodies, and other stuff we´ve seen in use on the wars. First aid blood magic is already a bit used, as you probably know, to stop bleedings and closing small wounds, but if you focus on controlling it in a more refined manner, you can alter, to a certain degree, the composition of the blood itself, locate and elliminate sick cells, stabilize the flow and even repair organs internally. It is really difficult to achieve mastery though, and my clan is trying to raise funds to build a med school based on that. Or at least I am." The blue demon answered. Then he extended a hand. "Hello, I´m Lerodoch. These are Rian, Maximilian, Juliet, Iceliste..." he said, pointing to the human brothers, the demi-human and the lizard girl, respectively, then he turned to the angels "...Arael, Nephilim and Conah. Welcome to our little study group."

All of them made one or other gesture to welcome him; the humans smiled, the girls waved at him and the angels nodded respectfully. "So, where are you from? Are you liking Marblegate?" the one named Nephilim asked.

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Party Alley- Oh shit, it's the popo!!

"...They went that way officer! There was a man with metallic parts and a girl with a huge bear! They seemed dangerous."

"Thank you very much. Follow me guards!"

"Shit..." Lucille snarled (Quite literally) beneath her breath, the voices from afar easily reaching her own ears before it would the others. Bora was already charging over, the burning glint in his eyes making it clear he too had picked up the approaching scent of pursuit. "you two, we need to scatter, and we need to do it now... We barely got anything of value out of this moron, and we've got nothing to prove who we are or what we're really here for..." Already, she had pulled herself onto the beast's massive back, not willing to wait until they were already upon them to take action "Go, I can make a diversion before I get away... but you won't want to be around to hear it when I do."

She... didn't quite know what said diversion would be, exactly, but whatever it was, she knew most of their pursuers would most likely be feeling a good bit of pain for days... either way, running really did seem the only option that wouldn't irrevocably affect the mission, at least to her. If what Vermillio said held true, there was no record of this taskforce or it's endgoal- and no friends in high places to bail them out of an incident like this. And a few dead guards would only put the entire city on high alert and make their movements that much more difficult...

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  • Support Squad

Jorgen snorted at Lucille. So far, she hadn't seemed friendly and she was their ally. God only knows what she'd do to a threat. "No, screw that, I have a better idea." It probably wasn't but hey, Jorgen always wanted to try parkour. "One of you get a message to Gabriel, I won't be able to pose as his dad."

The cyborg who had been described began sprinting towards the entrance of the alleyway where the police were coming. His weight left impressions of his boots in the ground as he went. When he reached the mouth of the alleyway, clearly visible to all, he leapt, up towards the nearest building. He crashed into the wall but didn't breach it, He then dug his fingers into the wall and used it to launch himself up once more, heading to the roof of the building and hopefully over and away. A clear target to pursue. He was already pegged as dangerous, he may as well use it. Of course he hadn't committed any major crimes, so that was in his favour.

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"...gah, to hell with it, so long as they don't capture any of us" She didn't quite know whether to be impressed by the metal man's rapid response or annoyed at how blatantly inconspicuous his methodology was compared to the rough tactic of what she had in mind, but either way, she didn't have time to dwell on that, neither of them did. The blind girl turned to Raziel as the cyborg continued to run from the law in the distance. "Even with him hopefully drawing them away though, the two of us still need to get out of here. What do you want to do with him?" She nodded to the unconscious criminal still sprawled on the ground. "Leave him, or do you want to be able to beat more out of him later?"

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