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[IC] Myriad AoW Chapter 1 - Rise from the Cinders


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Jorgen weathered the woman's torrent of abrasive questions in silence, he hadn't even had the chance to answer. Why ask if he couldn't answer? He would have marvelled at her theatrics if she hadn't been testing his patience. In a form of petty revenge when the bear slowed Jorgen slapped his hand onto the bears hide and vaulted on, allowing his full weight to land on the bears bulk. "I'll answer your questions when the danger's passed. Just get us there." Jorgen's eyes then snapped forward, over Lucille's shoulder. He was alert. When he saw the threat, he would neutralise it. Quickly.

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As could be expected, the beast again snarled, more agitated by the irreverent slap on his ass than the sudden addition of the Cyborgs weight; just like the travelling wolf from before, this fool thought he could idly toy with his kind and keep those hands...maybe he could, considering he was made of metal, but then again, he had easily gotten through metal before, when he wanted the cowards behind it dead badly enough, so maybe the metal man couldn't... there was only one real way to find out ...

A way Lucille didn't allow him to entertain the fantasy of much longer, instead sending him charging off at top speed towards the scene. Fine... he'd save his indignant malice for the enemy. But metal man would get his too, if he ever got slap-happy like that again...

just like that damn Were-Hund would...fucking patting his snout like he's some big teddy bear, like they're friends... fucker was lucky he had been gifted with the damn fine reflexes to pull away in time.

((So uh yeah, guess it's up to you to take it from here Notus))

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He's right, my riffle is at its peak, I need to recharge it before using it again, human weapons are so unreliable, Jesse sighed as he keeps shooting, dropping the cockatrice like flies in his line of fire.

With one bullet remaining in this round, The sniper looks at the scope of his rifle and with a small window of opportunity and the magical girl's antics in keeping the fugitive angel occupied. He concentrates and channels his energy towards his remaining bullet. Jesse takes aim and fires an immaterial bullet from the shadows. The enchanted bullet travels at high velocity and went pass any hindrances like an intangible object,

The ghostly bullet makes it way towards the magical barrier, hoping to fracture it from behind the angel's backside.

After that shot,(whether it is effective or not.)The invisible sniper ditches his overheated rifle and goes into running to avoid the incoming cockatrice in front of him,The sniper can feel fatigue in maintaining his ghost form and hears voices from the ethereal world calling the angel. Still, Jesse retains his invisibility and sneaks his way around the hoard of overgrown chickens and tries to get a better positioning at the criminal angel yet again.

Edited by Ragnar
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Rhaeza - The Tattered Wing (Tavern)

"Some of them fancy mages were being robbed of their magic, if that´s even possible."

Now that caught Rhaeza's attention. Stealing magic from mages? That is something else, and that is a threat. Rhaeza wasn't exactly a mage, but he specialized in a few forms of shadow magic, like blink, and his shadow cloak.

Jarvis looked over and seemed to have noticed HIM (Rhaeza is in fact a male) for the first time. "What do you mean, stealing magic?" Jarvis asked inquisitively. "Where did this happen?"

Rhaeza looked into his mug which was already empty. 'Damn how much of this piss-water did I drink? I've been here too long.' Rhaeza realized. 'It's time to move on.' Rhaeza rose from his stool at the bar and walked over to the barkeep and Jarvis. He then proceeded to slide his empty mug to the barkeeper, in a much similar fashion as the barkeeper did earlier. Rhaeza's yellow monster eyes met Jarvis's briefly then he proceeded to exit the tavern.

He didn't go far, only making a right and standing in the nearest alley. He was able to see Tavern's door, and a good ways down the street from where he was standing. 'I'm surprised no authorities have showed up yet after that girl saw my eyes... Especially if that rumor was true.'

Edited by M_Cowher
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Gabriel greeted the woman with a sunny smile of his own. "Hi, I'm here to meet all the other students and stuff for the big magic meeting! Did anyone else get here yet, or did Dad drop me off early?" A good part of his demeanor was actually genuine; the older building inspired him with a deep sense of nostalgia. Of better times, a faintly remembered but just as warm period where he was as carefree as he looked. . . But that's been done with for too long. I can only hope that my sister was able to carry on. He had to catch himself before his expression slipped to melancholy.

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Jesse, Lisa, Raziel, Luna, Jorgen, Lucille... Ok, it´s a party. Did I forget anyone?

"Wha-" Lisa´s technique took the attacker by surprise. He didn´t expect to have his shield shattered that easily. After that things started to go down pretty quick.

First he used a reinforcement spell on himself, and then was about to take flight when Raziel´s daggers activated. He let out a scream of pain and surprise, and protected himself as well as he could. Unlucky for him, his wings were caught in the full force of the trap, so he couldn´t hope to fly away anymore. As Raziel hoped, the strange glove endured the attack with no problems.

Next it was time for Jesse´s bullet to hit him in the arm. The glove´s arm. For some reason, as his arm hanged uselessly on the side of his body, his face turn white as a ghost and the cockatrices disappeared all at once.

Abandoning every effort to try and fight, he turned and ran as fast as he could towards another alley, rounding the corner at top speed... Only to run into Luna.
If a ghost´s face could get even more white with fear, that would be his color.

Just about that time, the group heard some surprised screams on the street as Lucille and Jorgen opened way and appeared on the end of the alley to join them.

Bargus & Karol

"Or are you both just dense enough to believe a young girl like me can defend herself without any weapons?"

"You´re with him, girl?" The angel officer asked "Is him your bodyguard or something?"


The men approached Misara and the girl fast, but slowed down when they saw Misara´s fighting stance. The first to arrive was one of the underlings, who looked at the sheated sword and gave Misara a serious look. "Hey miss, hand over the girl and there will be no need for a fight here. You don´t want to stand in our way, I assure you."

In response, the girl hugged her leg tightly. "No please, don´t let them take me! They make me do things I don´t want to!"

"Where did this happen?"

"Why, there´s been a lot of cases like these around the city. There´s even some famous Artisans who were attacked." The barkeep proceeded (while catching Rhaeza´s mug with an agile movement and a smirk)

" ´Poor guys wake up with no memories of anything that happened, except that they were assaulted. And they can´t perform any magic at all after that, it´s all gone. I´ve heard some commited suicide after that, nasty business."

((Murdoc and M_Cowher... I´ll update your´s tomorrow morning. It´s way too late here, I´m almost sleeping on my desk.))

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Luna, Nightmare Beast Form.

The feral creature's mouth turned up in a wicked smile as it saw the prey run towards it. It had to be the target. He was fleeing from something. She jetted forward and grabbed him around his midriff and slammed him against the wall. It made a loud thud. "Who are you?" Luna said, trying to see if the man was still coherent enough to speak. She would make damn sure he'd not try anything either. Her rib like extrusions popped off her chest with a sickening release of air. It sounded like when one cracked their knuckles... only about seven times louder.

She manipulated them by making them crack and move back in forth in an unnerving pattern. They lightly touched the man, juuuust scrapping his body. The tips of the protrusions, felt deadly sharp, like that of a needle, only much bigger. It was clear they could easily pierce skin, and probably crush bone if they were used as weaponry. She figured her allies would be giving chance so she held him in place until they arrived and they could more properly either question him. If he tried to get away though, she'd not hesitate to end his miserable life.

((as a note, I took initiative here because Luna caught him off guard, clearly as it was described and I figured she'd be fast enough to grab him without him getting away in such a situation in such a small area. If it ain't cool jut lemme know~))

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The men approached Misara and the girl fast, but slowed down when they saw Misara´s fighting stance. The first to arrive was one of the underlings, who looked at the sheated sword and gave Misara a serious look. "Hey miss, hand over the girl and there will be no need for a fight here. You don´t want to stand in our way, I assure you."

In response, the girl hugged her leg tightly. "No please, don´t let them take me! They make me do things I don´t want to!"

"Sorry, but I won't let you have this girl!" said Misara. As she said that, she started to remember about her village, about how she saw a girl in the village that looked like the same girl that's holding her leg. "Alright, look, just let go of my leg. I promise, I won't let them have you." said Misara to the little girl. She then looked back at the three guys and as she was remembering about her village and the little girl she saw, her demon eyes formed.

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  • Support Squad

When he saw Jesse, and also Raziel apparently, Jorgen quickly dismounted Lucille's bear. He focused on the stranger, the one with the flaming black sword drawn. He wasn't sure of the dynamic here but it was pretty clear what was happening.

Jorgen dropped to one knee, plunged his fingers into the ground and ripped a large chunk of rock from the ground, crumbling at the edges. He then flung it at the stranger, without much of his strength behind it. It approached the speed of a professional baseball players serve and it was aimed roughly for her chest.

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"Wait, that's not the one-" She paused and trailed off midway as Jorgen lobbed the stone, attention more drawn towards the...massive thing standing at the other end of the alley than the man attacking the same girl she had seen helping the others. Ten solid feet of some bipedal figure she had never seen anything even close to resemblance before, like some mad god had gotten bored decided to take a massive stag and force it to have some unholy love child with a werewolf and threw a few protruding ribs into the union for good measure... the only thing that struck her more than what Des showed her was the fact that without question, it's presence was the exact same as Luna's.

She... didn't bother asking questions, in that moment. Whatever the hell type of form this was, it seemed to have cut off any hope of onfoot escape the avian had rather well.

Still though, there was the matter of the girl...and the large chunk of street hurtling towards her.

"Jorgen," She called again, turning back to the cyborg "She's not the one we're after here, it's that angel, the one with the glove."

((Just ah... left the actual status of the suspect ambiguous as to whether luna actually caught him...since it seemed like either way, he wasn't gonna get out through there so...))

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The butler nodded sagely and noted Rhaeza leaving the room, absorbing the information given to him by the barkeep. As an intelligence gatherer, it was always important to remember the little details. Even someone's favorite color could save a life. I see. It doesn't seem like I'm going to be gaining any more information, so perhaps it's time I met with my colleague. Jarvis bowed politely after the barkeeper finished speaking, leaving payment for his drinks plus a few talents extra for the information. He made his way outside and walked past the meeting place, ensuring he wasn't being followed. If he wasn't, he would feel safe reporting to Rhaeza what he had found.

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"Is him your bodyguard or something?"

"Of course!" Karol tried to focus, now wasn't the time for any snide remarks. A small error or slip in speech could get them both in even more trouble. "I wasn't happy staying home my whole life, so I decided to see all the sights in the world." She let out a sigh, trying her best to make her story believable. "As much as I hate to admit it, I'm not exactly the strongest girl in the world." Please don't notice the Sniper Rifle. "I needed a bodyguard, a good bodyguard that can protect me from scary ruffians." Karol patted her companion on the back, trying to look as friendly with him as possible. "And that's where one of my oldest friends, Bargus, came in." Karol cleared her throat, feeling sure of herself for coming up with a story.

"Now, as you can plainly see, we're just a bunch of random travelers." Karol's tone grew annoyed, trying not to sound worried. Karol reached her hand out towards the angel holding Bargus' weapon. "Now, kindly return my friend's axe, and we'll be on our way."

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Alleyway Party

Jumping from his seat on the roof, Raziel quickly floated downward and threw up a barrier of ice a few feet thick between Lisa and the oncoming boulder. Slightly annoyed, but happy that the dagger went off the right way, he picked it up and ran around the corner saying "She's with us." quickly to Jorgen behind him. He didn't wait to see where Jesse was, nor if the barrier actually did it's job. He needed to catch that angel.

As he quickly rounded it, it appeared that someone had already done it for him. A huge creature with bone fragments jutting out at odd angles held the angel with the glove, who definitely did not appear to be in the best shape. He noticed the blind girl there as well. Seeing as she wasn't too phased by it, he decided not to question what this thing was. The enemy of his enemy was an ally, he supposed. It had a strange energy about it too, but now wasn't the time to question that either.

Raising an eyebrow to the strange creature, he walked right up and spoke to the angel held in it's grip. "Didn't expect an enchantment? Shame." he said while quickly casting a bubble around the glove hanging limply from his grasp and channeling points of light into it as he did so. "Small containment and preservation field will work for now. At least until I can examine this fully later..." he thought. He wasn't sure, but he had an idea that this wasn't much different from the usual "dangerous" artifacts he got to handle. Then, he said aloud with a smile on his face "You. Are going to tell me exactly how and what this does, and answer any other questions I, or my friends here, have for you. I know quite a bit about healing, and I can assure you that your death will not be pleasant or swift if you refuse." Then he laughed and pointed with his dagger at the thing that held him and the other girl. "Or...I could let one of my friends here have you. That could very well be worse. I'm sure the sniper wouldn't mind using you as target practice by now."

Unfortunately, or fortunately in this case, making it seem like he enjoyed the torture that his powerful healing could provide wasn't all that uncommon in his service to the angelic army. He just hoped the angel was scared out of his wits enough to go along with him so he wouldn't actually have to use it.

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Instead of ditching me to complete the higher objective, you backed me up...

"Return my axe now, will you?" Bargus reaches his right hand forward, with the palm facing up.

Edited by IntSys
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She was with them? Tch, how the hell had he been meant to know that? This would require some explanation but Raziel seemed more focused on the Angel and interrupring would probably only further irritate everyone. So Jorgen folded his arms, gave Lisa an appraising look then walked up to stand next to Razziel and the abomination Jorgen assumed was one of their allies.

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Alleyway Party

The air went out of the angel´s lungs as Luna knocked him into the wall, looking terrorized. Her question´s only effect was to make him start trembling in fear.

"Or...I could let one of my friends here have you. That could very well be worse. I'm sure the sniper wouldn't mind using you as target practice by now."
His hand, still wearing the glove, was involved into Raziel´s field, and this time he managed to answer; it actually looked like he was relieved to see another angel - or any being other than the monster holding him - apparently taking charge of the situation.
"Nononono, I´ll tell you. Just take this thing away please!" he asked, obviously referring to Luna.


"We can´t let you have her." The first thug said. By then, the second and third men had arrived and tryed circling Misara to get to the girl. The first one put his hand on his dagger´s hilt and stood at ready.
The people around them realized there was a fight about to start and began running away. Some were shouting for the city guard, and no one seemed to want to intervene.

Bargus & Karol

"Well then, you´re friends with a demon then? So I´ll ask you to come with us t-" the guard was interrupted by the sound of people screaming nearby. Some passed running by them coming from another street. "What the hell?"

The guards looked at one another. "Ok, we´ll let you go this time. But stay out of trouble, otherwise I´ll remember your faces." the one in command said whie the shorter one returned the axe to Bargus. Then both turned and ran towards the commotion.

Jarvis & Rhaeza

Just when he was closing the tavern´s door, Jarvis cauht a glimpse of a man getting up from his table and, apparently looking at him. It was just a moment though, before the door closed and blocked his view.


"Hi, I'm here to meet all the other students and stuff for the big magic meeting! Did anyone else get here yet, or did Dad drop me off early?"

"Uhmn, you´re here for the meeting? But aren´t you too young..?" Shelly started asking, seeming surprised, but then shook her head and smiled again. "Nevermind, sorry to be judging you by appearance like this. My own daughter, Hannah, is pretty smart too, though she is more into fairy tales than academics." With a graceful gesture, she pointed towards the stairs."The others already started, they´re up on the second floor. Should I take you something to drink up there? Our hot chocolate is really tasty."

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Gabriel nods at the suggestion. "Yes please!" Damn, it's older students. That will draw unwanted attention. No matter; pretending to be a prodigy should not be too difficult. He proceeded up the stairs, frowning slightly. Something just isn't right about this whole mission. The briefing was scant and the 'team' barely deserves the name. As he ploddes up the stairs, he withdrew a small notepad and pen and scribbled a few questions on it, to prepare for the discourse.

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"Troubles, eh?" Bargus looked at Karol, "Let's check out the commotion!"


There they were - The Cambion stood against three men, with a little girl by her side. "The odds aren't looking good for ya, Misara! Mind if we join in?" He revealed his axe and pointed it at the men. He blew some flames onto the axe while spinning it, letting both of its ends catch on fire. "Hey, you three, if you value your lives, throw the daggers away. This thing right here will leave you handicapped for life - that is, if you're lucky."

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The upper floor was just as filled with book shelves as the first. The disposition was different though, with only one big table on the center of the room. It was circular as the small ones, and on it´s middle there was a platform of the same format, filled with more books, which the clients could rotate to choose volume they wanted.

The table was practically full, with just one or two chairs left unatended. The ones sitting there were an eclectic group, just like Gabriel´s team itself. There were two young humans, probably around their twenties, and looking much alike one another, probably siblings; a demi-human with small antlers; a flan, of all things, and a lizard girl; a blue skinned demon and finally, three angels. Unlike his team though, they didn´t seem to in unfriendly terms with each other. In fact, they were so focused on their debate that they didn´t notice Gabriel coming in.

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Alleyway, some poor angel is gonna crap his pants in the midst of this interrogation.

"Before anyone else decides to throw rocks for some reason, allow me to shed some light on this situation" Jesse step forth from the shadows with a rifle at hand. "Mr. Jorgen, Ms.Lucille and one of your pets, I presume?" Jesse greets the rest of the team. The young angel raised a brow at the scary huge beast in front of him, What is this abomination? Jesse asked himself with a mixed of suspicion and worry that this beast is looking a bit unstable for his own liking.

"Like Raziel stated, The girl with black-sword is not our enemy, in fact, this girl has sided with us in taking down this dangerous lowlife angel you see beforehand. Her origins and her name are still unknown but I assure you she can be trusted." The boy said with a smile."Now this wounded angel right here stands guilty of Magic Theft, He tries to ambush me and the sword-wielding girl in an attempt to steal our powers with the use of his magical gauntlet you see right there." The angel explained.

"Nononono, I´ll tell you. Just take this thing away please!"

"He seems cooperative enough rather than he was before" Jesse said particularly to no one as he aims his rifle directly at the fugitive, on alert if this guy does something funny as he let his teammates do the good cop bad cop interrogation.

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Gabriel skimmed the shelves and picked one with a likely-looking title - something about healing charms - and quietly settled into the nearest available chair, listening intently to the conversation in an attempt to piece together what the discussion was about and whether he could contribute. He acted somewhat shy, eyes downcast, as befitted someone so 'young' trying to interact with his elders.

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Alleyway party

Nodding to confirm Jesse's words, Raziel took out his other dagger and motioned for the thing to drop their captive.

"The containment field prevents the magic of this item from escaping it. Trying to touch us, or using any other magic will only end badly for you. Since it's still on your arm, it won't be hard to tell. Now, I'd prefer it if I didn't have to ask twice. What does this do, how does it work, and where did you get it?" He wondered if the angel even knew exactly how it worked. He didn't seem to be the most intelligent around.

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Luna, Alleyway.

"I'd snap his arm off before he could even move." the beast said. It voice was clearly Bom's, though it did sound much harsher through that of a snout. She released her grip on him and sent him plummeting to the ground. It was only a short distance, but the landing still wouldn't be pleasant. She backed off, going over to the shadows. She blended within becoming nearly invisible other than her eyes. Her light reflective eyes. Two ghostly pinpoints of flat colour as they reflected the light that was there outward. Luna was actually doing it on purpose and stood directly where she needed to to make her eyes do that. She wanted the man to know 100% that running away, wasn't an open.

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"Let's check out the commotion!"

"That's not staying out of trouble, Bargus!" Karol ran alongside Bargus as she spoke.


Throwing her bag away, Karol brought out her Rifle. "Looks like you need a little help, huh?" Karol shouted in Misara's direction. Bringing the Rifle up, Karol pointed it towards one of the attackers. "About time we see some action." A smirk appeared on Karol's face as she focused on the position of each of her enemies. "You're not getting out of this without a few gun wounds, ya know!"

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"We can´t let you have her." The first thug said. By then, the second and third men had arrived and tryed circling Misara to get to the girl. The first one put his hand on his dagger´s hilt and stood at ready.

The people around them realized there was a fight about to start and began running away. Some were shouting for the city guard, and no one seemed to want to intervene.

"This is your last warning. Back off and I'll forget about all of this" said Misara to the thugs. This is getting serious. I better be ready for anything, Misara thought.

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