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[IC] Myriad AoW Chapter 1 - Rise from the Cinders


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So our mission is simple: Cut off the head of the snake who's responsible for this hideous crime and the body will wither along with it, Got it...Well if only if that's damn easy. Jesse sighed. It's a dangerous hunting game, to see if we're on the brink of war while these crazy people disrupts the peace between races. The angel got a sudden itch on his trigger finger and the urge of hunting these criminals down from the way Vermillio describe them.

"Consider me in, Mr. Vermillio. I'm up for the hunt, moving targets were always my favorites. Especially the sneaky ones." The sniper said with a smile and was eager to help his Demon commander.

"I'll be the team's shooter from above, your eye in the sky, A guardian angel if you will. I'll provide cover from a distance while you guys go ahead do your own thing from below. Rest assure none of this murderous fiends will escape my sights once I lay my eyes upon them." Jesse said with a mischievous smile, His eyes flicker in a white ethereal glow for a second as it returns back to its normal blueish color.
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"If this is to be gathering intel on a target and then silently dispatching them, surely bringing someone specialized in direct combat will only serve to drive our prey into hiding."

"Good point lil´ Gabriel" At this point it was already quite clear Vermillio kept calling him this on purpose. "We´ve thought of this last month, before the spies we sent to look for the culprits were wiped out. And, given how fast they were taken care of, there´s a chance that we are having info leaked from inside the Alliance as well, so we decided we needed a bit more brawl to accompany the brains into this."

"Why are you heading things then? Wouldn't having a demon lead the efforts to snake out the people who killed an angel make failure a higher risk? It's that much easier to cry conspiracy if we fail, which is a very real possibility to be frank. Or are you not the head honcho for this task?"

"Well, nope. As much as I´d love having a reason to take my arse out of the damn office for a change, what you mentioned is a real risk, not to mention that, I have a lot of other stuff to take care off. Anyway, it won´t be me nor anyone leading you. For the records you guys don´t even exist. The only ones who know of this group´s assembly are me and the other three founders, and we all agreed that we won´t have any contact with you during your missions. I´ll only ask you send a coded message to my office once in a while informing you are alive and kicking, but nothing else - and after you finish a job, of course."

"You can count me in but...I have a bit of a...condition. I need unrestricted access to any all libraries and vaults containing books on magic and full access to magical artifacts that you've collected and hidden away. Don't tell me you don't have any. I do my research. Not only this, but I also need access to any we come across. And. I get to loot their mages and possibly the angels when we have time to spare."

"Hehe, aren´t we demanding? Anyway, I can provide you a pass to the armies´ files and some libraries, but the more top secret stuff needs a more complicated authorization.And since you guys don´t exist, as I said just now, that could prove a problem." Vermillio then went for a malicious smile "Be my guest with the plundering though, if that would make the job more fun to you.

"Well, it´s great to see everyone up and hyped for the hunt. It´s truly a shame I can´t go too, but I´ll be cheering for you - for all a demon´s cheering is worth anyway. Anymore questions before you start?"

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Jorgen shook his head. "No sir. I'm at your disposal." They didn't have any handlers. The only people stopping them from stabbing each other in the back was everyone else.

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Jesse rested his chin on both of his hands as he watched the grown-ups talk; like a kid following the conversation from left to right with only his eyes moving.

"Well, it´s great to see everyone up and hyped for the hunt. It´s truly a shame I can´t go too, but I´ll be cheering for you - for all a demon´s cheering is worth anyway. Anymore questions before you start?"

Well, what a pity.I was expecting more of a motivational pep talk or perhaps a bravado from Mr.Vermillio rather than telling us to don't forget to send your commander a coded greeting card if your mission was a success and IF only If you're not pushing daisies during the outcome of this mission.At least he could try to be more inspirational before sending us away. The angel taught to himself and snorted. Welp might as well drink the kool aid and get this over with.

"No questions here, mister.. uhmm.. sir.. uhmm..commander Vermillio..sir" Jesse stammered as he tries to perform a sorry excuse of a proper salute.

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"I have no issues with this," Gabriel said simply, just a hint of veiled irritation in his voice. You would think that the man would take me seriously, given my history with the alliance. Still, it's not as if this isn't a maddeningly common occurrence... even if it's instrumental to my 'success,' I will always hate it.

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"Understood, sir." Misara said to Vermilio

"I'll do what I do best: fighting. The spying, infiltrating, if you want me in on that, I'll do it, as long as I get to fight, that is." Misara said to the others

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"Hehe, aren´t we demanding? Anyway, I can provide you a pass to the armies´ files and some libraries, but the more top secret stuff needs a more complicated authorization.And since you guys don´t exist, as I said just now, that could prove a problem."

"That...was significantly easier than expected. What he's given is probably a lot to look through for now, so the top secret stuff can wait. Hopefully." thought Raziel. "And of course...I have my own ways of getting in if it comes to it." Illusions and invisibility were very nice to have around sometimes.

"Be my guest with the plundering though, if that would make the job more fun to you.

"We have a deal then." said Raziel finally looking up and returning the smile, although it didn't quite meet his eyes. "Plundering can be rather...interesting. With the right mindset." he said before returning his gaze to his book.

"Was I wrong about him...?" He wondered."He's asked nothing of me other than to bloody my hands and has given me something nobody else has. A chance. Hopefully a good one. I wonder..."

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"So what that's it? We're to take out some terrorist group who has killed a couple politicians? Do we actually know anything else about them? Where they are hiding? Or is that all going to be in the mission brief that hasn't been typed up by a secretary yet?" Rhaeza said to Vermillio with a touch of sarcasm in his voice.

"And also the fact that the Alliance has decided to throw a group of strangers together with conflicting tactics, skills, and as made quite obvious by now opinions as well." This wasn't adding up to Rhaeza, something seemed wrong about all of this. almost like this was an experiment and they were the guinea pigs.

Edited by M_Cowher
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"I have the information - actually, it´s more a bet, but it´s the best we´ve got - that the killers might attack again in two weeks. There´s a student meeting to be held at the Angel capital, Marblegate, and some prominent figures are going to show up."

"Most of the participants are Humans and Angels, of course, buut for the first time the city is open for a group of Demon scholars and students aand even one or two of the Monstrous Races are coming. I can´t imagine a better scenario for them to strike. Be there on time, avoid any disasters and get the culprits. Dead or alive, and if I can give a personal opinion, I prefer dead. "

Vermillio walked towards the exit, turning and bowing to them in an exagerated motion. "Well then, my boys and girls, I wish you all a safe journey and a succesfull mission. Ok, part of it is because we are screwed if it happens otherwise, but I´ve already taken a liking by you. Maybe I´m becoming too soft hearted. See you in three weeks, or in Hell."

And with only that as a goodbye, the demon simply disappeared. So much for using the stairs.

((If you want to make any comments between your characters now is the time. Tomorrow morning I´ll make a post setting you in Marblegate))

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With a sigh and a shake of his head Jorgen relaxed. "This mission is gonna be riddled with pitfalls set for us, I reckon. I hope those of you more versed in espionage than this battered piece of metal are capable of stealth and subtlety. I'd really prefer to err on the side of caution and not need to throw my weight around." Jorgen's eyes flicked between the faces of those present. He really wasn't happy with this mission in hindsight and he had to wonder why he had been brought on board, he'd do it regardless for his superiors of course. Certainly he felt like a pawn in someones game. Then again, why wouldn't he? He had a job to do.

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"Don't worry, you'll blend in just fine, Mr.Jorgen." Jesse said to the cyborg, trying to cheer up the soldier. "We're heading to a place where multiple races are present, I'm sure they don't mind a huge metal fellow such as yourself hanging around there." He said.

"Which is both a good thing or a bad thing. Most of us can blend in with the crowd since like Mr.Vermillio said we don't have any records and it's like we never existed in this world which is a good thing. The downside is the killer can blend in the massive crowd as well, which is like finding a needle in a haystack. A haystack full of delicates and different races." the sniper said. Jesse has a few tricks in identifying what they are after and he's pretty confident that most of his teammates has something to offer as well.

"In order to catch a killer, you have to think like a killer, that's why most probably the Alliance chose us to represent them." The angel said,pointing his temple with his index finger.

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Jorgen gave a non-committal grunt. "Sure, thinking like a killer is all well and good when figuring out how they're gonna do it, and we all stand as a testament to all the fun, varied ways THAT can happen. but we don't know jack about their motive besides that they wanna bugger with the Alliance. We're huntin' for info and that needs a light touch." A careful one too when you consider misinformation and any other kinds of subterfuge. Was Jorgen complicating things? Maybe.

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"Perhaps this killer is one step ahead of us, But we got a lead. it's better than nothing, right? As for their motive, It must be pretty drastic since they're killing people and what not. My order compels me to stop them by any means. and heck if we're lucky we might get info from them. I'm sure we'll improvise if something comes up and screw us in our butts." Jesse said to Jorgen with a bright smile and all squinty eyes, thinking of the positive outcome. Clearly, the cyborg has many doubts about this mission, maybe he's program this way, can't blame the metalic soldier for playing safe until he has all the details he needs.

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"Of course, of all the places, it's another gods forsaken city...I don't know what I was expecting." Lucille sighed beneath her breath... more of a mix between a growl and a sharp exhale. To hell with it, she hated it enough just having spent a few minutes down here, she wasn't going to box herself into another one of these enclosed cells, and she wasn't about to subjugate Bora to it either; the others could handle whatever attempt happened within the meeting, she was fine just guarding the entry ways, corner and maul the whoever or whatever that ran past looking even moderately suspicious... or had the scent of blood on them, either one worked equally well.

The mouse gave a squeak of disapproval from her vestments, head again emerging into the dim light and gazing right at her. Unlike others she had bound, the mouse had thus far proven the only one able to sense idle thought from her, regardless whether she wanted it or not.

"Be quiet about that- it's not like we'll go tearing through people indiscriminately..."

Another squeak- this one far more accusatory. The rodent had more than his share of doubts: indiscriminate slaughter was just about exactly what she'd done for the entirety of the war. A predator stopped once it was sated or the threat was neutralized, but a verifiable force of nature did not.

She gave him no reply, whatever he might think, he still ultimately wasn't the one in charge. It was time she got out anyway, open sky and sprawling field, stone and forest, the dark reaches of primordial caves and peaks of the highest summits, the roaring fervor and smoke of the killing field, all these, she could deal with, all these, she was familiar with.

But not this, this little wooden box dug into the the ground and covered with even more wood and artificial edifice on top. There was no sense of open air here, no resounding, ambient noise of life that continued on for miles and up into the vast reaches of the skies beyond, no sensation of sun, rain, wind, anything. No, quite the opposite, by all accounts the only thing she felt here was the crushing oppression of a stagnant air, some creeping forebodence just waiting for the moment it could manifest itself. Despereaux had to have felt it too at some point, even if he made no comment, it had been this way since the moment they'd stepped through the door. Hells, in fact, it had been that way ever since she left the forests and fields behind for this jungle of stone and concrete and glass- the basement for whatever reason just seemed to amplify the feeling.

As always, the others seemed intent on idle discussion. She got up, doubtful any of them would notice as she made for the stairs, stride full of all the intent and purpose as any perfectly sighted woman desperate to leave.

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"Must not be a fan of enclosed spaces." Luna mused in her head, upon seeing Lucille leave the room. After all, not really any one was watching her at this point and she wasn't engaged in any conversation. The ruckus the other were making was much more distracting to the point she considered her options. She could probably shift into a creature small enough to leave without being noticed at all. Unlike the shifting of those that required magic, hers wasn't flashy. In a room where conversations were taking place and she was in a dark corner on her own, it was pretty easy to leave without a trace. Luckily, non-combat forms were easy to transform into for Luna. They didn't require as many moving parts and she could even skip some of the natural features for defense that she didn't need to work on later after the from change. Handy for disappearing. She wasn't as fancy at hiding her presence as someone trained to, but it was hard to argue that rat and mice didn't have a natural ability to be unassuming. That, and no one here knew she could transform. Even if they noticed she was missing, they'd not notice the small rat scurrying about the floor. They'd have no reason to look down. And even if they did, they'd not know it was her. There wasn't a way to tell, especially, given that her shifts were her changing her actual body composition. True Sight, the magic of true seeing, couldn't even pierce it, because there was nothing to pierce, no illusion, no magic holding the form. The form became hers and in the moments she was holding it... that was who she was. There was nothing there for it to see.

So, curiosity... killed... the Primordial One?

She quickly shaped her body into that of vermin. the shrinking of tissue still was a bit painful though she was used to it by now. The shifting of bones and the changing of their composition, the changing of organs and the shifting of their position to fit the new frame. Something she had done probably a million times in the span of her life. She at least had done it so much she couldn't really count it anymore even if she wanted to. "Ah, the good ol' level of detritus. It stinks down here my lord." Luna thought to herself. "The trouble of heightened senses. You'd think I'd learn this by now, but... it's really a shock going from human sense to an animal's." Now, newly a jet black rat to further fade into the natural shadow of this dingy basement, The Bom-Rat scurried quickly towards the woman who was about to take her leave. She was interested in where she was going. She knew that somehow, she'd probably figure out she had a new animal following her, it was jsut a hunch, but a pretty good one having seen that other rodent like creature of hers. Knowing what she did of the magics of the world, she did know it was possible to "see" through the eyes of another creature, typically with one that was "bonded" with the subject. How this woman did this... Luna had no idea, but she was curious about it. She wanted to see how she'd act outside, where people weren't watching her. The place Luna figured that Lucille could be herself. Because that... that... was when humans were the most interesting. Besides, it be nice to get away from all these stuffy uppity ups, the boooooooooring crew, with a dash of metallic brute.

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The rush of open albeit still tainted air, the ambient temperature... The alley was still abysmal just like the rest of the city, but it was at least a modicum better than confinement. She didn't bother closing the door behind her- she could've easily silenced the latch to make both is' opening and closing inaudible, but... there was no point, she cared nothing for being discrete about exit, only the act of exiting. Of course there had been creatures down there aside from just them as well, she found it no surprise, there had to been at least a dozen rats scurrying about in the walls, their very presence unnoticeable to all but her. Hell, even now she sensed the teeming myriad of tiny beasts calling the waste and refuge their home- she held no disgusts for them, disgusts was something she had never felt within the bounds of natural law... but at the same time she had no use for them either. There were only so many situations an army of rats could prove handy, this wasn't one of them.

She was barely a few feet out of the door before Desp mentally screeched in her mind, leaping from hiding and back onto her shoulder and stamping his foot in persistent fashion.

"What are you talking about, there's rats everywhere around des, so what if one followed us from the-" She stopped dead in her tracks. She sensed it too, now that he brought it to focus. She had fooled herself into feeling relief at being out of that box, but the oppressive air coiling through that place hadn't only persisted in it's degree, no, in defiance of all reason, it had grown even worse out here.. "Nevermind...I see your point."

She knew not what it meant, but she realized the significance of the presence. Whatever the cause of this oppression, it existed outside the bounds of nature... it existed in the basement and had only grew more powerful here in the open, and the only thing connecting the two was the sole rat that had seen fit to follow her out all those others content to stay in the wall. She had touched the minds of none of those rodents, none of them should've had reason to follow. So... this the true skill level of what they were up against...

A single, low snarl emanated from her, and with it, Bora's immense roar sounded in the distance as her nails lengthened and hardened to their talon like points, the dull platinum of her worthless eyes fading to Draconic verdance.

"So..." she said, not bothering to turn to face the assailant she knew to be there. "is this really how futile it is then, trying to stop you? Let me guess, there's a little bird somewhere, telling you all you need to know to be here for this and scout whatever the Alliance is planning. You wait till the briefing is over, and begin to calculate what to do next, but oh, you notice an opportunity you can't pass up- the oh so poor and vulnerable blind girl is leaving with no one to accompany her, surely, if you're fast enough, you can catch her in this alley and silence her before anyone notices. One less threat to be present later on, correct? And from there, you don't even have to stop, you can scurry back into the basement in your little rat form and figure out how best to kill the others while your at it, completely undetected. Why_not seal the door and gas the room, perhaps set fire to the house above? No point fighting everyone when you can use sabotage to get it done. And that's it, the Alliance's little strike team is all dead, and you're free to wreak whatever havoc you want"

Bora had stopped his roaring, but she still sensed him in the distance, charging at full speed and giving positively no fucks who dared to stand in his way as he bowled down streets and backways... despite the unease and raw hostility, she still managed a sarcastic excuse for a laugh, her teeth already razored into fangs.

"Fine, if that's how it's going to be... go on then, do what you came out here to do, before my friend arrives and has his way with you. But I assure you, I'm not the delicate little damsel you seem so arrogant to presume... and my death will most certainly be anything but... quiet."

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"A touch dramatic don't you think?" Luna said, lifting a single eyebrow. It was rather curious for a rat to do so. They weren't typically expressive. So, how Luna managed it was probably a mystery. However Luna continued. She wasn't really looking forward to this. "Not sure if you noticed but everyone saw fit to be eyein' me up for whatever their reasons. Not my scene. I prefer to be on my own. I just took the use of you leaving as a way to vanish without them noticing. I do admit... quite the tactic an assassin might make use of." Lucille would notice the immense amount of discomfort within her voice. She didn't make an effort to hide it. Being down there made her feel awful as well. More because she was forced to share such a small space with such boring individuals, but she also preferred the verdant wilds to the lethargic tones of brown and grey of civilization. Luna's voice was perfectly recognizable, despite being an animal.

"But, use some common sense, if I had prior knowledge and could sneak in unseen, why would I ever show my face? Further, if my goal was to eliminate the task force and I already had prior knowledge... why wouldn't I take the opportunity to take out a high priority target like Vermillo? The best way to make a distraction, is to make the machine tumble down from the top. New management always makes mistakes, don't know who they are working with. So, the highest priority target in this situation would be Vermillo. With him out of the picture, this task force regardless if they become collateral damage or not... is off the table. He's the one pulling the strings. If he was gone and this briefing never took place... it would definitely make it harder for a force like this to be mobilized. And, in the ensuing chaos, whatever it is they are after... is oh so much easier to grasp. So, I'll forget the accusation. And furthermore, I already know your blindness is no impairment. I can see your "bond", or one of them if you are too believed. I highly doubt the mouse is your only companion. I've witnessed enough of your like that tended to have a "bond" for scouting where they could not reach, and another for fighting. Though, lookin' at you... you probably wouldn't need one for that. That mouse of yours... him giving you access to your sense again... that's all you really need to fight isn't it?" She paused for a moment, only to continue asking questions.

"Your bonds, They can sense my aura... can't they? I should have known this. Animals are especially sensitive to my call."

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Gabriel frowned. Surely, she was here a moment ago, no? He shook his head. It doesn't matter. I will have time enough to discover more about this 'Bom.' He returned his attention to the matter at hand after filing that topic away for later mentally.

"Given that this is to be a gathering of scholars, I have an idea or two. As you say, finding the killer will require a light touch, and some of those gathered here are. . . not particularly talented in such areas. However, we will likely have a number of important targets to safeguard; at minimum, we can task the less subtle members of our party with their protection while the others perform the actual investigation." As Gabriel spoke, his hand drifted upwards toward his mouth unconsciously, to distract from the small fangs that may have been visible if anyone happened to be paying attention. "Alternatively, or perhaps additionally, I could pose as a student, acting as both investigator and bodyguard while blending with the crowd. And, if the killer happens to select me as a target, I should be able to take them by surprise and eliminate them before they escape." I would also have the chance to speak with these experts on the topics of magic and medicine, he added silently.

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"...This voice... it belongs to that woman he instigated..." "I'm no Druid, if that's what you're insinuating," she said, letting her jaw and teeth return to normal but noticeably keeping the claws present. Bora started charging just a bit slower as he closed the distance... "And I need no one's eyes in battle, not even his. There are other ways to orient oneself, predict a strike or sense a movement before it is even made... ways vastly taken for granted by those who don't have to use them but either way it works out all the better for me... and we both sensed you, he just pieced together what I was too distracted to."

With that said, she turned to face the sleek rat, the green in her eyes fading but still plain as day. "What even are you anyway? You looked like any other woman earlier, and try as I might, I can find nothing but a common rat now, but... no natural being should ever have this type of presence...I feel like I'm suffocating just by standing here."

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"Well, obviously, going to the city together, the killer is going to get suspicious, so I suggest we split up and investigate ourselves. If anyone sees the killer targeting anybody, you act. I'll be doing this on my own, unless one of you guys wants to tag along for the mission." said Misara to her allies.

And just like that, Misara gets ready to leave, but realizes that she has to wait until she is guided to the city. Let's hope we can find this killer. If we show up at the same place and go together in the city, I believe the killer will be suspicious, but I'm sure Vermilio is smart enough to know that, Misara thought to herself.

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"Bodyguard task? I'm fine with that." Bargus added onto Gabriel's suggestion. It was a better idea than whatever he had in mind. It looked like the mission won't be nearly as boring as he thought. He patiently wait for whatever that was going to take him to Shadow Veil.

"This Gabriel boy sure is weird, so keen on getting knowledge, couldn't he go to one of the many libraries around? Must be a desperate fellow...I wonder what he's looking for. Hm, asking this probably won't do much."

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"If I told you, I doubt you'd believe me." Luna mused to herself. It was clear she was pondering something heavily. She fidgeted in place and rubbed her tiny rat paws about her face. It looked quite scholarly for a rat. "Most cannot sense my aura at least not humans. But, whatever your tie to beasts... I think that is what allows you this ability. Don't worry about it though, It'll fade with time. It is only this strong for those when they first cross my path. Think of it as my... expression of personal space. It changes with my disposition, or at least I can alter it for those I wish to." Lucille felt the aura immediately change how it felt, it was the same for her companions as well. Luna had figured that if she didn't change it for all of them... the feedback might be more jarring than it was now. It felt much less oppressive. The weight lifted and it felt more airy... clear. It went from a deep, depressive, oppressive dirge, to a light hum, like a summer breeze. It still had a strange tinge to it, something decidedly inhuman.

"I am another who is one with beasts, or... I could be. I tend to prefer my privacy however, so I don't take bonds, or companions. Or did I think thee a druid. You are much different from those... fools. They expect nature to serve them as if they are it's rulers. We are not to be at the beck and call of some... arrogant fool who thinks his connection to some half-baked nature goddess means he has dominion over us. You aren't a spineless coward that fights in the back. You fight with your beasts. You are a beast, or might as well be one of the feral children of the wilds. A human, not meant for civilization, the opiate said race craves so highly. Though, it was probably in part due to my presence... I could feel your discomfort with that confined space. A prison of four walls. I found this... interesting. Many of human kind find the confinement of walls to be comforting. I nary know the reason why, however, I'm sure you feel the same as I."

Luna shifted her head to the side abruptly and then started sniffing the air. She stopped talking to do this, and then even placed her ear to the ground. Her sight was pretty awful as a rat, but her other senses were strong. Her experience being a hound certainly help her hone her senses that nearly any animal with a decent scent of smell she had good control over. "Hmmmm... your friend will arrive soon. I think I can hear his thundering steps and I smell... a wild scent. Not one from a city. One that nearly matches your own. Hmmmm, Bear? Is this friend of yours a bear? Hehehe, I do hope I'm right. I've never guessed wrong before, but I used to having better senses than that of a rat."

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Lucille couldn't help but involuntarily back away, as the presence changed face as easily as the seasons shifted. The claws had faded back into human nails, and She could detect well enough the motions of the rat through sound, despereaux telling her it had begun to fidget and stroke it's face like some great thinker like the little captain obvious he was. She didn't like it, having another be able to glean so much about her like it was utterly nothing- most her entire life had been spent either being underestimated or on the receiving end of death wishes from those who loathed her existence, granted those had only been the early years, and most of them had since taken course to apologize and bury whatever hatchet they'd been carrying, she still recalled it all too vividly. And as ironic as it might seem, to be met in an alley by some rat so easily capable of understanding her... was none too comforting either... though that was likely the inhuman tinge she still felt despite the oppression lifting... actually no, not even the inhuman tinge was enough, inhuman wouldn't have bothered her at all, her entire affairs dealt with those quite decidedly among the inhuman, no... what filled her with unease still was the sense of vulnerability, the feeling of so easily being stripped and laid bare before some being who was so obviously far from being trifled with. Not even Old Fox had so nonchalantly picked her apart verbally- she had no doubt that he could've, if he had ever wanted, but he had simply had the kindness to refrain...

"I....I-" She didn't have to bother answering. Bora's hulking form emerging through the opposite end of the alley said it all, several tons of toned, rippling ursine muscle and fur rounding the corner like a dark brown blur of death, eyes streaking with their hellish red as they burned in their sockets, jaws stretched wide to reveal countless vorpal fangs the size of a daggers as his massive claws cleaved into the stone with his very weight, steps thundering throughout the earth like a train. Lucille turned at once, eyes again flaring as he approached; within mere moments, he was skidding himself to a halt just inches before her and the Rat, nostrils flaring and eyes still alight as he glared at the smaller creature. A snarl escaped his curled lips...

"Stop that...it's fine," Lucille called in his mind. Another snarl came from him. "Yes, I did, but you can calm yourself now, turns out there's no one to maul..."

He finally dropped his aggression, eyes losing their burning glow and breath escaping in a dissatisfied snort. He turned heel as easily as he'd come and paced the small space. Lucille took note of the blood glistening his claws. She let out a sigh of agitation- of course, Bora wasn't exactly the one to blame here... she had been the one to sound the false alarm and bring him charging to begin with, whatever unnecessary collateral incurred was her own responsibility.

"Who was it? Show me." He did, quite readily as the vision of the bugger-eyed, rat faced chihuahua who'd dare barked and charged at his approaching form being trampled and torn apart by his furious paws filled her mind. So much for any first aid, she already knew exactly what condition she'd find the foolish hound in by the time she'd arrive. As much as she disdained killing without valid reason... Bora had technically had just that in the moment, or thought he had... and there wasn't much she could do to rectify it anyway- healing was one thing, resurrecting the dead and toying with the bounds of life and death was entirely a different, something she was neither sure sound could do, nor was all that eager to even attempt. There were certain natural laws for reasons afterall... those who willfully abused and violated them would only find disaster in the end. Like that lich...

She turned back to the rat, her discomfort with the whole situation and readiness to escape painfully obvious by now. "I think it's about time I take my leave of this damn city...I've tarried too long as it is, any longer and we might have more...unfortunate incidents with my companion here..." She was already making way for Bora, Des gazing over her shoulder and back at the other rodent.

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Marblegate City

10 days later

It was quite a ride West to Marblegate, and even though these were times of peace, few could expect to cover it without running into bandits, wild animals and the like. The regular way involved sailing from The Thousand to the mainland, passing by part of the Grand Sea - pretty rough on this time of the year - and crossing the Emerald Sea until they got ashore. From there, it was a ride through the thick forests on it´s margins, and beyond the increasingly rocky terrain as they approached the Desolation Peaks range. Marblegate´s airship port was still under construction, so for the time being that was not an option. Luckily everyone in the group knew what their fighting, so they all arrived safely.

Marblegate itself was located in a mountain to the East of the Peaks, so they had to take the steep road that climbed to it. The cold and dry weather was pretty demanding physically, but to compensate for that the sky was an amazing view: never clouded, and so clear that the stars at night seemed to be at everyone´s reach. Marblegate had a reputation for that.

The path itself was troublesome too, and various parts of it were true construction sites. Marblegate was almost totally closed to outsiders since it´s foundation, the Angels being extremely secretive of their way about their way of living and magical developments, and therefore they were just now building the structure needed for visitors and travellers.

Due to that, the breath taking vision of the vertical city of the Angels was one few others got to witness before.
Marblegate was located in the face of the mountain. While part of it was set upon a plain spot, having high buildings resembling outwordly skyscrapers and a silver metallic wall defending it, the rest was literally carved on the face of the cliff behind it, the stone a blueish white marble. From the hundreds of entrances carved in the mountain, they could see winged angels taking flight to move around, and for the non winged ones there were delicate bridges linking the buildings and the mountain.

And thus their mission began. They had three days before the start of the meeting, which would take three more to end.

((Describe your arrival guys; you don´t need necessarily to get there together, since there´s not really a commander with you to enforce that. If you want to arrive as a team that´s great, but if anyone wants to go "lone wolf" there´s no problem.))

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It was quite the enjoyable journey for Jorgen. With very few nerves and an incredibly durable metal body the journeys rigours went unnoticed and he was free to marvel at the sights, taking pictures with a disposable camera he had obtained before leaving and laughing uproariously while cracking jokes with his companions regardless of if they participated.

Jorgen took in the sight of the various buildings with a more ponderous expression. "Well, we'll have to find a bolthole first so we can rendezvous and share information throughout the week" He said this aloud, to no one in particular.

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