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Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

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"Hey Lilylilylilylilylily~~~!?!?!?" Klaren shouted around the camp, looking for where Rosalyva has hidden herself. He'd dropped the gravied bandages off to the side somewhere and rolled his tattered sleeves up, revealing his scarred wrists. He didn't seem to mind, though he was trying his best to tie up some fresh new bands around them as he walked. It obviously wasn't his priority, of course. His priority was finding and talking to Rosalyva about something super duper ultra cool and special. It was totally gonna be mega amazing when he finds her and tell her about it, yay~

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Rosalvya's sword grinded hollowly against the whetstone, as she began maintaining her blades. There was something about the motions that calmed her nerves after every battle. Perhaps it was the repetitious and meticulous motions of each and every-


25 minutes ago, Bfroger6 said:


"Hey Lilylilylilylilylily~~~!?!?!?" 


The unexpected voice surprised her, causing her to apply too much pressure and in the process, lose the bevel she was working at. She cursed silently to herself, as she began to put away her sharpening implements. It was Klaren, and it looked like he was looking for her. Judging by the fact that there was no one else around her, Lilylilylilylilylily could only be referring to her. 

"Over here Klaren. I had actually been meaning to talk with you, but I never quite found an opportunity to approach. But it seems like you've found me first," she said, with a gentle smile. Her gaze shifted over to his arm that he was attempting to bandage on his own. "Oh no, did you get injured in the last fight? Let me help you with that."


She jumped to her feet and went over to attend to his bandages.

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"Ooooh, Lily, I've finally foun- huh? Bandages? What banda-oh, these bandages~" He raised the half-wrapped bandages up with a sheepish grin. They hanged loosely around his wrists. "Nah, that's just to stop people from asking too many questions about my cuts, teehee~" He answered her with a gleeful smile. "You can help me if you want, but that's not what I was looking for you for. Oh, wait, you said you've wanted to talk to me too? Aww, so nice of you, Lily! Then come over here, we can talk it over while we...hehehe, wrap this up!"


Klaren sat down on a nearby rock and waited for Rosalyva to sit down as well, all the while having fun untangling a loose end of a bandage that somehow got wrapped up around his leg, which he threw around, happy like a child playing on a swing.

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Trying to stop himself from punching Gael's body in the head, Luka jumped onto Ecquis’s Wyvern, riding along with the rest of the group to safety.


“Man, that took a lot longer than it needed to.” Luka let out a sigh of relief. “Good thing we got out of that safely.” Though, I’d loved to have taken a peek into some of those treasure chests around. Eventually the long escape ended, and Luka’s legs felt a bit shaky as he got back onto flat ground. Something for him to learn to be better with later. Pegasi lessons weren’t something he probably should worry about for now.


Luka walked over to some of the tents, his hands reflexively messing with the fabric walls slightly. He had seen Keagen pitching tents earlier and had wanted to speak to him. Luka found who he was looking for putting up one of the larger tents.


“Hey, Keagan.” Luka waved towards him, trying to get his attention. The dancer gulped, remembering what he wanted to ask. “You wouldn’t happen to know anything about the war drafts, would you?”

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Rosalvya couldn't help but smile, as Klaren's mood was contagious. She sat down next to him, as she gathered up all the loose bandages that Klaren had been dragging with him.

"Say, Klaren..." she said with hesitance, as she began to bandage up Klaren's arm. She hadn't really planned out what she was going to say to Klaren, and fumbled to find the right words. "You always seem to be the first one to charge onto the frontlines. I was just wondering- um- how you can be so... brave"

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Klaren let Rosalyva bandage his arm up. Now that she was here, he didn't have to do anything anymore, teehee, so he let her at it without any hesitation and also without any intrusion. 


"How I can be so..? I'm sorry,  I didn't quite catch that last part~" He said with a chuckle. Of course he heard her say the word 'brave', he just wanted to joke with her a little now that he got the chance. "Mind repeating it a little louder? I'll try my best to listen very hard myself this time!"

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Finally, the fiasco was over. Finally, after many hours, the dogged pursuit had ended. She didn't know how they made it, with so many units swarming in from both sides to crush them. Ironically it seemed the Commander's own aggressive initiative to tear into the rebels himself is was ultimately had saved all their lives. If he'd simply been content to stand there and let his many men do the work of slaughtering them, that would've surely been the end to their little division. To think, he'd come rushing in at the thunder mage only to be struck down in his saddle within a few moments as the others retaliated- Klaren especially had surprised her, with the light spectacle. Strange as it was to admit, the odd monk had easily contributed the most towards the rider's demise in that final confrontation. And in the end, they'd all made it out alive... 


Well, alive perhaps, but certainly not unharmed. Now that the chase had ended, she finally had time to tend to the wounded- it's not quite easy to find and heal everyone who needs it whilst your flying at top speed on wyvern-back, fleeing from pegasus knights and other enforcers who want nothing more than to capture and execute every last one of you.


"Impetuous, ill-bred, loggerheaded, viper-tongued death-token of a Vixen," She muttered under breath, watching the red headed merchant and the blind man in the distance as she made her way towards where she knew Dash to be, "I hope your brief moment of petty vindication was worth it- you damn near signed all our death warrants today..." Her orneriness for the woman only grew as she got closer and finally laid eyes on the boy's injuries, but for his sake, and his sake alone, she stowed her insults and parlayed her venomous tongue, for now. There was work to be done, not as much she expected- likely thanks to someone having given him at least some basic form of aid to keep his condition from deteriorating -but still quite a bit. And any healing she gave would quickly turn into it's own unique form of torture if she allowed herself to persist in such hellishly hot temperament, she knew that much from past experience, and she had no intent to let it happen again, especially not to him.


      She glanced at Meredith and the fire mage nearby, taking due note of the soldier's weariness. Not even a moment later, light emerged and cloaked the commander in a gentle glow of pulsating white, restoring much of the stamina lost during their exodus from the Nohrian Scum "I take it you're the one who saved him, Meredith? Thank you, he'd never have survived this long without your help..." No sooner than the light finished with her, did it regroup itself into a spiraling storm before the child, scattering into countless streams of divine energy and weaving in and out of the boy's form, barely needing her direction as it worked with only one imperative: Find whatever was broken and repair it... though in all honesty, she allowed it such relative autonomy now only because she did not fully trust herself to properly compartmentalize... it seemed to be recurring theme, really, her finding more and more reasons to doubt the integrity of her mind. 


Even if most of what she thought to be mere paranoia and on-setting psychosis was actually the handy work of a certain murderous bastard-


"No!" She commanded suddenly, the light seeming to almost recoil in surprise as whatever it had been about to do to Dash, it thought better off and backed down. The air filled with a sensation of confusion for a moment, a sound nigh too faint to quite make out, but almost resembling the baying and whining of hunds scolded by a kennel master. "You were given one order, I expect you to follow it! You take a liberty you've no right to, about to punish him for the sins of another... now get back to work." again, the scattered streams seem to almost... recoil, as if living beings, to the force of her words, but soon enough they return to the task at hand, Maya keeping a far close eye on the operation than before.


Perhaps it was a mistake to give them autonomy in the task afterall... if the damn thing was just going to act out on her emotions of it's own accord anyway... 


regardless though, the boy was looking much better than his previous state, breathing easier too. That was what mattered. 


Even if she clearly had yet more matters to deal with after this...


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After finishing off Gael and hearing Saffron's yell, Ecquis had to carry everyone who was nearby out of the area via wyvern. It wasn't too problematic, though making sure nobody fell off was quite a task. Now having gotten away from most of the people, Ecquis and his wyverns were situated nearby Anna's cart, seeing as she left it unattended. Thinking on it, if Anna didn't get so heated over that one comment, perhaps that entire situation could have been avoided. Either way, Ecquis decided that it wasn't too important, and decided to see if the cart had anything inside it that could be useful in some way.

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Dash's wounds close themselves, and his expression lightens all thanks to Mayanna's staff. When Mayanna almost loses control his expression darkens for a few moments but he seems happy at the end, as if dreaming. The weariness keeps him sleeping though; it's likely he wouldn't wake for several hours. 



Keagan concentrated on his work, took a while to look over at Luka. A few moments after Luka spoke, he looked over his shoulder at the dancer. He brought an end of a rope he was holding and handed it to Luka. "Pull this." He ordered, leaving the rope firmly in Luka's hands as he went over to the other end of the tent to grab a similar rope. "I think I know more than the common man; At least I hope I do. What do you want?" He asked as he straightened the rope around the tent so it would run through the cloth and act as it's skeleton. "Pull on three; one, two, three." And he started pulling on the rope counting on Luka to do the same. 



Ecquis found mostly things the army owns; Anna and Ian had taken to carrying food and supplies shared by everyone in the cart. He also found weapons, and tools to maintain them. But clearly this was stock and to be sold. Otherwise he saw nothing strange, just weapons, food stock, an empty bag of bread, bread crumbs everywhere, and a moving burlap sack. Nothing to raise an alarm about!

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Seeing the moving sack and the bread crumbs, Ecquis figured that someone had gotten into the cart. Wordlessly, Ecquis had gotten Seth, his red wyvern, to come over silently and peek his head into the cart as well. Once set up, Ecquis decided to let the individual know that they had been found.


"Excuse me, but I don't think this is the best place to have a meal."

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The sack twitched and stood still. It lay still for a bit, as if counting seconds. It moved again only on the count of 7,



"Hyaaah!" A dirt red haired and rude girl jumped out of the burlap sack. A tome in her hand glowed in strange dark light. Dark spirits surrounded her, purple lights flashing through her clothes. "Back off big guy' dis my food now! Ya gonna back off if ya know what's good for-" This is about the moment in her conversation that she noticed the wyvern. Her words became stutter and her tome dropped immediately stopping her speech. She shrunk down into over exaggerated sobbing. "Don' hur' me mister please. I only wanted food I swear."

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"If you wanted food, I'm fairly sure you could have just asked instead of trying to steal it you know. Then you wouldn't have to worry about getting yourself caught like this," Ecquis replies, chuckling slightly. He then frowns a bit though, considering where the person came from.


"I will have to ask for your name and how you got here though. And depending on your answer, you may get yourself some food or trouble. Your choice really."

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8 hours ago, Bfroger6 said:


"How I can be so..? I'm sorry,  I didn't quite catch that last part~" He said with a chuckle. "Mind repeating it a little louder? I'll try my best to listen very hard myself this time!"



"Sorry, I'll try to be a little louder," Rosalvya said, as she cleared her throat. She hadn't realized she had been mumbling to herself. "I was just wondering how you could be so brave. I mean to say- we have reliable people like Meredith who are capable of fighting up close so- um-"


In her fluster, she used too much pressure when applying the bandages, cutting off circulation in Klaren's arm.


"Why do you go so far as to be on the frontlines?"

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"Mister, people don' jus give food ta girls like me." She looked up, revealing that she wasn't crying at all. It was all just crocodile tears, and a mocking grin spread across her face. "Ya shouldn' listen ta girls like me either. Girls like me lie a lo'."   And then her stomach growled. Loudly. She looked the other way. "People call me Cherry. I followed ya friends after ta battle ended. I'm hungry. Tha's no' a lie. Can I ea'"? 

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After hearing the sound of the girl's stomach, Sven's stomach also made a loud bellowing noise. Ecquis chuckled a bit before turning back to Cherry. "We're going to have to see what the others say about you. Provided you cooperate, you'll probably get food to eat. If you prove to be problematic well...Sven, how hungry are you right about now?" Ecquis asks the wyvern besides him. In response, Sven's stomach bellows once again. "Well, I recommend you come out of the cart and make yourself known to everyone else. Sounds fair?"

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"Oh, are you saying I'm incapable of fighting up close like Miss Merryberry, then~?" Klaren answered Rosalyva's question with another question. His fingers began feeling a bit tingly, but then slowly stopped feeling altogether, turning as purple as Klaren's hair in the process. "Ohoho, Lily~ I bet you should go to the frontlines without any fear as well when you have such strong hands~"

Edited by Bfroger6
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"Now ya soundin' mean mister." Cherry picks up her tome and places it under her cloak in a small pocket large enough to hold it. She keeps her hands well visible. "I'v been caugh' before.  I'll play along if ya will feed me." Her eyes glint as she leaves the cart. "Plus; I think I could help ya folks ou'. Wha' are you all? Ya are armed to ta tee' and gave those soldiers a run for their money. I've go' some special abilities tha' you and your friends migh' enjoy!"

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"I'll leave that for the others to answer. Anna, Saffron! Looks like we picked up an extra person on our way out. Says she can help out with fighting. Also seems to be rather hungry. Thoughts?" Ecquis states, having brought the girl towards the people in question.

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Luka grabbed the rope, unsure of what it was even for. Camping wasn't exactly something he had done with his family. No point complaining. He’s helping me, after all.. Even if he didn’t exactly know what pulling the rope did, Luka did as the man commanded.


“I’m just wondering if you happen to know anything about any specific drafts that happened some time ago.” Luka’s voice held a soft tone, trying to avoid seeming demanding. “Two adults, a man dressed in a green scarf and a woman with a red coat. Both talented in larger swords. One fast on his feet, and the other simply powerful in her strike.” Luka gulped again, scared to hear the answer.

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4 hours ago, Bfroger6 said:


"Oh, are you saying I'm incapable of fighting up close like Miss Merryberry, then~?" Klaren answered Rosalyva's question with another question.



"N-no, of course not. It's just traditionally- um- I don't really see mages being sent to the frontlines. Especially if they don't have to," she tried to explain.


4 hours ago, Bfroger6 said:


His fingers began feeling a bit tingly, but then slowly stopped feeling altogether, turning as purple as Klaren's hair in the process. "Ohoho, Lily~ I bet you should go to the frontlines without any fear as well when you have such strong hands~"



"Huh? O-oh! Sorry!" she said, puzzled, before she realized how much pressure she was applying to Klaren's arm. She quickly undid part of the bandage to release the pressure. "This is a little embarrassing, but it's actually the opposite. I fight so that I can survive, but I find it terrifying to be on the frontlines. Back then, when I was fighting Ignexus, I wasn't sure I was going to make it. Even just not too long ago, Dash was gravely injured, and I don't know how he's doing. But when I see people like you and Meredith, I can't help but wonder, are you not afraid of dying?

Edited by Stalkerkain
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"Oh, so none of the mages are fit for the frontlines? Now you're insulting Teri as well!" Klaren stuck a tongue out at Rosa. Thankfully, she'd released his arm from the deadly clutches of the bandage that thought it was a python. He thought for a moment on what she'd just said...it wasn't such a simple question. Oh, so she was opening up~ Yay for that! His face got a bit more serious.


"It's not that I don't fear death....I think it's more like I fear it but I don't need to think about it too much because I'm sure someone will always come to help me even if I get into a pinch, and then I'll be able to help that other person back. It's really simple-I help everyone, then they help me and then I help again. It loops on and on!" The monk made a circular motion in the air with both hands, effectively messing up the bands again. He lowered them back so that Rosalyva could continue when he figured what he'd done. "Teehee~ It's 'cause I can trust everyone here and I want everyone to trust me too. Then I don't need to be afraid."



"Oh, and also...it's always nice to get whacked around a couple of times on the battlefield, heehee~"

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Hoshiko shifted about in her perch - the sound of armor had caught her ear. It hadn't come from outside camp, which meant it was either one of their allies - Keagan? - or an enemy soldier whose memories had only seconds left to record the world around him. The crackling sound of her longbow drawing back echoed slightly through the woods as she turned toward the source of the noise. She dropped the bow and let the string relax when she saw the person in question. The garish outfit certainly wasn't suited for sneaking, and they were doing pushups besides. It took a moment for her to recognize Terrin from the angle she saw him at; what was he doing, anyway? The archer heard him mutter something to himself as he went through his regimen. Curious, she stayed in her tree, crouched and watching him.

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1 hour ago, Bfroger6 said:


"Oh, so none of the mages are fit for the frontlines? Now you're insulting Teri as well!" Klaren stuck a tongue out at Rosa. Thankfully, she'd released his arm from the deadly clutches of the bandage that thought it was a python. He thought for a moment on what she'd just said...it wasn't such a simple question. Oh, so she was opening up~ Yay for that! His face got a bit more serious.


"It's not that I don't fear death....I think it's more like I fear it but I don't need to think about it too much because I'm sure someone will always come to help me even if I get into a pinch, and then I'll be able to help that other person back. It's really simple-I help everyone, then they help me and then I help again. It loops on and on!" The monk made a circular motion in the air with both hands, effectively messing up the bands again. He lowered them back so that Rosalyva could continue when he figured what he'd done. "Teehee~ It's 'cause I can trust everyone here and I want everyone to trust me too. Then I don't need to be afraid."



"Someone will always come to help..."  Rosalvya pondered in silence, as she mulled over Klaren's words. It was a strange feeling, to rely on others. After all, she had lived the second half of her life alone. But she had forgotten. She wasn't alone anymore.


1 hour ago, Bfroger6 said:



"Oh, and also...it's always nice to get whacked around a couple of times on the battlefield, heehee~"



"Thank you Klaren, talking with you really cleared up my worries," Rosalvya said, as she let out a giggle. "Was there something you wanted to talk about as well? You were looking for me if I recall."

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"No problem~" Klaren chirped and jumped up. The bandages were donezo and helping Rosalyva find her answer also helped him clear up some of his own uncertainties that blossomed after all that scolding he received from Mayanna. He now felt like he could trust Rosalyva and that she could trust him too. It was a nice change of pace from the usual way people treated him, which only increased his excitement over what he was gonna ask of Rosalyva. "Right right, I have something super special to ask of you to help me with!" Slowly and without any warning, he began taking off his robe over his head and then...


He threw the purple cloth at Rosalyva.


"Ta-dah! Help me make a cool and mysterious scary hoodie out of this so I can be ultra great on the frontlines, teehee!"

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As he and Luka pulled, the rope straightened out the cloth over the poles he had already built making it take a cone shape. Taking a stake from his pocket, he he tied the rope around the stake and hammered into into the ground with his foot. Then he went over, and took the rope from Luka's hands without a word, doing the same thing. When he was done he wiped the sweat from his brow contemplating the tent. "No, I do not know. I lived in the palace, and I tried to learn as much about the military as I could. I'm not sure if General Garbhan himself could answer your question; or even the draft leaders who might have recruited the people you described. However if they are good with weapons, soldiers would have found a way to know about it and recruit them first." 






"I didn' mean fighting! I mean I can do tha' too bu'-" 



"Did you call, hon?" Anna and Ian are the first to approach cutting off her speech, Saffron joinied in a pace behind. "Oh this is the jail rat we found! I guess she found her way here huh. W-wait" Anna's brain worked at marvelous speeds when it was aimed at making a profit or understanding an economical loss. She noticed bread crumbs on Cherry's clothing, she side stepped Ecquis to look at the cart and noticed opened bags. "Thief! Rascal! Little twerp! You'll pay dearly for that bread!" Saffron and Ian react quickly catching her by the arms so she can't move forward. 



"Calm down Anna! Do not make a scene again!" 



"Ian is right Anna. I'm going to save you the public embarrassment of scolding you here; but I want you in my tent after supper. You are not getting away scott free you can quote me on that." Saffron turned her gaze on Anna. Red eyes were an unsettling thing that made the merchant gulp. Letting go of her arm, Saffron approached Cherry. Next to each other, Saffron was taller and more womanly looking but they seemed to be about the same age. Perhaps Cherry's dirty appearance didn't earn her any points in age or beauty. "My name is Saffron. If you do your part in helping us you are entitled to food as much food as everyone else."



Cherry took a step back looking over Saffron up and down. "Saffron huh..." She rubbed her chin, as a mischievous grin bloomed from ear to ear. "Ya, I can be of use to ya alrigh'. I can handle myself in a figh' bu' my speciality is fortune tellin'. I can tell ta future and find things tha' can be of use. I thin' we all have a profitable future ahead a' us" She ended with an evil sounding chuckle.

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