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[OOC/Signups] Fate/Another Story


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Sixty years ago, a battle the likes of which few alive have ever witnessed raged in secret. A battle for something that could potentially place the fate of the world itself in the hands of the winner; the Holy Grail, said to grant a single, omnipotent wish to the one holding it. Seven mages summoned seven legends to their sides and fought to the death, but in vain. The vessel of the Grail was destroyed, the miracle lost - for a time. This had been the third war, and would not be the last. Now, the Grail has a new vessel, and once again men and women prepare in secret to fight for their miracle. . .


For those that don't know, this roleplay will be set in the Fate universe, at the time of the Holy Grail War. In essence, seven mages summon seven Servants and fight until there is only one Servant standing. Servants are a way for a Heroic Spirit to manifest into the world; Heroic Spirits are world famous heroes, real and fictional, virtuous and villainous, whose legends became new existences after their deaths. Players will take on the role of a Master, battling the other six for the Grail, or a Servant, summoned by a Master to do battle for them. This will be a combat-focused, player-versus-player RP; no player has any sort of plot armor or special protection from death beyond their own combat and intrigue abilities. If this bothers you, do not sign up for this game.


The Nasuverse is parallel to real life. This game happens in about 1990, with an appropriate level of technology. Magecraft is kept secret to everyone except other mages; anyone violating this secrecy is hunted down - though doing such a thing would be unthinkable to a magus. Magecraft is fairly low-power, relative to other settings; other than a few notable examples, it is not earth-shatteringly powerful outside of highly complex rituals, though it is by no means weak or useless. There are rules to what it can and cannot do, but for the most part the main rule for this game will be simply "keep it reasonable." Servants, on the other hand, are incredibly strong, and closer to traditional fantasy action heroes in power, with magical mounts, swords that fire blasts of energy, and cursed lances being commonplace among their number. More information can be found here.If you have further questions, feel free to ask.

Servants are, as mentioned earlier, essentially larger-than-life versions of heroes real and fictional. They are divided into seven normal classes: The Three Knights, Saber, Archer, Lancer; and the Four Horsemen; Rider, Caster, Assassin, Berserker. These classes are separated by what the Spirit was known for in life, though an individual Heroic Spirit may qualify for several. They may also modify how the Heroic Spirit manifests; King Arthur as a Saber will have different abilities than King Arthur as a Lancer. There are also classes that may manifest outside the normal seven, but under typical circumstances they will not appear. PM me for details if you want to play one. Servants are usually referred to by their class names; revealing the true name of a Servant reveals their weaknesses as well, as Servants retain the vulnerabilities they had in life based on their legends, such as a weakness to poison.

Every Servant has a Noble Phantasm. These represent the hero's legend, whether it is a famous armament, a powerful ability, or a crystallization of a great accomplishment of theirs, such as King Arthur's Excalibur, Siegfried's Armor of Fafnir, or Ushiwakamaru's Crossing the Seven Ships at Dan-no-Ura. They come in several varieties and are classed based on their overall power and nature, such as Anti-Unit or Anti-Army. Most Servants only have one or two; an exceptional Servant may have more.


Siegfried's Armor of Fafnir, the invulnerable skin he acquired by slaying a dragon. It reduces all incoming damage by a massive amount, enough to nullify most incoming attacks - except for those that target his back. It is considered Anti-Unit, because it only affects a single individual.

Excalibur is a holy sword, nigh indestructible and an incredibly powerful weapon. It can fire a beam of destructive energy said to be the embodiment of the noble hopes and dreams of all soldiers as they lay dying on battlefields, thinking of their causes. It is considered Anti-Fortress due to its relatively large area-of-effect and overwhelming power.

Herakles's Nine Lives is his act of slaying the Hydra crystallized into a deadly attacking technique that draws out the maximum potential of any weapon by striking nine times with such speed and power that they seem simultaneous. Its effect varies, so it can be classed as both Anti-Unit and Anti-Army.

All Servants also possess Class Skills and Personal Skills, which further distinguish them from their peers. These are lesser abilities that heroes may have been known for, but not necessarily what made them famous. Regardless, they are incredibly important, and can turn a weak Servant into a powerful one.

Finally, every Master in the Holy Grail War is given three Command Seals, which appear as a set of red tattoos, usually located on the back of the right hand. A Command Seal allows a Master to give an absolute order to their Servant, which most will find impossible to resist. A Servant resisting a Command Seal will feel a searing pain all over their body until they acquiesce or the order is dismissed. Once a Command Seal is used, it is normally impossible to replace.


Eye of the Mind: A keen sense for battle, it allows the owner to see through visual obstructions and other tricks, as well as think calmly and develop tactics in battle more effectively alongside avoiding danger.

Divinity: Measures how much divine parentage a Heroic Spirit possesses. Provides a number of subtle benefits, as well as opening one up to certain attacks.

Battle Continuation: Allows a Servant to continue fighting while injured, possibly to the point of not being defeated until a decisive fatal wound is inflicted.

For more examples of Skills and Noble Phantasms, please check the wiki.


One important thing of note about the Holy Grail War system is that all skills, Noble Phantasms, and the base stats of Servants are ranked from E to A based on their overall strength, as well as the special EX category for abilities that are outside the normal parameter system. These serve mostly as a basis for comparing Servants rather than a hard measure, though certain abilities have effects based directly on ranks. Every Servant has six base parameters that any Master can observe, unless an ability interferes with the effect:

Strength is the raw physical power of the Servant.

Endurance is the ability of a Servant to take hits and keep on fighting.

Agility measures the speed and dexterity of the Servant.

Mana represents the overall amount of magical power possessed by the Servant.

Luck is exactly what it sounds like, and reflects the Servant's ability to change their own fate.

Noble Phantasm estimates the overall power of a Servant's Noble Phantasms, though it may not match the exact rank of any. For example, a servant with numerous low-rank Noble Phantasms may have a higher rank than any individual Noble Phantasm possesses.

Additionally, a parameter may be Rank Up or Rank Down, usually due to some sort of skill effect. Rank Up is represented by a plus (+) and Rank Down is represented with a minus (-). Each plus is approximately doubling the base stat, with Rank Down being somewhat less well-defined. For a numerical representation of ranks, consider E to be 10, and every rank to be an additional 10 until A rank at 50, with a normal human's ability being at 1.


  1. All forum rules apply to this RP. There may be descriptions of violence, but please try to keep graphic ones to a minimum. Sexual content will be treated similarly; please don't make me hand out warning points. Use discretion.
  2. Respect the host. I am doing this on my own free time, and ultimately it is my world. Feel free to debate my decisions, but do so in a reasonable fashion, and if I decide there will be no further argument, there will not be.
  3. Respect other players. There will be conflict, people will disagree on each other's capabilities and they may very well get upset over developments in the game. Please resolve these as politely as possible, and if you cannot, bring it to me. Anyone being excessively combative OOC will be warned and then removed if they continue.
  4. Use good roleplaying practice. Don't metagame; you are not your character, and your character therefore will not be aware of everything that happens at all times. Additionally, do not control another's character unless they have given you explicit permission to do so, including any NPCs they may introduce.
  5. Play to lose. You, as a player, are not here to win. You are here to tell a good story. Give people a chance to land hits on you, leave openings in your posts, that sort of thing. Following up with this. . .
  6. This game is not balanced. Neither is the source material. There are Heroic Spirits that are clearly more powerful than others, and trained assassins may end up fighting against teenagers. While more powerful Servants are almost always more taxing on the Master, it is not actually enough to be "fair." It's a war; war isn't fair.

Now, without further ado, have a signup template.






Affinity: Mages have an affinity for one or more of the Five Elements: Fire, Earth, Water, Wind, and Void. Some of them may have multiple (there is even a special term for one that has all five: Average One, though this is rare) or have an affinity for a compound element (ex: "liquid manipulation" from Water and Wind) or an element totally outside the normal ones, such as Sword or Imaginary Numbers.

Backstory: Doesn't need to be novella-length, just give a quick description of where you come from and why you are in the Fourth Grail War - though something longer than two sentences would be nice.


Catalyst: A magus may attempt to summon a specific Heroic Spirit using an artifact as a catalyst. Otherwise, the Grail will assign one based on their personality and overall compatibility. It is overwhelmingly common for catalysts to be used, and even if it is not intentional, the environment may act as one as well.

Servants: Note that I will be collecting Servants to form a pool from which to choose later. Canon Servants are banned, with two exceptions; if it is a Berserker form of a character that has not appeared as such so far, or a non-Berserker form of a Servant that has only appeared as such, they will be considered.

Character (RPer):

Classes: Bold their primary class, and list all classes the Heroic Spirit qualifies for.

Alignment: Uses the DnD system of Good vs Evil, Law vs. Chaos. This is a general idea and not a binding statement.


Strength: The physical power of the Servant. All parameters are rough estimates; ranks are used for comparison purposes almost exclusively.

Endurance: How much punishment the Servant is capable of withstanding.

Agility: The Servant's speed, dexterity, and reaction time.

Mana: The amount of magical power a Servant possesses inherently, as opposed to coming from artifacts or magical weapons.

Luck: How lucky the Servant is.

Phantasm: A rough estimate of how strong a Servant's Noble Phantasms are overall. This can be higher or lower than any of the Servant's phantasms. For example, a servant with many weak Phantasms might have a high rank, while a servant with a single Phantasm that is powerful but costly might have a lower rank.

Class Skills

All classes have one or two inherent skills. They can be found on the typemoon wiki, or in the profiles already created.

Skill1 Rank

Skill2 Rank

Personal Skills

All servants have Skills that represent their abilities in life. A full list of canon skills can be found on the typemoon wiki, and custom skills can be discussed.

Skill1 Rank (Explanation if needed)

Skill2 Rank


Noble Phantasms:

Phantasm 1 (Rank Type)

Briefly describe the phantasm here. Noble Phantasms come in several types, depending on their nature. The most common types are Anti-Unit, Anti-Army, Anti-Fortress, and Anti-Self. The types primarily describe differences in target area and power; Anti-Unit Phantasms target a single person and have lesser costs, while an Anti-Army phantasm takes more energy and spreads out over a wider area, making them less effective against individuals.

Phantasm N (Rank Type)

Describe every Phantasm with its own entry.

I am looking for a character to represent each of the three great magus families: Einzbern, Matou, and Tohsaka. Note that the Einzberns and Matous rarely produce mages that are proficient in combat, so they may be represented by someone outside the family, such as a skilled mage killer hired to obtain the Grail for the family.

There are 7 slots for Masters and 7 slots for Servants. One player may play both a Master and a Servant, but not a Master/Servant duo. If you are playing a Master using a catalyst, discuss it with the player controlling your desired Servant.

Throne of Heroes



Character (RPer): Artitha AKA Nessie (Alexus/SYLPHYN)

Classes: Saber, Assassin, Berserker

Alignment: True Neutral


Strength: A

Endurance: A

Agility: D

Mana: C

Luck: C

Phantasm: C+

Class Skills

Magic Resistance C

Riding D- (Capable of riding any sea creature at least three feet in length)

Personal Skills

Innocent Monster – (Although this skill cannot be removed, Nessie’s acceptance of her legend prevents her from properly gaining it in the first place. May trigger fully with an improper summons)

Monstrous Strength A (Nessie's strength is truly inhuman, she is capable of smashing houses by simply swinging her sword too close to them)

Presence Concealment C (Nessie is very good at hiding, and can easily stand next to a Master or Servant without revealing herself. However she is not fit for sneaking up on foes and making preparations to attack will fully reveal her)

Eternal Arms Mastership A (As she is born of her weapon, Nessie will never lose the ability to use it proficiently)

Noble Phantasms:

Legend of Loch Ness, the Monster in the Deep (D, Anti-self)

The legend that Nessie formed around Loch Ness to protect herself while she tried to understand her own existence, along the way she ended up becoming as much the legend as her original self. This phantasm transforms Nessie into the plesiosaur that many suspect to live in the lake. Outside of water this is actually a detriment as she becomes completely immobile. But in a large body of water she becomes a high-speed menace with jaws capable of snapping weaker heroic spirits in two. This transformation causes Nessie to tear through her mana as quickly as her opponents; if her master is too weak or inexperienced she may not even be able to use it

Excalibur Reflect, Sword of Mirrored Victory (A, Anti-fortress)

The Holy Sword Excalibur as held by Nessie, who herself is a reflection of the hope of the man who cast Excalibur back into the lake. It is much weaker than when held by its proper owner, but still serves as an extremely powerful weapon. Nessie can call upon the sword's true name to unleash a powerful whirlwind of light and darkness--representing Nessie's state as a perfectly neutral power for Excalibur to magnify



Character (RPer): Honor, the Hero's Prerogative (Alexus/SYLPHYN)
Classes: Lancer, Saber, Rider
Alignment: Lawful Good

Strength: B
Endurance: C
Agility: A
Mana: D
Luck: E-
Phantasm: -

Class Skills
Magic Resistance A
Battle Continuation D

Personal Skills
Divinity D (Honor’s spirit is built on the frame of the minor Roman god Honos, granting her a low level of divinity)
Guardian Knight A+
Charisma A
Knight in Shining Armor A- (A skill that denotes one as willing to journey far and risk their life to save another. At this level it manifests literally as a full suit of armor. However it is rank-down due to Honor being summoned as a female while this skill is usually attributed to men)
Spear of True Honor A (Although not unique enough to be classified as a Noble Phantasm, Honor’s spear contains the might of every honorable weapon to exist, allowing it to perform on par with an A ranked Noble Phantasm and gaining a rank-up against heroes with a shallow sense of justice. It can take many forms, but primarily manifests as a spear due to Honos being depicted with a spear)

Noble Phantasms:
- (-)

As Honor does not possess a legend to call her own, she also does not possess a Noble Phantasm to represent it




Character (RPer): Sindbad the Sailor (Rec4lls)
Classes: Rider
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Strength: C
Endurance: C
Agility: C
Mana: D
Luck: A
Phantasm: A++

Class Skills
Magic Resistance D

Personal Skills
Voyager of the Storm D-

Noble Phantasms:
The Many Ships of Sindbad the Sailor (D- Anti-Army)
Sindbad summons one of his many ships, unfortunately crashing it directly into the target.

Leviathan and Neptune (B Anti-Army)
Sindbad summons the forms of a gigantic whale and a sea horse (not a seahorse) riding on a torrent of water, sending them directly at his target.

Diamond Wings (C Anti-Unit (Self))
Sindbad obtains the strength and majesty of a powerful Roc, including its wings. His Strength and Agility rises, and he gains the power of flight.

Monster-Slaying Iron Spits (C Anti-Unit)
Sindbad creates 10 burning iron spits, and rapidly launches them at his target. They always seem to aim for the eyes.

Survival in the Pit of Death (C Anti-Unit)
An always-active Noble Phantasm, Sindbad may continue to fight even with the most grievous of wounds and, when he wounds another, he regains both his health and his lost mana.

Aged Wine of the Sea (C Anti-Army)
Sindbad creates a gourd of grape-wine, throwing it at his target. The wine explodes into a purple mist, and anyone breathing these vapors are caught in a drunken stupor, stumbling about and even falling asleep.

River of Diamonds (D Anti-Unit (Self))
Sindbad floats on what appears to be a ghostly visage of a raft, falls asleep, and glides about, letting the waves guide him. While doing this Noble Phantasm, a ring of jewels protects Sindbad from all harm, but as he is asleep, he can only rely his luck to take him where he needs to go.

The Heavens and the Birds of the Sky (A+ Anti-Fortress)
Sindbad is suddenly surrounded by bird-people, who take him up into the heavens, where he hears the angels sing their choir. He reaches out and grabs a golden staff held by one of the angels, glowing with light. He swings it around and releases its power, shooting a catastrophic blast of lightning that consumes the bird-people and turns his enemies into ashes. He then floats gently back onto land. Because this is his last journey, this attack Seals his Noble Phantasms, making them completely unable to be used.

A Story Written in Golden Letters (A Anti-Unit)
An always-active Noble Phantasm, Sindbad is so extraordinarily lucky and cunning that at times reality shifts to accommodate his needs. This can be something like him happening to stumble upon what he was looking for, or by chance avoiding an attack in battle that would have instantly slayed him.

Red Riding Hood

Character (RPer): Red Riding Hood, the Wolf Bringer (Alexus/SYLPHYN)

Classes: Rider, Caster, Berserker

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Parameters [brackets are stats gained from assimilating Susi]

Strength: E

Endurance: C

Agility: D [A]

Mana: C [D]

Luck: D [D]

Phantasm: C

Class Skills

Riding A+

Magic Resistance B

Personal Skills

Magecraft B (Red’s magic is on par with a powerful magus of modern day. Her magic is specialized for manipulating the living and dead bodies of mammals)

Self-Modification A (Red has the ability to fuse her body with any living creature, temporarily taking on its physical traits. In the short term this has no adverse effects, but using a creature for too long will result in its death)

Mad Enhancement C (Active only when her hood is down. Although maintaining most of her personality, Red becomes overwhelmed with the desire to kill and assimilate that her magic causes)

Noble Phantasms:

Red Riding Hood, Protection from Thyself (E, Anti-self)

Red’s namesake, a magical cloak passed down through her family. This strange article of clothing protects the wearer from their own madness. So long as the hood is up, she is protected from all self-imposed mental interference and gains strong resistances against outward intrusions upon her mind

The Wolf, Feared Demon of Foklore (A, Anti-army)

A powerful phantasmal beast that served as an ally of Red’s family. The Wolf itself is on par with a heroic spirit. He is a sentient being capable of a low level of human communication and refers to himself as Susi. He willingly subjects himself to Red, allowing her to assimilate him for short periods of time



Character (RPer): Orpheus (Bfroger6)
Classes: Caster
Alignment: Neutral Good

Strength: E-
Endurance: E-
Agility: E-
Mana: C
Luck: C
Phantasm: D

Class Skills
Item Construction: A (Instead of actual items, in Orpheus's case, this skill relates to the creation of poems and songs.)
Territory Creation: C

Personal Skills
Eye for Art: EX (Orpheus's songs are the source of all the world's music. As such, she possesses an extraordinary taste for the auditory arts. She can even hear the songs of all material and imaterial presences around her and, in turn, manipulate them.)
Arcane Melody: EX (An innate ability of Orpheus's to directly form spells out of the songs she plays on her lyre. As such, she needs no mana of her own, as she borrows it from the world. With her songs, she can bend the elements to her favour. It is as if her song makes the winds dance, rivers flow, earths crumble and fires burn.)
Ethereal Body: - (Having lost her actual body, the one she appears in as a Servant, even as a container, is but a shadow, making it extremely fragile and suspectible.)
Argonautica Orphica: - (A collection of songs lost to modern man. The rhythms and tones differ vastly from the current concept of music and spell the birth of everything in the world.)
Divinity: ??? (?????)

Noble Phantasms:
Apollo's Moonstring: The Lyre of Gods (D, Anti-Perception)

Orpheus's lyre is her main weapon that is able to tune itself with anything she desires. It is the source of her magic and the catalyst for the songs she weaves in her heart. The songs it plays have the power to charm all living things, and even matter itself, just by how beautiful the tunes are. It can be utilized in the form of a special attack that breaks the barrier of reality around the target and effectively incapacitates their senses, overcoming them with auditory stimuli. Those with higher magic resistance are able to resist the charm of her lyre, but normal humans and other beings will fall victim to the beautiful melody that seems to have originated from someplace beyond the realms of their understanding, but may have actually came from a place as close to them as their heart is.

Ode to the World: The Eggshell of the Cosmos is a Lyre (EX, Anti-World)

The song which has shaped the universe. It is the ultimate concept of creation, a level of conciousness reached only by the gods and those alike. It is the first and final word translated into the voice of Orpheus's lyre, a voice that can create as well as destroy. When utilized, it brings about unimaginable power, but what form it takes depends on the user. In Orpheus's case, as is expected, it takes the form of a song so beautiful, it sways the whole of the universe, and has the power to shift one's will beyond the recognition of one's senses and into a trance-like state of eudaimonia.

It has the power to tear one's world apart.

"The inescepable death and the unending life, when her lyre strikes the hand of god, all that's been will once again fly."

For Eurydice: Ballad of Light and Darkness (???, Anti-Unit/Self)

Only by one's own blood can the song of their heart and soul truly be written. By rending her own flesh, Orpheus is able to bring about not the power of the world like her other Phantasm, but the power of her conviction, a song which has so many other songs intertwined in itself. The true extent of this power is unknown.

Charles Dickens

Character (RPer): Charlotte Brontë, alias Charles Dickens alias Currer Bell

Classes: Caster

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral


Strength: E(++++)(+)

Endurance: E(++++)(+)

Agility: D(++++)

Mana: C++(+)

Luck: A

Phantasm: C+

Class Skills

Territory Creation C

Item Creation B

Personal Skills

Enchant A

High-Speed Incantation E

Innocent Monster D

Gender Concealment EX - As long as she makes an effort to hide it, her opponents will not be able to discern her gender.

High Society Sensibilities EX - Due to her experience passing herself as both a man and a woman in public during the highly gendered Victorian era, she has immense talent at blending into a crowd and adopting their expected mannerisms. This skill lets her attend social functions and move around in public without drawing undue attention to her.

A Girl's Education (Victorian) A - As a literate and well-educated member of society, she is well-versed in the stories and features of famous personages that lived in the Victorian era (1837-1901), as well as the famous personages that came before her. This skill lets her instantly identify any Servant who gained fame in England, from the beginning of recorded history up until the year of her death (1870). This skill only triggers if the target says or does something significant from their legend or acts in a way that is distinctive of their tale. Servants affected by this skill include, but are not limited to, Beowulf, Francis Drake, Shakespeare and members of the Arthurian legend.

Noble Phantasms:

Contemporary to the Self: Anti-Stagnation EX. An author grows through criticism. Writing different works, as two different, famous authors, Charlotte/Charles constantly criticised her own work in public, using her twin public personae to criticise and challenge each other, so that she could keep improving. While she is in battle, she constantly criticises her own performance and immediately acts on her criticism, improving her fighting capabilities on the fly. However, an author starts each new work from a blank slate. Similarly, she starts from scratch in each battle. With this NP, Charlotte's stats increase exponentially the longer she fights against the same opponent, but revert to a blank slate if she switches targets.

Victorian Duality: Anti-Self EX. Charles Dickens and Charlotte Bronte were so different in their approaches to the public eye and in the content of their stories that history remembers them as two people, despite them being one and the same. To reflect this, this NP projects her twin authorial personae into separate bodies. Dickens wears masculine clothing and has a flair for the dramatic, with high offensive capabilities but no defensive capabilities. Brontë dresses in a feminine style and is gentle yet reserved, possessing high defensive abilities but unable to attack. The two selves work together, in pursuit of the ultimate novel. This NP can be toggled on or off.

Bildungsroman: Anti-Mediocrity C. Charlotte/Charles was known to write bildungsroman novels, or coming-of-age stories. In these tales, the protagonist undergoes a series of challenges and difficulties, before ultimately emerging as a more mature and well-rounded individual. This NP is the embodiment of that: Charlotte can pick one person to write a story about (she can pick herself, as well). At the culmination of the tale, the target of this NP will have grown in strength significantly. This growth occurs over the entire course of the tale, and is permanent. The amount and type of growth experienced depends on the level of hardship faced by the target, as well as the length of the tale. This NP can only be active on one target at a time, and cannot be cancelled unless the story is concluded. The length of the tale is left to Charlotte's discretion, and the NP can only target the same individual once.


The White Death

Character (RPer): Simo Hayha (YagamiNoir / Jhin of the Opera)
Classes: Archer, Assassin
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Strength: D
Endurance: B
Agility: B+
Mana: E
Luck: A
Phantasm: B
Class Skills
Independent Action C
Magic Resistance E
Personal Skills
Clairvoyance C
Camouflage C
Presence Concealment A
Marksmanship A
Noble Phantasms:
The White Death (Anti-Unit A+)
Simo’s weapon is a 5-shot bolt-action sniper rifle. It has a substantially long range and his technique centers on opportunistic, critical, high-damage sniping that lacks speed in general. The practicality of the rifle also centers on Simo’s penchant to prioritize stealth when he fights. Simo has to reload after exhausting all shots in his current magazine (which takes a certain amount of time, seconds), and his rifle does not utilize a scope and has a lower mount (which in turn gives him lower accuracy on paper, but also decreases his chances of being exposed); he opts for iron sights for accuracy. Technically, the Phantasm is the technique, and not the weapon.



Character (RPer):Samson(rustytengo)

Classes: Berserker

Alignment: Chaotic mad???(honestly i can't really say what his would be so i will use Hercules original aliment for him)


Strength: EX(E- if his hair is cut)

Endurance: A++(E-if his hair is cut)

Agility: C+(E- if his hair is cut)

Mana: D+(E- if his hair is cut)

Luck: D+(E- if the opponet is a woman)

Phantasm: A(not actually sure here he has powerful NP but his strongest two are passive so they really don't cost much)

Class Skills

Mad Enhancement: B (Rank up for all parameters, but takes away most of sanity.)

Personal Skills

Instinct: B

Gate Breaker:A (Samson tore of the gate of the walls of Giza gives him a bonus at destroying walls and barriers)

Magic Resistance: A (only as long as his hair is not cut)

Divinity: D (was born a Nazirite one of Gods favored people)

Noble Phantasms:

Hair of the Nazirite: EX (Divine Enhancement) Samsons Hair. Grants him his strength as well as makes him nearly invincible to most damage except from NP of B or higher though the wounds heal extremely fast. A Blessing from God himself though if cut off he loss all divine help. (Can only be cut of by NP of B or higher or by his master and by cutting i mean at least the majority of his hair not a few strands in battle.)

Ass' Jaw Bone: C (Anti-Army): the jaw bone he used to kill 1,000 Philistines.

Destruction of the Temple of Dagon: A++ (Anti-Fortress): At his death Samson brought down the Temple of Dagon in Giza killing more in his death then in his life. This Noble Phantasms is the embodiment of that deed. At his death he unleashing all of the the Mana sustaining him causing a massive explosion of pure magical energy.

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So for a servant I Will make which is Jack the Giant Killer has Four things that would be classified as Noble Phantasms The Coat of Darkness( which is basically a coat of invisbliity) , the Cap of Intelligence(which in his story was mainly used of dealing with magic/mages or Lucifer in some versions), Shoes of Quickness(self explanatory really made him really fast) and the Sword of Sharpness which can cut anything.

The last time I made him I put them all as one NP would you rather have me spelt them some how or keep them togeather he should have all if he was summoned(he never lost them or anything).

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ah i see the curse of copy and past the vile of all curses.

anyways time to get this rolling with servants.

Character (RPer): Jack the Giant Killer (rustytengo)

Classes: Assassin, Saber

Alignment: Chaotic Good


Strength: B

Endurance: B

Agility: C

Mana: E


Phantasm: A+

Class Skills

Presence Concealment: C

Personal Skills

Bravery: B

Subversive activities: C

Nature of a Generous Hero: A (Jack had many chances to claim the treasurers of the giants he slayed but instead gave it to the captives of the giants and those less fortunate. Do to this nature he is granted a boost as if he was summoned in his country of creation)

Giant Slayer: A+

Incitement: C (Jack wasn't great at speeches, but he had a knack for saying the right things to anger his opponents)

Unknown Guidance: EX (throughout{some versions of) his adventures there where times that Jack would hear a voice telling him of danger the origin of the voice was unknown. also he had the unique habit of being in the right place at the right time)

Noble Phantasms:

The Sword of Sharpness: Anti-unit A+. One of the four treasures Jack was given for "saving" the life of a two headed giant. The blade appears as a rusty well used sword hiding it true power of the sword that can cut anything. Luckly for Jack opponents Jack doesn't posses the eyes to cut everything just the things he can see. (Quick explanation though Nasuverse stuff it is shown that Shiki can cut anything do to her mystic eyes of death perception{which is more shes cutting the line of death of it} the sword functions like that but limited to things that Jack can see)

The Coat of Darkness: Anti-vision EX. The second of the four treasures. The coat appears old and worn,but posses the ability to hide its wearer completely from the sight of others.(it literally turns you invisible)

The Cap of Intelligence: Anti-Mystery A. The third treasure. Appears as a well loved and worn out cap. When worn the cap will grant it wearer what they want to know. Works great for understanding the magic of mages and how to beat it.

The Shoes of Swiftness: Anti-Slow EX. The final treasure of the for. These shoes appear old and well loved. When worn the wearer is granted speed faster then the wind its self.(think of Okita Souji's flash step that she does Jack can do it two though he needs his shoes for it anyways)

side notes of interest to me anyway.

the three headed giant was also jacks uncle...how does that work?

Jack was friends with Mordred and a Knight of the Round Table.

I wouldn't be that hard to make Jack a saberface well at least a male saber face. since its said his story was written because people where getting board of storys of King Arthur. and well he was modeled after Britain's greatest giant slayer...King Arthur. with bits of Tom Thumb.

Welp there's my first servant let me know if anything needs some work.

Edited by rustytengo
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Character (RPer): Sindbad the Sailor (Rec4lls)

Classes: Rider

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral


Strength: C

Endurance: C

Agility: C

Mana: D

Luck: A

Phantasm: A++

Class Skills

Magic Resistance D

Personal Skills

Voyager of the Storm D-

Noble Phantasms:

The Many Ships of Sindbad the Sailor (D- Anti-Army)

Sindbad summons one of his many ships, unfortunately crashing it directly into the target.

Leviathan and Neptune (B Anti-Army)

Sindbad summons the forms of a gigantic whale and a sea horse (not a seahorse) riding on a torrent of water, sending them directly at his target.

Diamond Wings (C Anti-Unit (Self))

Sindbad obtains the strength and majesty of a powerful Roc, including its wings. His Strength and Agility rises, and he gains the power of flight.

Monster-Slaying Iron Spits (C Anti-Unit)

Sindbad creates 10 burning iron spits, and rapidly launches them at his target. They always seem to aim for the eyes.

Survival in the Pit of Death (C Anti-Unit)

An always-active Noble Phantasm, Sindbad may continue to fight even with the most grievous of wounds and, when he wounds another, he regains both his health and his lost mana.

Aged Wine of the Sea (C Anti-Army)

Sindbad creates a gourd of grape-wine, throwing it at his target. The wine explodes into a purple mist, and anyone breathing these vapors are caught in a drunken stupor, stumbling about and even falling asleep.

River of Diamonds (D Anti-Unit (Self))

Sindbad floats on what appears to be a ghostly visage of a raft, falls asleep, and glides about, letting the waves guide him. While doing this Noble Phantasm, a ring of jewels protects Sindbad from all harm, but as he is asleep, he can only rely his luck to take him where he needs to go.

The Heavens and the Birds of the Sky (A+ Anti-Fortress)

Sindbad is suddenly surrounded by bird-people, who take him up into the heavens, where he hears the angels sing their choir. He reaches out and grabs a golden staff held by one of the angels, glowing with light. He swings it around and releases its power, shooting a catastrophic blast of lightning that consumes the bird-people and turns his enemies into ashes. He then floats gently back onto land. Because this is his last journey, this attack Seals his Noble Phantasms, making them completely unable to be used.

A Story Written in Golden Letters (A Anti-Unit)

An always-active Noble Phantasm, Sindbad is so extraordinarily lucky and cunning that at times reality shifts to accommodate his needs. This can be something like him happening to stumble upon what he was looking for, or by chance avoiding an attack in battle that would have instantly slayed him.

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New servant incoming!

Character (RPer): Hua Mulan (Notus)

Classes : Saber, Archer, Rider

Alignement: Lawful Good


Strenght: A

Agility: B

Endurance: B

Mana: C

Luck: C

Phantasm: A++

Class Skills:

Magic Resistance C

Riding A

Personal Skills:

Charisma C

Chinese Martial Arts A

Gender Concealment A

Hide´s Mulan´s true gender from anyone she does´t want to know the truth, whatever skill they might have.

Noble Phantasms:

Hua Clan´s Dragon Blade (Anti Unit A+)

The embodiment of Hua Mulan´s swordmanship skills, and the blade she inherited from her father. During a fight it may become enveloped by fire, and when activated as a noble phantasm it summons a dragon to strike at the oponent.

Commander of the Emperor´s Army (Anti-Army A++)

Mulan summons the army that she commanded in life to fight beside her.

China´s Great Walls (Barrier A)

The Great Walls that surround the entire country of China, summoned to defend Mulan´s troops and allies. Can defend against a same ranking Anti-Army NP, a one rank higher Anty-Unit NP or a one rank lower Anti Fortress NP

Looking good?

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Hmm, making up my mind and after a bit of research, I think I can have a character ready for this (several options, one class). How technically "old" should the characters be to be acceptable though? Considering Phantom of the Opera was an early 1900s work, I suppose anyone relevant from that timeframe can work?


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I can edit mine into an Archer with some ease due to her legend saying she was skilled with a bow and arrows. I might also be able to have her pull a Lancer if needed, since there´s really not much detail on what she did during her time in the army. I don´t plan on making a master though, I´d be a bit too overloaded If I did that.

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Did this while I was tired, tell me of anything wrong though:

Character (RPer): Simo Hayha (YagamiNoir / Jhin of the Opera)

Classes: Archer, Assassin

Alignment: Lawful Neutral


Strength: D

Endurance: B

Agility: B+

Mana: E

Luck: A

Phantasm: B

Class Skills

Independent Action C

Magic Resistance E

Personal Skills

Clairvoyance C

Camouflage C

Presence Concealment A

Marksmanship A

Noble Phantasms:

The White Death (Anti-Unit A+)

Simo’s weapon is a 5-shot bolt-action sniper rifle. It has a substantially long range and his technique centers on opportunistic, critical, high-damage sniping that lacks speed in general. The practicality of the rifle also centers on Simo’s penchant to prioritize stealth when he fights. Simo has to reload after exhausting all shots in his current magazine (which takes a certain amount of time, seconds), and his rifle does not utilize a scope and has a lower mount (which in turn gives him lower accuracy on paper, but also decreases his chances of being exposed); he opts for iron sights for accuracy.

Experienced Hunter (Anti-Self, B+ )

An experienced marksman, arguably the best of his generation, Simo is capable of utilizing the White Death with any other ranged weapon apart from his main sniper.

Edited by YagamiNoir4896
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RIP I forgot it was

I couldn't think of any other names to generalize the whole suit thing + being good at camouflage as a whole though, but for now I'll just change the name of the Phantasm

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So keep in mind everyone every class already has set class skills. The Archer class skills are independent action and magic resistance. The assassin class is the only class with presence concealment. Though other class skills can manifest as personal skills.

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Here, have good ol' Nessie the Saberface and no master. I'm not a total troll owo

Character (RPer): Artitha AKA Nessie (Alexus/SYLPHYN)

Classes: Saber, Assassin, Berserker

Alignment: True Neutral


Strength: A

Endurance: A

Agility: D

Mana: C

Luck: C

Phantasm: C+

Class Skills

Magic Resistance C

Riding D- (Capable of riding any sea creature at least three feet in length)

Personal Skills

Innocent Monster – (Although this skill cannot be removed, Nessie’s acceptance of her legend prevents her from properly gaining it in the first place. May trigger fully with an improper summons)

Monstrous Strength A (Nessie's strength is truly inhuman, she is capable of smashing houses by simply swinging her sword too close to them)

Presence Concealment C (Nessie is very good at hiding, and can easily stand next to a Master or Servant without revealing herself. However she is not fit for sneaking up on foes and making preparations to attack will fully reveal her)

Eternal Arms Mastership A (As she is born of her weapon, Nessie will never lose the ability to use it proficiently)

Noble Phantasms:

Legend of Loch Ness, the Monster in the Deep (D, Anti-self)

The legend that Nessie formed around Loch Ness to protect herself while she tried to understand her own existence, along the way she ended up becoming as much the legend as her original self. This phantasm transforms Nessie into the plesiosaur that many suspect to live in the lake. Outside of water this is actually a detriment as she becomes completely immobile. But in a large body of water she becomes a high-speed menace with jaws capable of snapping weaker heroic spirits in two. This transformation causes Nessie to tear through her mana as quickly as her opponents; if her master is too weak or inexperienced she may not even be able to use it

Excalibur Reflect, Sword of Mirrored Victory (A, Anti-fortress)

The Holy Sword Excalibur as held by Nessie, who herself is a reflection of the hope of the man who cast Excalibur back into the lake. It is much weaker than when held by its proper owner, but still serves as an extremely powerful weapon. Nessie can call upon the sword's true name to unleash a powerful whirlwind of light and darkness--representing Nessie's state as a perfectly neutral power for Excalibur to magnify

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so Yagmai just a few things with the skills.

If that sheet is for him as an archer then presence concealment would be moved from a class skill to personal skill since its some thing he has not something granted by the class. similarly if it was assassin Simo then he would most likely lose both independent action and magic resistance. Independent action he might have still though most snipers where rarely alone since they needed a spotter.

second D rank magic resistance is higher then what Gilgamesh has. Simo is from a time where magic is not really around, isn't a trained mage, and has never dealt with magic. i don't think he should have that high of magic resistance it should be E at the most to me,but that's really up to murdoc and you not me just my thoughts.

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Murdoc has granted me the caveat of using PC for my character, justifying that such exceptions do exist canonically (EG IA on Astolfo) and the fact that most of these skills don't fit Simo, at least for an Archer.

Simo was a solo sniper, so he never had assistance and IA is thus justfified. Murdoc gave me the choice to include PC and both of the innate Archer skills through asking him earlier.

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I do have a bit more to go over with you, though.

One: Don't think about this in terms of a MOBA. Servants aren't designed with "kits," everything you put on them should have some connection to who they are and what they did. For example, did Hayha actually use remotely detonated charges? Seeing as I'm not certain that any sort of radio-detonated explosive was even invented at that time, I'd be inclined to say "no." So he shouldn't have that as a Noble Phantasm. Additionally, as I already noted, Camouflage is a personal skill. That together with Presence Concealment easily covers his ability to remain undetected. Going along with the idea of not having a kit, if his last bullet does more damage, it should be for an actual reason, and not because you're basing it on a skill from a video game. As a minor note, his rifle held five rounds, not four.

Before you ask, Rusty, Class Skills are listed in with the rest of them, even if they're on the "incorrect" class. Astolfo's profile lists his Independent Action right below his Riding skill.

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Before you ask, Rusty, Class Skills are listed in with the rest of them, even if they're on the "incorrect" class. Astolfo's profile lists his Independent Action right below his Riding skill.

I know in Grand order they place things different since class skills are passive effects for servants.

this is the profile for Astolfo in Apocrypha(minus the NP since we don't need to see that for this)

Class: Rider

Master: Celenike Icecolle Yggdmillennia

True name: Astolfo

Gender: Male

Height/Weight: 164cm/56kg

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Strength: D

Endurance: D

Agility: B

Magic: C

Luck: A+

Noble Phantasm: C

Class Skills

Magic Resistance: A

Cancels all magecraft A rank or under. As a matter of fact, Astolfo cannot be injured by modern day magi.

Because of the Book Noble Phantasm, Rank was greatly elevated. It is usually D rank.

Riding: A+

Riding Ability. Can ride beasts that are Phantasmal Beasts and Divine Beasts. However, Dragon Kind is not applicable.

Personal Skills

Evaporation of Reason: D

Reasoning is disappearing. It is impossible to keep any secrets.

Carelessly chatters about own team's weaknesses and True Names, forgetful of important things, etc. A kind of extreme curse.

This skill also serves as "Instinct." During battle one is able to, to some extent, feel the optimal course.

Monstrous Strength C-

It is possible to rank-up Strength.

However, in the situation that this skill is activated, every 1 turn that passes damage is taken.

Independent Action: B

Ability that allows the magical energy from the master to be cut off and be independent.

In the case of B rank, can last two days in the current world without a master


they place it as a personal skill.

I not saying he can't have it. i'm just saying that class skills are the skills that every hero summoned under the class will have.(with some exceptions like Siegfried not having Magic resistance since his NP gives it to him.) if they have other skills that are class skills of other class they become personal skills since there something that the Hero not the class haves.

its really just and organization that bugs my head a bit. if you want it that way then i'll let it go(with a lot of groaning on my end where y'all can't hear me)

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You're citing the wiki vs. source material >_> Please don't make me pull up my wiki rant for this thread too NVM is wiki vs. wiki, so I'd have to look at the wiki's citations to check their credibility

The way I've always looked on it, Rusty is right. Class Skills are not a separate set of skills, they're the skills granted specifically by the class

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