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Pokemon XY and XY&Z. Did the Pokemon Anime get better?

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After seeing the anime announcement in Coro, I have to say, I'll bid y'all adieu after XYZ ends. The art of the SM anime looks like it took 50 steps backwards, also, the summary of Ash going to school and having the goal of GRADUATING LIKE NEVER BEFORE (dood, you HAVE NOT graduated EVER before...) sounds like they are rebooting the anime back to its kid roots. It also half looks like they're trying hard to imitate yokai watch. Anyways, I don't like how Ash looks in the SM male protag's outfit, and I think he's getting all 3 starters. Looks like TR are getting bewear as vastly speculated. Not surpised Serena isn't there, never expected her to be. All in all, I'm gonna stop watching the anime after the Kalos season ends since I find that it's best for me to do so

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After seeing the anime announcement in Coro, I have to say, I'll bid y'all adieu after XYZ ends. The art of the SM anime looks like it took 50 steps backwards, also, the summary of Ash going to school and having the goal of GRADUATING LIKE NEVER BEFORE (dood, you HAVE NOT graduated EVER before...) sounds like they are rebooting the anime back to its kid roots. It also half looks like they're trying hard to imitate yokai watch. Anyways, I don't like how Ash looks in the SM male protag's outfit, and I think he's getting all 3 starters. Looks like TR are getting bewear as vastly speculated. Not surpised Serena isn't there, never expected her to be. All in all, I'm gonna stop watching the anime after the Kalos season ends since I find that it's best for me to do so

IIRC the art in the magazines has never been all that good. Regardless, I'll probably not watch it in it's entirety like I did XYZ. It'll probably be for the better, because S/M's anime will probably leave a bitter taste in my mouth.

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The more I look at the picture, the more I feel like S/M is going to be just as bad as Best Wishes.

-First of all, he has no Greninja with him. Like all of the other Pokemon, his Ash-Greninja gets shafted into Professor Oak's lab. This also seems to be a common pattern with Team Rocket starting from Best Wishes, as all they have is Wobbuffet and Bewear (Apparently, but I'll get to that).

-Usually, they have the female protagonist with Ash, with the exceptions of Misty and Iris. This time, however, there is Mallow, which is just like what happened with Misty and Iris. There is also Lillie over on the right, but for all we know, we don't know who the male companion is for Ash (Although it might actually be Sophacles. My only joy is that Mallow being Ash's companion pretty much confirms the starter evolutions as the first set of the two-formed secret that they share with Rockruff (If it is actually its secret, which it most likely is)

-Ash also seems to have the three starters with him, which was a pattern back in Gen 1, 2, and 5. This means that he will most likely not evolve any of them, or if he does, just one of them. Two of them, if we're lucky (It took forever for him to evolve his Cyndaquil...). I'm betting he will most likely evolve either Rowlet or Litten, but most likely Rowlet, if Rowlet gets the Greninja treatment.

-RIP Team Rocket's bonds with Gourgeist and Inkay (WHY YOU NO EVOLVE INTO MALAMAR?!). It seems that they either give them away to Giovanni or put them in storage with Seviper, Carnivine, and Mime Jr. Instead, we see a Bewear (Which is most likely going to be James' due to being affectionate). At first, I thought Bewear was their balloon, but after seeing it holding Team Rocket, I'm going with it as James' Pokemon.

In short, S/M's anime is most likely going to be not very great.

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You know the school is gonna involve at the very least visiting all the Alolan islands, so there's that. The school is probably just completing "exams" i.e. trials in order to "graduate". I mean, we already saw in a recent trailer that each captain does the Z move dance of their respective type so Ash will probably have to learn these things from them (get schooled). In the end it's just a non-traditional schooling but still counts more as school than a challenge I guess

p.s. dat casual kawaiila on the roof tho :ph34r::wub:

Edited by Masquerain
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1h special's done, soon the season as well... Few comments on it

The first part was pretty hype and cool, everyone fighting (and failing) the megalith rock-zygarde snake. Lysandre seemingly committing suicide (obvious that he didn't die anyway). Malva looked pretty distraught at the sight, I guess she really had sumt for him. I must say though, I'm not too fond of the fact they basically made the megalith thing be nothing but a very loose Chespin PULSE by making the poor comatose pokemon act as the functional core of the megalith. That was unneeded but I guess they had to make something out of its coma.

For the second part, it was pretty cool. The gym leader cameos, making the anistar sundial relevant, the fight against the approaching megalith. Everyone fought , even Serena and Team Rocket got some pretty cool moments. 'Twas pretty cool, even though the gym leaders got rekt pretty fast to make way for the "heroes" (on a side note, dat Viola x Grant moment :ph34r: ) At the end of the day, they made Alan be the one to stop the megalith (before Lysandre reappeared anyway). That whole scene had a LOTR-esque feel where everyone thought they were gonna get rekt, and all of a sudden everything stops because the ring was destroyedthe chespin was taken out of the megalith core. I suppose that was their way of making Alan actually do something and act more like a tourny winner. I'm rather disappointed that the scene of Mairin and her Chespin waking up was rather rushed and not given the touching moments it deserved. Didn't really care much for the megazord zygarde part, the build-up to it was more exciting to me. It kinda bothered me that Ash and Alan launched a triple DIRECT attack on Lysandre, but all it did was accurately hit his machine thing .... that was way too... yeahh, that's not how it works. Anyways, Lysandre got rekt even in the anime with the core enforcer blast. His fate is left unknown yet again. Though, when Steven asked what happened to Lysandre, Malva was smirking and saying "who knows.. leave team Flehhhd to me..etcetc". Before leaving, zygarde megazord used its magic to restore the city. Totally not expected or anything. Rip team Flehhhhhhhhhd arc, if only the XY games were even half of what this arc was.

Side comments:

- The frog had some form of x-ray vision somehow, all of a sudden.. Idek. Maybe its power is related to the megalith after all, even though they never even mentioned it

- Serena's Braixen riding on Megagross like a boss. That was quite cool. Launching flamethrowers like a true mage on a mount

- In the episode preview, we see that they are gonna retcon Citroid's death by having Clemont repair it. I dislike when they do that in animes, it really takes away the impact

- In the preview, we also see fireworks and everyone incl Mairin/Alan enjoying the show. I seriously doubt there is gonna be any such bs as a rematch or Alan giving away his trophy or whatnot. Well, maybe the trophy part is still somewhat possible.. The next ep is mainly about Citroid and Clemont anyway, but they will have to release the next ep titles soon

- Is anyone else seriously disappointed with the fact that the orange doughnut the frog pulled out during the finals was NEVER acknowledged, addressed, or even reacted to? I sure am(mostly because I wanted them to explain it if they introduced it, otherwise I'm not a fan of the sync frog or anything it pulls off at all). Furthermore, it NEVER happened again, not even during the most relevant fight vs the megalith rockgarde snake. You'd think the frog would maybe help by pulling off the orange doughnut again , but nah- GATHER ALL MUH PASSION, MIGHTY CUT! In the end it really was pulled out of their asses and retconned immediately. The frog wasn't even anything special during the megalith fight, it was just another pokemon among the bunch

- AND FINALLY... well holy flying sheet strapped on a pigeon, the Sun and Moon anime trailer :| I have no words. I stand by my words, I'm not watching anymore after Kalos is over. That stuff destroyed Ash utterly and completely. The art, the setting, the behavior... talk about taking 150 steps backwards. Word has it that the studio drawing XY anime is busy with another project which coincides with SM anime, that's why they changed it...but why would they...that..of all options... ugh. Let's take a moment to remember the Ash of Kalos and pretend the SM Ash is some alt universe Ash because....

Trailer minidialogue went with sumt liek...

Lillie (raising her hand and answering a question asked by the professor): ..sumtsumt the dragon type

Ash: ...hurr?durr? Dragen typ?

Expect Ash to have half the IQ level of BW Ash

Enough ranting :[keepitclean]: :ph34r: rip pokemon anime

Edited by Masquerain
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That 1 hour special was perfect!!! 10/10

Where to start from?
Citron above Citroid crying was realy heartbreaking, yet Citron was strong enough to continue!
Team Rocket again was not in the core of the events, but they still had their moments that made me shout "f*ck yeah"
Steven and Diantha were so badass and they actualy make a very good duo! Now I would like to see them as a couple :P
The moment all the gym leaders appeared I was like: YOOHOOOO! YEAAAAH! GOGOGOGOGO!
The running of Ash and Alain to save Harimaron was out of this world! For a moment I forgot I was watching pokemon and it was like a mainstream shonen scene. Although I got tired of showing all the leaders shouting "go".
Then Lysandre came back and it was like "Sup B*tches! Did you missed me?" And everyone starting losing hard and shit! (they should have all died, but I'll ignore it)
And then Puni-chan and his bro was like "Ok, time to end this party" and went Mega Zord and Extremespeed the shit out of the stoned-Zygarde-thing. And ended it in Power Rangers style! with an awesome pose while the enemy exploded in the background! Edit: HOW COULD I FORGOT THE Z SIGNATURE MOVE ENDING!
But then I started crying like a little girl cause Puni-chan said goodbye to Eureka and the Puni-chan song was playing in the background and I was "nooooooo :'(, don't go". And then I closed it cause I couldn't take anymore :(.

Edited by pyrromanis
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1 hour special was amazing. Team Flare's Arc and Lysandre himself was done SO MUCH Justice here. Honestly, Lysandre went from a bad Cyrus-clone, to an actually good villain.

Then I see the S/M anime trailer and my hope for it just being a bad poster is dashed. IT'S LITERALLY, JUST ASH THEY FUCKED OVER DESIGN WISE. Not Pikachu, not ANYONE else. Just Ash. The animation is kinda sub-par too since the studio doing it is different from the one that did XYZ, who are apparently working on another project(Which might or might not be Generations.) After the horrifying thing that was BW's Anime, I'm not looking forward to this....

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After watching the trailer, I can indeed say that I am most likely NOT going to watch the anime. They totally fucked up Ash's design, and he doesn't have ANY of his Pokemon with him besides Pikachu. You know that whole Ash-Greninja arc? Thrown away. Having Goodra back? What the hell is even the point of bringing it back if all he is going to do is shove it upon Professor Oak to care for? The LEAST he could have done is brought his own Charizard back, but nope! Not even that. The animation is also fucked up, and it all looks too much like B/W all over again. AND there's no league, so why the hell would Ash lose if he is going to school in the next season?

Fuck the studio, fuck the writers, fuck the Pokemon anime, and most of all, FUCK YOU, ASH.

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After watching the trailer, I can indeed say that I am most likely NOT going to watch the anime. They totally fucked up Ash's design, and he doesn't have ANY of his Pokemon with him besides Pikachu. You know that whole Ash-Greninja arc? Thrown away. Having Goodra back? What the hell is even the point of bringing it back if all he is going to do is shove it upon Professor Oak to care for? The LEAST he could have done is brought his own Charizard back, but nope! Not even that. The animation is also fucked up, and it all looks too much like B/W all over again. AND there's no league, so why the hell would Ash lose if he is going to school in the next season?

Fuck the studio, fuck the writers, fuck the Pokemon anime, and most of all, FUCK YOU, ASH.

All I'm going to say is: Calm down.

You uh, do realise the Anime itself is mainly marketed towards kids, correct? Look at XYZ, it did phenomenally overseas, here in the west, but in Japan? It was a disaster. Ratings dropped quite heavily. They might be trying to attract their younger and main watchers once more, instead of the older ones here. Which might be their plan with the anime; one series for the older fans, the other for the younger ones, that is if we're looking at it pattern wise. Besides, Generations itself is targeted for solely the older audience.

Also, it's not the animation, if you look at it, it's the same quality, only a different style, which is fine really. You're really overreacting way too much here. Could it be better? I guess. But honestly, it actually looks pretty good compared to the poster. Am I going to watch it as I did XYZ? No, probably not. Do I think it's worse than BW already? Fuck no. BW was a disaster. S/M is looking to be better than that, though being better than BW isn't exactly high praise.

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What im guessing their going for was trying to appeal to a younger audience. but let me say this, you don't do this. You don't completely change his design make him look flat and somewhat derpy. Seriously I would have been ok with B/W style but this is worse in general. Even the story is off from the game. Yeah you know those kahunas that do the trials, their still in school so whats the plot even? oh I know going to school. that will appeal to a lot of young people more than going around the region battling people. Im probably going to watch episode and my decision to continue watching it will derive from that day in November.

Edited by Jmanultrax1
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It's just a trailer, try not too be to overreacted

while yes the trailer have different animation (ca't say it's good... I mean look at that smile!)

Give this S&M series a chance probably 3-10 episode, if it's terrible well fuck that, if it's not then hey let's watch this till the end

In all honesty as long as they don't bring back Ash BW dumbness, I'm quite okay with this series, I don't care if they throw away ash's badass Greninja, Serena (dem ship is sinking), and that beautiful animation...

on the side note now that XYZ is on the edge, is it just me or Iris and/or Cilan haven't met Ash in the Kalos region like his previous friends

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but here's the thing. they build the xyz anime around ash-greninja. did they spam it? yes but at least we had something to be hyped about. Because it was amazing in its own way. This, despite the new design has no plot reveal or a little interest. It doesn't even have the game info in it the slightest. The trial captain who are the people in charge of the trials are still in school trying to become trial captains. So its most likely going to be school, mostly that. So how do we end ash greninja? lets just put it in oaks lab where it will never be see again because there's no gyms or even a league confirmation.

its got 3-5 episodes for me. if its not good after that im done.

Edited by Jmanultrax1
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After watching the trailer, I can indeed say that I am most likely NOT going to watch the anime. They totally fucked up Ash's design, and he doesn't have ANY of his Pokemon with him besides Pikachu. You know that whole Ash-Greninja arc? Thrown away. Having Goodra back? What the hell is even the point of bringing it back if all he is going to do is shove it upon Professor Oak to care for? The LEAST he could have done is brought his own Charizard back, but nope! Not even that. The animation is also fucked up, and it all looks too much like B/W all over again. AND there's no league, so why the hell would Ash lose if he is going to school in the next season?

Fuck the studio, fuck the writers, fuck the Pokemon anime, and most of all, FUCK YOU, ASH.

It's ok, Goodra is going back to the swamp. It only went to aid Ash in the league, it's not getting ditched at Oak's. The frog, however...maybe they'll even ditch Serena at Oak's :ph34r:

..nah, she's gonna go take that granny up on her offer

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but here's the thing. they build the xyz anime around ash-greninja. did they spam it? yes but at least we had something to be hyped about. Because it was amazing in its own way. This, despite the new design has no plot reveal or a little interest. It doesn't even have the game info in it the slightest. The kahunas who are the people in charge of the trials are still in school trying to become kahunas. So its most likely going to be school, mostly that. So how do we end ash greninja? lets just put it in oaks lab where it will never be see again because there's no gyms or even a league confirmation


Nonononono. The Kahunas are guys like Hala. The trial captains are the ones in skewl, it seems. It -kinda- makes sense, considering they're all young with the exception of the Fire guy...

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One word in this trailer ruined everything for me


I'm fucking out.

He's still traumatised from XYZ obviously.

Nearly got killed by a Garchomp in the first 5 episodes.

Got his ass handed to him by Mega Zard X 3 times.


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Exactly. From that small dialogue you can already tell he's gonna have the intelligence of BW Ash, if not lower

Unless they were talking about Alolan-Exeggutor. In any other scenario, I agree that he sounds kinda dumb tbh.

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