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Easiest/Hardest Gym Puzzles


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I guess I could make this a poll but like that's work


Easiest was probably Brock because like you can literally just walk around the Trainers.

Hardest was Sabrina; I hate teleporters. :c


Easiest was Falkner, like Brock, but this time you couldn't walk around the Trainers.

Hardest was Morty, mainly because the floor was invisible.


Easiest was Roxanne, which followed Kanto's puzzle.

Hardest was Wallace/Juan. I always hate those ice puzzles, and it was terrible facing the same thing in Charlotte's Gym ;-; Overall the hardest for me rip


Easiest was Roark, basically Kanto 3.0.

Hardest was Candice because I actually had no idea what I was doing and couldn't figure out for the life of me how to get rid of the snowballs in front of her.


Easiest... does Cheren count? He doesn't even have a puzzle... But I guess Cilan/Chili/Cress were also easy if Cheren doesn't count.

Hardest was... to be honest, they all weren't so bad. I guess Lenora's Puzzle was tough because when I was playing Black, I had a Japanese copy and basically had to guess what all the books were saying.


Easiest was Clemont, I guess, since the voices were kinda easy to guess.

Hardest was probably Valarie because more teleporters :ccc

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Easiest by default are the ones with no puzzles or just straightforward "beat all the trainers", so I'll just list the hardest.

Kanto: The electronic locks reset!

Johto: Clair. The last platform always takes me a while. I keep going back and forth in the same spots.

Hoenn: Liza & Tate in RS.

Sinnoh: Candice. I don't like sliding ice puzzles to begin with, but this one took me the longest out of all of them.

Unova: None of them were difficult for me.

Kalos: ^

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^^^ Same ICSW, all the easy ones follow some sort of simple pattern, or were just mainly events (cheren)

here were, not the hardest, but the most cringe gym puzzles out there:

Kanto: Sabrina - Fucking teleport puzzles. ugh.

Johto: Chuck - I had to walk around the gym and it was very tedious

Hoenn: Wallace/Juan - I really, really hate those puzzles where when you make one mistake you have to restart it.

Sinnoh: Byron - the puzzle itself was really easy, but i was really young at the time, so i thought that all the decorative jet fuel cant melt steel beams were part of the puzzle and i got really confused.

Unova/Kalos: Ez Pz 100% of the way. Gamefreak, please make challenging puzzles for us tyvm.

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I'll just list the ones I think are the most difficult:

Kanto - Saffron Gym. Teleporters are so annoying and my OCD always kicks in saying 'I MUST DEFEAT ALL THE GYM TRAINERS FIRST'

Johto - Mahogany Gym. Despite me liking Ice-types, I hate ice puzzles

Hoenn - Mossdeep Gym. The Emerald Version was quite annoying.

Sinnoh - Snowpoint Gym. This took me forever to complete.

Unova - Humilau Gym. I picked this but really, all of them were pretty easy

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I'm jumping on the hardest only train

Kanto: Stuff Lt Surge and his stupid bins (Vermillion)

Johto: Pryce's probably. Ice puzzles always muck me up (Mahogony)

Hoenn: Tate and Liza (Mossdeep) and Winona (Fortree) always were the hardest for me (the latter because it was tedious)

Sinnoh: I don't remember any puzzles that well because I really don't like Sinnoh at all. Let's just go with Candice's because I remember hating it.

Unova: I can't really pick.

Kalos: Probably Valerie because it required some degree of memory/ trial and error.

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Easiest-Brock. No need to explain.

Hardest-Giovanni. Those spinning tiles were tricky.


Easiest-Falkner. Again, no explanation necessary.

Hardest-Clair. That last set tho.


Easiest-Roxanne. See above.

Hardest-Brawly. I HATE dark areas!


Easiest-Fantina. I could see the symbols even without the flashlights.

Hardest-Byron. Not really hard, just long.


Easiest-The trio. I ain't no noob.

Hardest-Marlon. Well....hardest is a big word. Let's say least pathetic.


Easiest-Korrina. Its a circle...

Hardest-Wulfric. Hard. Cool, but hard.

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People you all forget the easiest gym puzzle! Jasmine's gym was completely empty without even trainers in it. Some of you may say that obtaining and giving the Secretpotion to Ampharos is an alternative to gym puzzle, but it doesn't excuses how plain and borin her gym was inside!

As for hardest puzzles:
Kanto: Lt. Surge's stupid reseting switches. Honorable mention Koga's invinsible walls when you play on you GBA at night under your christmas tree's lights.
Jhoto: Pryce's gym cause I was bored to think clear and just moved in random directions. Honorable mention probably Morty's gym cause my friend spoiled me the puzzle before I get there, so I found it easy.
Hoenn: Lisa's & Tate's gym in Emerald with rotating statues and teleporters. Honorable mention Flannery's hole things.
Sinnoh: Crasher Wake's flooding gym. Honorable mention Volkner's spinning gears.
Unova: Clay's maze pltaforms in B2W2. Honorable mention Skyla's air blowing machines cause you need a good timing in B2W2.
Kalos: Haven't played yet but I have heard that all gyms are easy...

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Whelp. Easiest is going to be the easiest one that actually has a puzzle.

Kanto (Y/FRLG) [No RBG]

E: Koga, by far. Quiz hall host Blaine gets some mention.

H: Waste basket paradise. Also, the locks reset. AGAIN.

Johto (HG/SS) [No GS] [No C]
...Not that I remember any of the puzzles from there.

Hoenn (RS)(ORAS) [No E]

E: All of them.

H: Uh... is "none" a valid answer?

E: Wallace's got even easier, while Liza/Tate lost their status of having a puzzle (as well as mandatory trainers)

H: Sticking with none.

Sinnoh (DP)(Pt)

E: Fantina's quiz hall, with all but two as runner-ups.

H: I guess you can miss the switch in Wake's, and Candice if you miscount your steps.

E: Well, at least Fantina's gym isn't quizzes anymore. Maylene's got a slight bit harder, but still is a runner-up.

H: Don't remember.

Unova (BW) [No BW2]

E: All of them.

H: None of them.


E: All of them.

H: Remembering to revisit Grant for the stone in his gym. Oh, wait, that's post-E4, as I recall.

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In general I've always had a rather easy time with gyms? Nothing has ever stood out to me as difficult until Skyla's gym came around. I have no idea why, it has a simple set up and yet I found myself so lost.

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Surge and sabrina were always the hardest for me. I was so happy when I got one of those guide books for rby since it had the solution for sabrina's gym in it. Saved me a ton of time when I replayed the games.

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I'm just going to go with hardest - and with the games I've played.

Kanto - Lt. Surges stupid wastebasket lock charade.

Johto - I'd have to say Morty - I love the sliding ice puzzle things in Pryce's gym and the rest are not memorable.

Hoenn - FRIGGEN Winona and her stupid turnstiles in the original games.

Unova - I would have to say it's a tie between Clay's elevator things, and Skyla's wind turbines.

Kalos - The disrespect you guys have for this generation though.... Korinna and Ramos deserve some honorable mentions (The former because tracking down the the roller skaters was kinda tedious - and the latter because Ramos had some dead ends you could run into without trying.) - ultimately, the only real "puzzle" however - was Wulfric's gym.

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Ok, here we go.

Gen 1: Kanto

Easiest: I would say it is unanimous that brock's puzzle was the easiest, if you could even call it that.

Hardest: If we are truly talking gen 1, red blue yellow and green, i would say Lt. Surges, i could never find those damn switches. But for the gen 3 remakes definitely sabrina. Without my guide i kept getting lost in that gym wasting i dare say hours of time.

Gen 2: Johto

Easiest: For easiest it is a toss up between falkner and jasmine. Both are basically a cake walk with trainers. You may or may not count jasmine b/c of the previous lighthouse trek, but in terms of purely gym, it's a pure tossup.

Hardest: Clair for sure. Those moving platforms, while not overtly difficult, are some of the most annoying and tasking puzzles in the whole game, if we are speaking in terms of the remakes heart gold and soul silver....i can't actually remember what her puzzle is from the original games. Shame.

Gen 3: Hoenn

Easiest: Like Brock, Roxanne is another unanimous choice. It's literally just a cake walk, and a rock smash. The fight is difficult if you chose torchic and have failed to evolve it to have a fighting type move yet.

Hardest: For Me, I would definitely say the Ruby and Sapphire version of Liza and Tate. Those 'warp' chutes were just plain annoying to keep track of. Too bad the brail puzzle isn't considered a gym. XD

Gen 4: Sinnoh

Easiest: Just like the last 2, Roark and his rock walk is more like a cake walk. No puzzle, no challenge.

Hardest: I would also have to agree with everyone else with Candice's sliding puzzle being a respectable challenge, yet it has an easy method to solve. but Platinum's....3rd gym, can't remember her name, and Byron's platform gym are close runner ups with somewhat deceiving graphics and confusing layout.

Gen 5: Unova

Easiest: From the first 2, the first gym is easily the...easiest...nvm the redundancy, but with all first gyms, it's simplistic style really posed no challenge. From the last 2, Cheren's gym being the first is an even easier challenge as it is literally just a beat down.

Hardest: From the First 2, Brycen proved a good challenge with the classic ice sliding puzzle, but for a hasty player like me, lenora's reading challenge was annoying at best. For the last 2, Drayden takes it with the confusing and annoying dragon puzzle.

Gen 6: Kalos

Easiest: Clemont was Definitely the easiest. For a veteran such as myself, easy stuff like that is just common knowledge.

Hardest: For this one i would have to say Valerie or Olympia, b/c portals, or i would get lost in that damn 3d maze.

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