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Pokémon Reborn Series

Cool Girl

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So, I just had a really awesome idea. Since the pokémon games are kinda of based off the series with Ash, how about a TV Show/episodes about Reborn? We can do episodes and download them on Youtube or something, how about it? I don't know, it was just an idea I got while playing Reborn because I really enjoy the storyline. Let me know what you guys think!

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It would be amazing if it could happen but it would require a lot of work and planning. You'd need animators, voice actors (and I mean lots of voice actors, since there are so many characters), storyboard artists, at least one person willing to write a personality for the main character, and most importantly permission from Ame, haha.

But if you really believe you can pull it off, power to you, mate. Good luck.

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i see two flaws with this:

1. this requires us to animate reborn. which, even though we have some talented artists here, they are probably not willing to do it.

2. imo we would probably quit the project halfway.


though if you propose doing something like what team 4 star did with machinabridged FF7 we could do that to an extent. (basically what TFS did was abridge the ff7 series with the script and the ingame images)

so im kinda on the fence with this.

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This is actually an idea that has been tossed around a lot more than some would think.

However, there is a very large amount of uncertainty surrounding the project's feasibility. Even one episode released would be an amazing accomplishment. For voice acting, the idea has often been to get a couple from within the community, myself being one of them.

If anyone wants to give such an idea a whirl though...count me in.

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I think it's a little easier than it sounds. I've worked in quite a few film projects and the biggest thing here would be time which animated projects take a lot of. If you really want to do it you should take a lot of time with pre-production. No real rush since the game is only like 50-60% done.

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True. I mean, it was just an idea. I'm still thinking about it. The reason I thought of it is because when I go to college, I'm thinking of studying film-making and acting. Still not sure if I'm gonna go through it though, but just an idea. Also, to be honest, I have no idea how to do it, but since the game is still not finished, we still have time to discuss the idea. But if I do decide to do it, then let me know if you're interested in helping me out with something or giving me some advice on how we could do it! Like, maybe I could write the script for each episode (like what the character says and all of that) or something. But FYI, I don't know to draw or animate, so yeah! Also, I would love to ask Amethyst what she thinks of this as well. Who knows, maybe she'll want to get involved in this!

Edited by Cool Girl
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The animation will be the hardest part, for sure. If you want it to look professional, takes quite a while to even make a 5 second video - if you are aiming for the same style as the Pokemon anime. If we're talking about 3D rendering, that's a little different. The animation probably won't look as polished but it's far easier to make, although we'd have to make models of all the characters and animate them, which still takes an immense amount of effort. And if we somehow pass that hurdle, there will be the problem of voice acting, finding the right people, making it sound natural, etc.

Sorry about being harsh, because I do think it's an amazing idea. I have thought about it before, too. But realistically it's a lot of effort that I don't think anyone is willing to do

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I've heard of the idea from time to time, but nobody's ever actually done it, to my knowledge.

If finding voice actors is a problem, I guess you could always reuse some for certain characters that might sound similar (i.e. Shelly, Anna, and Heather are around the same age, and someone can change their tone for each character). To me, the biggest problem is animating, as it seems to take a huge amount of time.

I like the idea, I just don't know if it's possible to do. But there's still always time, since there's about 4 episodes to go of Reborn, as well as the future~

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Honestly speaking actors aren't at all the issue. Its mainly the animation. The more professional look you want the more its going to cost. Getting people on board for something like this (especially a large unpaid task) is pretty difficult. Although there are plenty of people who like to work on projects like this. I suggest something like craigslist. If you can sift through the strangers you can usually find some pretty motivated people.

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Ok, after a lot of thinking and based on what people are saying, here's what I'm thinking of doing. We do one episode or a little teaser/trailer before we do episodes and if people really like it, we'll keep doing it. This is going to be a community project (so us, not craigslist) So for now, here's what I think we're going to need:

- Team of writers (people that will write the script, propose ideas... I decided I'll be a part of that team. Maybe I'll be head writer. Let me know if you want to be part of this team)

- Team of animators (Let me know if you're interested in doing that)

- Voice Actors (after the team of writers and animators know the plan. We'll talk about this part later)

- Musicians (for possibly some battle music, I'm thinking of asking GlitchCity. Anyways, we can talk about this later)

Let me know what you guys think!

Edited by Cool Girl
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This sounds like it could be fun. Might be best to start planning around one event. I'd say something like the intro up to choosing the starter. That should suffice for seeing appeal. I'm willing to help out as much as I can since I love this sort of thing. If you need help with planning at what not pm me and we can start from there. Journey of a thousand miles and what not.

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While it'd be a really cool concept, it'd be really hard to pull off as everyone said animation would probably take too long. It might be easier to just draw a comic and have voice overs as Reborn is far from a short game and not a lot of the main story could even be cut or removed. As for writing, that's a whole debate on what to do. Do you make the protagonist talk, if so, how will it alter some of the dialogue. Then there's the whole staying true to the game vs giving it a more unique feel. I mean normally I would love to help out in that section, but I just don't have the time and what little I have is usually drained away pretty quickly.

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To be honest, I don't think Nintendo cares. I think we'll be fine.We'll also give credits to Nintendo and Game Freak to avoid copyright issues, I think?

Edited by Cool Girl
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This looks like a cool idea but like others I have my doubts on whether it could happen. I do think your idea of writing a short preview and seeing how it goes before committing to a full project is a good idea to see how feasible it is.

I know Ame has talked about this sort of thing in an interview somewhere but I can't remember which one it is for the life of me. Before you start working on getting a team together you should talk to her and check that she's okay with it.

If you do continue with this I wish you good luck! I'd consider volunteering but I'm just too busy to add another large project into my life. So good luck if you do go ahead with this and I look forward to seeing what you produce!

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I actually love the idea of Reborn having it's own animated show, I love pokemon and everything but I hate how cheesy and kiddish the animated show is! :/ But like others I have to agree that this is a big task to take, animation on it's own could take people a loooooooong time to do and it would probably cost quite a bit of money (especially if you want to have really good fighting scenes).

Of course it would be an amazing thing to see if it did happen, so if Ame gives permission I say go for it and give it your all!

And can you have the main character go with Chimchar as the starter? K, thx

Edited by Shadow Mankey
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This would be an awesome idea, and one I've considered a few times myself. I'd like to think of myself as being at least kinda creative, so I wouldn't mind helping out with ideas for the writing team. The problem is that I don't always have a lot of free time to help, but I'll be graduating soon and even though I'll have to get a job after that it should free up quite a bit more time. In regards to voice actors, there's about 50 or so characters in the game plus random trainers and civilians ( at least a few of which I assume the character is going to have to talk to, but really that's more of a decision for the writing staff ) so realistically you probably won't be able to find anywhere near enough people for everyone to have an individual person to voice. I suggest getting about 2-3 dozen voice actors total, and like Chubb said have some people do a few different voices. That's about all the advice I could give you, but if you do want my help ( however little I can give ), I would be more than willing.


I think it's a little easier than it sounds. I've worked in quite a few film projects and the biggest thing here would be time which animated projects take a lot of. If you really want to do it you should take a lot of time with pre-production. No real rush since the game is only like 50-60% done.

Actually Damage by my calculation, as of the time of me writing this the game is a little over 81% done. Crazy to think it's that close to being done right.

Edited by The God Fist
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i see two flaws with this:

1. this requires us to animate reborn. which, even though we have some talented artists here, they are probably not willing to do it.

2. imo we would probably quit the project halfway.

This. I honestly cannot think of anyone with the skills, the willingness, and the consistency to start such a project and see it through the end.

How about making a manga instead? The sheer amount of webcomics that exist around the internet proves that making a webcomic is MUCH easier than making anything animated. To make it a full-fledged manga, you'd merely need a guy talented enough to draw stuff for you.

Or you could make a sprite comic like 8-bit theater, in which case you wouldn't even need that: you could simply grab Reborn's sprites and do everything on your own.

I know this is a far less appealing idea but... Sometimes, you need to be realistic. It is better to embark in a so-so project that you CAN see through the end, than in a great project that will probably never leave development stage, or fall apart shortly after.

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This idea sounds amazing in theory, but in practice, as already mentioned by many, it would take a tremendous amount of time, will and dedication..and talent x.x I myself have 0 animating skills, though I can draw stuff I guess

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  • Developers

Might I recommend a manga/webomic websites like smackjeeves have fan comics so no legality issues should occur. If possible the 6 optional protagonist s could have their own arcs and interact as the official manga does somthing similar.

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I would also like to add to my previous post that a webcomic is just a matter of visuals, which makes it ineherently easier to do because, guess what? An anime is NOT just a matter of visuals. You need to make an OST for it, you need sound effects and, most importantly, you need VOICE ACTORS. Where are you planning to recruit voice actors? How are you planning to keep in touch with them? And most importantly, how are you planning to record their voices in a clear, high-quality format which you can then use for your cartoon?

These are also questions that need to be answered, it is not just a matter of "who is going to animate it?". And as a former member of a silly group that redubbed movies for fun, I can guarantee you: the audio part is MUCH harder to deal with than one would think.

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This entire thread is just a bunch of loose ideas and wishy washyness. Does anyone know how much time it takes to even make a 30 second animation, with no colors or background or VA or SFX? Forget writing, VAing, and even animation. Ame takes half a year-a year making a single chapter of Reborn using premade tools and Essentials. How long do you think it would take to make an animation from scratch of even the train crash? The answer is weeks. Months. It's an impossible task for anything less than a fully staffed team of at least a dozen experienced animators and studio workers.

I hate to be a killjoy, but honestly it's a project doomed to failure.

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