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Attempt to find new friends


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Good Evening.. sigh.. My name is Arthur , and i am 22 years old guy. I have no hobbies , and not so many friends in real life (3 i guess), I never watched or played pokemon , so this is my first experience.. So i came here to learn and play , and most important.. i want to find new friends here .. So.. Hello again and i hope i will be a good friend for all of you.. And i hope that .. i wil have fun here.

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Welcome to Reborn, Arthur.

Make sure to read up on the community rules and if you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask me or a mod.

Also, if you're looking to socialize, try out the reborn showdown server.

Enjoy your stay!

Thanks.. i will read them.. and i am already on the reborn showdown server.. And yeah , i will enjoy my stay..

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Hey whats up Arthur nice to meet ya!

Look no further because I want some friends to ha-ha!

But enjoy your stay

We at reborn are pretty much a cozy family

So don't stay away

And the best part is that its FREE!!!

Hope you enjoy your stay with us man

And I hope you will become my number 1 fan :wub: :wub:

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V●ᴥ●V Hello and welcome to reborn, I'm sure you'll enjoy your new prison paradise. V●ᴥ●V

Yay, friendship! I also came to these forums looking for people and let me tell you I'm not disappointed. Feel free to talk to me if you want, I'm almost never busy unless I'm asleep during the day, which I do a lot :| You said this is your first pokemon experience? Interesting, it's like a kind of experiment, we'll see how it goes >:3c

Also you can explore the arcade, found some good people there myself.

It's dangerous to go alone, take this!

I hope to see you 'round the forums
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Hi there Arthur :D

Welcome to Reborn! I would also recommend the server as the best place for you to find friends so it is great that you've already found it. We're generally pretty welcoming so hopefully you'll get your wish and find some new friends :D

Hope to see you around!

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Hey, I've seen you already.

So, well met Lecrian. Welcome to Reborn and all that jazz.

Stick around the server and I'm pretty sure you'll find some cool people to hang around~

You've already been told about rules, so all that's left is your conversion to blue like WOLOLO \o/

I hope you'll continue to enjoy your stay here! And hope you'll find some friends c:

See you around o/

And if you have any questions, feel free to ask'em~

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Obligatory salutations towards a new, aspiring member of the community!

I would like to introduce you to Shelly, as I feel you two would make great friends; however, if you're planning on playing the fan-game, I'm sure you two will become acquainted. Also, you won't have to worry about losing your sanity just yet. The actual place where you're supposed to deposit that is the Byxbyxsion Wasteland section of the forums.

We are a very progressive forum. We only talk about the hard-hitting topics. Our hobbies include: Crying, prying, White-lying, rhyming, and "I'm running out of ideas to prolong this post so I'm just going to to end it abruptly without even adding the gramatically nescessary second set of quotation m

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Don't think I've seen you yet. But idk. I'm relatively new myself and I was not disappointed in my welcoming. Not sure if I can call anyone my fren yet but I'd like to think I've made a few.

But enough about me. I welcome you to the ranks and I hope we will get along swimmingly.

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