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The hardest "One Pokemon" Boss you have battled against?


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Explaining the title, it's a battle when you have to fight against only one pokemon. Cannot catch it, just battle and finished it.

But the pokemon's level is increasingly higher than our level.

Type like these can come from the story or side events in rejuvenation.

My personal one is the chandelure event.(Spoilers)

It was two battle time without no team healing, just straight forward.

For the thing it was version 4, in intense mode.

Alright, the first battle was against your fake mother. She had a team that was like or maybe even higher one than your level cap pokemon. Her pokemon was also really strong, gardevoir gave me a problem a lot.

I basically took so many tries to finish this.

I won basiaclly and i thought that was the end. Until i found out i had to battle against chandelure.

And oh no, this chandelure was a real special one. It was basically a dimenstional one.

The level of this pokemon was ridicolous. Like 73, i don't remember.

Without any healing, you should guess how hard it ended for me. Just so many tries.

I got paralyzed on it, but i lost still. It was still faster than my pokemons.

So i basically gave up. And fun thing, in version 4 you could change your difficulty.

So i change the difficulty casual/easy and got a easy match against the fake mom.

And the chandelure was all even with help of paralyze and full force.

The reward was pretty sweet.

You could get

- A litwick

- Shiny stone

So about Version 6? I don't know, but i would probably have a better time considering in level cap.

Knowing what pokemon i need and planning against the battles how much pain i have gone through.

So much easier in a nutshell.

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Groudon and Kyogre were not too bad for me because I used Quick Claw + Breloom on them. First turn I Spored; second turn I Bullet Seeded. Carnivine dealt massive damage to my team at the time. Chandelure did the same but Crawdaunt dealt serious damage with Aqua Jet.

Nidoqueen stomped all over Nancy

Overall, I would have to say Carnivine was the hardest. Intense Gyarados wasn't fun the first time around either.

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I don't remember having any trouble with any single pokemon bosses apart from the first Gyarados battle, aka, the one you're supposed to lose.

I didn't even have trouble with the level 70 Chandelure that Oblivion mentioned, although that was mostly because of Altaria with Perish Song.

The other 1 'mon bosses were jokes for me, though.

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I don't remember having any trouble with any single pokemon bosses apart from the first Gyarados battle, aka, the one you're supposed to lose.

I didn't even have trouble with the level 70 Chandelure that Oblivion mentioned, although that was mostly because of Altaria with Perish Song.

The other 1 'mon bosses were jokes for me, though.

you can beat gyarados, you need to be lucky and takes few tries, it dies to two charge beams from voltorb

it takes few tries, start with vivillon, compound eyes might help and give it quick claw. then keep trying until you can stun spore it

then along with voltorb and the rest of your team can pounce on it

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If you have Ampharos the God on your team, then Chandelure should be easy to defeat lol

Well you have to go through the first one before chandelure,

And just saying here, it was V4 i had that battle.

Which chandelure was incrediable hard to defeat. Even with a parahax.

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Well you have to go through the first one before chandelure,

And just saying here, it was V4 i had that battle.

Which chandelure was incrediable hard to defeat. Even with a parahax.

haha I feel you on that man, the first release of Version 4 was hell lol, everything was super hard

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The 'whale' Kyogre, it is a pain to deal with, even with light screen up, it still took only a single hit to take out my Cryogonal which was supposed to be my wall.

Edited by TimTim
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The 'whale' Kyogre, it is a pain to deal with, even with light screen up, it still took only a single hit to take out my Cryogonal which was supposed to be my wall.

I had problem in the past until you could just perpare for a quick claw destiny bond thing lol.

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the whale was pretty easy with shedinja , its litterally like a harpooned whale it struggles itself to death all you gotta do is wait XD or if you wanna level your shedinja it should be a piece of cake but i believe i took it out with a lv 33 shedinja

for me v4 chandelure, that was deadly you get past your "mom's" ghost and then you gotta fight chandelure ? >.< and in v4 it was so unfair because after defeating them both your character got stuck in the doorway what a pain that was.

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Did this Dimensional Chandelure everyone is talking about get axed in V6? Because I do not remember that at all. I do remember Volcanion though, that was a rough fight for me, only reason I won was Sturdy Golem.

iirc it didn't get axed, it's a side quest that you have to find in Amethyst Cave. Can't remember the exact locations but you'll see a Xen Grunt.

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Did this Dimensional Chandelure everyone is talking about get axed in V6? Because I do not remember that at all. I do remember Volcanion though, that was a rough fight for me, only reason I won was Sturdy Golem.

Nope, not axed.

It's kind of same place, but you need to surf in amethyst cave. You know with the zetta battle in amethyst cave?

Yeah it's a ladder and go up. Surf through and you will see a cave entrance. That's all.

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All bosses were trivialized by sturdyseed except for Chadelure, due to Nancy's battle before that. Had to use Meowstic Prankster Flashhax + Ninjask Speedpass + Mismagius Subplot to win. 3 attempts were required.

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