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[OOC]Fate/Reborn [First War Underway, Signups for #2 Open]


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It's fine. As a newbie to the forum, you won't be able to play a Servant, but rolling a Master is perfectly fine. This will also run multiple times, so if you join other RPs you could play a Servant in a future one.

Understood now, thanks! ^_^

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@Murdoc: I'll not do that one then. Deleting.

[EDIT]: Deleted. I will be making a Master, though.

Edited by K_H
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I'm still in this, but I'm going to really lie low from the RP section for a while so I probably won't be super active. There's a bit of stress going on around irl which makes it hard to read and post for me. I'll slowly chip away at that character sheet, but let me know when the other six are filled and I'll pick it up to finish it.

That also mean I'll be dropping every RP except this and ANKL. Updates and such might be a few and far inbetween for the next few days.

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A few more... now I only need an Assassin to be summon-able under every class lol.

Lady Jachobim, The Dragon's Mirror. ((Rider))

Character (Original RPer): Lady Jachobim (Hukuna Fulmine)
Classes: Rider, Caster, Archer, Saber.
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Strength: C
Endurance: B
Agility: C
Mana: C
Luck: A ((EX)) explained later.
Phantasm: EX

Class Skills:
Riding: EX ((will be clear lower.))

Magic Resistance: B

Personal Skills:
Divinity: C

Military Tactics: C

Bravery: A

Protection from Light: A ((As the avatar of Lumabella, Lady Jachobim is immune to Light based Attacks.))

Noble Phantasms:

Glister's Bridle((Anti-Self)): EX

Part of the riding gear that once belonged to the great Mercury Dragon Glister. It can be used to summon forth his soul in the pinnacle of his form. It has yet another effect however. Lady Jachobim can use it to empower Glister using her own Life Force. With which Glister can wield his ultimate attack, Luster Purge. Will be explained later below.

Mirror Blade. ((Anti-Unit)): B ((B+ when reflecting light into Glister's Wings, which in turn reflect the light once more.))

A sword made of a special reflective material that focuses light into powerful beams. It can also be used as a focus for Lady Jachobim's Spells, being the perfect catalyst to gather the light and reflect it as well. It can also reflect back over light based attacks.

Luster Purge ((Anti-Fortress)): EX

This attack does not belong to Lady Jachobim but instead to her Mercury Dragon companion Glister. Using immense power, Glister summons forth a great ray of Light that vaporizes most things it comes into contact with. It blinds anything that survives due to the intense amount of Light summoned. Glister can;t summon this power entirely on his own and needs the assistance of Lady Jachobim unless it is a life or death situation. ((in which Glister will expend most of his life energy to use the attack himself.))

Luster Scale ((Barrier?)): A

Another Phantasm that belongs to Glister. Glister can summon a Luster scale by pouring magical energy into one of his own scales. Whoever holds this Scale has their Luck boosted by immeasurable levels, so much so it is said to rival that of the Gods. ((ANYONE who holds the scale has their Luck temporarily become EX level. The scale however only lasts about an hour or two.))

Ashnard Judikis, The Slaughterer of Men. ((Berserker))

Character (Original RPer): Ashnard Judikis. (Hukuna Fulmine)
Classes: Berserker, Assassin
Alignment: Neutral Evil.


Strength: A++ ((Normally, C, but it changes when when in True Form, and due to Mad Enhancement. This applies to all other stats as well.))
Endurance: A
Agility: A
Mana: E
Luck: D
Phantasm: D

Most are subject to rank up due to Mad Enhancement.

Class Skills:
Mad Enhancement: B ((Ashnard is entirely overwhelmed by the need and drive to kill for sport and enjoyment. He can still talk in small sentences or idea and use spells but he will never leave prey to live unless he is horribly injured. He is also prone to losing spans of time where he goes nuts. His Mind is horribly broken however making him very hard to control.))

Personal Skills:

Battle Continuation: A ((Gained when in True Form due to massive regeneration of damage to flesh and tissue as a Werewolf.))

Mental Pollution: A+ ((Gained from True Form being active.))

Monstrous Strength: A ((Automatically active while True Form is active. As Berserker, Ashnard's True Form is forced on.))

Murderer of the Misty Night: A. However Locked due to Mad Enhancement.

Presence Concealment: C. Ashnard is so good at hiding his true nature as a werewolf that he would gain this skill even not as an assassin. However, it is locked due to Mad Enhancement.

Noble Phantasms:

True Form ((Anti-Self)): A

Ashnard turns into his Werewolf form revealing his Monstrous self. It increases his bloodlust and makes him more and more of an animal the longer it is active. When Summoned as Berserker is if forced on. He loses most ability to reason and talk and also loses the ability to not give into his base desires.

Electric Rune Prison((Barrier)): D

Summons a cage of pure Lighting around himself. It traps himself and any other inside of it. The walls are made of hard light that fills anything that touches it full of electricity. It is Unbreakable to normal attacks, but can be shattered by magic or somehow dislodging the cage form the ground.

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...The... The scale... I think I hate you >:c

Also, is Glister originally a Latios? Because, Luster Purge, Dragon... Just curious

I'll add them later, am being lazy

Still nedz moar masters

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Na, He isn't based on Latios. Glister is more based on a type of Dragon from DnD called well... Mercury dragons. They tend to be a bit more care-free etc than other dragons ((kinda like the Lati twins.)) and use Light as a breathe weapon. ((and can redirect it with their wings.)) So, I just thought it be neat to name that attack that XD. It was called Mega Flare at one point in reference to Bahamut from the FF games, However, Luster Purge just sounds much more catchy lol and relates better to light.

and I can't help that so many of my Servants just randomly mess with yours XD. I don't know how on earth it keeps happening ((since keep in mind I made pretty much all of these characters like 2 maybe 3 years ago in a vacuum before I even knew about this place lol.)). It is very weird that it keeps happening XD.

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Uh, yeah, no. This is a Hukuna werewolf

Also, I'm honestly not certain how the scales would interact with Lexi. Since Lexi is said to always win in contests of Luck... But your scales rival the Luck of the gods... Of which Alexus is one

So, like, um, who wins? Or do they just tie?

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I think it makes it a tie. Basically it just nulls the luck. Luckily for Lexi it takes a lot longer for Glister to create a Luster Scale than it lasts so It won't interfere waaaaay too much lol.

Also no, Ashnard is a Graterras Werewolf. I figured Type Moon Probably had their own version of the thing but they are not one and the same. It is typical DnD style, the result of a curse... well for Ashnard anyway, so he isn't a true Werewolf.

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Quick tip for you, if something like that happens with text ((since it is kinda unreadable right now.)) highlight the body of text. and towards the top there should be an eraser icon. Click this, it should remove formatting of the text.

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i'm... gonna have to put the kibosh on that. The way you've described the character seems to put him on par with a Servant, which is totally unacceptable. Additionally, the whole thing seems sueish to be totally honest. The character needs to be brought way, way down to earth before further consideration.

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Yeah my mistake to be honest. I didn't look at the other master sheets to get a gauge on how much people knew about type moon and stuff, sorry about that. I'm used to grail wars where people use every part and parcel of knowledge to win, so even though this guy isn't nearly as strong as a Servant as he isn't even a half breed, he is obviously way too strong for masters here. Frankly I copy pasted the abilities from another rp where I got smashed by someone abusing jewel magecraft lol. I'll remake something original soon that's fit for this thread.

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I'd also like to note that having a shorter sheet is actually sort of better than a massively long one, especially if the length is largely coming from the "powers" section (which is basically what the skills bit is). Like, when you went through and listed every detail of his abilities, that's not necessary. Just give an idea of what type of magic he'll be using. I'm fairly certain 90% of people here wouldn't be able to understand a word of the details

You should aim to keep every section of your sheet to a paragraph or two max (though if you can make it longer than mine that's also appreciated, because I'm lazy)

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Made a more traditional character for a grail war.

Character (Player): Ella Fumizuka(Nero Chaos)

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Alignment: Neutral(True)


Ella is a rather short girl standing in at 150 cm and weighing 40 Kg. Her physique is thin and slender, possibly too much so. Her skin is a pale white, unblemished from lack of exposure and inactivity. In general, Ella engenders an air of a porcelain doll, small and brittle, but refined and elegant regardless. Her hair flows down to her shoulders in a straight cascade of coal black, while her eyes are of a dull black shade like reflective voids. Her complexion is dainty and delicate, as is her appearance as a whole. She usually wears a black sweater and skirt, with a snow white longcoat over this when venturing outside. She is fond of donning a worn white beret inlaid with decorative patterns, even venturing to do so indoors.


Ella is an austere young girl with a serious disposition that is given to realism. She considers idealism to be a farce, and wishes to be needless weight upon the mind. Instead, she very much considers precise and direct action to be the catalyst of happiness, and thus attempts her best to live out a life of actions she deems to be most precious to herself. She holds an air of elegance around her, and speaks with flowery diction, controlled mannerisms, and decorous daintiness like that of a princess out of a fairy tale. However, much of this is simply a front she erects in order to pursue with single minded determination the duties of a magus that she perceives to be the most important aspects of her life. This excessive focus on duty, coupled with her significantly stubborn willpower, has caused Ella to revolve her life entirely around the standard notion of a witch. As such, her life is incredibly empty, with none of her actions being performed for her own happiness. Rather, she perceives her pursuit of the empty goals of a magus to be her own happiness, which is an ideal that she has not realized to be inherently mistaken. Ella has little to no capacity to perform under most social interactions, and possesses a crushing timidity to new situations that are outside her so very narrow scope of life. Just like the age old magecraft that Ella practices, Ella is like an unchanging relic of the past, set upon a path of crushing duty while never adapting to time. The self imposed isolation that Ella also suffers under has granted her a feeble confidence that shatters under the slightest of strains, particularly when the weight of novelty is forced.


Ella is the daughter of a witch that held the tradition of Yumina, a form of magic unique to the witch's bloodline dating back to an age when mystery was abundant. Yumina would be an incredibly rare and unknown art that would certainly give a position at the Mage's Association, but none of the witches of the bloodline have ever been inclined to affiliate with any faction out of a sense of pride, simply keeping its traditions alive as time inexorably passes on. The tradition of Yumina passes down from the mother, the witch, to the daughter, and so it was for the case of Ella. Her father was a man outside of the world of magecraft, a young man who had inherited a vast fortune and desired to pursue his grandest ambitions but found that all his wishes lay within the love of the woman who would be Ella's mother. It is said that only tragedy awaits the love between a witch and a man, and Ella's family was not without exception. Shortly after Ella was born, the couple moved to a Japanese city to settle down, and Ella spent her early years in the bosom of a loving family. When Ella was seven years old, her mother immersed her in the tradition of their witchcraft, and stressed the idea that keeping the tradition of the magic alive was the greatest wish that Ella could achieve for her mother. Soon after, Ella's mother wasted away from a lethal disease, and, Ella's father, already estranged from his community as an outsider and unable to live on without the support of his life companion, also passed on. Ella inherited the mansion and wealth of her father, but shut off all outside interferences with her life, becoming determined to fulfill her mother's wish at every expense. Thus she began to live as a magus should, but never felt true joy from this. She hardly saw a single living human being in the time span of a year, and even then the contact was simply a dispatch of the Association or such. She learned much in the ways of magic, but in the process, she destroyed her life as a human being all to accomplish what she believed would be the wish of the person she had loved the most. When news of the holy grail war ritual reached Ella's ears, she decided then that this relic would be the key to sublimating the very wish that she had striven to achieve for her whole life.



A system of magecraft that is technically a subset of the magical foundation of witchcraft, but is vastly different from traditional magecraft. Yumina is the magecraft that Ella's family specializes in, and is unique directly to her bloodline. It is not something that anybody can learn, but rather it is a magecraft that is passed down by bloodline even without a magic crest. Only those with the title of "Meinster" are capable of using this magic, and this title is exclusive to the Fumizuka family. Yumina is a magecraft that revolves around the creation and manipulation of what are known as Ploys.

Ploys are essentially familiars that are crafted from fairy tales. Although they operate in a similar fashion to regular familiars, Ploys are an unique existence far removed from them. First off, they are crafted on the basis of fantasy, meaning that the end product of creating a ploy will be based upon an object or creature from fairy tales. Creatures like Humpty Dumpty or perhaps the Jabberwocky are all examples of the types of beings ploys can be. However, the process of creating a ploy is a drawn out and work intensive process, and aside from minor little ploys like sentient robins or flying chocolates, ploy creation takes months to years.

Since ploys are made from fantasy, they exist in their own little words so to speak. They don't operate under the rules of the physical world, and as such are not bound by regular laws of the world like traditional physics and the like. Under regular circumstances, they don't recognize anything that isn't from their world on a conceptual scale. Therefore attempting to assault ploys with modern weapons, which have absolutely nothing to do with the fairy tales the ploys are born from, does nothing. However, magecraft with the same mystery as ploys are easily capable of harming them, as is processed and fired raw magical energy. In essence, ploys can only be harmed by magical means or by objects that are specific to their fairy tales( For example, if a rabid gingerbread man was to be assaulting you, hitting it with an oven should dispatch it since the gingerbread man would recognize the oven). Not all ploys have this defense, and most ploys are incredibly brittle and fragile things more meant to be ephemeral scouts or helpers.

Ella has a total of fifteen ploys. Twelve of these ploys are either scouts, companions, forms of entertainment, forms of aerial or land based transport, or niche creatures that perform basic tasks like healing, carrying objects, sorting stuff, making minor objects, etc. Three ploys are directly offensive and completely sentient, with their own colorful personalities that are distinctly contrary to that of Ella's, causing Ella to not utilize them in almost all scenarios.


Edited by Nero Chaos
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yeah, think on the level of F/Z and F/SN Masters as a guideline. (I don't expect Shirou levels of incompetence, though. You can be from a powerful mage family if you want, just don't overdo it.)

Well to be honest, I think even Rin tier would be a bit too strong for this roleplay. 2 or 3 of her jewels can instantly blow up a servant, and she can even use them to strengthen her body or increase her resistances to curses and stuff. Tokiomi though was a pretty bad magus and kind of failed everywhere though.

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Well to be honest, I think even Rin tier would be a bit too strong for this roleplay. 2 or 3 of her jewels can instantly blow up a servant, and she can even use them to strengthen her body or increase her resistances to curses and stuff. Tokiomi though was a pretty bad magus and kind of failed everywhere though.

Imagine if Rin actually had money.

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I just realised that in SN, basically every Servant is pretty OP,even by the standards of Heroic Spirits.

...except assassin. Both true and false Assassins.

True assassin wasn't bad per say, it's just that he's Assassin, and well, they sort of suck if they are Hassan.

Unless your the Beautiful Assassin, in which case, you have 18 noble phantasms lol.

False Assassin was, in my opinion, really powerful, except that he was obviously just gimped to melee. He pushed back every single servant in one on one combat, including Heracles. Cu says he wouldn't want to ever fight him in close range, and Saber with A rank instinct and godly A ranked strength had no idea how the pansy asian man was able to one up her.

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You still are giving off a big "I need to be special" vibe. You're basically giving yourself skills and natural abilities then explicitly saying it's impossible for someone else to have them. Big improvement over your last one, but try not to do what might be called "making yourself the main character."

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True assassin wasn't bad per say, it's just that he's Assassin, and well, they sort of suck if they are Hassan.

Unless your the Beautiful Assassin, in which case, you have 18 noble phantasms lol.

False Assassin was, in my opinion, really powerful, except that he was obviously just gimped to melee. He pushed back every single servant in one on one combat, including Heracles. Cu says he wouldn't want to ever fight him in close range, and Saber with A rank instinct and godly A ranked strength had no idea how the pansy asian man was able to one up her.

Imagine if false assassin was summoned as Saber class \o/

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You still are giving off a big "I need to be special" vibe. You're basically giving yourself skills and natural abilities then explicitly saying it's impossible for someone else to have them. Big improvement over your last one, but try not to do what might be called "making yourself the main character."

Well that's what the canon is, and due to me being a nut of the canon I just naturally followed it. Fairy tale magecraft is something Nasu said would never work except for one family, so I just automatically followed canon. I didn't have any sort of main character vibe or literally anything of that sort going on in my head when I made the sheet. I am fairly confident that I have the common sense and courtesy to understand that.

I also don't quite understand your point here. Are you wanting everyone to be able to copy each others magic or something similar? I don't see how this would be an issue unless that was the case in terms of roleplay mechanics. So I'm assuming you have had bad experiences with sues in the past or something, but I'm not intending any of that with my abilities. 99% of Nasuverse abilities are completely unique to one race/individual/family bloodline, so its incredibly hard to not do something that isn't "I need to be special". Like even your master should have magecraft that is family specific in a magic crest that can't be used by anyone else even if its transplanted onto another person's body. It's juts super hard to not make something that isn't limited to a special group of people in terms of fandom mechanics sadly enough :S.

Imagine if false assassin was summoned as Saber class \o/

Discriminatory grail though, rejecting all those Eastern heroes. RIP Kojirou, may you see appearance again not as a complete puppet that literally cannot move more than twenty meters away from a temple gate.

Edited by Hukuna Fulmine
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