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Poke'mon Battlegrounds- CHAPTER 2 [OPEN]


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Napoleon – Empoleon / Reigna – Nidoqueen (Underdark)

The King and his adviser were studying a table with a map and stone figures. The king used it to gather his thoughts when it came to the military. “As you can see the reports said our Captain ran into enemies here,” Napoleon said to his adviser. “I don't know all the details but I know we suffered a loss. I'm not going to take any risk. Double the guards at all borders and order the scouts to try and find any information about this enemy. I will NOT be taken by surprise and I will defend this Kingdom. If they are coming after us they will receive a warm welcome. Our defenses are hard to break and if your brother succeeds, we have even more tricks up our sleeves.”

“What about the villages located at the border?” Reigna asked. “We need to make preparations for them to safety when time comes.”

Napoleon nodded. “Do it. We can abandon those villages, but only if it's necessary. All our citizens can find refuge underground in the villages closer to our capital. Let the builders clear the underground passages and stock up on food.”

Reigna nodded. “By the way, we have a visitor.”

Napoleon looked up. “Ah Sora! What brings you here?”

Duke – Nidoking (Underdark / Aggron Hills)

“Thank you. I'm here on an urgent mission. Normally we would've sent Armadon but he ran into a bit of trouble. I don't know the full story about what happened to him but I'm here with a proposal from King Napoleon. All of you should hear this,” the Nidoking said politely.

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Sora (Excadrill)

"Ah my liege," the old battered mole said, bowing to Napoleon. He hefted the bag over his shoulders that he had been carrying earlier. "On my latest mining venture, I found a most curious assortment of rocks and gems. I do believe they are imbued with special energies that could turn a tide of battle in our favor."

The Excadrill spilled the contents of the bag all over the ground, clattering rocks and shiny gemstones riddled the once clean floor. Fiddling through the pile of rocks and gems until he procured a small light brown gem and held it daintly in his claws. "You see your Highness, these gems emit a mysterious energy that can amplify the power of an attack. This one for instance can power up my Earthquakes and Drill Runs." He dug through the gems and found an equally small crystal blue gem that sparkled beautifully. "This one, in particular can amplify the power of many moves that you possess my Lord. Hydro Pump, Surf, Waterfall, you name it. This one makes Water moves more powerful. This gem in the wrong hands can be dangerous and potentially fatal."

"Although I did notice one thing, which is understandable for such rare pieces of finery. When I used my first Ground Gem, the gem mysteriously shattered into dust and blew away. I have drawn the conclusion these gems are only viable for one use. So in a desperate situation, these gems could prove to be lifesaving. I was thinking about handing these out to the soldiers to see if they are worth it. I have found POCKETS of these babies. Wouldn't you agree that's a good idea my liege?"

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Stratos- Salamence

A long silence stretched on after Aria was done. Stratos sat there, stone faced as his eyes bore into the girl. He made no judgement in his mind, did not weigh her words or consider her story. She was neither guilty nor innocent of lying. For that was for the Mages to decide.

"She speaks true, my lord." One of them said. The pupil of his left eye slowly started to return to it's normal size, losing the bright teal gleam as he released the scattered, violent vision of the past. He still shuddered, even now, though he made sure to hide it from the Lord Champion. "Her story is completely corroborated. She is indeed none other than Aria Wyatt, former Lady Champion of Land."

"Aye," The other concurred. She did not make nearly as much effort to hide her disturbance as her colleague. "And the killings and the bloodshed... what she says of them is true as well... but I saw... more, my lord... I saw more...so much more."

"Speak then."

"She has killed in our lands. She has killed our people. I saw it, my lord, just now... a hamlet, not far from the foot of the mountains... she... she left no one..." The mage turned to Aria herself, horror in her eyes as she backed away from the monster. They were still the same teal glint they had been the whole time. She was seeing the entire scene even as she spoke of it. "Not even the younglings, my lord. Not even the younglings... and... she did not stop there. Not even the facades... the whole place was set to the torch..." She did something no one had ever seen a Xatu do and be able to prove it... she forced her eyes shut, the glow instantly fading as she shook her head, strange mutterings escaping her throat as if some prayer for divine protection...

Stratos, however, was not phased. Not in the least bit.

"Such things would constitute acts of war... if you still had a nation to call home." He said, looking back to Aria now as the female magus broke down further behind him. It was impossible to know what lay in his thoughts... anger, horror, wrath, vengeance... "You come into my lands, and her citizens die by your hand-"

"My lord-" the male mage stepped forward just as the Champion's eyes began to blaze the color of blood, the traces of a white fire blooming around his maw. Stratos calmed the fury circulating throughout his being only long enough to avoid roasting the fool... "She... she was telling the truth about her entire story. Spirit and all, not just her actions. I could feel it, my lord, when I glimpsed back... she was naught more than a pawn, a puppet being worked by a master... just as she appears to have been during the trial interruption."

Stratos said nothing. He glared at the bird. Then swallowed the molten fury at his lips as he turned to Aria, the fires of wrath still beaming in his eyes like twin slits of crimson in the night. Still, nothing came from his mouth, neither words or hell fire. He simply stared at her... until...

"What does this voice... say to you, when it wants you to kill and destroy?"

Azauqyar- Rayquaza

The Sky Lord glanced down the corridor breifly. He could see no trace of the phantom... but it wasn't like it mattered. Thanatos was best suited for a questioning anyway. "I... see no reason why we can not." He awaited the girl to lead the way... he certainly couldn't be expected to; not like it was him who was the one requesting a conversation.

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Aggron Hills

The Aggron agree to listen to the proposal and take Duke to the head of the village. They make their way halfway up the hill and enter a cave system hidden in one of the crevices. The pokemon then head downwards and make their way for a while, till they reach a large cavern. Here Duke meets with the leaders and has the chance to give the proposal.

Tauros Plains

Rader and his few men had made their way to Tauros Plains. They had a comfortable journey, and when they reached the plains, they found a large variety of pokemon in the fields. On seeing the small group approaching, the leaders of all the species came together and sent an invite to Rader to join in their conference.

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Aria (Lucario)

Damn that stupid blue dragon on Aria's will. She sat in utter silence, tempting to refuse to answer the question at first. He most likely wouldn't believe her, no matter how heartrending she could make her story sound. However those large eyes. They were indeed something else. They were Intimidating her with an otherwordly charm to just go ahead and explain the spirit. She wanted to break down and cry desperately, but any real sign of weakness might have been a giveaway for him to dispose of her.

"T-the spirit. At first I-it tried to soothe me. It tried to make me see I couldn't live without it then. It told me "it is delicious, to taste the first drops of power."

"It was morally wrong, yet principally correct. It told me that without it, I would wither away to nothing. I never wanted to hurt anything. I only gave my consent to the stone to let it sate it's lust for blood. It got cocky and tried to assume control over my body. It succeeded. Maybe too much. In the arena, it whispered into me how despicable the gladiators were. How despicable they thought they would have a chance with it at my side."

"On the day of the small village, I finally came to the realization. I didn't have to let it control me. I didn't have to let it use my frail body as a vessel for malevolance. It thinks it is in control over me. However, it knows it is nothing without me. I am trying to eradicate it's influence, but it puts up a strong resistance. It tells me to give in. Let it manipulate me. Well no longer, because I hate the violence."

Ulkina (Latias)

The Latias flew in loopty-loops and hummed to herself nervously as she traversed with Azauqyar to the majestically decorated throne room. She ceased humming and forced herself to swallow a lump in her throat as the nostalgia came quickly crashing in. Nearly a month ago, she floated alongside brother and her newly reunited blood brother.

She sat upon the throne getting comfy, although a quick scowl from the green dragon forced her to hop off. "I wanted to talk to you about the Kingdom's affairs. I wanted to talk about Kruga. And I wanted to talk about the future of us. After the situation with brother, I had to weigh in on my decision of Kruga's promise some time ago. Then, his words never struck my heartstrings. As some time passed, I realized I have a brother who loves and cares for me. An actual brother. That...thing in the court was not brother. It was a ghost in a shell."

"I can hear the thoughts of Eric. He has wanted for so long to reunite with me. To rekindle our love of a family, and I was going to turn him down for that...creature I naively followed for years. I never questioned the creature's decisions, but I think I understand why he felt familiar to me. Brother," she squirmed on the inside as she struggled to say his name "Alucard, has looked out for me. But I think that the winds of change are quickly approaching.. I am not a child anymore. I am an independent female dragon. I should have a say around here."

"Eric gave his life to the Kingdom and he found me, yet I would have easily turned my back on the only real family I had. I had to think whether I really am worth dying for. I think the reason Alucard was so familiar was because maybe he died for me."

"Azauqyar. I wish for a request. I want you to teach me the ways of the dragon. Maybe even Eric coukd teach me a thing or two. Because I want to take Kruga's word. I want to sit beside my brother upon the throne. As his second and his queen."

The Latias took a deep breath, concluding everything she had so say. However she and Azauqyar were not alone. A certain purple ghost had apparated behind the throne right when the two closed the throne room door. The ghost wiped away a tear that formed under his eye, as he sat in regret. "Why Ulkina," the spectre whispered to himself. "Why'd you do this to me?"

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Tauros Plains

Rader and his few men had made their way to Tauros Plains. They had a comfortable journey, and when they reached the plains, they found a large variety of pokemon in the fields. On seeing the small group approaching, the leaders of all the species came together and sent an invite to Rader to join in their conference.

Rader - Manectric

When the group arrived to the fields, Rader saw so many pokemon in the fields that if he were to recruit them, it will support the Land Kingdom by a lot. An Audino was approaching him with a message for him and and his group. The audino spoke "The mayor is holding a conference for you and would like you to come." Rader responded " Yes, I would like to come and speak for the Land kingdom and our reasons coming down here."

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((@Dorvan, looks like a glitch or something happened...))

Stratos- Salamence

The giant began to walk away from her cell. Both of the mages glanced at each other questioning as he passed right by, as if he intended to really just up and leave the interrogation without uttering even a single word more to anyone. They practically leaped out of their skins the moment he turned his gaze upon them.

"You," He said, looking at the female. Her eyes still glistened with tears as she stared up into the fiery spheres. "Where is the Keystone?"

"The arch Magus took it back into the heart, my lord-"

"Go get him, and tell him we'll probably be needing it again. Have it brought to the keep, and make sure he and the white council come with it and are prepared, just like the trial."

She still shuddered from what she had glimpsed, but she but deeply. "As you wish, lord champion..." And off she was. Stratos didn't skip a single beat, turning to the male.

"And you, go find the one called thanatos. Last I saw, he and lord Azauqyar were speaking in the throne chamber."

"As you wish, my lord..." and he too was off... leaving Stratos alone with the convict... alone except for the two dozen guards who had been creeping closer and closer the entire time in order to hear better. Stratos made no move to chastise them though. They were to watch the prisoner, afterall, and it was no secret that some of them were eager to get blood for what had occured at the trial. Maybe hearing a sob story had doused some of that eagerness though...

Azauqyar- Rayquaza

"Well the hell does it suddenly feel a bit colder in here?" "So, you wish to learn the way of the Dragon? You wish to finally take up the mantle of ruler?" He floated over to the window as he asked his rhetoricals, hands crossed behind his back. This was it. This was finally it. He and the others had finally gotten through to the two of them both. But damn had the girl put up a fight... "Very well then. just as I taught Eric then... you will learn what it means to rule, you will know what it means to sit atop... The Marble Throne."

"The temperature is still low, even over here... someone is here. either an ice type, or..." He still could not pin point the cause though, as he moved on from the window back towards the girl... but he would find it...eventually.

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(@Wander. Got dupe post erased)

Ulkina (Latias)

"Thank you for your service Captian. I will do my best to not disappoint. I am willing to start whenever you want. I just need to go off and tell a good friend of mine the news."

She flew to the window staring at the beautiful mountains outside. They were breathtaking. She mused with herself, indue time she could finally have a regal purpose to life instead of wandering aimlessly like she had followed for years. Finally she could enjoy her family. Finally, she felt at a stable home.

Azauqyar was near the door to the throne room. He seemed puzzled or intrigued by something. Ulkina didn't understand what, but she got the jist of it. "Unless you have something else you wish to confer Captain, you can carry on."

Aria (Lucario)

In the faint moments Stratos had turned away, talking to the mages to retrieve the "Keystone" and a "Thanatos" the Lucario's eyes glowed a faint blue as she couldn't help but delve into the dragon's mind for the hell of it.

She spotted the dragon at the end of her cell. From his old thoughts he looked bothered in them, maybe not on the outside, despite how deeply wedged these memories of his. However in these moments he'd been with her he had expressed nonchalance, anger, and a mix of moot expressions.

She didn't understand why, but she decided to lightly touch on that then and there.

Aria looked up directly at the back of the bllue dragon. "You know, you and I are not so different. Sure the circumstances were different, but at our core, we have something in common. I may be a fool and a weakling, but I can read your heart and mind alike. I must say some interesting topics of discussion surfaced."

"I understand I shouldn't be in any position to speak, but I am most curious about you. I could see younglings taunting you, mocking you, and bullying you. I could see at one point you were weak like me. What happened to those days?"

The Lucario chuckled to herself. "I can see it now. The Raksha Demon versus the Sky's Titan. That would make for an interesting fight. If we weren't knee deep in conflict, I would legitimately want to spar with you."

Edited by Darvan Korematsu
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Crystal - Espeon

"While I myself support the truce I am unsure about Shidew, well Shidew?" She addressed the ice dog then asking the ghostly king beside her. She hopped he'd just accept the treaty and get this whole matter over with. Though that is his choice not her's. All she could do is hope this'll all go through well.

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"Well, I think we need to talk about it more. I want all of the details. Come." He motions with his hand. "We are going to go to the throne room to speak more."


Valerie starts her quest back to the Magic Kingdom's capital to report her news to the rulers.

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Stratos- Salamence

"An interesting match it would indeed be..." Stratos said. The guards around them had moved into full veiw by the time he paced back to where he had stood while ordering the Xatu's earlier. Again, he did not chastise them... though he did cast a certain ominous stare on those who kept their hands on their hilts, claws drumming against the leather grips... most stopped immediately. "As for the question of... that..." The giant chuckled. "Girl, I could sit here all day long and tell you the story of every last one of those who poked fun at me when we were all but children and knew naught any better. But I shall give you the short version-"

Without warning, his eyes blazed the color of death itself as the shadows all around them suddenly started to writhe and scream in a hellish crescendo of chattering, cursing, damning voices. Within mere moments the sound grew so loud it was completely deafening... and then it simply stopped. The shadows calmed, and returned to their dark corners... though the occasional whisper could still be heard if one listened close enough... whispers containing names. Curses, ancient and Arcane... knowledge long since past. Some of the guards cringed... though not many. Those who did began to back away, something dark in their eyes...

"You see, it is simple: Though they had the advantage of numbers early on, As time went by and we grew, I started to realize something. Yes, I was indeed far bigger than any of them. And smarter as well. And the moment we were shipped off to begin training, they came to realize this as well the moment I started succeeding over every last hurtle they failed at. Quite simply put, I merely followed the words my lord father spoke to me the day I left and learned to ignore the others, learned to let the fury I felt at the words not control me... but instead fuel me, make me even stronger, faster, more powerful... let it surge through my body like lightning in a bottle, and unleash it with every attack, and coupled with my size, I left each and every last one of them in the dust."

As he spoke, Aria might have been able to notice that some of the guards were shifting on their feet, as if remembering something rather... troubling. Many of them refused to make eye contact with anyone as their commander droned on, eyes fixed to the floor. Some coughed into their hands in rather awkward manners. Some scratched the backs of their heads, sheepishly...

And Stratos knew that each and every one of them was thinking back to those days. Yet he kept speaking as if they weren't even there..."Things came full circle, the tables were turned. It finally dawned on me that I had the blood of warriors and Champions and Captains and heroes in my veins. It dawned on me that I had the power of my ancestors in my veins, the power of the fury... For in house Valgiri, the Fury is ours. and that they did not. I accepted who I was, what I was, and what I was to someday become. I accepted that I was brought into this world as a giant for a reason. And once that happened... There was little they could say or do to me that would not simply make me stronger in the end. And they simply bit thier tongues and stopped wasting their breath altogether."

The awkwardness of the guards was almost painfully obvious to anyone watching. Some of them had walked away, muttering certain nothings about 'boot camp' and the 'Shadow Challenge' and 'Never again'... Stratos still paid no mind. "But enough; The ultimate moral of my story is this, girl: Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armor yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you."

Azauqyar- Rayquaza

"There is someone in here..." Azauqyar began, having narrowed down the source of the heat sink to somewhere near the Throne itself... "Can you truly not feel it? That sudden drop in the temperature?" Perhaps he was simply going senile... though he highly doubted it, he had gone this many eons without losing a single degree of sharpness, and he was sure he'd go many more. Perhaps there was a draft then... but the window had not been open, even in the slightest, he had made sure of that.

Either way, he could sense the coldness of the room right down to the exact degree. And it had fluctuated since they had entered, more than simply their own bodies heat being able to explain... "Either you can reveal yourself, or I can find you in a much nastier way..." The old god called out, to no one in particular... but the intruder.

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Rain- Suicune

Rain nodded in agreeing with the gem king and direct himself to the throne room. "so what do like to know? king shidew.. " the dog asked right away. "this treaty isnt as complicated as you think it is." he added.

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Hakumen - Rotom-F (Permafrost Kingdom)

"Ihihi... Roht the Raikou graces our presence. And you say Surodnal, the Landorus, is here as well? Interesting... very interesting. Ihihihi, he must be quite the daredevil to venture into our Ice type kingdom as a Ground and Flying type... quite the daredevil, I say." The Frost Rotom eyed the Raikou before him with open curiosity. He shortly, however, turned to Brandon and gave a quick gesture to signal his departure, as he was not inclined to remain a party to a conversation between the two.

With his words said, Hakumen moved over to a regiment of his forces to further condition them. This group had a makeup of two-fifths Cryogonal, two-fifths Vanilluxe, and the last fifth Glaceon. The commander proceeded to run the regiment through tactical drills that covered basic combat field techniques suck as air movement, dodging, and moving into formations--the last of these activities was particularly interesting, for Hakumen's technical forces were able to form a variety of interesting setups that had their various niches: The Cryogonal had one such formation where they formed a barrier of their bodies, setting up various protections and barriers while also bolstering their defenses in order to create a defensive line for the artillery fire behind them from Vanilluxe and Glaceon.

And so the refrigerator continued to train his troops, as was his charge for the time being, until the return of Lady Artemis and her scouts. With the two new arrivals, perhaps things would become interesting...

Edited by Pixl
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Ulkina and Alucard (Latias and Gengar)

"Captain are you okay?" Ulkina asked sincerely. She too felt the drop of temperature, although she didn't want Azauqyar to know how skilled as a psychic she really was. It was indeed a spirit, much like the one she felt the presence of earlier. The ambience this spirit seemed to be emitting was a clashing duality of heartrend and mischief. It was a depressed spirit like the one from earlier, but in a different negative tone. It felt like it was coming from behind the throne, although she didn't want to convey her abilities as an esper to Asauqyar.

From behind the throne, the little purple ghost fought back his own tears, attempting to put on a facade of anger instead. He growled quietly to himself. He didn't want to make his presence known to the green dragon and Ulkina. Hecould never muster the guts to talk to the both of them after what Ulkina confided on Azauqyar.

"I'm sorry Ulkina, but maybe my service to you is done," the ghost whispered to himself. With that, he shamefully melted through the walls of the throne room to the exterior of the castle.

Aria (Lucario)

When the dragon concluded his story and the guards ceased their awkward bantering, Aria shook her head sighing."You've had your own. Skeletons in the closet, that surpass mine even. I always wondered who exactly I am without...this thing here." She indicated the gauntlet she wore carrying the Lucarionite.

"The Raksha Demon, the Lady Champion of the Land People. And the last of the noblest clan of Wyatt. My mother and father were all that was left of multiple generations of hardened warriors and guardians, until they bore me. The stone made me righteous by leaving me as the last of my kin. It's sad really. I never should forget that I am more than this succubus adorned to my arm. I am the envoy of the noblest name of Wyatt."

for She shut up for a moment to think to herself. The guards sat quietly and she expected no reply from the dragon and his guards. In the darkness, she thought. In the darkness, there is light. And suddenly a wild idea occurred to Aria.

"Stratos. Bear with me here. But I'd like to confide an interesting concept. One that could contribute to ending the conflict. Maybe, just maybe, what if we could instead of releasing the spirit, try to tame it

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Rain- Suicune

"I'm planning to arrange a meeting between the representative rulers of each 4 kingdom. To spread peace and order across each faction and those who are a part of it. To make amends for the way that the Gyarados tribe had acted against sky kingdom and to settle your differences with the other rulers in the most civil way possible." Rain paused for a moment.

"I believe this can all be achieved by influencing each of the kingdom's ruler to participate in this event. You can settle your terms and conditions with the other rulers once you are all gathered." Rain answered the gem king's broad question.

"oh, one more thing, there isn't much time left. The sea basin behemoth, Kyogre has just been spotted at Land kingdom's bay, reemerging from its slumber and seems to threaten to drown the whole world in its wake. Now is definitely the time for unity, act now and maybe, just maybe this catastrophe can be prevented for the sake of your kingdom." the water hound said as he waits for king Shidew to answer.

((I believe you control Kyogre lol. eh screw it, that's the story I'm stickin' with to convince the magic kingdom))

Edited by typhlosionrulez
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Napoleon – Empoleon / Reigna – Nidoqueen (Underdark)

“Interesting,” Napoleon said as he came closer to study the gems. “If what you say is true I will not hesitate to use these gems. I will distribute them between my strongest soldiers to increase their power. I can also place soldiers with gems at critical points...”

The Empoleon wandered back to his map. “Sora, take all the miners and builders you need and find some more of these stones.” He then turned to his adviser. “Reigna, this information does not leave this room. Let everyone think we're digging for minerals like we always do. I don't think anyone will question our main source of income.”

Duke – Nidoking (Underdark / Aggron Hills)

“I think it's best if I go straight to the main point. King Napoleon wants to merge our lands. First of all I want you all to know that he already mentioned this in the past. He has been looking for ways to improve our economy and trade and he strongly believes that merging our lands is one of the best solutions. However we've been forced to act immediately without much room for negotiations. An unknown enemy has shown up around our borders. We don't know where they came from or how strong they are. I came here before I learned all the details but even Armadon suffered defeat,” The Nidoking spoke.

“That brings me to the second reason. King Napoleon hopes that by merging our lands we can create extra advantages over them. We won't force you to join our army but we like to use your skills to strenghten our defenses even more. I think you all can benefit as well since we don't know where this enemy is going to strike next. And if we join forces you will be backed by our entire Kingdom!”

Duke was almost sweating while he talked. He had to think about every word he spoke as this mission wasn't really in his comfort zone.

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Surodnal (Landorus)

Surodnal nodded in acknowledgement of the Swoobat's message, and then flew towards the west at high speed. As he headed off, he thought to himself.

Why is it that everyone has to always be on the move nowadays?! I guess I'll just have to live with it... even if it does annoy the heck out of me.

Soon after nightfall, Surodnal was flying over the Bridge of Ice, and saw both the Permafrost Army and Roht. However, when he stopped and looked around for Artemis from his vantage point, he didn't see her. Surodnal then floated down to Roht and Brandon.

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Artemis (Articuno) - 30 minutes Ago

The blue bird flew through the air gazing upon nearby areas seeing if war was breaking. She didn't see anything in particular when an array of rocks were headed her way. She flew up a bit higher to dodge them when out of nowhere the rocks followed floating up a bit more before knocking the bird out of the sky. As the bird saw the ground closely approaching she noticed a Pokemon nearby wearing a mask. Seeing as no one else was around, it was undoubtedly this was her attacker. When she was in range, she flapped her wings to release a powerful windstorm causing everything nearby to be tossed around like leaves. The bird regained her flight pattern and noticed the 'mon was completely unscathed. It is impossible I missed. He was too close to me to dodge an attack powerful like that...he also didn't use a move or I would've noticed. Is he really that strong?

"You're kind is not welcome here!" yelled the Masked Mon. "Go back to the mountains where you belong you uh...demon ice bird thingy."

Artemis responded to this strange foe using her dull voice. "I cannot do that. The mountains belong to the Sky Kingdom, an enemy which my king has declared war on. You're assumption that I am one of them is excusable as I have similar functions to their soldiers, but I am recognized as one of the Kingdom of Permfrost. Also, I am not considered a de..."

"Bah! You talk to much," interrupted the masked man. "My head is about to explode. An enemy of my enemy is good enough for me. Name your price."

"I am not here to hire a mercenary, nor could I. All negotiations for assistance outside of our native homeland must be approved by the king. Currently, he does not feel the need for questionable assitance from an unreliable resource. The likelyhood of him accepting to pay you is less than 1%." Artemis looked over to see the masked pound one of his fists into the ground causing it to shake.

"So we have a tough guy here. Who does he think he is? King of the world," yelled the mon.

"Actually he plans..."

"I know! He just needs a demonstration. Then he'll be begging me to join his cause. I heard rumors there was a foreign kingdom headed this way. He'll watch as I take them all out without a single blade. Such a feet would impress even me, the mighty Gilgamesh. Strongest swordsman in all the land. Bwahaha!" And with that the masked mon ran off.

"After analyzing the target, his intelligence seems to be below average, but his strength seems to match the strength of a commanding unit. I must inform the king of my findings." Artemis flew off heading back to the ice bridge.

King Cold (Glalie) - Current Time

"What the bloody hell is he doing on my bridge," yelled King Cold to the Raikou. "I hope you have a very good reason to stop me on this very important mission. I could have..."

"Sir! I have urgent news," The Articuno flew down to where the others went in. "A powerful swordsman who's strength is equal to that of my own wishes to join our alliance. His intended target is the Permafrost army headed into the western land."

"Artemis, did you eat some Rare Candy before we left?" Asked King Cold.

"No sir. You told me when I was young not to accept candy from strangers."

King Cold just looked at her for a moment. "I'm surrounded by idiots," he muttered under his breath so that no one could hear. He then turned to the rest of the group. "Now that Artemis is here, what is it that you wanted to speak about?"

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That night Xeen the Kabutops chose to keep watch in case the hostile hydreigon came back. It's been a long 6 hours and so far all is quiet. Xeen was getting sleepy as he had done a lot already today from dislodging a ship to setting up camp. But he still had enough energy to fight if things went south. Their camp lied on the beach so he had plenty of water to use to his advantage if he had to resort to violence, but he had high hopes that it didn't have to come to that.

Being a predatory Pokemon he could normally take such endurance. But he has had a long day and may not be suited for combat. However Xeen has proved time and again in the past that he is more than normal, and he won't let such a hand cap slow him down. Another 2 hours have passed and Xeen was almost fallen asleep, what woke him up was a HUGE earthquake that was so aggressive that it could be felt in all 6 kingdoms.

Xeen - Kabutops

"What in the name of Arceus?" He cried out. The rock type poke'mon had never experienced an earthquake of such power. "What just happened? Earthquake isn't this strong." He exhaled. He the looked across the sea (could this be what I think it means? Could THAT poke'mon be awakening?) he thought to himself. "If that is the case the this war is going to get even more hectic" he said exhaling bubbles.

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Velvet (Lopunny)

Velvet was having a recurring nightmare in her sleep. She was just a little Buneary being chased by a Rampardos, desparately trying to dodge it's attacks as she was trying to run away. Actually, this would be more like a memory, as this had really happened to her. However, there was one thing different between the dream and the memory: Darius wasn't around to save her in the dream. After some time of running and dodging, she finally found herself in a corner, too weak to even budge. She looked over to see the Rampardos begin to charge. When it did though, Velvet had realized that something was different this time. The ground was shaking far more intensely than it usually does. The Rampardos was getting closer and closer until it was inches away from her...

It was then that she finally woke up from her nightmare. She quickly sat up, still in a bit of shock from the dream and sighed. "Okay. It was just a dream..." She said to herself. She then realized that the ground was still shaking violently. "... Wait... this isn't part of it?" She quickly sprang to her feet. "What in the world is-" She was cut off when she lost her balance, which probably occurred from either the earthquake or form the fact that she may have gotten up too quickly, or most likely a combination of both. "I've never felt such a powerful earthquake before." She said to herself. She tried to think of what could possibly make such a powerful earthquake, and only one thing came to mind. "Th-this couldn't possibly be what I think it is, could it?"

Sir Darius (Gallade)

After the trial, Sir Darius had spoken to a couple of the bailiffs and a few other pokemon afterwards to help himself get the full story about what exactly happened before the riot and what made it start to begin with. He was about to start an investigation in an attempt to find out who had needlessly killed a couple of the citizens and started the riot in the first place when the earthquake had hit, sweeping most of the pokemon, excluding Sir Darius and a few others, off their feet. "As if there wasn't enough to worry about right now..." The captain thought to himself. He then looked around, glancing at every soldier, guard, and bailiff that was still around the courthouse. "Get these people to safety. Now!" He ordered. Everyone of them responded with a "yes, sir" before carrying out their order. Darius was about to head to the castle when he saw an Espurr child near a small pillar that has been a source of many complaints because of the fact that it wasn't formed properly. It looked as though it was about to fall over. He began to sprint toward the child as he realized this. The pillar began to topple just as the Gallade was about halfway there. As soon as he was close enough, Darius dove in to save the child and heard a crash as the pillar hit the ground a second later. He opened his eyes to see the unharmed Espurr child in his arms and the unstable pillar now fallen over on the ground. "That was close..." The captain said. He let the child go as he saw it's mother running towards them. Both the child and the mother were in tears after what had just happened. The Meowstic approached Darius as he was getting back up and was completely astonished as she saw the emblem on Darius' necklace. Even as surprised as she was, the mother still managed to speak. "Thank you, captain. Thank you for saving my child." She said. Sir Darius couldn't help but smile. "You're quite welcome, miss. Now then... you should find a safe place to hide until this whole thing blows over. We wouldn't want either of you to get hurt, now do we?." The Meowstic snapped out of it when he asked that question. "O-of course not. We'll be right on our way." She then picked up her child and ran off. After the mother and child left, Darius decided to head toward the castle to make sure that the King and Queen were safe.

While he was on his way to the castle, Sir Darius ran into three Sigilyphs and a couple of Xatu that had just finished evacuating the people out of the immediate area. One of the Xatu took a couple of steps forward. "Ah, Captain. It's good to see that you're unharmed." The Xatu said. "What are your orders?" Darius didn't take any time to answer that question. He pointed to the three Sigilyphs. "You three! Head to the surrounding areas to help evacuate the people. Enough people have died today and I'll be damned before I let this earthquake take even one more life. Now get moving!" The three Sigilyph flew off to start their new objective. Darius then turned to the two Xatu. "As for you two, I will need you to find every last soldier to help with this evacuation. These people will need protection if we want them to get out of this alive." The Xatu bowed. "Of course, Captain." That being said, the two Xatu flew off. Afterwards, Darius tried to communicate with someone at the training grounds telepathically. "Hello? Is anyone there?" Darius was relieved when he got a response. "Is that you, Captain? Thank Arceus that you're still alive. We've already begun the evacuation on this end. There haven't been any casualties thus far." Darius was glad to hear that. "Good. Let's keep it that way, shall we?" Darius asked. "Of course, sir." The pokemon responded. Relieved that everyone had started evacuating, The Captain had once again headed toward the castle to ensure the King and Queen's safety.

Atlas (Golurk)

The powerful earthquake had interrupted the conversation between Atlas and Ursa. Even in all of this chaos, it had only taken a few seconds for the two Ninjask in Atlas' scouting team to appear in front of it, awaiting orders. The Golurk pointed at one of the Ninjasks and began to speak. "Get an evacuation started! I want every citizen safe and sound. We've been saved once from an outside force. I don't think that we'd be so lucky for that to happen twice, so I want to be able to get things started before this disaster gets anyone killed. Now go!" The Ninjask nodded before flying off to follow orders. Atlas pointed to the other Ninjask. "I want every soldier in the capital to be given one order: to protect the citizens while they are being evacuated. This includes the Precipice Brigade." The other Ninjask took no time to fly off to begin to spread the word to the Precipice Brigade and the other soldiers. Atlas then turned back to Ursa. "I apologize Ursa, but it looks like that we'll have to continue this conversation some other time." That being said, Atlas began to run off to help in an attempt to help with the evacuation itself.

Atlas' scouting team (More specifically, it's Weavile)

The earthquake can be felt even outside of the capital. It felt as if the whole world was shaking (as if that wasn't obvious enough). The Weavile looked around to see what was going on. The earthquake had had begun to take effect all around him. The only place that didn't seem to be affected by the earthquake was some old ruins that was in the distance. In fact, the only thing that seemed to be affected over there was the entrance to the inner part of the ruins, which only opened the place up rather than cause any real damage. Feeling a bit confused about what had and hadn't happened with the ruins, the Weavile decided to head back to the Capital to inform this to Commander Atlas, being as careful as he could in order to avoid the chaos around him.

Edited by Komodojoe
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Dragan - Garchomp

The champion was soaring through the skies at high speed when the quake struck. He lost his balance but recovered from the disruption. The champion reaction was " The Arceus was that? It came like a sudden sonic boom but powerful enough to disrupt my flight." Then he realized something "No! It can't be!" He roared out to the gabites in the forest " Take the skies and scatter! Continue your objective. Report to me when you find the king." He proceeded to speed up to nearly Mach speed.

Devon - Electabuzz

Devon was talking to a customer when he felt the quake. Both him and the customer stumbled. His reaction "The hell was that? I never felt a quake that powerful before." He jumped onto the counter and yelled "Everyone, you all just felt that quake? Now we have to evacuate now." He stepped back and rushed to the back of his shop and grabbed his pack and mobile store. He came back out and tried to find the nearest commander.

Rader - Manectric

On his way to the conference, he felt the quake. From that quake, he lost his balance and fell over on his side. He rolled down the hill on his side. He thought "The **** was that?! That quake is powerful." When he got to the bottom of the hill, he stood up and barked out to his troops "Luxrays, go into the square and call everyone out to excavate. Gliscors, take the skies and secure the perimeter. Report to me if you find anything suspicious. I will be attending to the conference."

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Otto (Samurott)

Otto, the 501st, and the Peacekeepers were all jostled by the Earthquake. most of them looked scared, but Otto looked more troubled than anything.

That wasn't Him, was it...? If it was, then sh*t's about to hit the fan... This isn't good!

Eve (Eevee)

Eve was quite shaken by the Earthquake, but still remained standing. Her first thoughts were for the safety of her King and Queen, so she rushed to the Palace.

Ryu (Riolu)

Ryu was just exploring the Seashore, waiting for his next mission application, when the Earthquake hit. He remained standing, however, due to the fact that his footpaws became partially embedded in the wet Beach Sand.

Surodnal (Landorus)

Surodnal was bowled over by the quake, despite the fact that he was floating in midair at the time.

"Roht, Brandon, I fear that the worst-case scenario may have just occurred... The only one that I know of who is capable of doing that is the Legendary Titan of Land, but I only thought he was a myth up until now... Evidently I was wrong."

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Krusher - Tyrantrum

The land king endured the massive quake, but he could still feel its ferocity. The poke'mon of the search team were in a panic, but the emperor let out a roar to silence them and assure them that they were going to be okay. A charzard flew up to him an asked in curiosity "Lord Krusher, just what was that?" . Their emperor looked directly at the fire type and calmly said.... " Groudon" and continued to lead the team across Western Xecra.

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Zabuza - Frokie & Titania - Gardevior

Titania was startled being woken up by that earth quack letting out a short "Eek!" in surprise. She felt kinda embarrassed about that but was still worried about the troops. "Is everyone alright?" She asked then seeing Zabuza picking himself up from under a tree and walking over. 'If that pokemon has woken up, things could turn out really bad for us.' She thought to herself, noticing that this earthquake was larger than normal.

Sasuke was resting in a near-by tree when the earthquake happened. Shaking him off making him land on his face. "Ow..." he said getting up after being flung off the tree and the ground's shaking had stopped. He made his way to the group and starred at them. "Who or what cause this massive earthquake?" He asked ignorant of the culprit.

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