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Poke'mon Battlegrounds- CHAPTER 2 [OPEN]


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Xeen - Kabutops

"Got to do everything my self" he sighed. and threw down a rope ladder to let Zabuza climb up before the sea water damaged his body any more. "You got to remember this is salt water, its not really amphimbian friendly" He said down to the ocean hopping the bubble frog can hear him.

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Dragan - Garchomp

The champion responded with " We need healing and poison healing too. But in exchange, we will protect you, also from your typing of your species. You are serving the Magic kingdom, correct? When we are finished, tell your king that we are kind at heart. He went after our asses when we took your queen so all we ask is for you other than the healing is forgiveness." He proceeded to wait for the healing/agreement.

Devon - Electabuzz (sorry it took this long to get this in action)

The trader was tending with his supplies when he heard the roar in a pitch indicating emergency "The king is calling for all of us. Must be something serious." He left his to shop to ahead to the square. When he arrived to the square, he awaited for the king up in the balcony to speak.

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Krusher - Tyrantrum

"CITIZENS!" he roared out. "Earlier today a tsunami struck down our Docs and Eliminated Our Naval forces. Had it not been for a wandering poke'mon the casualties would have been more sever " De said to his kingdom. The town began to chatter as the wondered just who this poke'mon was. " The Poke'mon has asked that we seek out the other nations for peace. but because of the disaster we have more pressing concerns" Said their King, the hole town went dead silent. Krusher then roared out " I am to assure you that the wave was no act of arceus. but something far more grim" he paused for a moment and then gave his kingdom the bad news "KYOGER HAS AWAKEND FROM THIER SLUMBER!" the town began to roar in fear in terror. they had no clue of what to do. "It goes with out saying that once the Leviathan has arose the Behemoth will soon follow!" The town freaks out even more, from the looks of it the Kings words were not helping "Fear not though. for once out forces have replenished we will seek out the sleeping land giant." said their king withe a burst of confidence. "For He is the Titian of LAND! The Forefather of our domain! and if we must sooth his wrath to save our world... SO BE IT!" the empire began to cheer with joy "WE ARE THE LAND KINGDOM! AND WE WILL NOT CRUMBLE!" Roared the emperor, as his kingdom begins to chant his very name. as relief rains of his Empire Krusher retires to his chambers for some needed rest.

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It was watching the chaos unfold in the orb. Little fools. Stir up more trouble. You have done enough. Come back before they catch onto you. The telepathic message was sent out to the servant. Yes, Master. came the reply.


Mirage was in the magic kingdom when the fighting started. Well, she was the one who started it. Having had enough of the nonsense of the Leaders and their war, she disguised herself as one of the guards and attacked a citizen, killing it. Then she created a mass illusion. She made citizens attack guards and vice versa, till a full scale battle was on hand. Not many suspected anything since they were all too busy. With civil war threatening in the kingdom, she escaped quickly, hurrying towards the next kingdom, plotting new ways to bring it down. That Gyarados had given her an excellent idea. While the peacekeeping force was a good idea, she knew the war would only stop when the kings had been removed. For 50 years they have ruled and there has been war. It is enough. They sit in their castles and order us about like pawns. Now I will show them who the true master of the game is. They will all become my puppets.

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Otto (Samurott)

Otto nodded, and spoke to the Gyarados.

"My good sir, you can tell Lord Rain that He and I are of like minds in his thinking that this world is in need of some Peacekeepers. I have complete confidence in his abilities, and I would like to meet with both him and the Land Kingdom when he sees fit, so that I may tell him the specifics in person."

Otto then called for a Messenger, and a Wingull arrived in the Throne Room.

"Messenger, go to the Magic Kingdom, and tell them that I would like to hold a meeting with them."

"It is as good as done, milord."

The messenger then hurried off, heading Southeast towards the Magic Kingdom.

Edited by K_H
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Ursa Maior (Ursaring) & Zaïre (Maractus)

Ursa Maior was leaning against a brick wall as King Krusher held his speech. Of course, he already knew the contents. Most of the time he was there when it was discussed. "Groudon and Kyogre..." he muttered, "They chose their timing poorly... Just when the kingdoms are at war... Just when we were about to explore those new places!" Just then, a Maractus walked through the gates of the Kingdom of Land. Ursa Maior's sixth sense never betrayed him, and this time it told him that the Grass-type was not to be trifled with. "Halt!" He raised his paw before the Maractus. "I am Ursa Maior, one of the Kingdom of Land's commanders! What is your business here?"

Unfazed, the Maractus looked up at the bigger Pokémon. "I have no business with you." He continued his way. Ursa Maior growled at Zaïre. "Do you know who you're making an enemy of yours?" "Like I said, I have no business with you. The only Pokémon I seek is Rain the Suicune. I have news from one of his scouts from the Magic Kingdom." The Magic Kingdom? "But why haven't you said so before? Allow me to escort you to him," Ursa Maior said in an uncanny friendly tone.

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"Okay! I love helping! Now, have everyone line up so I can use Heal Bell and Morning Sun(Or Wish)!"

She smiles at the dragons and waits to help.

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Yien - Banette

"Did somebody say puppets?" said the ghost type, as he phased up through the floor behind Mirage quietly singing that gastly tune again "~Xecra Region's falling down, Falling down, Falling down. Xecra Region's falling down, mu fair lordship" he looked at the poke'mon with his signature unblinking stare. he giggled and began to speak to her "you didn't think you could start with out me could you?" he said as if they were play some kind of game.

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Dragan - Garchomp

The champion commanded "You heard the lady, line up but with me in first." The bunch of the gabites proceeded to line up behind Dragan. Dragan said to the togetic " But one more thing, promise if we were to meet again but in battle or in peace, consider our philosophy, the reason why our creator created 18 types is so we can live in harmony so would you consider either joining us or an alliance with the magic kingdom but from I heard from one of our commanders, your king is negotiating with the water kingdom." The champion proceeded to wait for the healing and response.

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Zabuza - Frokie & Titania - Gardevior

He quickly got out of the water getting back on the boat. The sea water hurting him though not anymore since he got out. "Why didn't someone tell me that this would happen." he spoke up angrily, "Sorry, it' my fault for telling you to go in." Titania said feeling guilty for telling him to go jump in the ocean.

Judge - Uxi

Using her psychic powers the Uxi rang the courts giant soothe bell they used for announcing a huge case and calming down riots just like this. This usually was what Judge used to get the attention of people outside the court.

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Xeen - Kabutops

"Anyway" He paused. "As I said before I got good news and bad news" He exhaled bubbles and reapplied him self with mud the coat ha had before washed of from the sea water. "Witch would you guys prefer to hear first?"

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Xeen - Kabutops

"The good news is, I did a bit of scouting ahead and saw that we are not to far from shore. about a few more hours or so" He said as he finished applying mud. he then looked off to the side of the ship "The bad news is that the Ship is caught on a Coral Reef. and since none of you have gills i'm going to have to dislodge is my self" He paused and exhaled bubbles "Meaning we wont' make it to shore at least until night fall"

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Azauqyar- Rayquaza

"The realms of men have been warring with one another for fifty long years." Azauqyar answered as he hovered there in the heavens, looking off into the horizon. "The kingdoms that once knew peace have been turned into imperial nations by the greed and ambitions of a few hateful mortals who wanted the entire world for their own. They have let their minds be made to mush by a lust for power and now... it seems the whole world is at war." He turned his gaze back down upon Aquero. "That. is what likely woke you up. A disturbance in the force caused not by myself or Groudon or any other god... but by mortals."

Sebastian and Brantyn- Gothitelle and Rhyperior

"You call me insane?" Brantyn laughed, pointing his cannon at the prophet. "What's so insane about that? Look at the legend of three sacred beast, such a transfer of power is not impossible... Ho-oh managed it. All I need is to figure out how to reverse the flow- to syphon Groudon's power out of him"

"And I suppose you'll want to find and kill Entei and Suicune and Raikou then, if that's the case..." Sebastian said, actually looking a bit bored as he listened to the rant. "Carve them open and see what makes them tick? Maybe you think you'll find the magic secret?"

"Ah, you're a perceptive one, I'm impressed-"

"I was wrong." Sebastian interrupted curtly. "You are not insane, you are simply a fool."

"What was that?"

"You're so absorbed with death that you can't even realize the path you walk will end in your destruction as well if you succeed in it." Sebastian began walking forward, his eyes still blazing a bright blue as he focused and glimpsed further into the Giant's future... into his soul. "You are not mortal, not anymore. You are not god either. You are something else. You are a nobody, a shell, a body left behind by a departed spirit which still continues to be animated by the raw emotional force that it left behind."

"What the hell are you talking about, you old fool?" Brantyn was raising his cannon. Sebastian was unphased. "You dare call me a nobody? Do you know who the fuck I am!? Do you know my damn name!?"

"You are Brantyn Von Richi," The gothitelle answered. "Former commander of the Colossus Corps, and the most ruthless captain ever in the history of the Land, or likely, any kingdom for that matter. Yes, Titan, I know who you are. As an old priest of Azauqyar, I should kill you for what you have done... but there is a young woman who desires your head on a pike far more than I. You have met her already, I'm sure... so I will leave you to your fate."

There was silence for a while. The arid winds blew blistering sand to and fro in the dirt plaza. Elder looked on, gripping his cane as he watched Sebastian stare down the Colossus... it was strange sight. A Small wandering man looking up into the eyes of a hulking behemoth near twice his size and thrice his girth. Just standing there. Not shaking, not pissing himself, just staring. As if Brantyn was a mere Ant to be crushed underfoot...

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Titania - Gardevior

"Oh, I guess that's not too bad. At least we know that there's land out there." She said before letting out a sigh of relief. She was kinda scared that they'd be sailing an endless sea heading west, good thing that's not the case

Zabuza - Frokie

"Well, I would help but seeing as how the last time I went into the sea went I'd only be doing more harm then good." He felt a little bit sad that he couldn't do anything g to help but what was he going to do?

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Xeen - Kabutops

"I'll try to get this thing free as quickly as I can using my 'Water Pulse' to break up bit of the reef." He exhaled and paused for a moment. "I hate to resort to such measures but we have no choice" He lept off the boat once more and got to work.

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The Sky Kingdom

After Swain was done shouting, the guards stationed nearby rushed out to spread the word. "Find the criminal ghost, Alucard. Keep Lord Eric and Lady Ulkina away from him. Tell the champion and the Lord Regent." The message was spread quickly among the guards and soldiers. Lt. Dravius and Lord Eric were interrupted and Lord Eric taken to safety by the Draken Guard. Dravius then flew to the training grounds to inform the Regent and Champion about the development. On reaching the training ground, he found only the Champion. "Sir, you are needed urgently. Please head back. One of the guards will tell you what has happened. I must find the Lord Regent. Can you point me in his direction?"

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Alucard (Gengar)

Alucard had nestled himself in a nice comfortable crevice between two boulders in in the cave Syni suggested. He felt at peace for the moment, like he could actually relax. The steady sound of water dripping was soothing his nerves and the eerie darkness was complimentary to the drippy water. He just sat back and let Syni take care of the rest. His thoughts turned to Ulkina. What was she doing? How was she going to react to all this?

Ulkina (Latias)

The disappointed dragon floated through the hallways thinking to herself. The guards had been sent for brother and they believed he was a power hungry fear monger. There was a rumor circulating that he hypnotized her and played her as his pawn. She had indeed followed him from the moment she noticed him. What was it about him though that seemed so familiar in the first place? All she had to go off of from memory was that he reminded her of her "brother" that took care of her long ago.

There was a storm, indeed. It destroyed everything in it's wake of their dwelling. She had waited for so long for "brother" to show up, she had to move on. She was so young then. So scared. All alone in the big, mean world with no one who cared about her at all.

Then he came. Something about him clicked. She never disagreed with him ever. She always followed him without second thoughts. She then sat down with the puzzling question: was he really controlling her?

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Xeen - Kabutops

another 2 hours pass and the fossil poke'mon uses 'Aqua Jet' once more to get back on board the boat "All finished" he said as the boat regained mobility. "I'll be Be beneath deck, all that swimming has me tired out... wake me when we hit shore" Said the water type as he went down to the lower floors of the ship.

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Stratos- Salamance

He stared down into the gem like scale one last time, awe struck by his reflection. The Guantlets he wore, the helm on his head, the plate on his chest, the greaves on his legs... it was not his. The silver gleam was not there anymore. It was not steel... not as far as he could tell from knocking on it. The Glow had died down, the scale had stopped resonating. And he was clad in the same strange emerald green it was.

It was sleeker too, this armor. Smooth as silk yet hard as diamond. And it was light. light as air it seemed, for the drag that had always been there in the past... it was gone now. He could fly at full speed with no impedment. He felt faster in it... felt at home with it. Almost as if it were a part of him somehow. Not even his mega stone had been spared from the changes, for now instead of his back, it rested in the surface of his left gauntlet.

"What... what is this?" he thought. "Did Azauqyar do this? surely, it must've been him, there could be no other explanation..." He tucked the glossy scale into his breast plate, for safe keeping. Perhaps it had indeed been the sky lord... Stratos wasn't the most well versed when it came to old legends and religions, but... surely it wouldn't be beyond a God's power to change the nature of a man's armor. They could make continents and raise sea levels, afterall, they could manipulate time and space and create new life... they had powers far outstripping that of ordinary folks. Hence why they were called 'gods' in the first place.

It was just then however that Lt.Dravius descended, looking urgent with his scarred face. Stratos simply raised an eyebrow... then glowered.

By Arceus' beard, if that damn ghost has caused even more trouble... "He headed north, Lieutenant." He nodded in the appropriate direction. "Towards the sea. You'll have to fly fast if you want to find him though, he looked to be in a hurry."

Dravius didn't utter another word, simply turned and shot off through the air towards the north coast, wings flapping in a furry as he reflected on the events of the past few hours. "I should've just killed the bastard in the plaza when I had the chance..."

Stratos meanwhile shot off towards the city, flying far faster than he ever had been able to while wearing regular armor. A sonic boom blasted around him as he came in for a landing, suddenly breaking his speed as the wind rampaged around him in fierce turbulence, much to notice of the Draken Guard members nearby.

"What's going on here?" he demanded, not even allowing any opportunity for anyone to ask about the strange new armor. The soldiers wasted no time, explaining the situation as they all walked towards the keep. The Salamance was grinding his massive fangs the entire time.

"Alucard, that undead whore son... I was right about him... completely, and absolutely... right."

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Ulkina (Latias)

For the time being, the large pissed off Salamence was hard to miss. Ulkina believed it would be best to give Alucard the benefit of the doubt for now. She glided outside, slamming the door open, catching the Salamence's attention. The dragon eyed her curiously and amused. She had to choose her words carefully, or Alucard would be more at stake than he already was.

She stopped the Salamence in his tracks. "W-what are you gonna do with brother?" The Salamence did not look like he was in the mood to speak at all. He stormed toward the keep. Ulkina was getting infuriated by the Salamence's resolve.

Ulkina was getting desperate to capture Strato's full attention, so she resorted to the one trick she only had up her sleeve. "Captian. I, your queen, order you to halt! Explain me this!" The girl's voice boomed with determination.

She shivered when the words escaped her lips. She took a serious gamble by talking to him like that.

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Ignis - Entei

The captain responded with " Ah, yes because we could theorized how we are related." But as he stepped out of the throne room (If this is ok with you Yash) he had a vision about him and Rain with another dog that looks similar. He responded "The hell what was that? I had a vision that has me standing with you and another pokemon that I can't make out right now."

Rain- Suicune

"Yes I have the same vision too..It seems we're a part of a divine circle..wanderers in our own rights.." Rain said with a serious tone, agreeing with Ignis that has the same vision. "as we answer to a higher power, higher than any kings of this world....a rainbow peacock that can revive the dead.. " Rain interpret his flashback.

"But enough about that, let's appoint to the matters at hand.." Rain changes the topic, just in time as the king has finished his speech and the kingdom roared with cheer.

"Your kingdom is too fragile settle a peace treaty at this moment and your king seems to go an alternate route of dealing with the basin pokemon.." Rain continues.

"My only request is come join me along with your man in preserving the peace in this world... I'm not saying you should abandon your position as the captain of the land kingdom, but when the time comes, when these legends met...where will you stand? we're just mere ants in this colossal event that is happening..think about it..." Rain said as he leaves Ignis without waiting for his response.

Rain roams the town and goes to Ursa as he noticed the cacti speaking his name. "What's going on here?" Rain said with a clear voice to Ursa, briefly looking at the dessert plant.

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Zabuza - Frokie

"I think I'll take a rest too, I'm a little tired after that salt water fiasco." With that he followed Xeen to the lower floor of the ship to take a rest. He didn't think that jumpping in the sea water would tire him so much, but it did.

Crystal - Espeon

Back in the castle, "Do you all hear that? It seems Judge is coming to sort everything out." She said now looking out the window and seeing what the Uxi had planned,

Judge - Uxi

After the chiming had stopped it seemed to have calmed the riots down, well at least to the point they weren't trying to kill each other. The court's door slow opened as Uxi came hovering out slowly. "What has made you so angry that you'd spill your own people's blood on the street? Can't you see fighting will lead to more fighting?" She sighed as she hovered towards the riot. "Now, what in Xecra has got you ready to slit throats and end lives?"

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Stratos (Salamence)

"You are not queen here." Stratos said simply, making no effort to mask the annoyance in his voice. "I have a damn psychopath to find before he does something heinous, and here you are, wasting my time... girl..." "You and your brother were hesitant to take up the crown, remember? You got cold feet when you were asked if you would take up the throne Kruga had left behind, and no coronation could be held because of that, remember?. Ergo, you hold no authority over either me or this city, and your brother only holds what authority he has now because he was a Lord Commander prior. So do not go thinking you can so nonchalantly throwing rank in my face, it does not work like that. Either you will choose to accept the power fully and all the duties that come with it, and rule and protect and serve your people, or you will not have it at all. It is a not a toy and it is not a tool; Governing is not a game, governing is a duty, and you do not simply turn the power stemming from it on and off whenever it is so convenient to you."

The emerald armored dragon wasted not another second on the girl, continuing on his way. "If you must know though, our reports tell us that the ghost named Alucard has been plotting against this kingdom and the entirety of her populace since the moment he arrived. They say that he set up the death of his Grace and has been manipulating you via hypnotism, all for the hopes of taking over this nation with you and Eric as his puppets..."

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