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Favourite characters


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With a wide cast of characters in the game so far, who's your favourite?

Honestly, Eli and Sharon, that duo of Xen members, have a special place in my heart. What a bunch of dorks :V

Oh, and Angie of course. Bless her.

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This guard


That guy has one job. His job is to not let you pass through that gate. And it's a job he's going to f***ing do it.

"Team Xen invasion? pfft, you shall not pass."

He has a special place in my pictures folder, like that grunt that Cain's Nidoking knocked down the ledge and couldn't get back up.

EDIT: Oh, and i like Venam too :3

Edited by Vinny
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I'd have to say Nim. She's just so crazy and funny and cool! I laughed so hard during the encounter with her on Route 4...

Plus, she's one of the few NPC's that actually climbed over terrain, something that even the genre-savvy grunt that Cain's Nidoking knocked down didn't do.

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