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Yu-Gi-Oh RP Episode 2: The Planned approach [IC] (AFTER SCHOOL)


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[important Action/Talking to Flagstarr]

Ken was still slightly dizzy and a wee bit sick from Zander's crazy joyride of death. Getting jerked around at high speeds on a ride plus potentially dangerous amounts of sugar equals not fun. Maybe he'd find another way home later...

As he started to snap back to reality and regain his bearings, Ken had only slightly taken in the chaotic scene before him of Zander and Arthur making a break for it, and Arial's scooter zooming past before they were apprehended. As a mental note, he had to wonder what kind of police officer had the sheer reflexes to jump in front of a moving scooter and yank two teenagers off of it without getting hit. Maybe it was some kind of superhuman serum. Maybe he could implement something like that for a new line of health-boosting Sugar King sweets... shaking his head, he quickly rid his head of those thoughts and looked towards Flagstarr.

She was pissed. The next move could definitely make or break their visit here, so he had to tread carefully. Pulling out three lollipops from his pocket, he unwrapped one and tucked it into his mouth and offered the other two to the officer standing behind him and Roy and Flagstarr herself. Just treat it like doing business at the shop. The customer is always right.

With a smile, Ken looked towards Flagstarr and spoke. "I'm really sorry about my friends here, Miss Flagstarr. I'm Ken Sukkar, co-owner of The Sugar King Sweet Shop, I think you've come by a couple of times? I've been in Heartland since I was born, so I've seen you around. Consider the lollipop an apology for their... actions." Ken said charmingly as he tried to defuse the situation before continuing. Co-owner was stretching it a little, but it was a family business run by just his dad and himself, and legally he could sign papers to co-own the place... he just didn't really want the burden.

"I can't exactly say what they were thinking, but we just came to enjoy the beach on a beautiful day. I guess seeing the mass amount of police here kind of got them curious and well, curiosity killed the cat. Judging by the sheer amount of policemen here, I can only assume it's going to be on the local news tonight." Ken said, glancing behind Flagstarr to see a mass conglomeration of policemen about.

"I understand your position as Lieutenant, but not all officers are as upstanding and tight-lipped about matters as you. Realistically, the news will be out tonight regardless, if not sooner. Would it be possible for us to at least hear what the situation is before we're on our way? Otherwise it could be nagging at us for ages, given what we've already gleaned. Ken spoke in a calm and collected voice, trying to appeal at her sense of common sense... and a little flattery. He even had to resist winking a little.

This wasn't the first time he'd had to deal with an angry customer. He was the Sugar Prince, after all, diplomacy in business was one of his stronger suits.

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Monika thought the man would try to punch her or something, coming close to her; or that he would try to talk with her before doing anything else. But the man did something different, something that made him look like an expert to Monika.

All she did was just a timid attempt to retreat, and possibly run away, but that man... Monika thought about it, before he'd actually get her. Why would someone kidnap me? The only plausible reason would be that I'm related somehow to Number cards. So, either this guy is a complete maniac who kidnaps random girls for no reason, or (much more possibly) he is related to number cards too. And, if he wants me to be a hostage, and he's not stupid, he won't try to kill me before I am able to call my friends... It seems he's trying to use me to get to them, after all.

But, that changed when the man smothered Monika with that (poisoned) rug.

"I wasn't expecting that..." were the last words Monika was able to whisper before collapsing and falling into the man's arms. He put her inside of something: her own skates falling right over her gave her one more second before completely losing consciousness, and made her realize that this man picked up all of her stuff too. Then, everything faded to black.

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(Important action)

Dean has arrived to the beach with Robert and he stepped off his skateboard and walked to the entrance. While he was walking, he spoke to Robert: So the reason I want to question the guy I was chasing yesterday is to question him about the event what happened to him."

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Gen just came to one of the alleyways as he saw a tall man which was stuffing something on the duffle bag. He quickly hides on a classroom and trying to know what's going on by peeking..

"What is he doing around here? I have a bad feeling."

He searches for a thing he could use and saw a mop. He grabbed it and wait for a perfect chance to pounce on the guy.

"This is risky, but I need to do something."

He saw him exiting the alleyway, and followed the guy.

Edited by Ace_Trainer_Vince
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{Beach Group- Caught!}

Arthur suppressed a grimace as the group was dragged back to Ken and Roy. Can't believe I thought that would work, he thought to himself. Although I really didn't intend for them to start running. I just wanted Flagstarr after me so they could walk through.

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Paul / Gawyn

"I also really liked the One Power system, though the gender contrast seemed a bit enforced. It made for some interesting dynamics, especially when Rand went to Shadar Logoth and-" She would have continued, but another student walked up to the pair. Blair fixed him with her usual flat look. She was fairly certain that he was one of the students that had simply ignored her presence when she tried to help with the investigation. "Hello," she stated in an unreadable tone.

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{Beach Group}

Roy pinched the space in between his eyes after he watched the whole situation take place. He let out a sigh and thought to himself, 'I knew coming here would be a bad idea, I should've gone with my gut and go to the alleyway.' Roy said nothing to the cop, letting the people involved bail themselves out of this one. No way he's going down to the station for this.

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{Beach's troublemakers}

'Thank God that hit the sand, or else I will a lot of explaining to do at the auto repair.' Arial thought amusingly as she was dragged back to her fellow classmates. The green-eyed teen gave an amused chuckle as Ken attempted to get them out of this situation. "Glad to you hear you enjoyed it, mate. We could do that again sometime when the cops aren't around!" Arial suggested to the surprised boy. She only said that last bit in part to cement Ken's testimony and the other part... Well, it just seemed to fit in.

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{Beach Hooligans}

Zander wriggled himself away from the police officer uncomfortably and furiously. He turned back to face them with complete disgust. "Hello... officer," he said with a sneer. "I'm Zander Helios. Son of one of the wealthiest men in the entire town. Now, I don't think my father," Zander leaned in closer. "... the founder of Helios Cuisine, would be too happy to hear about this." Zander shoved his hand into his pocket. After wriggling it around for a moment, his hand ascended grasping his golden wallet. He shuffled around inside before pulling out a rather large wad of cash. "How about I slip you this, and you let us go, alright?"

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[important Action]


After they had arrived at the beach, he listened happily to Dean's own reasoning for just why they were looking for Charles. "Hmm, that sounds simple enough. In full truth, just about any kind of information would be good from my view. But if he does have any information like you're saying, that would be amazing!"

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[[To: Klive]]

The barrage of questions was tiring to Will. He let out a small sigh and backed away, for he felt a slight bit of suffocation. "Y-yes, gone. I was working, as usual. No, no injuries. Who says I went anywhere? I could have just walked straight to the garden for all I know. But no, I was just making rounds. If I did go anywhere, it could be any of the places I hadn't locked up yet. Like the cafeteria, the second floor hallways, the teachers' offices, or the front offices." The janitor looked at the kid nervously. "Any more questions?" He was a nice and friendly person, but this came out of nowhere, and he felt attacked for some reason. He only hoped there were no further questions, but examining the interest of the student, he new there would be more. Perhaps it was just the general craze going around, and Will would have to adjust himself to it.

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{Gawyn and Blair}

"Seems like this place is a hot spot for the school body today." he said as he got closer to the duo. "Nice to meet you, Professor Fallas. I'm Paul, from Miss Reinier's class." He turned to look at the girl standing next to him. Yep, she was definitely in his class, though he never actually talked to her... or anyone from that class all too often.

"You're from Miss Reinier's class too, right? I don't think we've ever officially met before." he said.

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Update Murder time!

Beach group +TurbOmega

As Ken spoke, Flagstarrs angry face slowly softened to a simply exasperated one. They were kids, curious and unruly as any normal teen, why did it surprise her they'd try to get some sort of glimpse? She was about to answer Kens question just to get them out of her hair and safely away when one of the boys who tried to make a break for it abruptly dropped the Helios name and shoved a wad of money into Flagstarrs face.

Immediately the furious expression she has worn previously returned, with a shiny spark of hatred now in her eyes as she stared daggers at the kid. She slapped the money out of his hand. "What kind of disrespectful little idiot decides, after blatantly disregarding my authority, to BRIBE an officer of the law? In front of countless other officers?! I don't care who your parents are you spoilt, arrogant little child, you will leave this place IMMEDIATELY, is that understood?!" Flagstarr abruptly ended the little tirade, breathless from the speed at which the words spewed from her mouth like a volcano spewing lava ((She be spittin' supah hot Fiyah!)) She then turned to address every other civilian there, including Robert and Dean. "That goes for everyone, this is official business and civilians should never have been allowed anywhere near this place! You will all leave this place, just the same as these kids!" She yelled, to the general groan of disappointment from the crowd.


Klive note down everything xe thought will said that was of any import. Xe actually struggled to think of any questions that didn't directly ask about the murder and xe loathed to ask about anything remotely supernatural... Still, xe decided to try. To an extent. "Do... do you know anything about the Egyptian exhibit in the museum?" Klive asked. Xe really didn't want to put stock into that myth but... Xe had to consider every option objectively.

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Red shook her head like she had just received a quick headache. "Figures the bitch wouldn't say anything useful," Red mumed to herself. "Yesh, Ma'am, back home people usually talk longer then 3 minutes...But, whatever I'm out of here." Red started walking back to her locker. "That was pointless."

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{Beach Group- Last ditch effort!}

Arthur looked up at Flaggstarr, pain and hurt in his eyes. This had better work, he thought to himself. "Please, Officer Flaggstarr, we're not trying to be disruptive. We... We just thought this might be related to..." Arthur's voice broke, and he gulped before speaking again. "Officer, our teacher was killed recently. And he was an extremely kind and gentle man, but so far the police haven't made any headway on the case. We're just trying to find out what happened to him so that we can get justice for him." He paused as though it was difficult to continue speaking, then looked back up at the officers around him. "Please, as police officers you guys know what it's like to want to solve a case at any cost. We may not have gone about it the right way, but we're just a bunch of kids trying to make sense of something really sad. Even if you can't let us in or let us stay, can you at least tell us what's going on?" he pleaded with his best sad face.

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Ruined. All that effort to put on his charismatic buisness face, ruined. And he could tell by her expression that she was just about to answer too! Ken would have turned to glare at Zander, but Flagstarr was laying into him enough as it is. So instead, as Flagstarr knocked the wad of cash out of Zander's hand and it fell to the ground... and Ken immediately bent down and gathered it all up for himself.

"Consider this your arrogance tax. I had the situation under control until you had to open your mouth." Ken said sharply to Zander as he stuffed the decently large cash wad into his own wallet. " Maybe instead of just using his name and money, you can actually learn on how to deal with people from that dad of yours. He runs a business, doesn't he?" Ken said, continuing in the same tone. He wasn't exactly pissed, but he really hated it when any effort he put into something just fell flat, probably because he was rarely one to put much effort into things in the first place. He was certainly annoyed at Richie McRich, that was for sure.

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Zander wasn't exactly upset at Ken's theft, but more so at the comment he made afterwards. "Yeah, I'd love to talk to him, if it weren't for the fact that 90% of his time is spent in meetings, 5% getting high with his co-workers, and the last 5% bending the prettiest blonde he can find over his desk! The only time I spend with him is the few seconds it takes for him to knock on my door and drop off whatever bejeweled item he saw his whores wearing." Zander's face had become profusely ruby red and he covered his mouth with his hands. I can't believe I just said that. This is so embarrassing. Zander hung his head and began slowly walking to his scooter. He swung his legs over it and started pulling out the key.

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Dean - Robert

The boy's reaction was "The f**k just happened? I get leaded here to find Charles to find the police. I'm just going safety assume something did happened to him." He turned to Robert and spoke "You heard the chief. Moving on to the pub to find that son of biotch and talk to him." He waited for his classmate to respond.

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  • Veterans


After seeing Mrs Reiner's eyes glow yet again,Charlotte started feeling dizzy like she had during Lunchtime when the same thing had happened. "I'm seriously begining to believe that lady is psychic or something"She muttered before turning towards Red and Setsuna. "Well,I don't know what you're planning but I'd rather not waste anymore time here so I'll see you tomorow I guess."Charlotte turned back around and started walking towards exit that would lead her out of the school.

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Robert could only face palm from the polices orders, and when the just got here too. The only thing that kept him from groaning was Dean's next plan. "Sounds good enough... Atleast with what options we have left..." He began walking back to his bike, disappointed at how quickly this lead dropped.

(@Omega: Feel free to Bunny Robert there)

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Dean- Robert (I just going to change to dobby's recommendation)

After Dean just thought about getting out his skateboard, he spotted his classmates. He turned back to Robert and yelled " Stop, I think we sort of hit jackpot because look over there, our classmates is there so change of plan. We talk to them, agreed?"

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(Beach Group)

Rene was in "shelter mode" as Officer Flagstarr was yelling at the group. The one thing that he did not like about himself is that he would bottle up whenever he was being yelled at by someone. There wasn't much he could really do with the situation at hand and immediately turned timid while he heard Flagstarr yelling at all of the civilians to clear from the beach. While he was feeling this way, there was a small thought rambling through Rene's mind about what might have happened at the beach. He wondered if there would be some way he could still explore the beach, but possibly attack it from a different angle...

He turned towards the group when Flagstarr wasn't looking directly at them and whispers, "Do you think we can still explore the beach if we approach from a different spot? Perhaps we might need to look at this from a different angle if Office Flagstarr won't let us do anything right now?"

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Setsuna was unconsciously entranced by the glowing eyes of the teacher in front of her. When it all ended, she simply got up and slung her bag over her shoulder. "Well, seeing as you have nothing more to say and it's getting late, I'm going to head home." As she walked to the main exit gate for the garden, she looked back at the teacher. In the end, I got something from that. Even if it is minor, I can link these Numbers Cards to some sort of supernatural element. I guess that's a step in some direction.

Setsuna walked through the gate and simply announced to the remainder who were still there, "Whoever is last to leave the garden, make sure you lock the door when you do so…and don't touch any of the flowers or else."

With that, she simply skipped through the gates and headed to the bus.

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[[To: Klive]]

Will looked up in mild surprise. The question brought forth an enthusiasm that made him forget all of the previous anxiety with the student's onslaught. "Oh? Ancient Egypt, you say? Interesting, a fellow classmate of yours came up to me yesterday about that very same topic. Or, at least, about ancient Egypt in general. I told her about the friend of mine that was in town, Ike Johnson, and that he was staying at the Heart Hotel. He's quite a fanatic in Egyptian antiquities and is here for something to do with the museum. I'm a fan of the subject myself, but I don't go to the museum often." Having a topic he could elaborate on finally, the janitor's eyes beamed and it was his turn to look intently into the student's eyes should he have anything more to say on the subject,

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