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Yu-Gi-Oh Roleplay Episode 2: When the Kids are United [AT SCHOOL]

Tomas Elliot

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Red slowly stepped back from the can swiping, fearing that Klive and Luna were going to throw down again . "Yeah...let's get going guys, I don't want to be late for class, so we might as well start walking." Red tries to motion Klive and Luna to start walking out of the cafeteria. "How are we going to approach Will besides being upbeat and friendly? How the heck do you bring up cards and dead people in the same breath?"

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{Arthur, Arial, Rene, Ken, & Zander}

Arthur nodded, thinking back to the vision. "I mean, it would make sense. After all, it is the ACID Golem of DESTRUCTION," he said, enunciating the two main words to emphasize his point. Suddenly, Zander appeared and walked over to the table. Arthur narrowed his eyes at the other boy, and, in the shrillest voice he could muster, shouted, "YOU CAN'T SIT WITH US!"

The blue-haired youth then chuckled and gestured to a desk near him, signaling to Zander that it was actually okay to sit with the group.

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[[Monika, Dominic, and Lane]]

"Well, that at least supports the hypothesis that the Numbers cards and the Izanami Lores are connected." Setsuna sighed. "Well, the jury's still out about the whole cards causing supernatural powers thing even if it seems fairly likely. However, we can safely say that there are supernatural forces or at least forces beyond our comprehension at work. That leaves quite a few angles to analyze this from. The first is through Ayatane Michitaka, who seems to have a fair bit of information about the Numbers Cards and seems to be in possession of one himself. The next is through Ike Johnson who seems to be knowledgeable in Egyptian mythology. Another angle is through searching directly for the culprit in the murder. If Numbers Cards grant supernatural powers, then they may also play a part in the murder. The last and most immediately dangerous one is through the pursuit of the Ice Queen, which I honestly do not recommend. She is in possession of some dangerous power and it may be connected to the Numbers but chasing after her is dangerous. Besides, I would rather like to get more information before going to meet her again."

She then paused and remembered what Lane finished off his sentence with. "Wait, you said over a hundred?! Do you have a specific number? Is it something with a fair amount of religious significance like 108 in Buddhism or something like 110, 418, or 666 in Thelema, an infamous cult that was an offshoot of Egyptian religion?!"

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{Arial, Arthur, Rene, Zander, & Ken}

Roy could help but chuckle after over hearing Arthur shouting in that weird voice. Just loud enough for the group to over hear him sitting down at his desk. He wasn't the greatest at starting conversation so decided to stay silent and remain seated at his desk. It's not that he didn't like conversation he just never felt like talking to people was necessary.

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{Arthur, Arial, Rene, Ken, & Arthur}

Zander let out a light chuckle upon hearing the reference to a movie that he considered a guilty pleasure. He took the seat that Arthur indicated. "Looks as if I'm caught red handed on a Wednesday without any pink on. I hope you'll forgive me! Now, I had one of the worst daydreams ever, but I'm sure it's irrelevant to what you guys are talking about." Zander was picking at the brains of the students before him. Perhaps I can confirm whether or not others experienced the dream. Maybe that can help me piece some more things together.

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(Setsuna, Monika, Lane, Gen.)

"Seems like those cards are pretty troublesome." Dominic muttered, taking a bite of his food. "They add more to this already pretty jacked up scenario we've gotten into." Remembering the vision he saw, Dominic paused, trying to forget it as best he could, but he could only suppress it. Snapping back, he continued, but slammed his fist down before doing so, "However! If these messed up cards are a step forward, we're gonna have to trudge through the visions to find out why!"

"I honestly have no idea what Izanami Lore is, and the name itself confused me to the extreme when I saw it, but if you're all set on finding out, then you can count me in as well." Dominic declared, pointing to the extreme skies. "And no Ice Queen shall stop me!" Hearing his name, Dominic snapped his vision on Gen, and smiled, "And are you gonna help?!" Dominic shouted, pointing at him, and glaring vehemently.

Garden (to Dominic)

"Huh? Why are you pumped up?" He questioned.

"But nonetheless, I will help you. So what did you get from yesterday?

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"Good point, mate." Arial said before she heard a beeping sound from her D-Pad. She laughed at Arthur's greeting for Zander, giving the newcomer a quick wave before she began typing a message back to Klive.

"Party pooper. :( Yeah, we are still going to the beach after class. We found a disturbing lead here so it would be best for us to go after the archaeologist to hopefully piece everything together. Will relay the info. once we get everything together. Keep in touch!"

{Ken, Arthur, Rene, Zander, and Roy}

The soft chuckle made Arial look around as she hit the "send" button. Besides their present audience, who else managed to hear Arthur's comical reference? Arial turned to the source of a squeaking chair and saw that Roy had entered the scene. "Yo, Roy! Get over here! You don't want to miss out on the party, right?" she called out to the lone teen, waving him over to her increasingly big group.

"So, Zander, what would that horrible daydream be? Finding yourself without girls?" Arial teased, putting down her D-Pad gingerly on top of her bag. "In all seriousness, I'd rather have a nightmare than that headache we just had. At least nightmares don't make you want to tear your hair out."

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Gen, Dominic, Setsuna, Lane

As Setsuna was asking Lane a lot of different and apparently weird questions, Monika just didn't talk and listened carefully to the conversation, without being very aware of what was happening around her. She only greeted the newcomer - Gen, it seemed - with a distracted "Oh, Hello" and then noticed he'd started to talk with Dominic. "They seem to be already friends". the girl thought, before trying to make a recap of all the informations she'd obtained. "So, we have over one hundred of these unique cards, who could make us see these 'Inazami Lores' in certain situations, give some powers to their holders and probably make them go crazy. Then, we have the Ice Queen, who could be related to Numbers as she has these powers. We have some options now: finding the culprit, talk with Mr Johnson or being turned into a ice cube by the Ice Queen... Not a good decision. And then, there was Ayatane..." she thought, forcing herself to calm down and not rush into making a decision. Ayatane's words then came to her mind.

"Sorry for interrupting you but there are some more details about Ayatane I'd like to share. He told us that he was determined to find the culprit of Mr Tenjo's murder by himself, and that we'd have been just an obstacle if we'd tried to help... he just wants revenge, but being against us is different, and fairly strange. The Number he was holding could have done this and make him just seek revenge, but it's just an hypothesis." she declared, then adding: "Personally, I don't think that talking to him (again) could be this helpful... I already did, and after the speech, he didn't want to say anything else, like if he told us all he knew... What do you think about this?"

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((Monika, Setsuna and Dominic))

Lane thought for a moment. The vision Acid Golem had shown him had placed the other one further into his memory, until Setsuna triggered it.” That's it! Your Buddhism thing about number 108. That's how many of them there are,” he said before turning to Monika.

“I've been thinking about the next step to unravel this mystery and one name keeps coming up; Ayatane. I want to find him and ask him where these numbers come from. I don't care if it's a dead end, I just need to be sure.”

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"Well if that were the case, I'm living a nightmare." Zander chuckled to himself. Women were the least of his worries at the moment though. "But.. you said you had a headache? I had one to, it was almost like a prelude to the dream. There was something about Izanami Lore and then all the sudden everything was burning and destroyed." Zander paused, the cut across his head suddenly stinging. He cringed for a moment before continuing. "I had my own theory as to what it is... but what happened to you?"

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[[Monika, Dominic, Lane, Gen]]

"108, huh?" Setsuna blinked. "So much for my other ideas."

"Seeing as we are a group of five, maybe it would be better to split up in our investigations. You and Monika can go after Ayatane, then. I will go after Ike Johnson like I did yesterday. Dominic, you should continue looking directly into the matter of the murder itself. We can keep in touch to exchange information." She put out her D-Pad so that she could get everyone else's contact information. "Once we finish exchanging contact information, I would like to close up the garden a bit early so I can do some quick work before lunch ends."

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  • Support Squad


Red slowly stepped back from the can swiping, fearing that Klive and Luna were going to throw down again . "Yeah...let's get going guys, I don't want to be late for class, so we might as well start walking." Red tries to motion Klive and Luna to start walking out of the cafeteria. "How are we going to approach Will besides being upbeat and friendly? How the heck do you bring up cards and dead people in the same breath?"


"The same way one deals with any subject. With either a lot of finesse or a fantastic lack thereof." Klive said to Red. Xe decided not to acknowledge Lunas little jab that xe suspected came from being misunderstood. Some people didn't have a sense of humour, others just had a different sense.

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Charlotte shook her head at Dean. "Sorry,but I've got something I need to do later today maybe some other time. I'd be up for a duel but I kinda left my deck at home today"She gave of a laugh at her own mistake. "Anyways,see you later or something"Charlotte walked out of the building and towards the garden,she'd been thinking about those cards too much today. When she was nearing the area however,Charlotte noticed that Anna was there for some reason,her curiosity once again got the better of her and she went up to her homeroom teacher. "Um,Ms Reiner?"Charlotte asked the teacher after she had approached her.

Edited by Azeria
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(Arial, Roy, Zander, Ken, Arthur)

Rene had been minding his own business for a bit while the others were conversing, but his attention spiked up a bit when Zander made his entrance into the conversation. Zander had mentioned something regarding a daydream and was curious about what Rene and the others were discussing. It got to the point where he was describing what he saw and it was similar to what Rene had experienced too. Rene said to Zander, "What you just said was very similar to what I saw too...I think it was warning us about the destruction of something, but it wasn't pretty. I'm starting to think all of us shared a similar experience there."

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(before) With Setsuna, Dominic, Lane and Gen

I'm still in that zone, so you could talk with Monika after leaving tha garden: she's standing still for a moment.

As Setsuna put out her D-Pad, the other girl did the same to exchange everyone's contacts, then just nodded... Still, she didn't understand why she had to find Ayatane. She probably was an obstacle for him, after all: she was trying to find informations about Mr Tenjo's death. In the end, though, this could have been a good plan.

Monika let go all of her thoughts... The teacher first mentioned Inazami, then we discover that Inazami Lores seem to be named after her and are also connected to the 108 Number Cards. The number doesn't seem to be casual too. This aside, Setsuna had a very good idea: coming here made me feel more calm and relaxed. This reminds me of the garden of my old house... While I didn't use to go there often, that's where I roller skated for the first time. And there was my best friend that day - will I ever see her again?"

She took a brief look at her skates, probably without even thinking about it, before stating that she'd go now and leaving the garden as Setsuna ordered. Only then, she noticed someone else, the teacher, Anna, talking with another student, a girl. But, it was too late and Monika was already about to return inside the school.

But, that was the place where Anna went after escaping from her own students, eager to ask her questions about what happened... There didn't even seem to be a reason for this.

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To Azery

Anna was snapped out of her daydreaming by a familiar voice: as she turned to face her student, her eyes and tone of voice returned back to normal, so that Charlotte didn't notice anything unusual.

"Oh miss Elinas, what brings you here? This is a rather isolated corner of the garden, and lunch break is almost over... Truth be told, I had come here to take a breather after the way your classmates threw a barrage of questions at me earlier today, and well, as I gazed at the sky I was kinda lost in daydreaming. Is there anything in particular you need to ask me?"

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{Arial, Rene, Zander, Ken, Arthur}

Roy sighed as he got up from his chair, 'I guess this would be better then to sit around and do nothing.' He thought to himself as he made his way towards the group. As people were saying that they saw about the same vision he had just a moment ago. "I myself had a vision like that, though I am unsure how to feel about it at the moment." Roy said hands in his pockets.

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[[Dominic, Gen//Anna]]

After Lane and Monika had left, Setsuna turned to Gen and Dominic who were still there. "I would appreciate it if you two do leave as soon as possible. I'm closing down the garden for a bit since I noticed that there is some work that needs to be done. I'll see you around." She made a quick bow to the two before heading to the door to the inner garden so she could get a few supplies to make a couple of much needed signs.

However, as soon as she was near the door to the inner garden, she noticed what looked like Charlotte and Anna near a pair of trees in one of the more isolated areas of the garden. It was odd. Setsuna thought that the Gardening Club had designed the layout of the garden such that there would be no blind spots in it. That was probably just an oversight. Perhaps it would be best to turn that area into a flower patch when the seasons began to change and they had to plant a new set of flowers in the garden.

So, she walked up to them. "You know professor, the area is not completely isolated. While I admit that this is a nice place to take a breather, this should be one of the last places you should consider for hiding from us considering that the garden is like a second home to me and frankly, you look a lot more suspicious sitting in this relatively cut-off area than you would sitting in the faculty room."

Edited by Hiss13
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Garden (To Monika)

Gen, Dominic, Setsuna, Lane

As Setsuna was asking Lane a lot of different and apparently weird questions, Monika just didn't talk and listened carefully to the conversation, without being very aware of what was happening around her. She only greeted the newcomer - Gen, it seemed - with a distracted "Oh, Hello" and then noticed he'd started to talk with Dominic. "They seem to be already friends". the girl thought, before trying to make a recap of all the informations she'd obtained. "So, we have over one hundred of these unique cards, who could make us see these 'Inazami Lores' in certain situations, give some powers to their holders and probably make them go crazy. Then, we have the Ice Queen, who could be related to Numbers as she has these powers. We have some options now: finding the culprit, talk with Mr Johnson or being turned into a ice cube by the Ice Queen... Not a good decision. And then, there was Ayatane..." she thought, forcing herself to calm down and not rush into making a decision. Ayatane's words then came to her mind.

"Sorry for interrupting you but there are some more details about Ayatane I'd like to share. He told us that he was determined to find the culprit of Mr Tenjo's murder by himself, and that we'd have been just an obstacle if we'd tried to help... he just wants revenge, but being against us is different, and fairly strange. The Number he was holding could have done this and make him just seek revenge, but it's just an hypothesis." she declared, then adding: "Personally, I don't think that talking to him (again) could be this helpful... I already did, and after the speech, he didn't want to say anything else, like if he told us all he knew... What do you think about this?"

"Izanami Lore..... I'll look into that a bit further. For now, let's try not to get caught by this Ice Queen person." Gen added as he preparing his D-pad and his deck.

(To Setsuna)

[[Monika, Dominic, Lane, Gen]]

"108, huh?" Setsuna blinked. "So much for my other ideas."

"Seeing as we are a group of five, maybe it would be better to split up in our investigations. You and Monika can go after Ayatane, then. I will go after Ike Johnson like I did yesterday. Dominic, you should continue looking directly into the matter of the murder itself. We can keep in touch to exchange information." She put out her D-Pad so that she could get everyone else's contact information. "Once we finish exchanging contact information, I would like to close up the garden a bit early so I can do some quick work before lunch ends."

"I agree with that. If you encounter somebody that's suspicious, make a call and follow the person."

Gen left the garden and heads back to the classroom.

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As Robert finished up the rest of his lunch, his mind went back to wondering just what that... Image was exactly. 'Sure, it was horrifyingly obvious just what I saw, but... why? Was it just the headache that caused it? If so, just what even caused that bad of a headache?! And how in the heck did it give me such a horrible mental image.' He cupped his head in his hands, trying desperately to make some, any kind of sense out of it. When he finally moved his head up, he spoke to him self out loud. "No, no, it'll be fine. There's a logical explanation for this, just because I don't know it yet doesn't mean it isn't out there. Let's just hope it doesn't involve insanity." Seeing the time, he began to put his stuff in his bag, trying to come up with any way he could distract himself from his own thoughts for now.

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"Or you could just let me do the talking instead of this finance stuff or whatever. I pretty much spent half my day yesterday with the guy and he seemed pretty nice and pretty confused." Luna looked over to Red who moved back a bit. "Oh don't worry about that. As long as you're not trying to scare me or anything, you're safe from the spray."

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  • Support Squad


"Boo" Klive said to Lunas joke in a deadpan voice. "Oh, and I got a response from the others. They'll fill us in on anything vaguely relevant." Klive said, hoping Arial was true to her word.

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"Nothing in particular,besides those strange Number cards that have been popping up lately though I think you've had enough of that from my classmates"Charlotte told the teacher that stood before her. "It's so weird that they pop up now of all times and that people from our class start finding them....Lane even said that the guy he got his card from seemed possessed but how can a card for a game do stuff like that?"Charlotte had wandered back into her thoughts at the end barely noticing she had said it aloud.

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Azery and Hiss

"My oh my"

Said Anna, mantaining her usual poker face and her mysterious smile

"Miss Tsukimura really has it in for me, doesn't she? I understand that you are all upset by the death of your professor, and that it is not easy to accept someone whose declared goal is to take the place of the deceased, but... Don't you think that targeting a professor this much is not a good thing? Coldness, suspicion and now open hostility: whatever did I do to deserve this? I am as upset as you are, don't forget that professor Tenjo was a friend for me..."

She sighed, but her espression was still her usual, emotionless one: it was impossible to tell if she was actually feeling a single word of what she was saying...

"And this applies to you too, miss Elinas: what makes you think I know something about these cards? You and our classmates keep asking me, but I already told you everything I knew: does telling a myth make someone automatically involved in some urban legend?"

As she spoke, something started to change in her tone: it was almost impossible to detect, but there was a strange, sooting, almost hypnotic vibe to her voice... And her golden eyes were glowing softly, like two miniature suns.

You are slowly drifting into Anna's spell. Since you have no idea of what the whole thing is about you cannot resist it (not that you would be able to even if you did know, at this stage), however she is not manipulating you or your memories right now. For the time being she is content with making you feel slightly light-headed, however things might change if she saw that glimps of potential in you that she already saw in Red and Lane... Try and figure it out on your own!

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