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Yu-Gi-Oh Roleplay Episode 1: Heartland Homicide [AT SCHOOL]

Tomas Elliot

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((Arthur, Charlotte, Paul, Anna))

“Oh, uhm hi, Miss Reinier, I didn't see you there. I'm in trouble aren't I?” Lane grinned. “Oh well let's get this over with.” The blond got up and was ready to follow the new teacher, glad to have a way out of his embarrasing performance, when Arthur spoke up. Wow, things just got serious. The guy sure has some guts.

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Dean casually spoke "We got permission to duel in garden as long we don't use ar vision and don't make too much noise. But it's your choice where to duel, personally, I prefer to duel in the garden because more space for my dragons besides I want figure to how to summon my xyz efficiently." Dean proceeds to show Blair his aces, Divine Dragon Knight and Thunder end dragon. I have 2 other xyz."

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To Arthur, then Lane

Oh I am very sorry, it wasn't my intention to talk down your dueling skills. Quite the opposite, actually: I simply stated that both of you have more than this in yourselves. I am pretty sure that something in your tone would be deserving of a scolding at the very least, but I have more pressing matters that demand my attention, and I am afraid your collegue here has to come with me: now if you will excuse us...

And with this, Anna focused on the main event of the day, at least as far as she was directly involved: if she was right, things were going to take a turn in an interesting direction...
She lead Lane away from the table, far enough to prevent the others (or anyone else in the cafeteria for that mattered) from hearing what she was about to say to him. Once she found the right spot, she turned to look straight in Lane's eyes, and her own eyes, whose golden color was already mysterious in itself, had once again that pulsating, hypnotic light that had fascinated professor Falas moments earlier.

My oh my, mister Lazario, it seems your bravado is not enough to win you a duel. To answer your question yes, you are in troubles, your stunt from earlier is something that cannot go unpunished, and apparently you don't even have the skills to bail yourself out of this situation by challenging me to a duel, like many anime heroes would do at this point. However, I am willing to let you go just for this time, on two conditions: firstly, you must promise me not to attempt any silly stunt like that ever again, the last thing I need is attracting too much attention to my classes; secondly, I want you to draw a card from this deck.

Without breaking eye contact for one split second, Anna opened the book she always carried around: in a hidden pocket of the bookbinding there was what looked like a regular Duel Monsters deck. Anna reached for it and held it right in front of Lane's face, the mysterious light still in her eyes and her enigmatic smile still on her face.

The card you draw is "Fool of Prophecy". You are not aware of Anna's mind-conditioning spell, and at this stage you wouldn't be able to break it anyway, but since your character is all about rebellion you may subconsciously resist it. It will still leave you with a headhache tho :P

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Lane stared straight back into Anna's eyes. There was something fascinating about that strange golden color... Only when Miss Reinier told him to draw a card from her deck, which confused him a lot, he stopped staring. “I never considered myself a hero or to be decent ant dueling, but if you like anime so much you know a window is practically the same as a door!” he grinned. “But sure, I won't draw any attention.” His hand had already moved to Miss Reinier's deck without him realizing it as he wondered why he felt excited just to draw a silly card. It wasn't like the carnival where he would win a prize for drawing the right one.

With a swift movement he managed to grab a card, looked at it, and showed it to his new teacher. “Fool of Prophecy. So what do you want me to do with this card now?

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"My deck?" Zander's cheeks flushed. He loved his deck more than anything else, and even though he knew they were just Duel Monsters, every card meant something to him. "Well they're Crystal Beasts! I'm sure you could have guessed though. What are yours?" Zander pointed to Arial and Ken. In the other hand, he arranged the cards back into a stack and put them back in his pocket. If he was going to duel, he couldn't let them see everything.

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{Arthur, Charlotte}

Paul had been so transfixed on the duel that he nearly jumped out of his seat when Ms. Reiner made herself known. After she took Lane with her and left, he turned to Arthur, hoping to continue the conversation, as he really didn't feel up to being alone today.

"Damn, that was quick. How long have you been dueling for?" he asked.

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[[To: Blair]]

She smiled. The girl smiled. Will had never seen that before. He suddenly felt protective of this rare individual.
"Blair? Lovely name you got there. My name's Will Van Dine... Well, my first name is actually Willem, but I prefer Will." He looked up and scratched his head in minor embarrassment, then sighed shortly and looked at her again. "Interesting. I think there are plenty of duel disk-related items in there. Since this whole city is practically built on the game."
Will made a half-turn in preparation to depart and lead the way for Blair.

[[Depending on the situation, follow this spoiler]]

Then he noticed the boy come up. He was the one who challenged Blair to a duel. It seems he was back. He turned back to Blair.
"Oh. I see. Well, what do you want to do?" He asked of her.

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Ken, Sidus

Monika was still staring at Sidus's "Stellarknight Constellar Diamond", amazed. Not only she and Sidus had the same personality, but also very similar decks.

Monika picked up the rest of the cards that were on the ground and placed them on Sidus' desk, then turned around once again as Ken was offering some cookies to the people in the classroom. Monika also took a look around, and noticed Arial using her tablet, then picked up a cookie from Ken's tin.

She was actually one of the few people in the school (or maybe in the entire city) who had not eaten one of those cookies at least once; she didn't even go to Sugar King shops that often.

Monika ate the cookie slowly. It was very different from her hometown's tipical food, there was no Sugar King there but only the baker's, and this made her remember her old home, a big house with a garden near the river, not too far from the town square... It was a lovely place, but Heartland (surprisingly for her) wasn't bad either.

After finishing the cookie, she replied softly "Thank you Ken, these cookies are delicious."

Monika then turned around again, as Arial was still searching informations and she didn't want to bother her again.

"So Sidus uses a Stellarknight deck..." she thought after seeing some of his cards, then she looked at him and whispered: "Sorry, when I picked up your Stellarknight Constellar Diamond I was so amazed... Here, take it. And, by the way, you have a very cool deck!", with a slight smile on her face.

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To Lane

This time Anna had to struggle to keep her focus: the sheer excitement nearly caused her to break eye contact.

He is resisting me. And he really drew that card. It looks like I was right on the money, this person really is the one...

Everything was at long last ready, the wheel of fate had started to turn. Soon, the events would have started unfolding in front of her very eyes, and the path not just of that young man, but of the entrie mankind, would have been undisclosed... A path that she couldn't foresee: she couldn't even remember the last time she had been unable to determine one's future.

Of course, she couldn't say anything of this aloud. All she could do was gently put her hand on Lane's, as a soft white light emanated from the card.

Mister Lazario, I want you to keep this card. Soon enough, you will have to rebeal against something bigger than a couple school rules, and when that happens this card will show you the way. Really, it's almost a pity that, as soon as I walk away, you won't remember anything about this conversation, you are an interesting specimen. But alas, one thing a time...

She smiled. Not in her usual, enigmatic way: it was a beaming, heartwarming, genuine smile, the kind of smile that says more than billions of words. As she smiled, she blinked: and when her eyes opened again, re-establishing contact with Lane's, the mysterious light had vanished, along with the ominous tone of her words and Lane's memories of them.

I hope I made myself clear, young man: don't you ever pull a stunt like that again! You don't want me to have a word with your parents, do you? I am being serious here: I'll be watching you...

And indeed, she meant those last words. Turning around, Anna walked away, leaving behind the card, whose surface was now completely blank, a mere rectangle of paper with the Duel Monsters logo on the back, and nothing on the front. But if Anna's calculations were right, it wasn't going to stay that way for long...

For now however, the professor was happy of what she had accomplished. Looking around, she scanned the cafeteria area, looking for people who could have bought her previous allusion to "illegal duels", which she had "innocently" dropped at the end of her class: maybe there was still something left that she could do, to give events a little push in the right direction...

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{Paul and Charlotte}

Arthur looked at Paul and shrugged. "It's one of the only things I know about my mother. That she loved Duel Monsters." He spread the cards in his deck and pulled two out, showing them to Paul. "These cards are the only things I have left from her. This one is Levia Dragon- Daedalus." He pointed at the card art, specifically the high Attack stat of 2600. "It's a pretty powerful monster on its own, but it's got an amazing effect. It can tribute any Field Spell I own to destroy every other card on the field. And the icing on the cake?" he asked, a slight grin on his face. "By sending Daedalus to the grave I can upgrade him to his most powerful form: Neo-Daedalus, the Ocean Dragon Lord. Not only does his attack increase, but he can use the same effect as his Levia form. In that form, though, it also destroys both players' hands. Imagine the possibilities. If I draw another Call of the Atlanteans after that, I have an entire graveyard full of monsters to choose from." He then looked up at Paul's face. "So to answer your question, I've been dueling since I learned to read."

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  • Veterans

Seeing Arthur winning had dissapointed her but it didnt affect Charlotte that much. As bored as she was however,she couldnt resist going over to the two males and glaring at Arthur once more."If you think you're so good,how about we duel ourselves. It most certaintly lift me out of the boredom i've been dealing with today."She challenged the blue haired boy. Winning or losing didnt really matter right now,this would certaintly uplift her spirit.

Edited by Scublord McFoxy
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To: Himself, and anyone who happens to be nearby his room.
Sitting down at his desk, Gawyn took out his deck and began to shuffle. The encounter with Anna left him feeling very odd, like he had forgotten something rather than remembered. The memory of her was there, but it felt....strange. He abruptly stopped and looked at the bottom card of the deck, like he often did when he was nervous. Noble Knight Borz. He was one of the knights who went on the quest for the Holy Grail, but never made it back to Camelot. First Laundsallyn, now Borz. Both could be dark depending on the circumstances. "What does this mean?" He said aloud.

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"Blaming me and my family for something that was an Accident won't help you one bit. So like someone once said to me,Build a bridge and get over it. Death is a part of our everyday life and coping with it is normal. Holding grudges however isnt."Charlotte said with a straight face. Being rude for no reason wasnt going to get either of them anywhere.

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{Lane, Paul, Anna, and Charlotte}

Arthur stood up and slammed his hand on the table, his frustration boiling over as his sea-blue eyes turned from calm to stormy. "You don't get to tell me how to honor my mother. The blood is on your family's hands and no one else's! Even the media said the accident would have been completely avoidable if your family hadn't tried to cut safety costs! So why don't you 'build a bridge' over your ego and act at least a little bit remorseful. Or do I have to wipe the floor with you in public until I get my point across, you spoiled little brat?" he challenged, raising his voice and not caring that he was making a scene.

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{Charlotte, Arthur}

"I..." Paul didn't have much time to react before Charlotte stepped in. Paul could sense the utter tension between the two and thought he'd have to leave the area before he got caught in the crossfire. However, he was afraid any sudden movement would set their sights on him or something, so rather than risk that, he decided to stay put until asked to leave otherwise.

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Klive had departed from the classroom as stated and was heading to the cafeteria, only to arrive to see a boy Klive recalled to be called Arthur yelling at someone who Klive could not recall. The young duelist decided it would be best to investigate. As xe noticed earlier, knowing xyr classmates could be a boon. Klive walked over, not really with any intentions to interfere but rather just to investigate. "Good afternoon. What's with the yelling? I can't help but think that doing so with a teacher close by is not a good idea. I'd recommend waiting for Miss Reinier to depart." Klive advised to Arthur.

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Blair's mouth twisted. "Can it wait? How about after school? I don't have anything going on then. I'll just head to the garden when class gets out." She turned back toward Will. She would much rather poke through spare parts and work on her project than duel, but she did need to improve eventually. Blair gestured at Will. "Lead the way."

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(To Monika/Open to anyone)

Sidus accepted his cards back with silent appreciation, managing a slight nod in response. -Similar...?- Sidus took the card Constellar Stellarknight Diamond from the top of his deck and stared at it, feeling a wave of sickening nostalgia wash over him. He set it back down and exhaled. After a few moments contemplation, he turned towards the girl that had helped him put his cards together with intent on striking up a conversation. That was, after all, a huge reason he was here so far away from home. Meeting new people! This was a new city, a new way to live life. Despite the caution, aside from the fear of the unknown, Sidus felt the nervous pit in his stomach bubbling over with joy. However, the words were stuck in his throat, his mind blanking before they could take shape. The little blonde boy turned back to his desk, smiling to himself.

"Similar? You must have really good taste, miss" Sidus spoke out loud without thinking to the girl, whose name he believed to be... Monika?

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{Zander and Ken}

Arial turned her eyes away from Luna's scene, giggling again as Zander appeared flustered once more. "Crystal beasts, eh?" She questioned, eyeing Zander down from head to toe. It looked like she was checking him out or something. "Yeah... that definitely suits you to a "T" alright! As for me though..." The green-eyed girl then placed her tablet carefully on the table in order to pick up her gray, messenger bag from the floor. She then pulled out a light green, satin deck box and took out a card in a sky-blue sleeve and showed it off to the two boys. The said card contained a picture of a fierce-looking metallic snake. "Cyber Dragon is the name of my game! I love this deck to death after seeing its original duelist using it!" She then paused, realizing that was about to fangirl and gave an embarrassed laugh. "A-Anyways, what about you... Um... I just realized I never knew your name Mister I-Make-the-Best-Cookies-in-the-World. Haha... I'm Arial Longshire, by the way. Maybe you have heard of that fashion designer brand called Aros? My parents own it..." She scratched her head, hoping Ken wouldn't mind the slip up.

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{Lane, Paul, Charlotte, and Klive}

Arthur's fist unclenched as he turned to Klive and took a deep breath. "You're right. She's not worth it," he said venomously. "I'm going back to class," he said curtly, picking up his things and storming off back to Class 2-2.

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Paul sighed in relief. "Dang, that could've gotten really bad." He though to himself. He turned to address the monotone voice that came from behind him to find a girl... or was it a guy? He really couldn't tell.

"Phew, thanks for making him see reason. Thought he was gonna use me as a battering ram or something." Strange, now that he saw xyr, he recognized young duelist, but couldn't for the life of him put a name to the face, probably because he really wasn't much of a socialite. "Y'know, I see you in class all the time, but I never got your name. I'll Paul, and you are?"

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(Arial and Zander)

Ken grinned as he pulled out a Neapolitan deck box. "Crystal Beasts and Cyber Dragons, huh? Fitting." Ken said with a small laugh and opened the box as he took out a green card that depicted a giant castle made out of sweets surrounded by a bunch of different monsters and showed it to the two. Madolche Chateau.

"As for me, I use Madolches. Sugary and sweet to their core." Ken said as he slipped the card back into the box and looked at Arial, flashing another smile. "And it's fine! We don't talk all that often, and I don't really care too much about fashion, so I guess we're even." He said, sticking his tongue out slightly. "But the name's Ken Sukkar, son of the owner of Sugar King. Nice to formally meet you. And thanks for the compliment." Ken said, flashing a victory/peace sign.

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[[To: Blair, is now in supply room]]

Will gave a humble bow. "As you wish." He then led her out of the cafeteria and back to the hallway of class 2-2. Though situated on the same hall as the girl's class, it was still out of the way and closer to the opposite end. He took out his keycard and pressed it to the digital lock on the door. With a click, it opened.

"Here we are. I would normally warn people about messing with things they don't know about, but I get the feeling that won't be necessary for you." He stepped inside the room and turned on the light. Immediately inside the door was a small area with common tools and equipment on the walls. These were the things that Will used most often, and as such would only have to pop in and grab them if he needed to. The main area of the room was taken up by many rows of shelves containing all sorts of materials and other tools that were not used as often. He figured this is where Blair would find most of the things she needed. More interestingly, however, was an open workspace at the back of the room with a workbench, grinder, drill press, and other semi-industrial mechanisms. Will never understood why they were here in the first place, since it wasn't built to be a shop as far as he knew, but he never had to use them anyway so he didn't bother.

"And you can browse through all you like. Even use that workspace in the back if you want. Most of the stuff in here isn't for immediate use; I keep all those in the front. So I figure it won't be too harmful to have someone use some parts." Will said after the tour was complete.

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