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Tomas Elliot

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And that's the kind of teacher any kid would pray for, though I fear what actual kids would do if given that kind of freedom.

Also, as far as the group, I atleast hope we can come up with a better name then "The Super Secret Number Card Investigation Club." (Jab straight at Zexal anime)

I believe it was just the "Numbers Club" in the original. Blame the dub for that stupid name.

It's not that great of a name, but…meh. It fit.

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By all means do, it was my goal from the start. I am kinda mad that Red, who is an Arcana Number Holder and thus someone I wanted to be involved with this, just up and left, but oh well...

Hey....I'm just sticking to my character...who never misses a meal...if people need to talk to me, all they had to do is meet me at the chow line. :D

because, im bad a chasing people.

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It was at that moment that I realized that none of the PCs are good leader material...


We're teens, we all suffer from flaws. I guess it's just a matter of who can prove their point better.

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Ken could probably do okayish, since he's got experience from working in a small business setting for a few years so he's used to dealing with and corraling people.

That said, he'd also vehemently oppose being the leader cause it would mean him taking an active role when he'd much rather sit back and play mission control. xD

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Fun fact: You really can make Chewing gum at home. It's a bit of a process, but the ingredients are simple enough. Although the first time I tried it, I kind of ruined a pot. ^^;

And considering snickerdoodles are really just a cinnamon sugar cookie, yes, it can indeed exist. Just add actual cinnamon and extra sugar when making your gum. XD

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... That aside, have anyone forgotten that there is a guy here who got Utopia?

I can actually see the point in favor of Lane being the leader: "I... I got an ace monster with 2500 Atk! It HAS to mean something, right?"

(if you are unfamiliar with YGO anime and don't get the joke, refer to Google...)

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... No thanks.

But I might slap those Number Cards around because I think Lane is the only one who fought a shadow duel so far. Correct me if I'm wrong but I have no idea about the information everyone else obtained or if they fought a shadow duel. (He won't refer to it as a shadow duel though)

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For the moment none of you is in possession of any relevant info regarding the case. However, should you finally start informing one another in regards to your findings during the previous topic, you should be able to piece something together. However, be careful not to metagame: Chmchain can refer to duels started by Rogues as Shadow Duels only after listening to DarkLight's story, nobody can realize it is the destiny of Number Holders to lead the others unless they talk to Red, and nobody can figure out just how many Numbers are out there unless they talk to Chimchain (IIRC Ayatane had given the same info to Tacos too). Oh and the fact that Numbers are indeed directly related to the goddess Izanami is only known by Chimchain so far.

This being said, I am going to have Anna suggest that you drop the whole leader thing. And I suggest it here too: I don't really think a defined leader is needed. In-universe, coordinating your efforts by discussing things together at school, and constantly keeping each other up-to-date, would be more efficent than leaving everything to a single person. And from a meta point of view, what if the person who plays the leader has to drop out of the roleplay or is too busy to post?

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Easiest way to avoid Metagaming is to put yourself in your characters shoes and figure out what they would and wouldn't know. Luna can get a little out there so she might be able to figure something out, but not know the name of it.

As for the people having a bit of trouble learning, this parody of a DnD style game is actually a good way to learn what to do and what not to do in RPing. I loved watching these when I was younger.

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