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Regarding Geo

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Though many people know by now, there hasn't been an official announcement yet made, for reasons that will be mentioned just below.

So, the whole hooplah about Geo being banned? Yeah. That.
Turns out, the whole thing was a semi-elaborate prank that he dreamed up basically to mess with the staff.

In other words, his ban was staged. Among the staff, almost next to no one was in on the gig, including myself (otherwise, you all would not have seen such a lengthy parting letter from me to him), and so, this puts us in a rather interesting dilemma.
The timing was horrid, given our auth's recently renewed will to really clean-up the server. Although it was sad, this was definitely seen as a result of that. Or would have been had it been genuine. However, given the fact that it was allowed to happen by the auth, we can't entirely fault Geo.
It's for that reason that he will be unbanned.

In doing this, I must make perfectly clear that the auth's intentions to increase enforcement and continue to foster a more positive and clean environment are not at all reduced. Although he will be returning to the server, Geo/Neku is expected, like everyone else to maintain proper conduct and etiquette, and should he not, we'll find ourselves in a situation like this for real. He's been warned.

There is one final consideration as well, that being that this entire prank thing was in itself, just a very large form of trolling. Trolling, as you all know, is something we specifically do not allow, and thus, there must be some repercussion. Had this not been something allowed by the staff, I probably would just leave him banned permanently, but as it was and I cannot, I'll only leaving him banned for a set period of time.

The debate between the staff over exactly how long that would be has been the cause of the tardiness of this announcement, and for that, I apologize. However, based on his behavior then and since, he will be unbanned on June 6th.

There's going to be a follow-up announcement some time this weekend specifically regarding the Reborn League, and possibly some bittersweet news, so stay tuned.
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*clap clap*
Brilliant on the part of the auth, allying with Geo for the sake of [i]trolling[/i]. This has fully convinced me they completely deserve their positions despite all previous doubt.

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I know, I know. But trust me when I say it's all been discussed and effectively taken care of already. It won't happen again, this is assured.
And by the way, it was only one of the auth. The rest, including myself, had absolutely no knowledge of this. It should not reflect poorly on the rest of them.
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[quote name='Bullet' timestamp='1306457885' post='14725']
*clap clap*
Brilliant on the part of the auth, allying with Geo for the sake of [i]trolling[/i]. This has fully convinced me they completely deserve their positions despite all previous doubt.

What Bullet said took words RIGHT out of my mouth.
Also, I can't help to think about what this bittersweet league news is~
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That's still not going to stop the skeptics. If one auth allows something like that to happen who's to say that they, or another auth won't do it again. Not to mention (No offense Geo) but I do believe that the ban should last solely on the fact that he HAD to have come up with the idea. I also hope the the auth who allowed this is dealt with.
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...See... This wasn't all such a bright idea.... and Ame if thats the set date you have then alright. I'll be in CALI<3 anyways. Bullet probably said what most of the members will be saying/are thinking at the moment. This all seems to actually just set us back in response to us wanting to improve. And Neo, it is up to Ame if the auth gets dealt with or not. We will see in the near future.....

Also, I got dealt with for kicking Aiki, which as you know Ame, [i]should[/i] be alright... So this all does call for some sort if dealing
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Guest Ashley
I love how people automatically assume that all of the auth were in on it, and that we all allied with Geo for the sake of trolling. When in reality, we did not. Trust me when I say that really Ikaru was the only one who was really in on it.
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Quite Frankly Ame, if hewhoshallnotbenamed isn't dealt with it makes a mockery of the whole "re-structuring/ cleanup" of the server.
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Guest Ashley
[quote name='Maelstrom' timestamp='1306459974' post='14736']
It's like April Fool's day. But not on that day. Chill out guys.

Chill out? We can't chill out when the members now assume that all of the authority were in on the joke.
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Auth has a right to be mad Mael. Next, I probably know that (Voldemort) won't be dealt with although it's a mockery of the server's cleanup attempt.
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Chill out Reborn scrubs~ This is the result I told Ame about and been telling him since he promised enforcement after Doro's ban. See how I predict things and they always happen. You guys are actually getting dull and boring the moar stricter you get and your are all also going at each other throats like Animals. I'm not the cause of the chaos, We all are! Ame, you try hard you all do trying to keep the "Fun" while its slowly becoming an Illusion, face the fact you can't be strict and have fun, I said it to you moar then once already in different forms and expressions, I even explain it during your last attempt to "fix" reborn. However I can't blame you, your just a man with a dream. The sad truth is dreams are sweet but they can always turn into a nightmares no matter how much you try to avoid it. I've been watching the server thnx to my birdies, so do you think I don't know much of what happening + hear.

N8 has left and said he had a reason, I known N8 to leave only if theres something going down with the community or a RL problem that he don't want to take fully on us which in this case the Community. Its kinda sad cause N8 is one of the strongest people I know. So basicly something bad must be a brewing which is why I'm saying what I gotta say now. Also TSS, Ice and him was on to me on the things I posted to Ikaru to make it look like a real ban. Wanna knows something funny. SOME OF ITS TRUE!!! sad but its true! Happy~ If ya want I can point out what true and false for you AND LEAVE IKARU ALONE!!! >>Shoe on the other damn foot!

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Well ASSUME makes an ass out of both u and me.

And ALL the mods have their hands in the state of the server before this practical joke began anyways. I suppose you can be all about setting the new example and all that, but I don't appreciate being lumped in with a group that is automatically assumed to launch into conclusions about the authy. I know people in the position of authority generally have to operate with the assumption that the general populace is less than intelligent and have the opposite of the best intentioins, but really? Is that you overall conclusion of reborn?

And really, I think the authy is mad because it exposed the lack of synergy and communication between the mods. And now, they are confronted with the truth of the situation and it just doesn't match with their picture perfect image of themselves. It's ok. Shit happens, mistakes are made and hopefully not repeated. Scapegoatmuchplz.

This is not the ideal restart to a more strict adherence to the rules. And I am not talking about Ika's involvement in an ill-timed joke.
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[quote name='Dominus' timestamp='1306468607' post='14758']
i for one think its fucking hilarious XD
I'm lauging at something too, but tell me what so funny here o.o. If you tell me what ya laughing at, I'll tell ya what I'm laughing at.~ Its only fair right~
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I for one am not mad. Not that I condone this act, but I'm not mad. As Mael said
[quote name='Maelstrom' timestamp='1306459974' post='14736']
It's like April Fool's day. But not on that day. Chill out guys.

Not the best time maybe but hey it happened and as they say what happened happened can't change the past we can only look on to the future and hope.

[quote name='Ashley' timestamp='1306460113' post='14738']
Chill out? We can't chill out when the members now assume that all of the authority were in on the joke.

Let them think what they want Ame's stated the facts Ame tells us the truth if people want to not believe it (lolnaruto) oh well. The two people involved were "dealt" with they know their crime and they're getting punished how Ame sees fit. Some think of this as a step back but it's not. It's a step forward whether it seems like it or not, I see it kind of like a demonstration video. You show it to people so they know what not to do, or the consequences of what happens if you do do something in this manner.

[quote name='NightNight']
As far as I'm concerned, it at least made an example; Look how many people reacted to it, surprised. They believed it, so what's to stop us from doing something like this for real when it's deserved?

Again maybe not the most effective but still as people have said Authy is getting its arms ready for any trolls that happen to want to wonder in and appear, have no doubt in that.

[quote name='Ashley' timestamp='1306459583' post='14732']
I love how people automatically assume that all of the auth were in on it, and that we all allied with Geo for the sake of trolling. When in reality, we did not. Trust me when I say that really Ikaru was the only one who was really in on it.
[quote name='Neo' timestamp='1306459662' post='14734']
Quite Frankly Ame, if [b]hewhoshallnotbenamed[/b] isn't dealt with it makes a mockery of the whole "re-structuring/ cleanup" of the server.
Thank you Neo. Somehow I feel like a thank you is in order.
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I must admit, I saw this coming. The fact that in that he made a pretty nice post and got a lot of replies was enough to make me suspicious. Well done Geo, this will really earn you a nice hang off a clifff once i see you on Reborn.
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[quote name='Owen V. Seattle' timestamp='1306485629' post='14778']
I must admit, I saw this coming. The fact that in that he made a pretty nice post and got a lot of replies was enough to make me suspicious. Well done Geo, this will really earn you a nice hang off a clifff once i see you on Reborn.
I'll take my chances Owen, besides I love how they think making an example out of me stops anything~ Thats not how everything in the world works. The US killed Osama, is its over? No! He took care of 3 countries and provided for them as well as being ze terrorist he was, to me thats enough to fuck over us right thur, enough to cause WWIII + Religion war cause Muslims hate Catholics which is majority of the US. So expect Retaliation in some form or way and expect a new one to rise up in his place. Face it Authy, the moar you pursue this attempt the moar you losing yourselves and your friends, Wake up kiddies, nap time is over! This was never a clean up, its moar of a homocide attempt that not being stop. Your changing to the worse, not for the better. I believe this is some result of not voting for who we want in charge in the first damn place basicly something I told/warn Ame about too. This shows its not much of a community at all, moar like an Hitler type of deal. [s]D.i.c.t.a.t.o.r.s.h.i.p.[/s]

Neo, hmm Is it good to live with little knowledge of what goes on? Especially when you only been here for a month. can a new dog bark as loud as an old dog? Answer this for me.
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[quote name='Geo' timestamp='1306522191' post='14783']
So expect Retaliation in some form or way and expect a new one to rise up in his place. Face it Authy, the moar you pursue this attempt the moar you losing yourselves and your friends, Wake up kiddies, nap time is over! This was never a clean up, its moar of a homocide attempt that not being stop. Your changing to the worse, not for the better. I believe this is some result of not voting for who we want in charge in the first damn place basicly something I told/warn Ame about too. This shows its not much of a community at all, moar like an Hitler type of deal. [s]D.i.c.t.a.t.o.r.s.h.i.p.[/s]

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yes
to half of that
I think I've done a fair job of not losing myself and keeping my friend while doing this job. As for the clean up and mrrrrrrrrrrr I don't really know what to say to that honestly. And the whole voiting for who we want in charge or even being warned of such changes before they happen. That is something I have always complained about to Ame. As for Ame secretly being Hitler, no. I do think Ame has the best intentions of this community even if sometimes he doesn't do it in way that suits some of us, but that is also the tough job of being the leader of an ever growing community, making decisions. Cause Ame can't satisfy all of us just most of us (majority rule). If a huge number of people disapproved of a decision Ame would revise it and try to please Reborn.
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