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[IC] Gaelach Basm: The Starting Point


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(( To diferentiate general actions or "the movements of the world" I wlll be using different colors to denote the movements of each of my characters, and no colors to denote the general actions of NPCs and those around us.

EDIT2: I guess the font was too small. Understandable. Let's try again. EDIT: Since nobody did this let's try a bigger font IMPORTANT NOTE: I request you disable emoticons and signatures in the IC threads to make reading easier and posts smaller even if only a little bit. You can do so in the right of the full editor. <<< No one is following this so I made the font smaller and gave up. When someone dies over this y'all don't say I didn't warn you ))

"Eh? Yer name is on me list.... Bah! A scrawny bastard like ye? Jus' go rite in, den!"

The large man snarls at you and moves away, allowing you access to a small room, much differently prepared than the rest of the bar. The rotten floorboards are covered by an intricate and somewhat beautiful carpet, even if a bit dusty and rotten; The walls were adorned with swords and spears, all old, rusty and tarnished, likely in a desperate attempt to impress the royalty housed within. The sight reminds you of an old whore, caking layer after layer of make up in a desperate attempt to gather more clients. Your gaze is then focused at the lone table on the center of the room, containing a map of Sigeto and Éire, but most importantly, the three people around it. They seem to be locked into an intense discussion, as you move away to position yourself for the meeting, you begin to overhear.

"...Ah don' care what ye think is best for da mission lass, splitting up is suicide! We should'a be movin' with an army, not a buncha scrawny weaklings ye mighty Lord's men thought were sumwat useful!"

The large man speaks the loudest, and hearing his words is simple. His heavy accent reminds you of the sea, and most specifically, their pirates. The fact you know him to be Asgall, a renowed one, is probably the biggest reason why you're reminded of that, actually. His body is covered in furs and leathers, and each of his sides lies strapped a large hammer. As he smashes his fist on the table, rattling the rotten thing to it's foundations and nearly shattering it to pieces, a more controlled voice raises to make itself known.

"Patience, Asgall."

The voice comes from the most stunning female form you've ever seen. Ailios is a known sorceress with an unfortunate name (which often gets her connected with Aillios, the vampire queen) and the fact the beauty of the sorceresses is fabricated by their own magic, you realize, matters little. There's no doubt any men who could have this woman in their hands wouldn't bother about who they might look like under her spell, only under her clothes.The woman leans in somewhat unladylike fashion against her staff, her dark dress tightly clutching the curves of her body as she stares with defiance up to the pirate.

"After the briefing, we can discuss whether or not the people recruited are weak or merely of... Unpolished potential."

"Well, all our guests have just arrived, so I think we are about to find out."

The last voice carried with it the authority of royalty, and Iain makes his presence known. He's clad into the Byrne's family signature armor; Several tanned leathers cover his body with the exception of a single metal shoulderplate with the face of a lion adorning his left shoulder. The ignores his companions, turning instead directly to you.

"I will begin the briefing shortly, but there are a few words I'd like to say first. Each person in this room is a hero. Each of you is already worthy of being marked in history, for true courage comes not from action, but the willingness to act; Action itself is merely a consequence. For this, I thank all you, brave men and women, for joining me in my quest.

I know some of you may have reservations about our current numbers or the past lives of our companions but I ask that you relieve yourself of them. Our numbers are necessary for the stealth we will employ. The Armies failed because they presence was known from the start, and the vampires attacked before they even reached our shores, the Leviathan making short work of the rest of them.

But we won't be that foolish.

I ask that you forget the past of your companions and any crimes or sins they may have commited. Remember none of us are pure, and that we will need to love each other as brothers and sisters if we hope to survive our quest. If we fight among ourselves, we become the allies of our enemy, and the enemies of our cause.

I ask that all of you take your seats, and we will begin. "

After he says this, he seats himself down at a stool directly in front of the small table. Asgall and Ailios silently take their own seats by his side. Several other stools are lined along the walls of the room.

Now there is only one question left to ask yourself:

Which seat can you take?


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As Roland moved into the room, he felt the eyes of the three leaders upon him. He was a man of relatively average height and build, but the gentleness of his eyes was contrasted sharply by his thick blond stubble and the deep scar running down the right side of his face. It had apparently healed well, being the same color as the rest of his well-tanned complexion, but was nonetheless an eye-drawing feature. He was clad in a gray cloak and brown leather armor fitted with one heavy strap across the chest and another thin one that came to join it from the opposite shoulder. As his cloak fluttered from his movements one could see the small sheath that held three throwing knives tucked against the left side of his chest, as well as the longer sheaths that contained the long knives he wore about his waist. He moved with a natural grace like that of a springtime buck as he crossed the room toward the seats. Roland nodded curtly to Iain, moving quietly to the farthest seat along the wall and claiming it as his own. He rested his longbow against the wall and sat down, silently observing the rest of the men and women in the room.

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Richter took his seat on the chair closest to the bottom left corner of the room. He felt the leaders' gaze on him. His whip was attached to his belt on his left hip. Everyone here was clearly not someone you'd want to cross. All of them had an aura of power that he could feel all too well. He liked the idea of having such good allies, and waited patiently for the rest to take their seats.

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As Karn started towards a stool he felt the presence of all the eyes in the room following his movements. He took a stool and sat close to the leftside wall. He took off his armour and sword and started cleaning them. Looking at Iain and the others, he gave a polite acknowledgement and went back to work.

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Dorian, oblivious to the tension some of the others had, strolled into the room to take a seat in one of the chairs set out for them. It creaked ever so slightly under his weight, but seemed to hold. Dorian looked at his new friends, grinning from ear to ear at each of them, noticing a few of the women much more than the men. He still kept his attention on the matter at hand, though Ailios made it more difficult than would otherwise be necessary.

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Raven casually strolls down whistling as he briefly scouts each of the member's belongings. Raven chooses the chair in the right middle. Almost directly in front of the leaders and in between the archer and the swordsmen. as he sits down, Raven looks directly at Iain as he released a cocky smirk and adjusted his leather glove.

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Kryst casually walked over to any random seat with his hands in his pockets. He pulled out the chair and took the black blade from his back and leaned it against the table where he was going to sit and plopped himself into his chair hands behind his head leaning back.

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A heavy sigh from the world, people, many people. Hopefully, they didn't see me. I didn't like being seen. People judged harshly. They didn't understand when they payed attentions to me.

So thought Zix. He had once again crossed the lines of humanity to fulfill his purpose. He clanked together his cobalt talons nervously. Most of the bar patrons didn't even notice his presence. They ignored him. Zix was glad there wasn't much magic here, it was drawn to him in a most annoying way. For those that didn't see him at all, those with magic found it hard to not look at him sometimes. They assumed, he was a vile presence one that seeked power. He did not. Zix didn't understand it, or it's draw. He merely wanted to act on and complete his purpose. Zix wandered, his heavy boots clanking on the ground. The chains that held his giant black cloak in place clanked as well. He always had his hands out in front of himself. Nervously clanking his talons. Would they want him here? He wandered around for a bit, before wondering where to sit. It was almost impossible to find a seat away from people. He decided to try and sit next to one he believed had no magic at all, and wouldn't pay him any heed. He sat next to the swordsman ((karn, just to be clear.)). Hopefully this man payed him no heed. Zix wasn't looking to flee yet another town he wasn't welcome in.

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So, seems the rumors I've been hearing were true after all...Maya thought to herself as she made her towards the back of the room after the introduction finished, the hood of her white long coat pulled over her head and concealing her face as she made sure to take note of every single person she passed, memorizing their faces and what they looked like, her sharp eyes never lingering for more than a few seconds, as to not give away she'd been looking at all. There really is a resistance force that's underway. I wonder if Freyl has any idea, where ever he is...

Her shoulders and upper body were clad in the White and red cloak of her Order, her Bow tucked under the leather strap of her quiver on her back, made of a combination of rough hide and leather, the arrows tipped with scarlet red feathers, so deep in their hue one had to wonder if they had been freshly dipped in blood. She could feel her cudgel tapping against the side of her thigh through her coat as she walked, a carved length of wood with a rather slender handle and a gnarled head bound with a single steel ring beneath it's apex, seemingly just a random club with nothing special about it. She took a seat near the back wall before long, saying nothing to those sitting nearby as she waited for the briefing to begin.

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Upon walking into the room, Ayak noticed that he was among the last to arrive, deducing the fact from the eleven other people in the room who had already assembled prior to his arrival. Without a second glance, he walked up to the central table, and bowed to each of the leaders in deference, following which he turned around and bowed to the assembly in general. 'I look forward to traveling with such esteemed personages.' he said as he straightened up, and eventually settled on the floor right by the frail looking man swathed in black, noting how his new neighbor flinched ever so slightly as he took his seat. As the attention of the others were slowly returned to their respective tasks, Ayak continued observing each one in turn, and kept his thoughts to himself, yet smiling and nodding at anyone he managed to make eye contact with.

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What a sorry lot of mongrels and commoners. I almost have to agree with Asgall. Keeping her private thoughts to herself, she gave Iain a formal bow -a curtsy would be rather out of place given she wore her armor- and took a seat as close to Iain as she could, as was her right. Silef moved her gaze over each of the others in the room once again, nearly letting out a sigh. A couple hunters, some commoner with a whip, a few scruffy swordsmen, and some old coot, though that one actually seemed to have a bit of courtesy.

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Wintershed enters the room with a quiet step, peering around him as he does so. He spots Iain and offers him a quick nod, after searching for an empty place to sit.

Ayla steps inside with the controlled grace of her heritage, her ears revealing a hint of nervousness by perking up ever-so-slightly to pick up the sounds of the room around her, much like a wild animal preparing to dart away. She moves gingerly, with calm and almost soundless steps towards a nearby chair, and seats herself.

Iain nods. "And now that we're all properly seated, let us begin."

He clears his throat and points to the map in front of him. "Listen, friends. Our objective is a simple one in essence - It is to kill a man. Despite what the legends forged in the last year say, he is merely a man, and sword and arrow and spell hurt him as much as they do us. Remember this. Our enemy will try to flaunt their strength, their numbers. Let us not falter by this; For in the end, we know they all die much the same." He nodded at no one in particular, and continued. " However to reach our objective and the demise of the Lunamancer, there are other objectives we must achieve.

The Lunamancer has three guardians: Mihai, in the lands of Sigeto. Aillios, in our very own Éire. And Leviathan in the seas that keep up apart.

In Sigeto tales tell of the werewolf Mihai, who has gathered his kin and organized an army of beastmen. We don't know the state of Sigeto, but given the nature of werewolves, and the perpetual full moon, it's very likely most of our allies are dead and their cities razed.

There is however, one city that would not be so easily destroyed. The capital city of the kingdom of Vechul, Devel, is an unpenetrable fortress. i'm sure we can find allies - and with luck even an army - there.

Here in Éire the Vampires stick to the shadows, as they always have, but the eclipse has made them more active. Too often do we hear tales of an isolated village being wiped out overnight with no trace of survivors left, just empty houses and empty lives left behind. " He frowns, then continues. "Too often. "

"In the Morzengeri Sea lies the beast Leviathan, and with it our greatest issue. Leviathan crushes any ship that tries to cross it's domain. With the Leviathan around, it's impossible for us to get to Sigeto. To circumvent this issue, we've created a plan.

We will separate ourselves into three teams. Each team will go after one of the three enemy generals. One team will say behind in Éire, to hunt down and kill Aillios, where the other two teams will make use of Asgall's twin ships. While one team distracts the Leviathan by attacking the Lunamancer's tower directly, the other team will piloteer the remaining ship through the outskirts of the Morzengeri. It's... Risky, especially for the team going head-to-head against the Leviathan, but it is necessary.

Which brings us to the first matter we will discuss today. We need to separate ourselves into these teams."

"Jus' know dat aye ain' fight-" Asgall attempts to cut-in, but is instead cut off.

"Later, Asgall. First we decide who will join each team. Then we will decide which team will take on which mission.

Well... I assume you all have already heard of us three in some way or another, so perhaps you have a decent measure of our abilities. We do not have much on all of you despite what little our inteligence gatherers could find. So we will trust you all to decide in whose team you'd better fit... Though, of course, given our we number at fifteen, I'd say it's only fair each team is composed of five members. Well...

Discuss among yourselves. You're free to ask us anything you think will help you make your decisions... You're free to let us choose who we'd rather have in our teams if you want, as well, of course."

(( We are now in a party-break. During the initial phase (Discussion phase) the turn order does not have to be followed as players can discuss among themselves (and the NPCs, although only I can control them) freely. Do not see this as an excuse to make several small posts, though! Think quality, not quantity!

The discussion ends January 4th, 2015. At which point the players must present me the following list, completely filled:

Asgall Ailos Iain

<Slot 1> <Slot 1> <Slot 1>

<Slot 2> <Slot 2> <Slot 2>

<Slot 3> <Slot 3> <Slot 3>

<Slot 4> <Slot 4> <Slot 4>

This list can be either posted in the OOC thread or sent to me via a PM. Afterwards, we proceed with the turn orders until the next decision (Which is right after this one, anyway)

So feel free to discuss! Whether ICly or OOCly, decide which character you'd rather join, and who will be joining whose party.

If the final decision is reached before the 4th, we'll continue from when it's submitted.

Also, if this post is badly written you'll have to forgive me. The lack of sleep isn't helping, but I wanted to get this done today. ))

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Silef stood immediately, her decision already made. "The team assaulting Aillios will be benefiting from my power. The beasts have sullied my honor, it is only right that I destroy them." She looked around at those in the room. "Which of you lot will be joining me?" The noblewoman carried herself with every inch of the pride and arrogance that she was entitled to and more, and this showed in her voice as well.

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"This one, your honor doth carry no weight if you lie dead." Zix said not moving a single inch. He sat still in his chair, not making an effort to look at Silef at all. He merely pointed at her with one of his cobalt blue talons. It glistened in the light of the tavern, a sleek and shiny glow. It was clearly some sort of metal. The giant black wrought iron chains on his cloak clanked slightly with his hand movement. How one didn't notice Zix was beyond anybody, his outfit made it seem like he didn't even try to hide from people. And yet those without magic, or that he didn't directly address, just seemed to ignore his presence. The bar patrons surely would have noticed one like him sitting there, and yet they didn't they carried on as if there wasn't a black cloaked being covered in chains. "But, your spirit that is another matter. Your resolve is strong.... it echos in the room. I can feel it even though it doesn't beckon to me. It is a shame that honor holds that spirit hostage, keeps it from being truly powerful. I will fight beside you, but only because I want to see your spirit."

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"Eh, I'm more of an adventurer, Just take care of that sea monster for us, and I'll make sure we'll infiltrate the outskirt of Morzengeri successfully" Raven said with a toothy smile on his face. His facade seems trustworthy enough yet somehow you can tell there's something shady about this man.

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Ayak took a stand, and moved himself over to where the Zix and Silef had already started to form a group of sorts. Looking at the both of them, he beckoned the both of them to come closer, smiled earnestly and said: 'If you two would have me, it would be my honor to fight alongside you.' Even as the words left his lips, he could sense the local spirits affirming his decision, telling him that he was on the path intended for him by the great spirit. Even so, he could sense a misunderstanding occurring between the leaders and the others present. He would have to remedy that.

He addressed the entire room, saying: 'But even as i present my petition to you two, i believe that we have not truly answered the question that our esteemed leaders have posed to us.' Sparing a glance in Iian's direction, Ayak continued: 'They have decided to go about this by first allowing us to choose who we wish to serve under, only after which our respective adversaries would be determined. 'Mi'lady, i believe it would be unwise to choose a task before we fully take into account our assets, that in this case being our teammates.'

Taking the slightest of moments to deliberate the choices at hand as well as to recall what the spirits had told him about his future partners, Ayak addressed the two before him. 'If i am mistaken, do forgive this humble monk of his foolishness, but i gather that you, my hooded friend, are a highly accomplished summoner of some sort with multiple arcane beings at your beck and call, while mi'lady is a noble warrior who fights with implements fashioned of shining light.' Ayak now had a rough idea of their talents, but realized that they still knew nothing of his. No matter, he would just clarify the extent of his abilities to whoever his teammates were when all this sorting was said and done.

'Bearing all this in mind, i believe our abilities would synergise greatly with those of our great mage Ailos,' as he gestured in her direction, 'seeing as to how we lack any form of misdirection and subterfuge amongst our tentative team, and with a summoner who can bring to bear otherworldly beings to assist in our fight, i doubt we would require the hulking offensive wall that Asgall brings to the table. However, this is but the opinion of a simple man such as I, and i am sure that you two will be able to come to a wiser decision than i have.' Upon saying his piece, Ayak bowed in the direction of Ailos and drew up a nearby chair. He sat down once more, while beckoning for both Zix and Silef to grab chairs of their own. He continued to observe the room, noting the alliances that were starting to form between those present, but most of his attention was focused on Zix and Silef with hope that they would muse on what he had said.

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"Hmmm, a leader first we must entreat, for we are duty bound to know he who we follow, before where we tread our feet." Zix, said, following the gentleman. Zix however was hardly impressed at the fact Ayak knew of his abilities. One only needed to pay attention to him, and they would know. For Zix didn't hide anything, it others that hid from him. "I agree." 2 words, simple, short and sweet. His black cloak whirled behind him as he walked, the giant iron chains clanking against one another. "Also, you have a simple understanding of pacts if you believe they are at the beck and call of all you summon. A Summoner forces beings against their will to act. I am not a summoner. I am a Caller. I only call them to do that which they shall do. I can be a summoner, but I am a Caller. A Caller is a summoner, where as a summoner isn't a Caller. A lot like squares and rectangles."

He sat next to Ayak, not even bothering to get his name. He would learn this one's name in time. "So the call of Ailos is answered by a Caller, and a batty old man. Shall we add a Golden Maiden with the spirit of a lion? And who perchance would be the fourth?"

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Dorian was struggling to understand the small sorcerer, or was it Caller? Despite his lack of understanding of most of his words, he went over, stood tall and grinning at the three who might be his companions. "If you don't mind havin' me, I'd like to take a crack at cleaning out me own country of the parasitic buggers." For a second, Dorians smile turned into a fierce scowl. "Werebeasts I cannot speak of, but Vampires are a heresy to the formula of nature." After that brief sentence, a smile returned to his bearded face. "Anyways, if you wanna know what I can do, I suppose I have a knowledge of the elemental magicks, though not on the level of the grand mages of old. I can also bolster my own bodies abilities and have a knowledge of healing to boot, something I'm afraid we'll be needing. Oh, and I know animals and plants, I spent sometime with a clan of druids a few years ago, learned from them lot. An' this is me own country, I spent years travelling, I know this country more intimately than most others could say."

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Karn walks up to Iain, looking him straight in the eyes and says, "I am at your service Iain. I will follow you wherever you may lead. There is something you must know about me. My abilities allow me the control of water, and thus would be of good help in crossing the sea as well as battling the sea beast. My ability to control water would work well with your skills should we encounter storms on our journey, and your ability to maintain a fire and mine to draw fresh water would help our group survive some of the harshest lands."

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Upon hearing Zix's words, Ayak realised what an insult it was that he had directed towards Zix and hastened to make reparations. 'Hmm, do forgive the ramblings of this uninitiated fool, o great caller, for it would seem you share a bond similar to those you call as i do with the spirits around us. I was a fool to assume that you were the same as most others who call upon those not of this world.' He hoped that his words would pacify Zix, for he himself knew well the feeling of anger when others referred to the spirits as his servants.


Soon after the conversation ended, Ayak noticed the hulking giant lumbering towards them. As Dorian, as he called himself, made his introductions, ayak thought: 'Though i doubt we need a frontliner, and as much as i'd like some ranged support from one of those hunters, he does seem nice enough. I will trust the workings of the great spirit on this one. Furthermore, my studies may have given me some knowledge of the lie of the land, yet there is no beating what you experience first hand. Some form of sustain would be more than welcome as well.' All this took but a sliver of time in Ayak's mind, and as soon as Dorian finished his introductions, He stood up, took the man by his hand, and said: 'Although i cannot speak for the others, i for one would be honored by your addition to Ailos' party. I am Ayak Tanahmas, and i look forward to facing our future trials and joys with you, Dorian.'

Now that he had spoken with two of the others who were to join Ailos, Ayak decided that it was high time he met with the leader that they had chosen. Moving surely towards the table where Iian, Asgall and most importantly Ailos were seated, he bowed once again to her and said: 'Although i am but a humble monk travelling to see the world, i would still strive to be more than just an observer, a passive factor in the workings of fate. No matter which arm of this operation you assign us to carry out, i pledge myself to serving this cause. My kris and my skills are yours to use as you see fit until this menace is satisfactorily dealt with.' Having said this, he the took up a position behind Ailos, while subtly motioning for Zix and Dorian to come forward and officialize Ailos as the one who would lead them in their quest.

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Iain offered a small nod to Karn. "I appreciate your enthusiasm. Find the other three who will be joining us, then, and we can continue onto the more pressing matter of who will fight whom."

Asgall, who was previously in a heated discussion with the lord offered Karn instead a derisive snort. "Feh! Yer kin' wouldn' survive a day with me crew 'nyway, mate. Might as well serve lord goody-pants."

Ailios ignored most of the conversation around her, resting boredly upon her staff. When she is approached by Ayak, she instinctively straightens herself up in her seat, nodding to the monk. "I see. That is... Good. I'm sure that, as most of us are all students of magicks of some sort, we will get along swimmingly. And with the powers we command, there should be no threat we cannot deal with!" She'd offer Ayak a thumbs-up, but the monk would instead maneuver himself to stand behind her, causing her to stand in awkward silence for a second. "Erm! The briefing will actually take a while still, so... I think I'd be better if you sat, sir? You and whoever else who wants to join me can just get to know each other while we wait, okay?" She'd try to offer the man a warm smile over her shoulder, hopefully dismissing him back to his seat.

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Dorian grinned when the Ayak too his hand, but when he gestured o come talk to ailos, he shook his head, then looked to Zix. Dorian could tell this one was strong, and whilst he couldn't define the aura around Zix, Dorian knew he was a powerful Ally. "What of you, friend? would you tell me of yourself? Or you, milady?" He bowed his head to Silef when he spoke, he could recognise a noble, even if he didn't know his courtly manners.

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'Well, it would seem i have made a clown of myself, mi'lady Ailos.' Ayak said with a laugh after hearing Ailios' comment about his actions. 'It would be my pleasure to do as you suggest.' He made a mental note to correct the enchantress about her misconceptions concerning his abilities at a later date, seeing as he knew no magic at all- his abilities were solely to do with conversing with spirits and allowing them to take residence in his body instead of the manipulation of mystic forces. Ayak then returned to where Zix, Silef and Dorian were situated, and listened to the conversation that was going on within the group as Dorian attempted to gather information about Zix and Silef. He could tell Dorian what he wished to know, but such information was the kind that had to be revealed by the person in question. And so he sat, watched and listened as the spirits and people continued to converse around him.

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"There is nothing to tell. Words are as fleeting and meaningless as sunlight. There once, gone soon after. You know all that I can say with words. I would show you all you need to know, but I don't think the keeper of this establishment would be happy with the company I call friends. They tend to be......... flashier than I to say the least." Zix said, clanking his metal talons together. It had to be strange talking to one who's face couldn't be seen, it was lost somewhere in the thick black hood. They would have to figure he could see out of it, but others really couldn't see in. Zix probably did this for a reason. His appearance would have told as many stories as he could of with words. He didn't add anything else, only standing there in relative silence. It was hard to be entirely quiet when your cloak was covered in chains.

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"I'll join your party," Maya said, approaching the Lordling and Karn from behind, having overheard the conversation. "My Fire magic and the healing capabilities it grants me can serve as a powerful advantage in the field, as can my Marksmanship. A word of warning though," She held up her left hand, a small bout of snow white flame sparking to life in her palm, though it burned dimly, flickering to and fro often as if caught in a tempest. "This eclipse that's been plaguing the continent has been having an adverse effect on my abilities; My healing won't be at it's full strength if we decide to be the ones to pursue the Vampress." She closed her hand, extinguishing the fire as she dropped it back to her side. "And for obvious reasons, taking me along to fight the serpent would have mixed results at best. But If we pursue Mihai on Sigeto, where there's no Eclipse and no vast amount of open sea constantly surrounding us, then I can offer you all my full support in combat, with no hindrances at all."

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