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Pokémon: Aftermath #3a - In the Thin Ice [IC]


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As the bird landed, Nemir pulled a package of pokefood out of his coat pocket. "Since it's about time for a break, I figured our pokemon would want rest and food as much as we would, so I brought this with me." He smiled before saying "I made it myself. You tend to pick up a thing or two over the years. Everyone gather your pokemon around, they all can have some" He gave some to Vis and Lockhart and waited for the others before saying "Now...does anybody have any human food? I only brought enough crackers and energy bars for myself...."

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Lockhart was shocked that the man would offer him food, and in his suspicion flapped away in a panic. He made sure to maintain a distance between the man and himself.

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Nemir sighed. He had figured this would happen. He put Lockharts food a few feet away from where everyone else was gathering, and told them to leave it alone in case the bird wanted it.

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Sarcus rolled his eyes and pushed ahead. "Absolution, Flamethrower." The Absol appeared to focus for a moment, then a jet of flame shot forward ahead of his trainer, melting a clean path through the snow. Sarcus made sure to wait a moment to ensure water didn't splash onto him, then proceeded forward much more quickly than before.

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Carissa huddled herself closer to Jory as he was telling her the story of his life in Lilycove. Some instinctive feeling inside of her wanted to make her huddle closer to him every time things seemed to get worse in the story. She wasn't even aware she was doing just that until by the end of the story, her face was smushed against his shoulder, as she let out a couple sniffles, one out of sorrow, the other from feeling a little under the weather. She shivered as she spoke. "Th-th-that's terrible J-Jory. And no, don't be upset about telling me. I'm a perfect person to confide to, considering I barely speak, normally. At least you have a family who truly loved you and you reciprocated that love as well. I wish I had that." Carissa let out a sniffle again, as a tear slid down her cheek, but instantly froze as it reached her lips.

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Jory looked down at Carissa and couldn't help but feel closer to her as she listened to him. When he noticed her shivering, he wrapped his arm more tightly around her.. Finally, she let a single tear roll down her face and Jory frowned, his self-pity turning into empathy for the girl who had clearly lost more than he had, even before Dawn's rule became ironclad. "What do you mean by that, Carissa? And you don't have to tell me if you don't want to; I understand not wanting to talk about the past." He looked to her for an answer, even his curiosity overridden by concern.

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A sudden pang of guilt flew through Carissa's body. My story isn't as awful. And now he's giving me sympathy thinking I've had it worse. "I-I-I just never had a loving family. All I did was get made fun of by my sister, my parents never cared. My mother was a slut and my father was a cheating bastard. I just left it all when I turned 18 and that's how I got to Lilycove. Not as tragic as your experience I must say." Carissa sniffled again. "I'm so very sorry."

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Raito managed to avoid the clumps from hitting his face but, unfortunately for him, some of them did catch his leg. As a result, the Jolteon tripped and landed face first into the fresh, white snow. Once he finally got out, the Jolteon had feathery, white particles stuck onto his fur. His nose also had a little pile of snow on top of it to boot. He quickly shook the snow off, or some of it, before he charged straight for the Houndoom once more.


"S-Same here," Miki stammered towards her companion. She was in shock that the situation dissolved that quickly, considering how heated it was before she stepped in. "Or maybe it's just him. At least he backed off for now..." The girl observed Nemir as he looked disappointed that Lockhart, the Honchkrow, took off in a hurry. "Do you think those two clowns would want a break for food? I kind of feel bad for Nemir getting dumped by a Honchkrow." She giggled before she found herself stepping on a real path. Glancing back at the road ahead of them, Miki noticed a familar face with the Absol. "Hey, Sarcus! Absolution! Come join us! Nemir said he has some Poke food!"

((The clowns being Lobo and Raito.))

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Now that the situation had been diffused... somewhat, Seth called Gigawatt out from his Ultra Ball to grab some grub. Gigawatt walked over to the gathering place and plopped down, looking at Nemir with the same smile he usually wore, letting out an innocent cry.

"Well, seems Giga wants somethin' to eat." said Seth as he made his way over. "As for me, I brought some ready-to-go packages of soup from the Gym, thought it might make for a nice meal." He tossed one of the cans to Nemir.

"All we gotta do it heat 'em then twist the lids off. I can do the honors of preparing it if you want."

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Jory chuckled to himself, appreciative of the sympathy but having received more than his fair share in his lifetime. "From everything you've heard, does it sound like my brother would have wanted me to sit here and pity myself? Or to have people who need to keep on fighting the good fight take it as a tragedy?" The Trainer shook his head, looking over to Shredder. "To value life is one thing. To obsess over it... Well, that's a different story entirely. We walk a fine line, and there's no room for us to stop moving forward just for the sake of looking back. Maybe one day. Maybe after we've toppled Dawn and restored balance to the world. But until then, we have to learn what we can from those who have fallen before us." He into Carissa's eyes, a stern expression on his face. "My brother's death has affected me in a lot of ways, but the one thing I drew from it was that we can't stop living just because the people we love are gone. We're the ones who are still here. We're the ones who can make a difference." He looked over at Shredder and smiled. "Plus, we'll always meet new people. They can't replace the ones we've lost, but they can open us to a whole new experience."

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"So, dumped by a honchkrow, huh?" thought Vis. Nemir laughed a little and said "Like that time with you and the gardevoir?" "That was difer-....just let me eat" Nemir laughed again and called out to Jory and Carissa. "I'd hate to break up this heartwarming moment, but we are settling down for a break. We've got crackers and now soup as well as my special homemade pokefood. Well sort of...If I had a home." as he caught the can that Seth tossed him and turning to him said "Thanks, you can do it since, well the only fire move Vis knows is Blaze Kick and I dont think kicking soup is much of a good thing" Then he spread out the rest of the pokefood and waited for everyone to arrive.

Edited by DragonMasterKrim
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"Maybe not effective, but it'd certainly be interesting." He looked to Gigawatt sitting patiently.

"Hey, you mind helpin' us out here?" Giga looked over his shoulder at Seth questioningly, then realized what he meant. Seth put the cans in a clump together in front of Giga.

"Giga, use Flamethrower on the cans. Lightly now, we want soup, not lava."

Giga nodded and made a light stream of fire appear from his mouth, heating the cans to just the right temperature. After a minute or so of this, Seth told Giga to stop, as the soup was now properly heated.

"Alright everyone, get it while it's hot, 'cuz it won't stay that way for long!" He said as he took his share.

Edited by SilverJakler
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Skarmory settles down next to Pine, it's metallic body cold to the touch. "Mind if I have some?" Pine asked the man with the Electivire. As he approached the cans he felt some snow piling against his legs as a yellow puffball flies by. "Seems like their having enough fun" Skarmory stood at her post. The elder pokemon acted so prideful and arrogant. "You all look like you've been with your pokemon for your whole lives it makes me feel a little off... How long have you all been traveling with them?"

Edited by Rielly987
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A sudden sensation came over Carissa as Jory finished his last sentence. Is he trying to say something? That maybe I can open him up to something new. "Well if that's how you want it to be, then who am I to argue it." Carissa looked back up at Jory's face. "Looks like I know who'll be my first priority to save on the battlefield, then." She gave a teasing wink then nestled herself closer to Jory, even though she was beginning to warm up.

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Walking north along with the group,Micheal realized that he had been taking the heat in Eterna and Floaroma for granted as even in the winter,those Areas were NOWHERE near this cold.Fortunatly for the Lumbering Snorlax behind him,his ability thick fat prevented him from being hurt by the cold too much."By the lord Arceus,this place is insanely cold"Micheal said as they walked farther into the mountainous area.

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"Sure thing, here ya go." Seth tossed a can to Pine as he twisted the lid off his. Pine had asked how long they'd been with their Pokemon.

"I've been with Giga here every since I was five years old, even hatched him from his egg. Ain't that right, bud?" he said as he was ruffling Giga's fur.

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Jory turned a deep shade of red as Carissa nestled herself closer to him, but kept his arm wrapped around her nonetheless. It's been so long since I've even touched another person save for a handshake or combat, he realized as he leaned his head on Carissa's. This was what he was talking about. Enjoying the little things. The Trainer looked over to where everyone else was eating hot soup and his stomach growled. He looked guiltily at Carissa, his stomach growling once more. I haven't eaten for quite a bit. Some food would do me good. "Hey, Carissa," he said quietly. "We should probably eat something."

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Carissa let out an incredibly loud chuckle when Jory's stomach growled. As if it was a song sung in a round, Carissa's stomach let out an almost unhuman growl that left her very red in the face. "Looks like I was too wrapped up in our conversation to realize I was just as hungry. Lead the way, Jory." What is about this man that's making me forget about my own well-being, that makes me want to open my mouth and never stop, that makes me want to nestle closer to him in the hopes that all discomfort I'm feeling can be erased in an instant? I think I've said more to Jory today than I've said to someone in my entire life. And we've just met! Yet it feels like I've known him for so much longer! These thoughts flew through Carissa's mind like a group of Wingull swarming a fry someone accidentally dropped on the Lilycove shore as she looked back up into Jory's face again. And that gorgeous face... Carissa's cheeks were a darker red than a Tamato Berry.

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Miki chuckled as Lobo and Raito continue playing. "Well... It would be a shame to interrupt them... I guess they would go for the food once they smell it." she added as the waft of hot soup enticed their nostrils. "Why don't we go and join them? I do have a bag of marshmallows to share." With that, she crept over to the group gathering around by the food. "A-Are there any more left? I have some m-marshmallows for dessert..." She rummaged through her bag and pulled out a bag of the white, sugary treat to put near the cans and Pokefood.

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Nemir looked over to Pine as he asked how long we'd been with our pokemon. "Vis and I have been together ever since the incident in Orre...that was back when I was only 13, so about 25 years." "Yeah I've had to deal with him ever since I was a riolu" Vis added with a chuckle. As he began to eat his soup, his eye lit up when he noticed Miki pulling out a bag of white fluff. "Are those what I think they are? I haven't had marshmallows in years!"

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"Yeah, I brought plenty for everyone." said Seth. "Help yourself!"

Giga turned his head at the mention of marshmellows, the big guy had a serious sweet tooth. Seth was also delighted to hear what was for dessert, but stopped Giga from trying to have any for now. "Dude, no. She said for DESSERT, so you gotta finish your Pokefood first, alright?" Giga tilted his head downwards and made a slight grumble of disappointment. "Ah, c'mon, man, don't be like that. I'm sure the food is good. Try it out."

Giga took his advice and tried some, and his eyes lit up. He let out a little cheer and started eating it one piece after another.

"See, told ya it was good. Thanks for preparing this, Nemir."

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Jory laughed as the girl's stomach gave a very unladylike growl. Then, he looked down at Carissa, startled by how close their faces were. He looked into her eyes for a moment, his cheeks turning a shade of red to rival Carissa's. Why do I feel like this girl is so damned special? I met her... What, a few hours ago? And suddenly it feels like it's been an eternity. Then, quite flustered, he turned away. He looked toward the food, his stomach wambling once more. "Yeah. Let's grab something to eat. We need to keep up our energy in this cold." He began to walk over to the food, beckoning to Carissa to follow. For a moment he forgot her as the smell of hot soup filled his nostrils. "Hey, guys, any chance there's some soup left for us?" he asked, a smile on his face. He reached into his bag and pulled out a small container of chocolate-chip cookies. "I found these in the Conclave that my team and I took in Eterna. I was saving them for a time like this."

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"Yep, soup is over there" he pointed as Carissa and Jory approached "And I see you've brought cookies! Looks like we've got ourselves a four star meal here." "Also Seth it's no problem, I've learned how how to make pokefood through trial and error on my travels, and it's Vis' favorite so I kinda had to learn how to do it well."

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