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[IC] Fate/Full Moon


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Siegfried nodded. "Yes, let's share the information we have acquired. I'll let Saber give you the fine details." He said this as Saber slipped in behind Lancer and moved to stand beside his Master.

"Very well, my lord. During this night, I encountered Berserker, his master, and Caster. The master used some sort of shadowy magic to summon black swords and some sort of expanding cube of the same color. Berserker fought, well, as you would expect. He used a large, two handed sword - I believe that kind is known as a claymore? They did not exist during my time - and wore a bloody crown. He seemed to not feel the blows of Naegling, so I threw the blade aside. My fists made an impression, but Caster appeared and tried to crush me with a boulder before I could kill Berserker and I was forced to retreat."

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Hels nodded, his mind beginning to speculate. Unfortunately, Berserker's Master was either smart enough or lucky enough to have held off Saber with only the most basic concepts endowed in any Berserker class Servant. A simple Claymore didn't offer much ground. "That doesn't give us much to go off of. What were their Masters like? Anything special about them?". As a tactician, Hels needed the finer details to work against another human being. Assuming the other Masters were competent, Hels needed to devise something about them.

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"I didn't see Caster's master. Berserker's master seemed almost eager to enter the fray. She even tried to attack me directly using magic, though I do not know how powerful it was. As I already mentioned, she seems to specialize in creating objects made of shadows and darkness. She was also able to correctly identify me after only a few moments of battle. Despite her eagerness, she was smart enough to rein in her Servant when I changed my tactics, and she appears to have some sort of pact with Caster." Saber sighed. "I fear I should have been able to do more this night."

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"Hm..." Hels was stuck in thought. A Master like how Saber described could be dangerous. Obviously, they are working with Caster's master in some way shape or form. Hels decided it was best to assume it was a mutual relationship for now and work with that. "She is most likely going to pose both a threat both physically with her Servant and mentally with her intelligence, which I can only assume to be of high standard. From this, Berserker's Master most likely stands above Caster's in terms of efficiency".

Lancer stepped forward to Saber, offering his thoughts. "We were both faced with harsh trials tonight, Saber. As warriors, It's best to celebrate our success of survival tonight and look forward to tomorrow's victories. After all, the battle has only just begun".

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"Hmm, you seem very useful Caster. Clearly a powerful Mage in your life time."

Caster smiled at Nadia's remark " I guess you could say that. Though I don't consider myself as such." She said with a nod as Nadia walked towards where the discarded sword was. Turning back to her looking glass she looks at to her master who was studying the scene playing out with in tell it faded from its target being to far form the field.

"So it looks like Saber's allies are Lancer and either Assassin or Rider, going to guess Assassin from the whole poofing act it pulled. Hmm...well i would guess a Hassassin or what ever its called for Assassin, but do to my Caster i can all ready say most of the rules aren't in effect so that would be bad to assume. That other servant is defiantly an Archer given how he fought in that little time I got to see. Varunapasua and Vajira where the too Noble Phantasms he used going need to look them up back at the base." Josh was talking out loud not really anyone "Arjuna Pandava is that's servants name Master. He will be trouble some for us that's for sure. Caster said with a smile at Josh snapping him out of his thoughts "Ah well that's good I need to look him up then." Josh said to Caster "So Beowulf and Arjuna for saber and archer, a lancer with a giant flaming spear,Berserker is berserker so won't worry to much about him right now, and assassin who fits very well in that roll. This is definitely going to be fun by the looks of it right Caster." Josh said with a laugh. Caster just nodded in agreement.

"Caster, this is something we should be able to make use of." Nadia said as she came back to the two throwing Saber's sword on the ground. "Hmm..I might be able to track him with it through divination, though I am still exhausted from mine and Josh's earlier endeavors of today." Caster said with a grin at Nadia making the statement sound a bit suggestive. "Caster be nice to her for now okay. Though if shes going be staying within the field you should cast that spell on her so it won't effect her like you did me." Josh said with a grin.

Caster blushed at Josh's request "Naughty, naughty Master you want me to do that with another woman." Caster said faking embarrassment. Putting her hand on her cheeks and tuning away from Josh towards Nadia "Well if its you asking Master then I will." She said grinning at Nadia.

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"Do whatever it is you will do Caster, but if it is so embarrassing, you may want to send the Boy away. Girls need a bit of alone time every now and again." She said, jesting. "And if you don't consider yourself a mage, that makes you much more beautiful in my eyes. Mages think they are so high and mighty, it is best they learn they are only maggots with powers beyond their pathetic capabilities to truly grasp that which they wield. I am no mage either, just a swordswomen who happens to have a few tricks normal people don't have."

She turned to Josh for a second. "Run along now Prince make use of yourself somewhere. We Ladies have some things to discuss, mostly likely boring things that wouldn't interest you. You can read up on our foes, you are the mind here Prince, we are but your blunt instruments ready to strike with your will. Do make haste, we will be with you shortly." she said with a curtly bow.

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"Okay, okay I can take a hint. Just try not to kill each other."Josh said with a smile "Though Nadia you should know I never think of people like tools. After all I'm not a king just sitting there sacrificing pawns all willy nilly since you know the pawns always have the best potential for the end. So you girls have fun."He said well walking away waving at the others.

Once Josh got out of eye site Caster turns to Nadia with a smile "I'm surprised, I thought someone who would claim Josh like you did would be all for him having a "good time" well at least I would anyway. So what did you really want to talk about then. Keep in mind if its anything against my master I will kill you right where you stand." She says with a calm happy smile.

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Saber nodded. "Indeed. I fear it's too early for true celebration, however. Our foes are still out there, and now they know my face, while we know little."

Siegfried turned to leave the room. "If we have nothing else to discuss, I will take my rest now." Leaving the room, he headed to one of the yet-unoccupied bedrooms in the building. Looking around to ensure he wasn't being watched, he started to draw what would appear to be meaningless scribbles to most on the door and it's frame. After he finished there, he traced more symbols on the walls, floor, and ceiling of his room. When he finished, he sat down heavily on the bed.

"Why the runes, my lord?" Saber had looked on in confusion while his Master drew them out.

"Simply a precaution, Saber. I don't trust our supposed allies, and I assume they feel the same way about me. Should anyone try to use magic on me or anything in this room, I will know. I'm rather exhausted, so that is the extent of my fortification for tonight." Siegfried began undressing to prepare for bed.

Saber looked down for a moment. "I apologize, my lord."

The mage made a dismissive gesture. "You can't change what you are, Beowulf. If you didn't use that amount of prana, you wouldn't be that powerful. Besides, that is not the only reason."

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"Of course, though I am surprised you haven't killed me already Caster. You so easily could." Nadia said as a sly smile danced across her lips. She walked towards Caster, not in any sort of threatening manner. In fact....she waltzed towards her with a sultry sway to her motion. "You are interesting one Caster, I figured we should get to know each other at least a little better. You know have a chat see how things stand. You are just as interesting as my Josh is....if not....moreso." Nadia said, tilting her head, putting a finger to her chin. "You only just met Josh...and you like him that much already? Just like I did? You can just smell the raw power can't you? The dark alluring sensation that just oozes from him. You know you have that too Caster. We both want him to win this war, don't we? How about we set aside our differences for later. We can figure out who owns him later though I am sure he would pick me. I have known him for some time you see." She said. Nadia paced around a bit before saying anything else. "Also, I would give the information on who my servant was to you.....if it wouldn't kill you for me to do so, love. A strange Noble Phantasm indeed for a Berserker to have but trust me, it is very real. Luckily for me, I already knew who he was so it didn't effect me. It still could, but if I tell you....it would kill us both. So, we both have power here Caster, don't think I am defenseless." she smiled yet again. She drew closer to Caster yet again. "You know, if you don't want me to have Josh....I could always take you instead...Not as a servant though. Josh has to win the war. It is funny how he thinks he really has control here though don't you think. Well I guess he does have power over you, Command spells and all."

"So many enlightening things I have said. Where do you think his heart lies Caster? Are you sure it is either of us? I mean it could be another couldn't it? Wouldn't we both have to kill that person? We are both on the same side here. Shehehehe." Nadia said laughing. "We are the ones with the real power Caster, we are women both of us can play that boy's heart, it is like your own kind of command spell. So Josh needs to win for you to fulfill your wish and I can help you do that, or you could just kill me and face the wrath of those 3 within an Alliance, I am sure they would be fun to fight alone."

Nadia was deliberately bouncing all over the place when she was talking to Caster, trying to confuse her, and let ideas sink in. Nadia however did have an unhealthy obsession forming for her. She was just as interesting to her as Josh, she didn't even remark on him trying to say he was a king when she knew he was but a silly prince.

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As Nadia walked around her Caster had to admit to herself that the things she said made sense.Though to Caster all she cared about was her master not what some harlot thought. With a smile Caster began to speak.

"Yes I care for him with only knowing him for a day. But unlike you I care for him not out of desire for power but because he chose me and gave me a chance. He picked me out of hundreds of heroic spirits most of them would of been much more powerful then me in a war such as this but instead he summoned me to be his partner in it. So yes I like him and will stand by him because he needs me. The only reason I have not even killed you for even suggesting such thoughts is because he thinks this alliance is amusing." Caster said starting out calm but by the end anger ran through her voice.

With a flick of Caster's wrist a noose appeared out of the air around Nadia's neck. It pulled her up above the ground. Caster floated right in front of her face "You also should learn not to assume that you know someone. Where I may have a wish it is second only to him, and he has no desire to win this war only to learn from. So you should never even think that he would chose someone like you who doesn't even understand that." She said as she vanished into spirit form the noose disappearing along with her dropping Nadia to the ground. a voice sounds in her head giggling "I will take you up on your offer though since no matter what Josh will pick me once this is all over."

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"You are all to predictable dear." Nadia said laughing. "I understand all to well that is what he wants Caster." Nadia wasn't sure she could even hear her anymore, but she didn't give a damn. "To think I am the one who wants power...she has only stared into the face of the beast, and placed her own qualities upon me because she is too ashamed to admit them. If it was power I wanted, you would both already be dead. I have no need for power, because Mages have none, and I only seek to kill them." She ran off, going to where she believed Josh to be, not hard to follow him now that she had found him.

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Josh had just reached the outside of the building that he and Caster where using as there base as Caster appeared next to him.

"So I take it you and her had a interesting talk." He said with a grin. "You could say that I don't like that woman at all though." Caster said with an annoyed look on her face. "Well unfortunately shes are only option in an alliance right now and her Berserker managed to hold off Saber so they are useful in that aspect." Josh said with a yawn.

Caster was about to tell Josh about her's and Nadia's talk until she saw Nadia running up to where they where. Vanishing into spirit from again she speaks in Josh's mind "Don't trust one like her to much master I don't know what she will do."

Josh nodded as he turned to greet Nadia "Welcome my lady to my humble abode feel free to chose any free room within it as your quarters. I would stay and give you a grand tour but to my dismay I am quite exhausted so I wish you a good night." He said with a mock bow then walked into the building.

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"Indeed, my Prince. You mind if I keep my things somewhere safe? I don't want to put Blank out somewhere where it could get damaged. Besides, I doubt Caster would appreciate such an object." she said, sticking her tongue out like a little girl realizing Caster was probably listening. Josh would know what Blank was from past encounters. It was Nadia's own sword, the original one that the Shadows she created were based on. Nadia's eye for detail was alarming, while she herself didn't exactly know why she had a knack for recreating objects with her Darkness magic. She could form the darkness into an exact copy of something she had really gotten a feeling for. It was held together by mana keeping the darkness in a shape that was not it's own. Blank however was important to Nadia, it was a blade that she proclaimed was the perfect blade. It had perfect balance, dimensions, and well at least to her, everything. Though it was a rather unadorned blade, one didn't really get the same feeling form it looking at it as another sword. In fact...it really didn't invoke any feeling from people other than Nadia. It was rather plain and seemed simple. It had an alluring Flawlessness, but nothing really else.

"I suggest getting your sleep while you can Prince, our enemies will pursue us without end. They wish to drive Caster out of this zone. I doubt I alone can stop 3 servants. It is imperative you be at top physical condition, otherwsie, they might just kill you would be easier. Afterall, somebody has Assassin out there." she said yawning. "I am tired too..."

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"Hmm...Well if you don't what to keep it which ever room you chose there's a storage room in the basement jsut be careful down there I have a few things that i haven't finished work on down there. So they could be quite deadly if you set them off." he said yawning as well.

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"You wound me thinking my skills so poor Josh. I hunt Mages, you think I would be done in by some silly unfinished magic? You should know me better than that, considering I killed at least 3 that tried to kill you already. ((that humble brag.)) Anyway, I wouldn't it store it down there, Blank shouldn't be near such experiments lest she be damaged." she said. She turned to leave, with a rather large silver case. It was most likely the case that housed Blank.

"Good night Caster.....and of course you too Josh....Shehehe" she said as she rather abruptly turned. Then she continued on her way to bed. However she was up in her room much longer . After placing Blank on her stand on a dresser in one of the guest rooms, Nadia laid back. She thought to herself about the conversation with Caster earlier. "So she really does love him? I feel sorry for her. Josh could never commit to anything. Such a simpleton sometimes. He doesn't even know what to do when you practically throw yourself at him. Kinda like trying to romance a brickwall. That does make it all the more alluring though, maybe that is why she is drawn to him so much, na. It has to be something with her story. Who is she? Who would be somebody that silly boy would choose?"

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June 15th, 2030. - 9:36 am

A news report is on tv. "Breaking news" is written on The screen infront of what seems to be a building that had collapsed in on itself. The camera first shows just the entrance hall surrounded by all sort of rubble, including pieces of furniture and glass, but when it zooms out you can see almost the entire first floor has been replaced by a gaping hole. The second floor is somehow still holding in place, but the people have all been evacuated. A lady is standing in front of the rubble. She is dressed in formal yet stylish clothes and has long dark brown hair. She is talking about the unexplainable incident that took place over night, mentioning how people have lost their homes and whatnot. After telling the city about a family who have died because of the colapse, she announces the local police officer, summoning him on screen. He's a chubby yet stern man, his face decorated by a beard reminiscent of a shadow. The policeman warns people about bombing and terorist attacks, and tells them to stay safe and try to keep off the streets at night. The camera then zooms back at the reporter, who smiles as she mentions a pipe leakage that doused a street. She then signs out and the screen flickers, switching to the weather report. Apparently, there is going to be a heavy rainfall after the sun sets, but the weather right now is rather pleasant. Sunny with plenty of pure white clouds grazing the sky, not too hot nor too cold. Even the birds are chirping more happily. Weird how the weather can change, huh? The weather reporter mentiones something about summer storms. Also, if you have reumatic issues, you should take care because the weather won't be doing you any favours any time soon.

The station returns to the regular programm after that.

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June 15th 8:04 AM

Andrew was sitting at the table of his hotel room, sipping some coffee when he saw Archer for the first time that morning. "Morning Archer" he said and the servant nodded in acknowledgment in response. Andrew then offered his servant some breakfast and a seat at the table. "While you're eating, do you want to go over the events of last night?" Andrew asked.

"I think that'd be best. Examine the details while our memories are still clear" replied Archer.

"Memory's good but I've got something better" chuckled Andrew with a pleased look on his face as he turned the TV on. After hitting a few more buttons a recording of last night's clash with Lancer started playing on the screen.

"You recorded it all?" Asked Archer in surprise.

"Through a familiar" said Andrew "a useful little construct, small, and with virtually no presence. Its only functions are to move through space rapidly, view things in a wide range of spectrums and relay that information back to an electronic device. The recording was done on this TV."

As the scene played out on the screen in front of them they watched in silence, until shortly after the use of Vajira. At that point Andrew paused the playback. "That man standing next to Lancer, I assume that's his master?" Andrew asks Archer.

"Lancer never said, but I think it's a pretty safe assumption to make" Archer replied.

Andrew pondered, looking at the screen as if troubled by something. "I feel like I've seen that man's face before, and recently. He's probably on the list of mages I've recorded entering the country, though I can't remember who he is" he said. After this the recording continued to play and was paused once more shortly after, as the second master-servant pair enter the scene. "That master is without a doubt Siegfried Einar" said Andrew. "He was one of the potential masters on the wrecked plane from a week ago-"

"And his servant is likely Berserker" continued Archer.

"You think so?" Andrew inquired.

"Think about it" Archer quickly states. "I'm naturally tall thanks in no small part to my divine blood, but that servant dwarfs even me. His muscles betray enormous strength of body, and he charges me without drawing a weapon or even saying anything. What other class fits that description?"

"When you put it that way it seems obvious" Andrew agrees.

Andrew takes a moment to summarize their conversation so far "so Siegfried Einar has summoned an unknown Berserker, and is cooperating with an unknown master who has summoned Celtchar of Ulster in the Lancer class."

Archer nods and says "it seems so Andrew. What do you know about Celtchar?"

"Not as much as I'd like. He's a minor Irish hero who was killed by his own weapon. The spear is much more remarkable than the man behind it, and its blood lust is said to be near uncontrollable. That's about all I know" Andrew responds.

"He's a nasty piece of work" said Archer, his voice showing rare signs of contempt "I get the impression he's okay with victory by any means necessary. But does the presence of this alliance change our plans at all?"

Andrew thought about that for a while before deciding to simply ask Archer "who do you think is the more pressing threat? Them or Assassin?"

"Depends on Berserker" came the response from the servant "I wasn't even using half of my full capacity last night, so if that's the best Lancer can do he isn't a servant we should be worried about, but depending on Berserker fighting them both at the same time might be tricky. At the very least I'd have to release the restraints on Gandiva, and use it to its full potential."

"Well I guess we'll just have to wait and see if Assassin will take the bait for now, they might be more worried about the other two. You said you sensed a bounded field near the fight last night? It's an unusual move for any master to erect a bounded field that you could find yourself, and its clear that Berserker was busy checking it out last night. The field has me interested so unless you have any objections that'll be our objective for the rest of the morning" says Andrew, wrapping up the analysis of last night.

Archer looked at Andrew and quite simply said "None."

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9:42 AM

Siegfried turned the television off with a sigh. I had hoped we could do this without unnecessary loss of life. Sensing his Master's mood, Saber made himself visible. "I regret this more than you do, my lord. It was my fault."

Siegfried shook his head. "No, I don't believe it is. The fact that you claim to regret it means you would not do anything to cause this intentionally. I assume it was during your fight with Berserker?" Beowulf inclined his head in a nod as a response. "Well then, there's only one thing to do."

Saber grinned. "You do not need to say. I believe I know already, my lord."

"We'll still need the help of the other Masters, though. Justice is rarely a solitary endeavor, and Caster is working with Berserker. As strong as you are, I do not know that you can overcome the power of two Servants combined." Siegfried fell silent, a thoughtful look coming across his face. There must be a way to flush Caster out of her lair. . .

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Hels had awoken some three hours earlier for his morning duties. He washed all of his clothing, cleaned and managed his rooming, dusted and organized the majority of this rickety old home spare the private spaces of his fellow Masters. He had attempted to gain Lancer's assistance in cleaning the kitchen but it ended with Lancer breaking one of the dining chairs and fracturing a large section of the counter.

He had started breakfast some twenty minutes ago and the smell of pancakes wafted through the kitchen. Lack of focus and deep speculation coupled with a monotonous pattern of pouring mix and tending it caused Hels to unintentionally make far more pancakes than he had intended. He offered them to Lancer took one by hand and left the room, leaving Hels to place the platter, populated by pancakes on the dining room table. He took his own serving and began to eat, opening a small hand bible and scribbling within the pages during pauses between pancake.

"Archer has two Noble Phantasms it seems... Both of them placing a considerable threat on Lancer's fighting style who requires time to reach what he told me to be transcendent power. Unfortunately, it would be best to assume the worst in that of Archer having more in his bag of tricks, which means Lancer will not be able to combat Archer alone. Despite the fact Lancer had not been using nearly the extent of his power, Lancer had claimed that Archer wasn't either in our earlier conversation. Testing the waters with currents far more powerful than I had expected... It would be nice to know the details of Saber and Assassin's capabilities, but I highly doubt they would tell me at this point"

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"Master wake up." Josh heard a soft feminine voice say in his ear. Josh mad a growl in his throat at the voice as he pulled his blankets closer around his body. "Come on Master its time to get up." the voice said giggling well someone shakes him. "Nooooo bed warm go away." He said at the voice in a sleepy voice."Okay then I guess I will just eat these cookies all by my self then." The voice said sing singy with the crackling of a bag. Josh popped up at the sound of the bag "Hey those are mine........" he said quickly well blinking a few times so his eyes could focus on the figure in the room."Abby why are you wearing that?" He said with a yawn. "Because their cute aren't they?" Caster said with smile as she grabbed a cookie from the bag.

"I guess they are but that not much of a reason, and stop eating my cookies." Josh said has he reached for the bag. Moving it just out side of the sleepy boys reach Caster smiled as he slumped to the floor. "Its more then a good enough reason for a girl Master. I mean look at it. It has nice ribbons a cute skirt and stocking and everything just cute about it."

"Its a maid outfit." Josh said matter of factly. "I know and if you want your cookies you need to get downstairs." Caster said with a crunch on her cookie as she skipped out of the room. Groaning well slumped on the floor Josh pulled him self out from under the blankets and headed downstairs.

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Vincent didn’t bother getting out of bed. He laid down thinking about the war. Yesterday, on the very first day, two major problems already showed themselves. Caster with that annoying Field and who was apparently aided by Berserker and then there was Archer. The latter was probably the strongest Servant around. Vincent sighed. He didn’t expect the war to be easy, but the advantage he thought he had by joining the MA alliance wasn’t all that advantageous.

After a few more minutes he got dressed and went downstairs. Assassin kept silent and stayed in spirit form the entire time.

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Blank sat on a pedestal across the room, one made from it's case. It would collapse back into a carrying device as well, but for now Blank sat on it across the room Nadia was in. She sat as she did every morning and meditated on the events of the day before and of her past eyeing it and coming to grips with it, so that she could move forward. She did it every day and today was no exception. She sat cross legged, with her arms to her sides. She hummed to herself a dim flat note that never wavered. She remembered the fight that had occurred yesterday, between Saber and Berserker, how they clashed 2 titans of brutal strength and raw energy. A pity it came to the building collapsing. Some probably were injured or lost their lives. They weren't supposed to die, they happened to get caught in the middle. Maybe it was best not to fight in the residential district, however it was clear to her that Beowulf and his master probably cared little of the ones around them. He was a mage after all. Probably just another senseless killer trying to gain power he didn't understand. She didn't understand why Beowulf would fight for such a man or woman as that. Clearly such a hero fought for something other than power. Hopefully his goals were loftier than the slaughter of innocents. Nadia herself didn't understand Beowulf though. He fought for people he barely knew in his battle with Grendal, and later gave up his life for the people who abandoned him to save them from the dragon. Why? Were those people so important to him he would give his life to them, even though they scorned him in his final hour, by refusing to stand at his side? Maybe that was the duty of a King. But still why save those that refuse to save themselves? And Caster, what was she after? Was it just Josh? Or was it more than that? Nadia wouldn't figure this out by turning it over in her head. She would have to observe or pick at Caster's own head. She really did love Josh....but was it for some other potential gain? Who was she? Maybe that would hold a clue. Nadia couldn't help but to think this. Not a mage, this barrier...big enough to affect a small town, nooses..... Could it be? Possibly, but confronting Caster about who she was wasn't likely to fly well after last night. She then thought of a possible way to get Caster on her side, at least enough that she wouldn't be offended by Nadia discovering who she was.

((if Josh or Caster comes in she is kinda just in a simple undershirt and her small clothes. I mean she was jsut sleeping after all lol. But right now she isn't just going to pop downstairs.))

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10:13 am - MA Masters

You hear a knock at the front door. "I'm coming in!" The door creacks open and a priest walks inside. He carries in his hands two plastic bags from a local supermarket. "I've brought some food. I thought you'd be needing some." He says with a kind smile as he puts the bags on the table.

((I figured someone must've been downstairs to greet him, but it doesn't matter who; just have someone interact with him))

Maria's room

The cupboard next to my bed is empty. There's nothing on it, not a trace of a plastic bag of any kind. Was I... hearing things last night?


Now that I think about it, that might have been a dream--no, a memory... Not that it matters right now. Memories are destined to fade into dreams, and dreams into nothingness. The past is irrelevant. Then why? Why does it feel so heavy? Perhaps the reason lies in my inevitable destiny, because, soon, I will fade away too...

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"Father, it's wonderful to see you". Hels stepped into the presence of the visitor, his hands together in his robe sleeves. He bowed slightly and smiled.

"I had made breakfast some thirty minutes ago but your offer is highly appreciated. Is their anything I can do for you while you're here? We have extra pancakes in the refrigerator".

((Hels being a priest himself I figured the two would know each other but I didn't want to assume a name and further in case you already have something in mind)).

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"Oh, pancakes!" Aaron jumped at Hels's remark. "Al I've had today was some melon bread and that was early in the morning, so I am a bit hungry... Good thing I bought some Nutella in the supermarket." He said as he pulled out the Nutella along with 3 buns of weird looking bread and some frozen meat. "I wasn't expecting them to have any Nutella here, but I was pleasantly surprised when I entered the supermarket. Oh, and I thought you should buy you some melon bread since, well... I enjoyed it." With the breads in his hands, he started digging around the place searching for something to put them in so they wouldn't dry out. "Erm... do you know some place I could put this? This house is so messy." An awkward smile drew itself upon the priest's face. "I feel kinda bad that you have to live here, haha."

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