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[IC] Fate/Full Moon


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Now this guy spoke Vincent’s language. “I’m all for launching a surprise attack. Do you have a plan? I can’t send Assassin into the field so we have to get Caster’s Master out of it. Or at least close enough to the edge so Assassin can take care of it. Unless one of you wants to do the dirty work?”

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"I'll send Saber in to scout the area. Ideally, this will also let us know what the field does. If it is unsafe to enter it, then I'll have him herd Caster and his or her Master toward the closest edge of the field. Assassin and Lancer will wait there. In the case that exposure to the field will not harm us, then we simply corral Caster and eliminate them. I'll stay along the edge of the field as well as I can; one of you should follow me. This is best done as soon as possible, so does anyone have any objections?"

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Hels more or less agreed with everything said, but there was still the matter of the unknown.

"I do not think it's that easy, if we may call this easy. We still lack necessary information about Caster's abilities which could be devastating. While I agree Saber has the highest chance of success against Caster alone, what about the others? This field of magic will bring Servants like moths to a flame, even if only to act as a fly on the wall. Archer, Berserker, and Rider. We know nothing about them".

Hels took a moment to breathe before continuing. "I have a suggestion". He turned to Assassin's master. "Assassin has already seen this area and has felt its power. However, I understand Assassin might not be able to withstand it very long, neither will Lancer". Lancer turned his head upon hearing his title, acting as though he had just begun to pay attention.

"I suggest Assassin moves along the border of the magic field, dipping in and out for as long as he can to peer in. Moving along the border will give us vision as well as a higher chance of spying other Servants before they spy us. Once Caster has been found, Lancer will meet them in the corner Saber has corralled them into. Against them both, Caster will easily fall. The other Servants might then retreat after realizing the situation of our alliance. I would like to say none of them have formed any groups as it seems highly unlikely, but the possibility remains".

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Construction site in Shinto 9:15

Upon reaching there destination Caster an impressed gasp "My, my Josh I didn't think that you where able to do something like this! It makes me wonder why you would summon a Caster class servant if this is your way of fighting." She said well inspecting the preparations that Josh as made. "Don't be to impressed. This is my limit of ability for creating bound fields like this." Josh said well he started unpacking a few thing form his bag. "Don't be so hard on your self. applying a curse to a bound field is now easy feat. In some aspects it smiler to my Hysteria though the effect if very different and its a lot smaller. " Caster said the last part with a giggle. "Yeah, yeah laugh if you want." Josh said with a laugh of his own. "So hows our guest doing anyway?" he said well he started to slip somethings into his sleeve. "Hmm?" Caster closed her eyes" Shes still wondering around a few blocks away from our base." She said calmly

"Hmm why don't you lead her here then. So we can greet her as a guest." Josh said with a grin on his face."Okay i will send a familiar to lead her to us. Though I rather not let any female near you... well except for me that is." Caster said with wink at Josh.

Holding her hands out Caster began to chant a spell. At the end of it a small glow appeared in her hands. Slowly it began to take the shape of a small white humanoid. Once it finished takeing shape Caster whispered to it "Go and find our guest and lead her to this place." As she finished the spirit flew out of her hands in the direction of the person within the field. "Well she should be here in a bit with the spirit guiding her. Master I hope that you are ready to fight if this is another master. I'm not quite ready to be able to stand my ground against the other servant that well." Caster said with a concerned look on her face. "Don't worry Abby I'm not going to fight if I can avoid it. After all losing on the first day would be quite boring, and i don't think any master wants to let to much information out quite yet...Hopefully." Josh with a smiler look on his face.

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Shinto around 9:18 ((figure the familiar would get there quick, it knows where Nadia is.))

Nadia had still been wandering, when she saw a small white creature. It didn't seem natural, was it a signal from her Prince? It had to be. She charged off after it, as it seemed to be telling her to follow it. Nadia got that feeling anyway, since as she moved towards it, it tried to stay an equal distance away from her so she couldn't catch up. It had to be leading her to him.

In the distance she could see an old construction site. It seemed pretty abandoned. A clearly good place to hide out. Nadia wondered if he was here the whole time, she had briefly checked over, but felt it was a little too obvious a place to hide. "I feel we are getting closer Berserker." she said to him. He grunted in response.


She had arrived at the site now. The air felt still. It didn't feel like a place many people visited. It felt this way to her even the first time. That was when she saw him, along with the form of a woman. Nadia probably would have been jealous....however she firmly believed Josh only had eyes for her, and that no other woman could possibly win his heart while she was around. She quickly approached, her heart soaring as she went to greet her long lost Prince. "Hello, my Sweet Prince!" she shouted as she came towards him and his servant. "Do, you remember me? Shehehe."

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"That's where you come in. Lancer and Saber together should be an almost unstoppable fighting force, and if Caster is pushed out of their territory then we don't need to be worried about what that field is. I doubt anyone is foolish enough to engage both of our Servants head-on; even if they somehow succeeded, they would be crippled and easy prey for any of the other Masters, barring a highly improbable alliance between the others." Siegfried turned to the door, and Saber took the cue, fading into spirit form to avoid notice and moving outside. "As I said, we must do this quickly. I'll head toward the church until I reach the boundary of the field; you should follow me after a short time." The magus walked toward the door and opened it, pausing for a moment in case someone else felt the need to discuss the matter further.

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Maria's room, 9:33 pm

"So Lancer, Assassin and Saber... I see, thank you." I whisper into the phone with a smile, promptly turning it off the moment our conversation is over. They actually summoned a Saber class Servant, huh. They seem determined enough to win... I revise what he had told me as I throw myself on the bed. He has been of much help to me already... with these new information he has given me, I can better estimate the strenght of my opponents and devise succesful plans to fight them. But t won't be easy... Saber and Lancer are both much better fighters than Rider, and with Assassin among their ranks... No, I shouldn't bothers myself with it right now, I'm too tired to even think... and the bed is so soft...

Edited by Bfroger6
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“Fine by me,” Vincent said. “I’ll leave a few minutes after you to see how far the Field goes. In the meantime we’ll keep an eye out for other Masters and Servants.” He looked at Assassin who made a small bow and just like Saber disappeared into his spirit form.

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Hels didn't respond. He had said his piece. However, he just only hoped that his ideas did not fall upon deaf ears. Unlike his... Peers, Hels did not immediately distrust or dislike the other two Masters. He considered them empty slates who would fill themselves out. Only then would they receive the judgement of God, be it heavenly or hellish, the young priest would deliver His will.

Lancer did not vanish like the other Servants. By common logic, it was foolish to keep Lancer out in the open. However, Hels felt as though having a Servant with the party in physical manifestation would be wise. Luckily, Lancer's legend speaks absolutely nothing of his appearance. Having him out with the party would ensure protection, while hopefully planting a seed of curiosity into the minds of any peering eyes. He turned to follow Saber's master out the door.

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Siegfried left the building and walked toward the church with a fast, yet measured, pace. Walking gave him time to consider his strategy, how he would fight Caster without risking his own neck overmuch. Simple is best. I'll simply have Saber force Caster to retreat out of the field, and the other Association masters will finish them there. After walking for nearly an hour, he was stopped by Saber materializing in front of him. "My lord, the boundary of the field is just ahead."

"Good. Do you think you can locate Caster?" Siegfried knew the probable answer, but it was good to be sure.

"Yes, my lord. I do not believe the field will prevent me from sensing Caster's presence."

Siegfried looked around before speaking again, ensuring his companions. "Saber, I ask of you two things; the first is to not speak of this command to the other masters." He waited for a response, and received a slow, somewhat concerned looking nod. "The second is that I ask you to prevent the death of Caster's master, if it is within your power and does not endanger you excessively. Now, go into that field, tell me what it does, and find Caster." Saber looked at him with an unreadable expression, then walked away, remaining in his physical form. Siegfried followed a short distance behind; he did not want to slow the Servant behind. The edge of the field came into his senses quite quickly. Saber walked through cautiously, one hand on his blade. His Master unconsciously mimicked the gesture, hand on his own sword. After standing within the field for a short time, the King of the Geats shrugged.

"I don't feel anything. Perhaps it only affects those that are not Heroic Spirits?" Saber looked back over his shoulder at Siegfried.

"It can't be lethal, or we would already know of its effects. There are thousands of people living within the boundary. Still, I am not confident in my chances against a Servant on my own, and I would only be a liability. In fact, I'm counting on Caster being with their Master for that reason. Should Caster flee, I wish you to take their Master into custody - but remember my previous command." Siegfried looked around again, and simply decided to stand and wait for the other masters on the sidewalk. "Now go." The Servant obeyed, walking forward and disappearing into the streets inside the field.

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Caster stepped into the path of Nadia as she approached then. "I suggest that you stop their and stop molesting MY Master with your eyes well your at it." Caster said putting a heavy emphases on the word my.

"Calm down Caster. That's no way to greet a guest." Josh said sternly. Look back at Nadia "Well it seems you have me at a disadvantage."Josh says with a smile. "But unfortunately i don't recall your name. Though you do look familiar to me I'm just having trouble putting a name to the face. Sorry." Josh said well putting a sheepish look on his face." But I would hazard to guess that your a Master in this war. Am I correct to assume that much. After all I doubt just looking for me would be a reason for you to venture in to this place."

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"You wound me Josh, Shehehe. Maybe this will jog your memory." She said. "Dunkelheit nehmen Gestalt an." A pitch Black Blade appeared in her hand. She then within a split second expertly threw it past Josh's head, probably only harming a few hairs on his head if anything at all. It landed in the metal of a derelict crane nearby, and embedded itself. It then suddenly disappeared just as fast as it had appeared.

"But yes, I am part of this grail war and I have come to help my prince win. At your service, mister Elders. Shehehe." She said with a bow.

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Josh grinned a knowing grin at Nadia as she bowed. "Your right that did jog my memory.So my lady which is it you prefer Nadia or Umbra?"

"Master your not seriously considering an alliance with this har......" Caster suddenly stopped talking and closed her eyes. Collecting herself she begins to speak again "Well at least this woman will have a chance to show use if she truly is here to help. Another servant has entered the field and is heading in this direction."

"Ah I see that would be a good test of "trust" worthiness Caster. My lady if you are truly here for the reason you say. Then have your servant intercept this one,I will have Caster provided support as well. After all if your anything like I remember you would hate for the fun to get ruined this early. Besides we can learn of one of our opponents and catch up as well." Josh said with another grin.

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"Call me what ever you wish, love. I prefer you call me your Queen though, Shehehe." Nadia said. "and of course, if they wish to touch my prince they have to go through me first, only I am allowed to harm him if I want to, Shehehe."

"Come Berserker. To my side!!!" Nadia yelled as Berserker materialized. He grunted "Fight?"

"No, not them silly, we have another foe to go find. So, let's go."

Nadia leapt into Berserker's hand, as he lifted her up to his giant shoulder. She sat down with Berserker holding her in place so she wouldn't fall. "Oh, and Caster....." Nadia said, turning back towards Josh's Servant. "Josh belongs to me. His heart, soul, and body. Just remember that." she said with a smile. She tilted her head in that innocent way girls usually did. It was super unnerving. Berserker began to leave, walking to met the new threat that they were to fight. hopefully, it would be fun.

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Saber strode down the street, slowly closing in on the presence he sensed. If only I had been able to sense Grendel and his mother coming; perhaps I could have prevented further deaths at their hands. This ability is quite convenient. As he walked, he drew his sword and moved closer to the center of the street, looking down alleyways and scanning the tops of the buildings in the area. He stopped outside of one, sensing the presence of another Servant within. "Come out and face me, Caster!" His voice rang out, clear and deep, challenge echoing down the street.

(That's your cue.)

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in response, the Wall closest to Saber crumbled as Berserker punched a hole straight through it. "Accepted....." he groaned.

"Silly Berserker, you aren't Caster...Shehehe." said a women riding on the giant's shoulder. She jumped down off the man. "Would you like a swift death? Or would you like a long and painful one?" She said smiling. Her wicked grin went from ear to ear. "Either is fine for me."

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Saber threw back his head and laughed at the woman's threats. "You think that - hah! - that I am going to die here tonight? You are not my goal, but I cannot decline such a bold challenge." He fell into a practiced guard, not quite reckless enough to go charging in. "We will see who has the stronger arm, but I have my suspicions as to what the result will be." Saber chuckled again, but maintained his stance.

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It was only seconds after Saber's master left did Hels follow out the door. He had taken time to send a blessing to God, and as they walked behind Saber's Master, to discuss some rather important matters with Lancer. Specifically, Lancer's abilities. After that short, hushed conversation, Hels exited the abode and began his way to the designated location with Lancer by his side, openly wishing Lancer would grow a personality to match his height.

Upon reaching the sidewalk where Saber's master stood, Hels greeted the him with a nod. Lancer was stoic. "So Saber has entered the fray already? While Assassin and his master tend to their own duties, Lancer will stand with us here until Caster has been corralled. I would send Lancer around the perimeter alone, but I'm not too fond of such open risks. Lancer, keep us company if you will". Lancer grunted in affirmation. "Is that a command?" He asked but Hels didn't reply. Instead, he placed his hands into the pockets of his garbs, arming himself.

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Siegfried grunted in affirmation. "He has. Something doesn't feel right, though. He claimed he felt nothing when he entered the field, which unsettles me, but there's something more. I think I'm going in to investigate." He started to walk forward, making sure to keep distance between himself and Lancer. He still didn't trust the others in the group, especially since neither had cared to share the abilities of their own Servants. I've made a tactical error. I mistakenly believed they would honor the idea of sharing information that exposed oneself. I will not make the mistake again. The magus strode through the barrier and picked his pace up to a quick jog. "We should hurry, this field makes me uneasy." He kept stealing glances over his shoulder, though. Who's to say my Grail War will not end right now? Caster before me, Lancer behind.

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Hels nodded. It was odd, but he was beginning to feel that this child's heart might be a bit brighter than his darkened eyes allowed to show. In all honesty, Hels had heavily debated having Lancer impale the man the moment he turned his back and escape the Mage's association. However, that would cause a number of problems this early in the war. Was this the feeling of potential trust? Hels had his doubts. A clever actor is more often than not a good one. Regardless, Hels was curious. He silently asked for forgiveness.

The young priest gestured to Lancer to stand and began to follow Saber's master.

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"Go Berserker, have fun!" Nadia shouted.

Berserker drew a simple Scottish Claymore, it was not decorated in anyway or fancy, it was just a simple tool. He rushed quickly at Saber, making a wild strike befitting of a Mad-Man.

"Mehrere Klingen der Hölle." Nadia chanted. 9 Blades appeared around her head in a circle. They were jet black in colour, and seemed to be made of pure darkness. She waved her index finger around. It caused them to dance around her head, as if they were attached to her finger by some sort of string.


With that word, the blades started to also surge towards Saber, behind Berserker's Charge. All Nine made a b-line straight for him.

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"Hmm...two more people entered the field Josh they feel like Mages at least on of them is most likely the servants master the other might be an ally of his sense they came in at the same place around the same time." Caster said with annoyed look on her face "Stupid wench clamming My master like that. I am going to enjoy hanging her when the time comes. Though its best to leave her alive for now her servant is fueling my Hysteria much faster then normal. Its like hes wrapped in paranoia, this alliance may prove useful after all. Besides if I leave that woman alive I can show her that Josh is mine." Caster thought to her self.

"Caster are you ready to head out then?" Josh asked snapping Caster out of her thoughts "Yeah Josh just hang on a minute."Caster said well taking out a glass bead."It would be a shame to wast this bound field." Caster said as she approached Josh with a grin. "What are you planning Abby?" Josh asked with a curious look on his face. "Well all I need is a little of you blood..."Caster said as she grabbed Josh's hand and raised it to her mouth and bit into one of his fingers drawing blood. "place it on this bead.."Caster said as she begain to chant over the blood stained bead."and now your field is portable and you can set it up where ever you want by breaking the bead. Though its only good for one use. So shall we go then?" Caster said with a smile. All Josh needed to was nod and he and his servant headed to where the battle was taking place.

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At hysteria's boundary.

Archer watched from the top of a nearby building as the man he had identified as Siegfried Einar walked across the edge of the bounded field that had no doubt been constructed by the Caster class servant. "What? Does that mean his servant is already inside?" Archer muttered to no-one in particular. Then something even more unusual happened, and the man Archer had been tailing for the past half hour followed Siegfried across the boundary. "Meanwhile the servant remains here" complains Archer, "now I have no way of knowing who's servant this one is. Still, I guess if he's dead then he's no-one's servant anymore."

At that point Archer made up his mind and contacted Andrew just to inform him of the change in their plans. "Andrew, are you still awake?" Archer sent through their mental link. After an affirmatory response he continued with "I'm accelerating our plans to find Assassin. One of the other servants is exposed at the moment, and it is an opportune time to gain Assassin's attention."

"How much of your own abilities do you intend on showing off?" Andrew asks his servant. Archer responds with "enough to gain Assassin's undivided attention. There is more happening tonight than my clash with this servant, so I'll have to reveal a fair bit. Fortunately I have no real weak points and as such it is not a significant setback if anyone learns my true identity from tonight's events. The worst possible outcome is that the other masters become so frightened that they form an alliance to deal with us. However, it would appear that an alliance has already been formed so that is the least of our concerns."

Andrew's hotel room.

Andrew moves to the TV and focuses his mind. "Ut ostenderes mihi quid opus" Andrew chants, arm outstretched. Suddenly the dead TV flickers to life showing an urban setting. Archer is clearly visible on the roof of a building, and another man is standing on the ground in the middle of a deserted street. "I can see the situation now Archer. Show your opponent what makes you a true heroic spirit." The response from Archer comes back full of confidence "of course."

At hysteria's boundary.

The Archer class servant jumps down from his lofty perch and lands around ten meters away from his opponent. "Hey" he says in a lighthearted voice "before we try to kill each other I don't suppose you want to tell me which of those two mages is your master? Or you could tell me your name, that could be helpful too."

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